The Sacred Ground of Being...The Quintessence of Who We Are

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/02/2019 - 04:04

We are amidst the most phenomenal shift of consciousness in the history of our planet, and of humanity's journey on it. Day by day the external drama seems to ratchet up another notch. With the plandemonium, environmental degradation and the bankruptcy of the governing system, the shadow side is illuminating itself in all its outrageous lunacy. In this outer turmoil, it is utterly essential that evolving people have some inner ground, a mast, to which to anchor centred consciousness, so as to find peace, serenity, and to step forth into the world with aligned authentic decision making. It's essential therefore, that we continually access what's termed our "Sacred Ground of Being".

The Universal Torus

It's always been essential to the Openhand work to explore the various twists and turns in the multidimensional landscape as we navigate the higher dimensional shift. Why? As a collective, how ever challenging and complex the outer drama may becoming, we have created it. We have manifested everything we experience in the outer. The consciousness of humanity is coming of age, as a universal child in a vast cosmos, all teeming with form, each of different flows and agendas. And we're witnessing some of the convolutions playing themselves out on Earth right now. It's an interweaving dynamic that we must each become comfortable with.

The Universe is manifested as the Universal Torus, a weaving dance of variant flows of consciousness, where everything is moving within The One - the absolute. And so on the journey of the Soul into the abode of The One, we must become increasingly comfortable in allowing all of this to move within: both the harmony and the chaos, the alignment and the misdirect. You can become The One the moment you decide to completely surrender to it all. There continues the journey of your soul and the invitation to find harmonious alignment of it through life, through the twists and turns of events, into a balanced sense of rightness.

The "Sacred Ground of Being" is a new term introduced by Openhand, delivered through our ongoing work in the Ascension Academy. What is this Sacred Ground of Being? What does it feel like? And how can it help you find centredness in the storm?

Your Sacred Ground of Being

All forms of sentient life are arrayed as the Universal Torus - a dancing weave of consciousness. A 2D representation of it would be the Flower of Life, which is becoming ever more popularised, from tea shirt logos to pop band icons. Its form was even etched into ancient Egyptian megaliths. What is the relevance? It demonstrates how the soul spirals through the outer weave of life, which at times gets stuck, creates nodes of karmic density, which then reflect out through our outer lives creating moments of disharmony to work through. It's utterly essential that we have a centred ground from which to work through this karmic dynamic of life.

As you sit in the busyness, you can decide to completely let go, to surrender any need whatsoever of controlling the drama. Applying the breath, you can soften deeper and deeper within. If you're committed, it will progressively take your through the densities and inner layers. It takes time and persistance, but you'll start to come into more of the stillness at the core of the Torus. It feels like deep peace, expansiveness, acceptance, surrender, a timeless existence. These will likely be the first senses of the Sacred Ground of Being.

This however is only the beginning of the story. With each practice, you can deepen the experience and anchor ever more in it. By doing so, it becomes increasingly alchemical as you're touching the creative source of life itself - where all authentic action arises from. So the more you centre in this experience, the more mystical and magical your life will become. You start to channel the creative potential of the Universe. On the inner, the experience of the Sacred Ground of Being will intensify, you'll see different colours of light, feel greater sovereignty and empowerment, spirals of kundalini energy and creative heat. You'll gain new intuitive powers of illumination and gifts of healing. All the while, with each practice, you'll deepen into the hallowed place and the sense of it will continually evolve.

Why can't it always be like that?

The Challenge of Karma

The essential thing is that you don't try to control the experience, rather to continually surrender into it. But as you do so, you're going to activate the flow of the soul. If ego isn't controlling, the soul will be unleashed and want to engage with the outer world, in your relationships, jobs, and general living circumstances. It's about The One experiencing the bounteous fullness of life through each soul. It's something to be cherished and enjoyed, the very fruit of life itself.

But the soul will get stuck where it identifies and attaches - it fragments into the river of life, and aspects of it get buried in the sedmiment in the bed of the stream. This is our karma. Now as you join the mainstream of soul, it will start to pull on these buried fragments, which you'll feel within as tightness, discomfort, pain and trauma. It's very easy to identify with these feelings, and thus the sense of the Sacred Ground of Being dimishes and even disappears.

What we need then, is a process to continually work through the density that gets activated in life. It's essential at this point not to try to simply ditch the drama and distance from it. Because this subconsciousness gets enfolded into your experience anyway and diminishes the sense of the Sacred Ground of Being - it removes you from the enlightened state. We must dig into the karma by directly confronting it and working to the source of the attachment, where you need reality to go a certain way. We must dig deep into this and let it go. It's how we reclaim the lost fragment of soul stuck in the karmic density.

Here's an Exploration of the Openhand Breakthrough Approach for Processing Karma

Finding Life's Balance

On the journey then, you'll likely find yourself bouncing in and out of the serenity at the centre of the storm. This is entirely okay and to be expected. It's essential therefore to be clear about your orientation - what exactly are you working to achieve in your spiritual practice?

I put it to you that ultimately, the place to be, to centre in and emerge from, is your Sacred Ground of Being. This is home, it is the sense of belonging, of being cherished and nurtured by the Universe, of complete acceptance and at-one-ment. It's there for all of us. It is the source, the commencement and the completion of all experience. It's what the soul is really looking for as it travels through the outer world - that sense of fullfilled completion. So it's essential to have your inner eye always looking into this hallowed space of completeness, so that you may increasingly deepen and centre in it.

Yet, at the same time, it's allowing and embracing the outer journey and inquiry of the soul. The One in you is wanting to fully explore itself through life. And to deny this, is only to create identity once more, which again diminshes the sense of Sacred Ground of Being - it's essential to realise the two are interrelated. The absolute is revealed THROUGH the Universe of the relative.

In the Openhand work, I suggest therefore, to always have around 50% of your attention inwards or at least work towards that. This inner eye is constantly looking for a deeper engagement, a deeper centering in your Sacred Ground of Being. The other 50% is looking into the world through the soul and the various manifestations in life that it creates. We're not denying that either, but rather revelling in the bounteous wonder of life. Crucially, you're looking through life from your Sacred Ground of Being. My experience is that this is the ultimate harmony of Enlightenment to attain.

The Ultimate Life Experience

It seems society is constantly winding up the external distraction as it slips into some final consciousness-feeding frenzy! And fortunately, serenity is also revealing itself through the storm as The Shift brings about realignment to a higher vibrational harmony. Both conditions coexist right now as the old is breaking away and breaking down to reveal the new. Don't get dazzled by the distracting outer headlights! Let's be clear what this is really all about, what life itself is really all about. You are the One. And there is a tangible experience of that at the core of you, which is always there, providing we look for it and centre in it. It's the anchor in the storm, a hallowed place of infinite peace, connection and sense of belonging.

And from this Sacred Centre, we can enjoy and celebrate in the miraculous dance of life too. We each have a destiny to fulfill in this phenomenal unfolding shift. Let's Thrive from our Sacred Ground of Being!

If you resonate, come and get involved with the work of the
Openhand Ascension Academy


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10/10/2024 Openhand Shift Update

As Hurricane Milton comes ashore in Florida, and as plenty others around the world experience challenge and turmoil in life, I couldn't emphasize enough, the essential importance of centering, and coming from, the Sacred Ground of Being. Plenty speak of "presence" and the infinite stillness of the Void. BUT, can you carry that through life? Meaning: can you always be coming from that place? How do you achieve that?

The Sacred Ground of Being is at the core of you, sitting in the Torus and close to the Void. When you are being still and consciously looking inwards, it feels like emptiness. But there's more to it than that. Much more. If you sit in meditation and breathe into that space enough, then you find this Sacred Ground starts to build qualities of its own. For example: a sense of arrival, of belonging, of contentment, a warmth and aliveness too. It can be blissful, but in order for that quality not to become a fixed identity, it has to settle into awesome ordinaryness.

For those new to Openhand, Breakthrough Breathing is designed to bring people into the Sacred Ground of Being over time. There can be nothing of more value in life than achieving this, because authentic living and being then flows from it. All else is falsehood and illusion.  

Sample the Breakthrough Breathing Meditation

The Question is: how to stay in this state all the time?

Of course, the question itself is inviting Enlightenment, which will come when ready. But you can accelerate it by diligently working with it and into it. The key is to be constantly paying attention to the sense of it that is sitting in the background. Keep noticing the new qualities that develop. Some of them seem small but can have a massive change on your being.

For example, opening a momentary pause before you act or respond. Just enough to settle deeper into the Sacred Ground. The key is that a part of you must be looking inwards, feeling inwards, perceiving inwards.

This is not initially easy or obvious. Because the ego expects something to happen in that momentary pause. The need of something to happen causes an efforting which then overwrites this vast emptiness of the Sacred Ground - like crushing a delicate flower underfoot. We need to build confidence in it through constant surrender and letting go of the need for an outcome. Then you'll pick up that something always flows from the infinite potential. And it always seems to find a way to mediate through the situation you're in. You now start to respond differently to people and in life in general. And so you shape a new way of living, a new landscape as the new sense of beingness unfolds. This landscape is going to be more fulfilling because it is more a reflection of the authentic you.

So as we swing into a new Openhand cycle, I would recommend reviewing the article on the Sacred Ground of Being and working with it consciously today - see how you experience it....

The Sacred Ground of Being...The Quintessence of Who We Are

Then do share how you experience it. What does it feel like for you?  
Bright blessings

<<< Open đź’Ž


In reply to by Open


When you're committed to coming from the Sacred Ground of Being, then you start to connect with your Twin Flame more of the time - for they sit in the Sacred Ground at the heart of you. By applying the Breakthrough Breathing and Openhand Chakra Attunements, then you keep the kundalini loop open. This has profound benefits: You feel the joy of connection with the Twin Flame in your daily life; they guide you, speaking into your intuition; you feel loved, cherished, held.

What's most stunning, is you find them speaking to across the divide. And that's why I felt to share this stunning piece of music featuring Mei-Lan. It speaks of the Twin Flame communicating to their other across the divide. Sit back a while and be inspired...


One of the things that's so great about these is re-reading them and seeing things you didn't see before. A question about prescence: a couple years ago i experienced a prescence out side of myself that was like my awareness looking at me from behind. Like I went out of my body into this awareness which swooped down from above and then settled behind me. Because I didn't intend it I was worried it was something else and given the life circumstances at the time, i retreated. Then a couple weeks ago I was speaking into the sky emotionally and then I sensed a prescence there which then came into me. I couldn't hold it for long, maybe because I was trying to? The big thing though is that both times I was under the influence of cannabis. There's no argument from me this is not a tool that will get me far and I see how my dependence on it is highly limiting, but what it does for me at this point is relaxes me and I never realized how tense I am. I started t notice I carry myself tightly around others and the weed takes that away and so I open up and things happen. Now that I understand this I intend to learn to do that for myself. What I'm worried about is whether it's really me? I mean if it's my awareness who else would it be but the worry is I didn't intend it, and being under the influence. But what was happening? And if it's not some malevolent entity trying to possess me (didn't sense that, only prescence), then how? And why? How do I develop it? Any and all insight is very appreciated!🙏

Ps maybe some 4d bubble situation?


Yesterday I was quite dismayed to find out that F!ve Gee was being installed not 30 meters from my house! I went and spoke to the person installing it and he assured me that it's basically four and half gee. 

Still, since it went live I feel a pressing sensation on my crown chakra and the field feels more dense, like wading through tar. 

I've been doing much work since to negate the effects. Any tips on how to do this from others would also be greatly appreciated.

Interestingly though, the direct affect on me is that I have become much more aware of my field and my chakras. Much more sensitive. I left home yesterday evening and went to what would usually seem like a dense city environment. But I felt so light and expanded, so empty in presence. 

It's amazing to notice directly how the shadow agenda stings itself in the tail. Although the field feels more dense and oppressive, it's caused me to up my game quite considerably.


In reply to by Richard W


Sounds like you know the answer Rich!!

When I found myself in Sydney, in a flat that was surrounding by several 5Geez channels, what I found myself doing was going into meditation, and actually feeling how and where the 5 Geez was coming in, to meet it, then to "bend around it". The crucial thing, which you're doing tremendously well by the sounds of things, is getting over the reactivity to it. Accept it. Meet it. Bend around it.

Then, when you don't need it to go away at all, the right path will follow.

Wishing you well - thanks for the share

Open 🙏

PS - for anyone wondering why we're spelling it this way, it's to avoid algorithmic censorship!


Journal Update 11/01/2022

I keep feeling to share this article about the Sacred Ground of Being Within. Why?

I think it's probably the most important that I've written and shared.

The outer world is becoming increasingly distractive - actually insane. I can feel that growing by the moment.

The challenge is that there's invaluable expression for all of us out there - the actualisation of self within the outer. Take compassion for example - how could you deny that aspect of yourself to reach out and help another sentient being?

So what's the answer?

For me, it is to keep deepening and settling into the Sacred Ground of Being within. Let that be the source of illumination, inspiration and actualisation in the outer. Let the spark of attention come only from there. Let it guide you past the endless, mindless distractions out there and instead let that spark illuminate the next step, the next expression by what you're guided to place your attention on. It's like you're walking a path of light, where the universe crystallises under your step.

Hence my encouragement today to read the article and bring the sense of it into your life - to drop back into the Sacred Ground of Being and let only authentic beingness and choices arise from there...

The Sacred Ground of Being...The Quintessence of Who We Are


Open 💙🙏

In reply to by Open


I recently reconnected with my brother after two years, we lost contact right before the plandemic. Synchronistic, actually, as he's a doctor and although he was at a point in his life where he could either wake up or continue his slumber, I could somehwere sense he would choose the latter. When we reconnected I was faced with a mirror of inauthenticness, painful but liberating. Talking to him was almost like watching a movie, I could feel how he was talking to me as a reflection of himself and an image he had of me. All this activated something in me, an urge to not abandon myself but to challenge the projections. Not going with them, not responding to attempts to pull me back into the illusion. I know this can come across as harsh, I know too well how it can trigger deep feelings of shame and rejection, but it's the most compassionate thing I can do. But it's like instead of slowly waking up he went even deeper into the darkness of denial, doesn't surprise me after three shots (though I don't know for sure if that's the effect). I could see the mist covering his eyes when pain was triggered, quickly shifting subject of attention and conversation. 

I realised even deeper that what passes for love on the planet is almost it's opposite. True love is in every pause before acting - not to think, but to feel deeply into the void. Avoidance becomes a void dance. 


In reply to by hannah


Love this...

True love is in every pause before acting - not to think, but to feel deeply into the void. Avoidance becomes a void dance. 

We're only here to save one person - ourselves. Can we use every single opportunity to look in the mirror and become even more authentic? It's not about how they are being, it's ALWAYS how am I being?

I just connected with my biological family this Christmas for the first time in a long while. In the past it had always been a dance of testing and avoidance. Now it became a pure embrace. All differences fell away as each was caused to embrace the truth in the other. This is how it can work when we're prepared to be core-splittingly honest. The external ultimately becomes honest with you - it was pure heaven.

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


I have been avoiding family for a long time as well, but keep being invited. I didn't see all the opportunity waiting there. I wanted to avoid the pain, but was actually avoiding great opportunities of being 'me'. 

I just love how the word a-void is reflecting so much.


I'M finding lots of pearls by David Whyte at the moment. You know your approach to life has great value when you can see resonances in other disciplines. Here he's finding a different language to describe the sense of empty potential that happens as you drop into the void. How creative this is - when you come from the beingness that you discover resides there. Listen in for some tremendous wisdom. Be inspired to find that hallowed place at the heart of you...


Each of us is invited to venture deep to the inner self, what I call "The Sacred Ground of Being".

But this is not a building up journey. It is a breaking down one. Why?

We have built so many illusions around ourselves of false needs and desires. Of false crystallisations in limited realities. We've painted ourselves a part within a landscape which is so much smaller than what we are.

I say 'smaller', but that doesn't mean donning a grandiose coat either. The Void is a paradox. Every attachment will be stripped from you as you come into the nothingness.

But when the nothingness can be accepted, can be embraced, then you discover it as everythingness.

And attachment to the everythingness must be let go of too - no idling in false bubbles of bliss!

Bliss will come and go. As will the pain. Let them drift in and out, as clouds across the sky.

When you can accept the nothingness in this way, then what you find is that an energy builds in your consciousness around this void. In the Openhand course work I speak of an 'eye' looking inwards to the presence. Always having 50% of your attention looking in, aswell as 50% looking out.

The energy of this inner awareness will build. It feels like home. It is the centre, the core, of your authentic beingness. It becomes like the mast in the storm.

But it must also be allowed to adapt and evolve, to shape, change and grow.

I'm reminded of my favourite poem by David Whyte, "Self Portrait"...

It's the line... "living with the consequence of love, and the bitter unwanted passion of your sure defeat" that I love most of all. Why?

Because the material will always unwind itself. It will never be enough. You can grasp and cling, but you only ever squeeze the juice from it.

Enjoy it, but let the sure collapse of it carry you with deep acceptance all the way to the loving abode of the one.

In this fierce embrace, even the Gods speak of God!

To conclude with, here's another one by David that captures my point today so elloquently...

Loss is never somethiing to be feared. It is only our resistance to it that causes the problem.


Open HeartPraying Emoji


Hi Open,


Very powerful profound message in the video. 

' the most real state is the state of nothing'

'Everything comes from nothing'

For me, letting go .... of the house , the job, the relationship,...will truly be the mast of the storm...and then it will be unravelling for my soul to express authentically,. as it truly longs to do.




Here's a great video by Alan Watts about the "Beauty of Nothingness" - it's very related to what I'm calling "The Sacred Ground of Being". When you journey into this nothingness by unravelling attachment to the need for some kind of outcome, then you progressively settle into presence. As you become increasingly comfortable in this placeless place, then the consciousness of the soul builds around it. This becomes the 'mast in the storm', from where all authentic acts of creation in life arise.

Be inspired...


So many people live within the mind and identify with it. Or rather they've formed all manner of identites and fixed neural programming within it. This is their 'baseline' in life. But it is a humungous illusion! One that plays out time and time again every day, in all the routines that people live. It's highly limiting and conditioning. Plus the mind adds positive and negative value to experiences that befall us (judgments). And so you can be easily bashed around - victimised - by the twists and turns of fate. That's why it's utterly essential to find this "Sacred Ground of Being" within, that I discussed in my lead article above (scroll to the top).

The Sacred Ground of Being is more the quintessence of you. It's your core beingness that you encounter as you travel to the source within. It's where all truly authentic action arises from. It's utterly invaluable as the centredness around which to form your life.

As you do the inner work through meditation and spiritual practice you'll progressively get tasters of this: expansiveness, timelessness, love, centredness, calm, peace, joy, happiness and a sense of belonging. It will also likely come with intuitions and coloured light or a sense of being held by the Universe.

In the beginning, these feelings will likely come and go. Because as you touch this creative source, then the soul flows and takes you into external activity (providing the ego is not resisting). That's when conditioning, programmed density and karmic source pain will be projected into the 'soup'. The Sacred Ground of Being, as a feeling sense, is masked and blocked out. Hence the importance of having something like Openhand's Breakthrough Approach to unravel you back out again.

As you progress down this pathway of self-realisation and realignment, be prepared that it is going to feel highly destablising at times, mentally, emotionally and physically as you transform the landscape of how you're living - switching more to a life of authenticity. So although straightforwards, don't expect it to be easy!

One essential key is to be aware of the value the mind places on external experiences, both positive and negative. These are mostly judgments, and highly limiting, because they continue to define you as an identity in relation to them. So keep working to soften the grip of the mind by coming progressively into this core Sacred Ground of Being (the Breakthrough Meditation is designed to connect people more with that felt sense).

As you progressively break the control of the mind, you'll find you can more readily use it as the valuable tool that it is, rather than controlling the show!


Open Praying Emoji


People engaging with the work these days and the website will have likely heard me use this new term "Sacred Ground of Being". My sense is to draw attention to this ever deepening state at the core of us, what it feels like, and the great value in coming from that place in all the work that we do, both inner and outer.

It's something I'll be getting deeply into during the upcoming Openhand events and gatherings.
But do inquire about it here with me if you feel to.


Open HeartPraying Emoji