DIVINICUS 18: Openhand level 3...Through the Ether!

Submitted by Open on Fri, 06/15/2018 - 04:23

The Openhand 'jewel in the crown' course, "DIVINICUS", begins today in the stupendous mountain village retreat centre "Cae Mabon", in Snowdonia, in the glorious foothills of Mount Snowden. We're sure to have an amazing week, transforming in a profound crucible from the base metal of Sapiens, to the shining light of Divinicus.

1310 Reads

A New Tribe of Spirit Warriors has Arrived!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/30/2018 - 11:16

Hi Everyone, Openhand is on the road again. This time it's Chicago and Halifax in America and Canada for this year's final two 5GATEWAYS events. It never ceases to amaze me where you all show up from. In Chicago we've got locals, yes, but then others are travelling from as far away as California, Florida and Wisconsin. It's a marvellous 'rainbow tribe' we're connecting into. Souls who are all totally unique, yet uniting around the common passion for the shift.

We can feel change building, our hearts are bursting for it.
A new tribe of spirit warriors has indeed arrived! Come join the journal...

First stop Chicago

1273 Reads

What's happening for You on Your Journey Right Now?

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/03/2018 - 05:30

Hi everyone out there in the far flung corners of the world! 

How are you doing right now in this great shift? The next leg of Openhand's 5GATEWAYS World Tour 2018 has reconvened back out our old 'stamping grounds' of Glastonbury in Avalon, UK. You're most definitely invited to join us 'through the ether'. Which means to take some time out each day this week and tune into what we're doing. I'll give you a sense of what's going on each day as it unfolds. Glastonbury has a very special energy of global significance. Many consider it the heart chakra of the planet, and thus, it is a very powerful karma activating centre...

1101 Reads

Openhand Spiritual Facilitator Training in the Land of Oz (Review)

Submitted by Open on Thu, 03/15/2018 - 19:22

Hi everyone. The pace of the 5D shift quickens day by day. Whether people recognise it or not, everyone is progressively being affected by the shift in one way or another. The activation of soul calls for greater authenticity in relationships for example, to be more truthful and honest with oneanother. It invites us to be more aligned in the jobs and careers, and to make more conscious choices in how we generally live. Plenty will be in avoidance, often subconsciously. Here's where inner conflict causes stress and trauma, hence the role of the spiritual facilitator to help people touch that disharmony and unwind it.
So what does it take to become a spiritual facilitator?

1037 Reads

Join the Openhand La Palma Retreat...Through the Ether!

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/20/2018 - 05:41

Hi Everyone in the Openhand Community. Some of you will remember that I spent several months of last year living on the Volcanic Island of La Palma in the Canaries. From the first moment I stepped foot here, I knew I'd want to bring groups. The island is very high vibe indeed, and there's very little 'matrix' here. For me it was the perfect environment in which to realign the Openhand energies to better support the higher dimensional shift. And in now bringing groups here, it's great for people to realign their lives more accurately too. Our New Year Retreat 2018 begins today. I plan to be writing a regular blog, so do come join us through 'the ether', where distance is no object!...

Here's where you can join the La Palma New Year Retreat 2020...

1780 Reads

5GATEWAYS around the World in 2018

Submitted by TeamOpenhand on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 03:50

Here at Openhand we're excited to announce a new 5GATEWAYS World Tour during 2018, as a direct follow on to the work we've already done on the 5D Shift World Tour through Europe, Canada, America and Australia recently. This is Openhand's 5GATEWAYS flagship retreat to help you navigate your higher self pathway through life and live the new 5D Consciousness. Here's where we're going to be (and watch out for new dates yet to be added...

719 Reads

Divinicus Australia - Rise of the Rainbow People

Submitted by Open on Sat, 11/25/2017 - 16:01

This Openhand Journey through the shift just keeps getting better! Where do all you magical souls come from? You are all mystical "rainbow people" from the stars of course!

This week saw the culmination of Openhand's current 5D Shift World Tour, and what a climax - 7 days of deep exploration, processing and liberation on our flagship level 3 course "Divinicus", the rise of the divine human...

1091 Reads

Joining the Magical Higher Consciousness Wave...You're all Superstars!

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/08/2017 - 17:50

Hi everyone out there in the Openhand Community - how's it going for you in the shift? I trust your life is beginning to feel like a bigger movement of consciousness, connected to something incredibly divine. As the light progressively unravels itself from the old reality, you'll likely find yourself pulled in different directions as the old consciousness within, still snags on old density, the old ways of doing things. Here's where we have to dig deep, and trust that if we confront the tightness and unwind it, then the unleashing of flow is going to take us somewhere more magical and harmonious.

It can feel, at times, a little like being swept down the rapids. But now isn't time to cling onto the banks - it's time to take centre stream, and enjoy the ride. Yihah!!!....

742 Reads

5D Shift World Tour Update, October 2017...Go Shine the Light!

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/01/2017 - 06:46

Hi Openhanders!
How are you all doing out there in the Great Shift? Working it through I trust. It's an amazing tour - meeting extraordinary souls everywhere, just popping out of the 'woodwork' - where do you all come from?! It's lovely to see the explorations, deep inquiries, incredible breakthroughs and amazing higher dimensional shifts. You are all so uniquely special, and treasured in the Openhand heart! Here are some snapshots of the North American leg of the Tour. Take a peek inside the work of Openhand...

627 Reads

New Website Live Today...With Teething Issues!

Submitted by Open on Wed, 10/11/2017 - 06:13

Hi everyone. Well as you can see, we have an all new singing and dancing Openhand website. Woohoo! It's been a mammoth undertaking because we had to migrate 13 years of content across to the new development, with different configurations. There has been lots of 'burning the midnight oil' and 4am starts! As we currently stand, we still have a number of configuration teething issues, like limited permissions on posting comments, which we're working to get right. So please bear with us - we're getting there!

1793 Reads

New Openhand Community Coordinator - Aspasia

Submitted by TeamOpenhand on Tue, 09/05/2017 - 07:22

Openhand introduces today our new Community Coordinator "Aspasia", who takes over from Fiona. With a colourful and widely experienced background in soul facilitation, the new role will be to "dance" within the Openhand community "ether", to connect new threads of inquiry and help inspire flowing movement; to support the transcendence of the merely physical. She'll also be the initial point of contact with regard to event management in the busy Openhand calendar. We're blessed to have Aspasia on board, at a time when we're ready to shift through new gears and launch into a whole new phase of Openhand growth. Be inspired by Aspasia's energy here...

1709 Reads