5GATEWAYS 5-part Book Serlialisation

Submitted by Open on Mon, 02/21/2022 - 04:27

As the remastered 5GATEWAYS work begins today, I also felt to share a 5-part 5GATEWAYS book serialisation for all tuning in. How are the 5GATEWAYS driving everything that's happening on the planet right now and in your life? Let's take an indepth look at this ground-breaking work, because it has the capacity to change everything for the better.

Bright blessings

Open 🙏

230 Reads

5GATEWAYS remastered 2022: Life's Game-Changer

Submitted by Open on Mon, 02/14/2022 - 06:18

"Being is the Change" is something you often hear on the spiritual path. But what does it mean exactly? Beingness is far much more than simply surrender. That's just one quality of the soul. In your essence, you are a rainbow of fabulous frequencies, which when actualised, have the capacity to transform your life in the most profound of ways. Embodying the 7-Rays of Light is one crucial aspect of Openhand's remastered 5GATEWAYS work 2022. It's life's game-changer...

2052 Reads

Return of the Pleiadians - Openhand Vlog

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/24/2022 - 05:05

We're on retreat all this week, up in the mountains of Mexico, near the birthplace of the Serpent King Quetzalcoatl. We're at the Pleiades retreat and it's going to be a monumental week. The vibe is expansive and higher dimensional. I'd love for everyone in the community to tune in and get a sense of it, to also benefit from the experience. So I'll be running a vlog, sharing video, commentary, music and inspiration. Come and tune in and share your thoughts and feelings. It's a pleasure hosting you. ♥️

4949 Reads

5GATEWAYS 2015: 5 Expansions on the Journey of Enlightenment

Submitted by Open on Tue, 12/28/2021 - 22:03

The celebrated Openhand Documentary 5GATEWAYS has really come alive to meet the current times of profound evolutionary transition on the planet, and whether you've already seen it or not, I would strongly recommend watching it again. I did, just the other day, and my heart is still melting at the experience of it ♥️

What can I tell you about the remastered version 2015?

307 Reads

Quan Yin as the Leader of the Openhand Energies Based in Avalon

Submitted by Open on Tue, 12/28/2021 - 05:05

One or two people have asked me who is the statue in the background of some of the Openhand videos recently?
She is Quan Yin, known as the Goddess of Compassion. Her energy is central and foundational to the Openhand frequencies that we work with here. So I felt to share a little about the nature of her energy, why it's important to Openhand and how I came across the marvellous Serpentine statue.

Yesterday, we returned her to Glastonbury, where the Openhand energies will be once more based from 2020 onwards...

449 Reads

Quantum Solstice Shift 2021

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/20/2021 - 04:57

We're heading into the Solstice Shift for December 2021. What another profound and crucial transformation humanity is transitioning through. I have the strong feeling that on the back end of this year, and as we transition into 2022, we'll come to realise just how much the world has terraformed this last year. And as I've maintained all along, only partially as the controllers would have it. I'm feeling big waves of awakening challenging ever deeper the pandemic narrative. Bring it on!

To mark this crucial transformation with you, I'm calling on some previous Openhand videos to inspire a quantum shift for everyone in the community. Come join us...

1447 Reads

5GATEWAYS of ASCENSION: Remastered 2022

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/29/2021 - 02:09

Now, more than ever, what's needed on the journey through the progressive breakdown and transformation of society, is to be clear where we're truly heading as a soul; and how you can manifest successfully and abundantly from divine guidance. 5GATEWAYS is Openhand's seminal work, which we've remastered to meet these pivotal times, to journey you progressively into the new 5D Paradigm of existence. Come and activate with us, your profound journey of revelation!

282 Reads

I Awoke this Morning with 11:11 Calling - Glastonbury Seminar Beckons!

Submitted by Open on Thu, 10/14/2021 - 05:59

I was awakened early in the morning, 4am, before the grey bearded beast of the matrix had fired up its engines. It was quiet, but 11:11 was ringing loud and clear. Later that day I was guided to Glastonbury Town Hall, where so many previous alchemical seminars have taken place. By chance synchronicity I bumped into one of the janitors I know and the events booking lady.

506 Reads

Rise Eden Rise 2021 - Divine Being Activations

Submitted by Open on Tue, 09/07/2021 - 06:07

Rise Eden Rise is Openhand's new body of work for the September to December 2021 season. It's all about activating your divine being and calling on that Higher Self energy to illuminate your life with better informed choices. As the 3D world goes increasingly crazy and the energy unravels more to 5D, how can we harness that through our beings right now?

Come join us...

1326 Reads

Experience...The Openhand Ascension Academy: Launch 1st Sept 2021

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/01/2021 - 03:58

The Openhand Ascension Academy goes live today. It represents the culmination of 19 years developing processes and programs to support Gaia and Humanity's Ascension Shift into 5D Consciousness. It brings all of the Openhand self-realisation and self-actualisation work under one "roof". It provides an ongoing annual academic cycle of deepening into your Sacred Ground of Being and the progressive revelation of your Multidimensional Self, which we call DIVINICUS. It will be our privilege and pleasure to host you.

Here's a sense of what you might expect, including our intro video...

480 Reads

Openhanders Members Area

Submitted by Open on Fri, 08/13/2021 - 05:03

We're pleased to announce our new private members area on Openhandweb called "Openhanders". It's designed to create a sense of "brother/sister hood", a feeling of belonging. In it you'll find a private forum to express deeper aspects of your journey right now, which myself and members of the team will gladly reflect back to you on. Also exclusive videos, podcasts and online meditations. It's all entirely free. You just need to sign up for an account and login... Openhand Members Area

123 Reads

5D Ascension: Fellow Star Souls and the Toroidal Flow

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/19/2021 - 04:48

The Openhand Facilitator Conference just completed in Avebury a short time ago, where, at the start of the conference, a wonderful crop circle appeared amongst the ancient stone circles, just out from the centre of the village. When you look at the image below, it speaks strongly of the Toroidal Flow, but what in particular might it be telling us right now about the 5D Ascension as we work to unwind from the synthetic shadowstate agenda?

2619 Reads