RESURRECTION: from the Shadow Intervention Simulation

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/23/2024 - 17:06

Leading alternative commentators maintain humanity is trapped within a 'simulation' of reality, by a Shadow Intervention controlling our planet and its resources. I largely concur with this, although let's be clear, the 3D world is real, it's not a computer simulation. Instead, the wool of perception is being pulled down over the psyche from the 4D by a sophisticated architect. The balance of energies are shifting. The simulation is weakening. Here's what you can do to support the resurrection of humanity and our planet.

The Nature of the Planetary Simulation

I would say the word 'simulation' for the reality we live in is accurate, in that it appears as though people have freedom of choice, freedom to dream, and freedom to create within a reasonable boundaried construct. Of course, it's always necessary and right to honour each other, and to find some kind of harmony that serves all.

But this freedom to dream, to choose and create is being tampered with and manipulated in a highly deceiving way - particularly through the 4D, where the quantum morphic fields are being carefully configured and 'adjusted' to fit within the designs of a highly sophisticated architect: an ancient entity from the Sirius Star System, that exploded 120 million years ago.

The entity is known as Ra, and has established itself as 'God', to be worshipped and followed since ancient Egyptian times. The alien entity has, in the past, worked closely with the Annunaki to configure society and bend humanity to its will by carefully manipulating human DNA - they hybrised Homo sapiens from Original Humans, and sealed in the downgrading changes by splicing the chromosomes down to 46 from 48 in the original Lemurian configuration. When you explore it, the odds of this happening by chance mutations are ridiculously remote (I share the evidence of this in the Openhand book, DIVINICUS).

They even established the orbiting Moon to extract electromagnetic energy from the Sun and suppress the natural Flower of Life on the planet and in humanity - when they realised its propensity to keep on re-emerging. How inconvenient!

9 astounding facts proving the Moon is fake

Simulation Wobbling in the Grand Galactic Convergence

This is why we may call the world we live in a 'simulation' - in that moods, dreams, and natural creativity are either being purposefully thwarted, or else misdirected into the construct this Intervention has created for its own ambitions and ends. Which we can now clearly point to as being: total dominion, power, and the harvesting of resources and energy.

Fortunately this 'simulation' is looking decidely shaky right now. The consciousness of humanity and Gaia is beginning to re-emerge from the ancient slumber. In growing number, people are throwing off the veils by exposing the ridiculous game of charades happening before our eyes in the 3D.

All the while, new activations of consciousness are infusing the planet as we sail into a high-energy segment of the galaxy, as more charged particles from the Sun fire Earth's way, at a time when Gaia is lowering her protective magnetic shield in the culminating Pole Shift. It's something we can call, The Grand Galactic Convergence.

Explore the nature of the Grand Galactic Convergence in this Openhand Video

Reclaiming Soul Sovereignty in the Constant Conscious Choice

What's beginning to accelerate, and unfold, on the planet, represents an enormous opportunity to forge soul and to emerge from this simulation gloriously free - to join the Galactic Family of Light. A New Earth is being established in 5D, 6D and 7D. Like a blossoming flower, this will steadily emerge as the simulation weakens and breaks down. It's already being supported by the presence of an array - an alliance - of Star Being Nations, who've come here to support this resurrection of humanity and the planet.

At this time, it's confused and confusing out there in the world, with this tumultuous shake-up in consciousness that's unfolding. But now is the time to forge on, and 'make hay whilst the Sun shines'. The veils of the simulation still purposefully obscure, but for anyone truly inquiring and seeking, the energy to explode the bounds of the simulation within our consciousness is steadily sweeping in.

It's utterly essential though to realise the nature of this liberation - we escape the simulation by reclaiming soul sovereignty in the constant consciousness choice, and then expanding fully into our multidimensionality. Then we can be sure that we're informing and creating our world from higher consciousness, instead of the simulation. In short, we must resurrect our full complement of higher dimensional capacity. It's a reviving upliftment and freedom that's reinvigorating at a soul level.

RESURRECTION: reclaiming our Divinity and the Planet

This is exactly the purpose of Openhand's new body of work appropriately entitled, RESURRECTION. It provides detailed insight into escaping the nature of this 'simulation', and setting sails on a restorative trajectory into the Golden Age of 5D,6D, and 7D. It launches with the release of a new book on April 27th.

Here's the launch video summarising the work, with a link below to how you can get a copy of the book...


The future is Bright!

Bright blessings

Open đź’Ž

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There comes a point when surrender will only take you so far - a quasi-okayness.
But it is not the super aliveness that's possible amidst the intensity of the simulation.
If you want absolute freedom, absolute presence, and you're impatient for it,
you can do it. How?
Apply the pressure to every boundary, every situation, every confrontation,
exert yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically until in some place you break.
Breaking is where you need to be.
Break into the pain, the anxiety, the fear, the instability, even the "insanity",
If you're cold, bring it on - freeze.
If you're hungry, bring it on - fast.
If you're alone, bring it on - go into absolution.
Test everything to the breaking limit and then.... go beyond, go deeper in.
Test the ownership of hungry, cold, exhausted, depressed, broken, alone,
where you form identity around these imposters of reality,
until you can sit awesomely okay in the centre of it all.
You'll find a state of supreme, alive okayness.
It's too amazing for words.
But in any case, they call it, "Enlightenment".

How are you experiencing the nature of the 'simulation'?
Do you notice its insipid influences in the day-to-day?
Where do you go onto auto-pilot?

I'd be intrigued to hear.
Bright blessings
<<< Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


There's no doubt about it, if you want to break free from the simulation, the DIVINICUS retreats are simply groundbreaking. And they're coming right up in May...

6th-11th May: DIVINICUS in the Desert:ZOOM
It's time to activate your Spirit Light Body for 5D Ascension, and navigate from it in your daily life. Dive deep into the "Desert of the Real" with Open, strip away any distraction, journey multidimensionally and shed the layers of ancient Human karma. This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, in the energetic harmony of your own home.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

17th-24th May: DIVINICUS in Snowdonia: WALES
This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, high up in the remote mountains of Snowdonia at the Lord of the Rings eco-village Cae Mabon. Dive deep into the profound nature of being, process ancient human karma, activate your 5D Divine Being for the Shift. Participate in soul-stirring sacred ceremony and enjoy high vibe vegan cuisine.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

In reply to by Open


These are powerful emotive words Open. I'm inspired. It also helped me break into a layer of karma I was working with. I noticed previously that when such powerful feelings would have arrived, I would jump to a conclusion and immediately test the boundary, but I guess I have developed enough ' surrender' to feel into it and let it integrate without jumping into any immediate action. What the words also deliver is a feeling of relief and okayness—maybe I'm not wrong in feeling into these densities. Often, I don't know if it's mine or if I am feeling into the field. Especially since it was a full moon, this could have stirred up something in the field. There was some problem with the wiring in the house, and today the electrician came to fix it. The fuse was of a lower rating, and it was getting overloaded. They installed a fuse with a greater capacity, which solved the problem. I guess by feeling into the layers of density, I'm opening up the channels to hold more information.

Vimal Praying Emoji


Ever wondered about the deeper nature of the Simulation we live in and the architect of it?

It's something I've outlined in Openhand's new Shift Update above today. Do check it out because it contains essential insight into what we're actually breaking free from, and how to do it.

RESURRECTION: from the Shadow Intervention Simulation

We've been clearly shown the nature of this Architect of the Simulation - it's been hiding in plain sight all this time...