What is the 5D Ascension?

We stand at the dawn of a miraculous new evolution for mankind. The Earth is ascending through a monumental shift of consciousness into the 5th Dimension - the 5th Density. But there's much confusion about what this 5D Ascension Shift means. What is really happening and how will it affect you?

Most importantly, how can you ride the changes successfully and Ascend into the higher 5D Paradigm?

Openhand has been passionately working in this field for many years, helping people around the world through evolutionary change. These articles on the 5D Ascension Shift are designed to stimulate your own inner realisations about the phenomenon...

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How can we best Live the Great 5D Shift in Daily Life?

Submitted by Open on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 19:32

Whether aware or not, everyone is influenced by the current higher dimensional shift of consciousness into the Fifth Density. All is interconnected by consciousness, and the underlying flow on Earth is into higher dimensions. Gaia has centred herself in the 5D and is inviting all life to join her. It may sound a bit 'out there' to some, but when you examine it fully, you'll find that every thought, emotion and feeling - indeed every action - is being influenced by the interplay of the shift. Here's how to live that from day to day.

6620 Reads

5D Consciousness: How Best to Interpret Signs and Synchronicity

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/15/2016 - 18:32

As you inquire deeper into the real meaning of the moment, and of your life's purpose, you'll start to pick up signs and synchronicity, where the field seems to magically click in around you, as if by some pre-ordained force.

What's going on here?
How might you best understand, and work with, the signs?

They are powerful pointers to your journey of evolution. This exploration contains a video in the new Openhand Philosophy series...

9692 Reads

5D Shift: Aligning Your Focus and Orientation in Planetary Transformation

Submitted by Open on Sun, 03/06/2016 - 07:20

The accelerating shift is driving everything that's happening on our planet right now, including the shadow's ever shape-shifting attempts to control it, with first this drama and then that. It's easy to get drawn in, as you feel compassion for the innocents caught up in it. This is where we need to be crystal clear on our focus and orientation through this great planetary transformation that's unfolding.

12998 Reads

The Process of Transformation from 3D to 5D Earth

Submitted by Open on Wed, 12/16/2015 - 11:05

These are monumental times to be alive. A phenomenal shift in the consciousness of Gaia is taking place, to which all life on the planet is invited. At the culmination of 2012, she centred her consciousness in the Fifth Density giving birth to a New Paradigm. However, life here in the lower densities currently remains convoluted, intoxicated and poisonous. To the extent that if it continued, would risk the emergence of the New Paradigm and the future viability of successful co-creative harmony for all life on Earth. Thus a "Great Cleansing" is now necessary to secure the future of life on 5D Earth. A collapse mechanism of the old reality is just beginning. What will that likely entail?...

70908 Reads

Understanding the 5D Shift...What is Ascension into the New 5D Paradigm?

Submitted by Open on Wed, 10/21/2015 - 09:41

It's clear that profound shifts of consciousness are taking place to sentient life on Planet Earth. The old reality is beginning to draw to a close; it's necessary that we unfold into a new vibrational paradigm of being - the next evolutionary chapter. What is that exactly? How does it work, and how do you join it? Ascension is actually quite a natural phenomenon of life - the underlying driving force, encouraging souls to unveil ever more of themselves. Here is an understanding of the overall process from the book 5GATEWAYS, together with a short doco film...

8765 Reads

Path between Worlds: Ascending into the Fifth Density

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/08/2014 - 16:56

Yesterday I was at a favourite gorge here in Avalon (UK). The weather was spectacular: a still and crisp autumn day; the trees resplendent in greens, golds and oranges; clouds were flowing into the horizon, across blue sky, like an endless river. When I looked at the rocks, I couldn’t see them anymore; I couldn’t see the trees any longer as purely 3D. The air was no longer air, just passing into physical lungs. As I looked around me, I’d become as one with the consciousness, with the light; and as I looked into the setting sky, it’s like I was flowing into it. I was flowing into the 5D. This, I know as the Path Between Worlds. Come join the journey…

9541 Reads

Right Action and the Path of Light

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/06/2014 - 12:09

How do we create the lives that best serve us? We are still frequently being asked about our thoughts on manifestation: how do we create the lives that best serve us? From our perspective, in true authenticity, it is not a case of manifesting by mind led intention, rather we tune into our higher self, align with the natural energetic flow of the moment and simply allow creative "Right Action" to unfold as a natural expression of who we really are. So if you're not completely content with the circumstances of your life and you're interested in creating a more harmonious one, you might be interested in reading this point of view...

9013 Reads

The Great Realignment (part 3): Message in a Bottle

Submitted by Open on Wed, 02/12/2014 - 16:52

I recently wrote about The Great Realignment that I see taking place now across our planet. It's about recognising the reharmonising force of nature that gathers when unjust, inequitable systems of consciousness are resisting the flow - like society has been doing for thousands of years. Some people asked "How can we best work with that realigning energy as it breaks the old consciousness down?" It's a vitally important question. If we can understand this universal breaking down process, then we'll understand a crucial aspects of our soul: that of true surrender, coupled with determination and will...

11557 Reads

The Great Realignment (part 2): Gaia's Dramatic Healing

Submitted by Open on Tue, 02/04/2014 - 07:25

In The Great Realignment (part 1), I spoke of how the balance of life on Earth has become so far out of harmony with nature, that a corrective force of monumental proportions was now gathering in strength to shatter the structures that have so consumed and controlled other sentient life. As the underlying energetic matrix is unraveling, the departing clouds will reveal the New Paradigm, in a higher vibrational existence. However, we can expect it to be neither pretty nor easy. Our planet is entering the crucible of profound catalytic healing. The fire-walk of spiritual mastery is now unfolding before us and we must surrender into it to truly thrive...

13239 Reads

The Great Realignment (part 1): The New Paradigm

Submitted by Open on Tue, 12/10/2013 - 17:58

There's plenty of talk in spiritual circles currently about the "New Paradigm": what that is; how to access it; how is it going to unfold? The views are often strongly contrasting. I sense it's because there's understandably still a lot of fear and desire - desire of a particular reality or fear of another. When we completely let go, then we'll truly feel the real juice of life, and especially how it wants to flow. "Realignment" is what inspires the actions emanating from the core of the soul - realignment for all life. In other words, unraveling density and allowing the divine to take over. Now is the time to embrace this driving force of life, because a "Great Realignment" is gathering strength here on Earth...

17220 Reads

Unwinding Inner Identities in the Process of Enlightenment

Submitted by Open on Mon, 06/10/2013 - 09:54

Due to escalating distractive nature of society, it's easy for the lower and higher self to get separated - to be living a life that is not truly aligned with your divine purpose. If this is happening, you'll feel dissonance internally as triggering, tightness or dis-ease. The internal separation happens as a result of programmed behaviourisms that took root early in life - neediness in relationships, poverty consciousness, or a lack of self-worth that then derail into some external need of gratification.

19053 Reads