What is the Soul?

There are many definitions of what the Soul is. For us here at Openhand, consciousness flows through the universe as waves on a vast ocean. You and we are each a unique blend of these various energetic characteristics - aspects of beingness.

So we are being both the ocean and a unique blend of universal consciousness too. It's what we call a 'Soul Ray Harmonic'. The Soul is what makes us unique, animates who we truly are, and the Soul's full liberation and expression is the purpose of our existence.

Enjoy our articles on the Soul Below:

Homeostasis & Equanimity: Finding Balance and Harmony on the Path

Submitted by Open on Tue, 08/02/2022 - 04:36

These are turbulent times for sure, as the planet and society shift through the gears of transformation. Each of us is connected physically and energetically through morphic fields that are activating and unravelling. That's even before we talk about the dramatic infusions of higher dimensional light. How are we to find balance and harmony through it all? The key is Homeostasis and Equanimity. Find these and your life will be in balance. Let's explore, including a tremendous video at the conclusion.

1754 Reads

How To Quantum Manifest Authentically with the Universal Flow

Submitted by Open on Wed, 06/08/2022 - 03:54

Reams of blogs, articles and videos have been produced about intentional or quantum manifesting to gain a desired outcome. But are they really successful? And what does "success" really look like? I maintain there is a way of coming into alignment with the natural flow of the universe and harnessing its power to create abundantly in your life. But it's crucial to understand exactly what the universe is working to create through you and how not to get derailed down illusionary side alleyways. Let's explore...

1023 Reads

Understanding the Inquiry Creature at the Heart of You

Submitted by Open on Mon, 05/09/2022 - 05:57

Have you figured it out in your life yet?
- the truth that really drives you?
What do I mean by that?

It can appear complex and unattainable to know it, because it's obscured by so many veils of distortion.
These we must peel away to get to the truth.
What's the real truth, about you and your life?

Much More than the attainment of goals or desires

422 Reads

The Spiritual Path: How to Vision the Future?

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/29/2022 - 04:50

Especially now in this turbulent transition through society as we shift to 5D, it's utterly essential you know how to vision your future. But to be clear, I'm talking about the authentic future that's in alignment with your soul. How do you recognise the future multidimensional landscape that is landing now? Then how do you determine the next step to take? Getting this right will remove much heartache and frustration. Even when you make "mistakes" you soon get to know why and are able to steer straight once more...

1030 Reads

Eternal Student and the Ascended Masters: How do they work with us?

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/22/2022 - 06:22

On the spiritual path, what is the true measure of mastery? You may have journeyed plenty, you may have touched deep presence and be able to open into multidimensionality. You might get visions and insights into future-landing-now, or you might be able to facilitate, heal and catalyse. Yet there's a fundamental problem in ever embracing the word "master". Because there's always something to be mastered, always something to integrate. The very term itself breeds complacency...

15730 Reads

Resurrecting our Multidimensionality: Parable of Lao Tzu and the Dragon

Submitted by Open on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 04:44

On one of the walls at Openhand HQ in Glastonbury is a favourite painting of the ancient mystic Lao Tzu playing a small harp, and in so doing, unleashing a mighty blue sky dragon. It's an inspiring picture for sure, and to me, sings volumes about resurrecting our greater multidimensionality and what can transpire when we do. It's about breaking open the limitation of the small "I' - the identity, then with subtle feeling perception, connecting and embodying the majesty of the higher dimensional self.

1839 Reads

Your Life's Shift: It's High Time to Get Some Energy Moving!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/26/2021 - 04:55

I sense the energy field is in strong transition right now, all across the globe. It very much feels to me like the return of the Shiva Energy has gotten things moving and shifting. Stonger flows are activating in different parts of the world, which people are feeling and responding to. Meanwhile it's abundantly clear the shadowstate tries to constrain the emergence with its next round of shenanigans.

That's the heat of the cauldron of transformation that we're sitting within. Don't resist what comes up inside of you. Here is a massive opportunity for growth.

513 Reads

Navigating the 3D New Norm in the Unravelling Energies of the 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Sun, 05/24/2020 - 08:07

There's no doubt, following the instigation of the global fear pandemic and the lockdown, life in the 3D is going to change dramatically. The controllers would clearly have it one way, that of increased centralised control and erosion of civil liberties. However, don't lose sight of the fact that this was all instigated BECAUSE of the ongoing 5D Ascension Shift, which is waking people up and challenging the narrative of the Old Paradigm. What can we intuit as the best way to navigate through our rapidly changing landscape?

2462 Reads

Plantary Shift of Consciousness: Becoming the Warrior in the Heart

Submitted by Open on Tue, 05/05/2020 - 05:05

Make no mistake we are at an anvil in human history. The falsehoods enacted by states around the world in the name of the virus pandemic and the bogus control of populations are being called into account by the rising of sovereign consciousness. But much more needs to be done, and not by the leaders of our world, but by regular people - the likes of you and me, for there are millions of us, governed only by consent. A quasi facist/communist takeover seeks to spread its dark veil across the planet, which free and sovereign people are being invited to challenge.

It's deceptive. It's confusing. It appears even in the guise of democracy, enacting "regulations" for "the good of the whole". But when you go into your heart, no matter how confusing to the mind, you recognise it immediately as control. It is anything other than freedom, respect and love. This is what we must stand up against and express into, in order to expose and unravel.

3703 Reads

How to Break Cycles of Cravings to Accelerate Your Consciousness Shift

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/14/2020 - 05:13

We're living in two worlds on the planet right now: a metaverse in society that is working to suck souls in and entrap them in a limiting reality; and a New Paradigm that's increasingly infusing light to forge a new way of living and being, interconnected with the divine. To access the latter, we're going to have to confront and break open cycles of addiction and cravings. We can do it if we understand how. No worries. We've got this!

934 Reads

The Top 10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration in Earth's 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/30/2019 - 06:47

You often hear about the need to 'raise your vibration' in the ongoing consciousness shift that is sweeping across our planet. Further on I share Openhand's top 10 ways for doing so, but before that, it's essential to understand what is 'raising your vibration'? What exactly does it mean, because clearly there's plenty of misconception going on and it's important to get it right if we are to align with the unfolding 5D Shift...

10661 Reads

Your Ascension and the "Infinite Game": Be the Infinite Player!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/07/2019 - 06:19

The Spiritual Journey does not lead to some final accomplishment, some 'top of the mountain' or even some state of never-ending peace. Even "The Shift" or "The Event" as some call it, is a shift within a shift. Even the mystical State of Enlightenment is not an ending but a beginning. Think about this deeply for a moment. You can stop striving right now. There's phenomenal freedom in it. And if you can find your right alignment in this "Infinite Game", it will bring you continual joy and accomplishment...

1657 Reads