Let's THRIVE from 5D!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 02/20/2023 - 06:14

We're on retreat in La Palma, meditating right next to an active Volcano! What will the experiences tell us about the 5D Shift going forwards and the Grand Galactic Convergence? That's what we're here to find out and to share with you all in Openhand's daily vlog. Join us for insight to uplift your life, commentary, video and sharings. It's a real adventure!
Check the intro vlog...

1498 Reads

New Openhand Ascension Portal: Launched Today!

Submitted by Open on Sat, 02/11/2023 - 06:17

It's been 20 years in the crafting, a persistent and progressive process of intricate development. Today it feels like Openhandweb has finally landed, as what it was always meant to be: an Ascension Portal to support people through this grand planetary shift to 5D. We've restructured the core of the site to help you better access the most active sections and take advantage of exclusive material and special offers. Like the free eBook launched today. Intrigued?

262 Reads

Spiritual Review of 2022, Looking Ahead to 2023

Submitted by Open on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 05:10

Another cycle in the shift and in our lives is upon us. In order to best sense and intuit the way forwards, it's essential to reflect back. Because you see the building trends. And what shapes life on the surface of reality is the underlying field. Let's take a look back at the key field shifts of 2022 so that we may discern the influencing field movements in 2023. Come join us here at Openhand. It's going to be priceless.

568 Reads

Great Galactic Alignment 10 Year Anniversary: What's Changed?

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/12/2022 - 05:42

In the Great Shift, we're constantly blessed by signs and synchronicity from the divine. We've just entered a key numerological portal, 12:12 to 21:12, which this year, leads into the tenth anniversary of the galactic alignment where Gaia was rebirthed and shifted her centre of consciousness into 5D. Think back 10 short years. So much has irrevocably changed on the planet. What's changed in your life? Come join this grand celebration of the rejuvenation of life. Let it inspire your next 10 years forwards.

548 Reads

Return to Atlantis: Openhand Vog 2022

Submitted by Open on Fri, 11/18/2022 - 05:54

Openhand's second "Return to Atlantis" Pilgrimage through ancient Egypt is now underway once more. An intrepid group of pioneers has gathered from across the planet to journey through humanity's past life karma. Crucially, it's going to be unleashing transformative planetary energies and preparing us for the culmination of the Shift as we ascend into the new 5D Paradigm.

Explore our colourful Vlog. You're sure to gain insight and upliftment for your journey. Bright blessings, Open 🦋

4177 Reads

Winter of Metamorophsis: Openhand Winter Course Program

Submitted by Open on Sat, 11/12/2022 - 05:13

Are you one of those going through dramatic changes and major life upheavals? Don't worry, you're not alone! And if you weren't, then you wouldn't be on the path and doing the necessary work. Our whole reality construct is bending and terraforming. We're like caterpillars who've entered the chrysalis phase building our new 5D wings. That's EXACTLY what the new Openhand Winter Calendar is all about. Dive in. It's high time for us to unfurl 5D flight.

1052 Reads

Major Energetic Planetary Shifts Unfolding: New Base for Openhand

Submitted by Open on Tue, 11/08/2022 - 05:05

Major unseen events and unwindings are happening in the field all the time, that aren't immediately obvious on the surface - due to the level of mind and emotion-led distraction. So many situations and circumstances are interrelated but go unnoticed. Openhand has recently relocated to a new base in Glastonbury, with synchronicity indicating a key connection between the Christ Consciousness and the Heart Chakra of our planet.
Explore the revelatory Symbology:

537 Reads

5D SHIFT PODCAST: illuminating the Path through the Shift

Submitted by OpenhandTeam on Wed, 09/14/2022 - 05:50

Openhand is launching a new venture as of October 1st. It's called the 5D SHIFT PODCAST. It's a regular show that explores current developments in the Shift, unpacks what's going on, and helps you cut a path of light through it all by helping you attune to the aligned flow. It's designed to help you transform all aspects of your life. We'll be sure to be anchoring the energies of the Openhand higher dimensional team supporting the shift. See you there!

12658 Reads

Infusions of Light... 5D Reality Breaking Through

Submitted by Open on Sat, 09/03/2022 - 05:17

What's happening out there in the field is nothing short of miraculous. Waves of higher light are breaking through the density around the planet at the 4D/5D level. It's stirring up the old karmic construct. Where's your orientation and focus? If it's still on the shadow, you won't see it. But if you're breaking through, inside yourself, then there are tremendous infusions that you can harness and integrate through your life to transform it. A new cycle of possibility is beginning, and Openhand is here to capitalise on it.

2400 Reads

Facilitating the Great Planetary Shift...Openhand Journal 2022

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/11/2022 - 04:11

The Openhand Facilitator Group convenes in Avebury today, amongst the sacred stones and within "crop-circle grand central". These are pivotal times for humanity and the planet, so whatever happens, it's bound to be alchemical. Openhand's mission is to inspire and activate anyone who can resonate with what's truly unfolding around us. So come and tune in this week, where I'll be sharing daily updates, photos, commentary, meditations and video. Connect up to the energy with us and be uplifted!

1637 Reads

Facebook livestreams with Openhand

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/29/2022 - 06:05

I'm sure you'll agree what's essential right now in this crazy and confusing 3D world is some divine light guiding the way forwards. That's exactly what I'm working to do in our monthly LiveStream service. It's about exploring how the higher dimensional flow is manifesting through the veils so we can accurately align focus and orientation in our lives.

Join me...

I'm harnessing the Openhand higher dimensional team of Ascended Master Energies to make sense of the path forwards. Check the details of the next livestream, hear recordings of the past ones...

5969 Reads

Here it is: The Openhand Spring/Summer Program 2023

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/01/2022 - 05:25

Lots of you have been asking, "where's the spring-summer event program?" We've been busy behind the scenes, and I'm sure you'll agree, the wait has been worth it. We've woven together a rich and diverse series of gatherings, to enthrall, to educate, to illuminate. Above all, we're going to have great fun and adventure.

Come and see where we'll be...

1598 Reads