What is the 5D Ascension?

We stand at the dawn of a miraculous new evolution for mankind. The Earth is ascending through a monumental shift of consciousness into the 5th Dimension - the 5th Density. But there's much confusion about what this 5D Ascension Shift means. What is really happening and how will it affect you?

Most importantly, how can you ride the changes successfully and Ascend into the higher 5D Paradigm?

Openhand has been passionately working in this field for many years, helping people around the world through evolutionary change. These articles on the 5D Ascension Shift are designed to stimulate your own inner realisations about the phenomenon...

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Are You Experiencing Ascension?...21 Top Ascension Symptoms

The Immeasurable Importance of Deep Consciousness Bodywork for Ascension

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 05:49

When we embark on the mystical path of Ascension, we're essentially performing inner alchemy. Everything is consciousness, even matter and energy. They're all formed from 'elementals' of awareness. Even when people are awake to the interconnectivity of their soul, there's still varying degrees of insensitivity and identification with the physical. In other words the subtlety of the soul is getting dissipated - drowned out - within the density of Separation Consciousness. One invaluable way of dissolving this identification and catalysing our spiritual evolution - our Ascension - is through Deep Consciousness Bodywork...

13643 Reads

DIVINICUS - the next evolution of Humanity

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/27/2012 - 06:55

As challenging as they are, these are monumental times to be alive. Humanity is waking up from aeons of amnesia. Gaia has centred her consciousness in the Fifth Density, and powerful evolutionary transitions will unleash the earth from the restrictive and exploitative karmic energies of our past. To many, the full magnitude of what's unfolding will be challenging to grasp. It's entirely understandable. The key is to keep walking the path of the soul, leading to our Ascension by peeling away the obscurring veils. The birth of a new multidimensional humanity is beginning to unfold from the ashes of the old reality, one which I am given to call "DIVINICUS".

17623 Reads

Gaia's Cosmic Karma, Self-Realisation and Ascension

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/23/2012 - 04:46

Right now, it looks like Gaia is brewing a storm. I feel aeons of suppressed energy bubbling below the surface and beginning to break free. I've seen this coming. During a car crash in 2002, I witnessed a series of spectacular visions. I saw the collapse of the old world consciousness, a cleansing of the Earth's surface and the Ascension of Mother Earth. In effect, I saw Gaia processing her 'cosmic karma'. Since then, deep communion with Gaia has clearly shown me that throughout our recent history, her Kundalini energy has been progressively suppressed, almost to the point of destruction. But now I feel her energy beginning to rise again - shifting into the higher paradigm. Here's how we can all take part:

17463 Reads

9 Essential Questions on Ascension

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/24/2012 - 05:55

We stand at the dawn of a miraculous new evolution.
Our planetary system is moving to a higher vibrational reality - one founded on unconditional love, joy and mutual respect for all life. The Soul of the Earth, a vastly more evolved being than ourselves has ascended and is beginning to draw her energies ever higher. What exactly does this mean? How does it effect you?

Here are some essential questions on Ascension which frequently get asked...

17357 Reads

Journey of Ascension: 5 Gateways of Consciousness into the 5th Dimension

Submitted by Open on Thu, 01/05/2012 - 03:50

A profound route map for human evolution The world is undergoing a very turbulent evolutionary process. As the very fabric of our society begins to fracture, a New Paradigm is beckoning founded on unconditional love, joy and mutual respect for all life. The question is, how do you join it? There are many ways up the ‘spiritual mountain’, for each there will be a unique path. Yet those who have climbed before, often speak of five key expansions, five key 'altitudes', through which all tend to pass. It is a common journey into higher dimensions of consciousness that has been established by spiritual masters through the ages.

22852 Reads

Understanding Planetary Ascension: The Shift from 3D to 5D

Submitted by OpenhandTeam on Sun, 01/01/2012 - 07:16

Update 2012 Much has been written in recent times - especially through 2012 - about our planetary "Ascension". What exactly does the term mean? What is going on? To me it is an entirely natural evolutionary flow of the universe which although can be explained in scientific terms, can only really be grasped through spiritual realisation. To me, it is the movement of sentient life from one vibrational frequency of reality into a higher one. Along with a growing number of evolving people, I perceive Ascension is happening on Planet Earth right now as Gaia shifts her centre of consciousness into the 5th Density (and higher)...

30899 Reads

Activation of the Spirit Light Body and Merkabah

Submitted by OpenhandTeam on Thu, 03/02/2006 - 21:31

These are exciting times to be alive. If you're here on the planet during the Great Shift, then you'll have a front row seat in a spectacular rebirth leading to a New Paradigm of Existence. Let's be clear though, this is NOT about healing the old 3D reality, for it is already well past its sell-by-date. We're taking the very best consciousness from the old, raising it higher, and blending it with something entirely new in the 5D.

How will that work at a human DNA level? It's all about Spirit Light Body Activation - Activating the Merkabah.

34607 Reads