Your Go to for Essential Shift Insights

Our world is in the process of dramatic upheaval as the earth terraforms progressively into 5D consciousness. It's utterly essential to have deeper field insight to thrive going forwards.


These regular updates by Open provide a higher dimensional point of view, from the Openhand Ascended Master Team, for you to reflect on and actualise your own truth...


Robo Bees and the Synthetic Reality Agenda

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/03/2015 - 06:15

I find it amazing how you can glean the truth of what's going on in the world more from the movies than the mainstream. The story bubbling up through evolving human consciousness is one of being enslaved within a system of control that we're working to break free from. Films like Hunger Games, Elysium, and Divergent are indicative. We're working to reclaim the sovereignty of the earth. The very next agenda we must rise up against is 'transhumanism', so eloquently depicted in the Johnny Depp film "Transcendence". The powers-that-be are proposing all manner of synthetic realities. Watch this greenpeace video about "Robo Bees". Let us not sleepwalk into a false reality agenda...

8487 Reads

Superfood Benefits of Celery to Support your Spiritual Journey

Submitted by TeamOpenhand on Sat, 12/06/2014 - 12:23

As a discerning health seeker on the spiritual path I can't help but get excited about celery and its myriad of supportive benefits. Being healthy helps give me a spiritual clarity and profound sense of wholeness that has supported my spiritual journey no end! Celery is most definitely on my top 10 list. On a practical level it has a distinctive, tangy crunch that adds a refreshing depth to salads, whilst easily earning a five star thumbs-up as the perfect finger food. Celery also works wonders as a natural scoop for dips, pates and nut butters...

You'll often find it as an ingredient in soups and stews, to bring a tasty base flavour to various culinary creations. An unexpected bonus for anyone watching their weight, is that it's ridiculously low in calories, with scientists going as far as saying that chewing it uses up more energy than the vegetable itself contains!

9522 Reads

Getting out of the Mind: How to Unleash Authentic Self Expression

Submitted by Open on Thu, 08/14/2014 - 18:01

Occasionally a person comes along and touches deep into the core of your soul. Robin Williams had the capacity to do exactly that. You very much got the sense, that although he was a brilliant character actor, he was touching intimately-authentic moments in life. That's what made him so special. My heart was heavy with his death; yet simultaneously uplifted by the genius he left behind in his films. Here's a particularly inspiring clip from "Dead Poets Society", which to me, offers an invaluable insight in how to get out of the mind and unleash authentic self expression

10021 Reads

Woman shares touching Near Death Experience of being held in White Light

Submitted by Open on Tue, 05/27/2014 - 20:25

I found this video testimony of a young lady sharing her Near Death Experience deeply moving. Having slipped into a coma after a shattering car crash, she experienced being held in white light, a sense of being completely immersed in love, then taking a review of her life. It's an inspiration to anyone who might still question existence beyond death; and what strongly resonates, is the sense of expansion and joy in moving beyond physicality - like coming home. It's a definite must see...

10041 Reads

Foraging wild food with 12 easy wild foods that anyone can harvest

Submitted by TeamOpenhand on Mon, 05/19/2014 - 14:13

In days gone by, wild foods were all we had, that used to be staple diet necessary for human health and survival. Often full of natural medicinal benefits, wild foods often saved lives in times of famine, war and ill health. It’s a little bizarre to contemplate how radically removed from nature we have actually become. As intensive farming methods and consumerism came into being, our general attunement to nature fell away, and our knowledge thereof has somewhat dwindled. Increasing food prices, uncertain times of global change and decreasing food availability has invited more and more people to contemplate alternative ways of finding food by foraging.

10735 Reads

Why Human Identity will never solve Human Problems

Submitted by Open on Sun, 05/18/2014 - 06:25

I felt to share this amazingly powerful video by the famous Buddhist Alan Watts - an amazing character, with a core splitting, clear view of life and the world. In it, he sums up so eloquently in my opinion why humanity is in the mess it's in, and offers profound insight in how our biggest issues may be resolved. It's essential to realise the source of the problem: which is a false Human Identity itself. That's why he believes (and so do I), that we'll never solve the problems we face with the identity itself. That's like a turkey voting for Christmas! As he suggests, we must instead 'hand over the direction of nature back to nature'...

10146 Reads

Mainstream Predicts the Collapse of Civilisation

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/25/2014 - 14:05

My attention was drawn recently to an article in the mainstream about the predicted collapse of civilisation "happening within decades". It's something many are talking about in the alternative media and we've spoken of in our Great Realignment series of articles. So why are the mainstream talking about it now and who is behind the study? Knowing these things might offer some clues as to what events may unfold in society. For me, digesting the distinct probability of collapse means you can prepare yourself, especially your consciousness, to let go, take centre stream and allow the soul to guide the ship...

10352 Reads

18 Successful Traits for Walking the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/11/2014 - 07:18

What is the true measure of success in life?
I recently came across this insightful article on the internet that I found quite inspirational. It provides a list of 18 things highly creative people do differently. It also struck me that they are traits that greatly help Walking the Spiritual Path successfully too. So that's why I felt to share them here. How can you find true creative fulfillment, happiness and harmony in your life? I believe you'll discover some some essential clues here below...

11609 Reads

The Natural Effect of Humour

Submitted by Open on Tue, 02/11/2014 - 06:35

There's nothing like increasing awareness through humour. If we can laugh at the world and ourselves, then not only does it bring important issues into our awareness, but heals the soul too. That's what tickled me about this video. You can feel it's based in ironic truth about the nature of society, yet it gives you a good old laugh about it too. So watch the video, let it spike your awareness - in this case to deceptive food labeling - but let it tickle your humour taste buds too...

10774 Reads

Dead Sea Life Covers 98% of Ocean Floor After Fukushima

Submitted by Open on Sat, 02/01/2014 - 07:50

Recently I came across this (I could use the word 'alarming') report about the level of dead sea life that now litters the floor of the Pacific Ocean. It would appear it's a direct effect of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, even though mainstream science is currently denying it. Right now, if you check out the alternative media, you'll find a catalogue of disturbing reports about all manner of animal deaths and even birth malformations coming out of the Pacific region. Yet practically not a word is spoken on main stream TV. Make no mistake, this is global event which in the coming years will have a global affect. We need to be aware and informed. It's going to change many people's perspectives on what's really important...

10882 Reads

Fukushima - One Hell of a Mirror for Humanity

Submitted by Open on Tue, 01/07/2014 - 19:37

Have you wondered why news about the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant is eerily sparse? Recently the Russian Federation has raised reporting about Fukushima to its highest classification, meaning that if the truth was released, it could damage the foundation of the federation itself. And in America, according to insiders, main stream media are being instructed not to report either, because of their fear of panic. So what exactly is going on? I just came across this video I think all should see. I can feel the impact of this event affecting the entire planet in due course. The synchronistic significance cannot be overstated. We need to pay attention and realise what global events here have kicked into play...

11727 Reads

A Great Soul

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/07/2013 - 07:10

As they say, "all good things must come to an end", but then also "what we do in life echos in eternity". Nelson Mandela is without doubt a great soul that has not only touched the lives of many, but will leave a lasting legacy continuing long into the future. To everyone of us, he is a symbol of courage, perseverance and commitment in the face of adversity. It's these qualities which are so needed at this time to lift humanity into a new evolutionary state. So here at Openhand, not only do we mourn a great man, but also celebrate a great life. Here are a few of his quotes...

11335 Reads