Your Go to for Essential Shift Insights

Our world is in the process of dramatic upheaval as the earth terraforms progressively into 5D consciousness. It's utterly essential to have deeper field insight to thrive going forwards.


These regular updates by Open provide a higher dimensional point of view, from the Openhand Ascended Master Team, for you to reflect on and actualise your own truth...


How To Work With Internal Triggers on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Wed, 02/12/2020 - 05:52

There's no doubt about it, no way of avoiding it, when you step onto the spiritual path you're going to get triggered by events, circusmtances and other people around you. Your buttons will get pushed! The question is not if this will happen, but what to do it about it when it does. It's also understandable you might want to surpress and deny distorted behaviour, but really this becomes counterproductive and derailing.

So what might be the best approach to dealing with such triggers when they arise?

First we need to understand exactly what a trigger is in order to effectively work with them.

1599 Reads

Exploring The Difference between Being and Beingness

Submitted by Open on Mon, 02/10/2020 - 06:28

There's a good deal of emphasis in the spiritual mainstream about coming into "Being", but what does that mean exactly and does the spiritual journey simply end there? Absolutely not. When we come into Being, it unleashes a flow of authentic soul energy that is wanting to express as "Beingness" of which there are different qualitities, different harmonies, depending on the situation the Being is flowing into.

Understanding this dynamic is crucial to coming into full Enlightenment, which is far from a static phenomenon...

415 Reads

Can Cryptocurrency Help Us Escape Centralised Banking Control?

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/07/2020 - 11:59

I oriignally wrote this article back in 2014 about the inexorable rise of cryptocurrency and it's value as a means of getting away from Central Banking Hegemonay. Cryptocurrencies offer the potential for people to trade and exchange with each other across decentralised platforms on a new technology basis called "Blockchain", which has the capacity to overturn technological dominance by silicon valley. Although big institutions are now beginning to take cryptocurrency seriously, and likely seek to influence its growth, nevertheless, it's highly likely to be a new way for us to trade with each other in the future, and especially beginning now, as fiat currency deflates due to excessive bailout funding in the wake of the recent virus pandemic.

11222 Reads

5D Shift: Big Changes Ahead - How to Navigate with 20:20 Spiritual Vision

Submitted by Open on Fri, 12/27/2019 - 07:30

I get the sense that 2020 will be a highly alchemical and transformative year in the 5D Shift. It feels like the waves of the old construct, and those aligning with the New Paradigm of interconnected possibility will diverge more strongly. The shadow side will make itself increasingly evident in its misaligned outlandishness. Plenty in the mainstream will be clinging tighter on, as the sands of time slip ever quicker through grasping fingers. But consciousness is shifting to the higher vibration now. And so for those following Earth's realigning flow, there is much to be realised, much illumination, much to be gained.

In this growing divergence that 2020 represents, it's essential therefore to align your flow accurately. Here's insight into fulfilling that...

10533 Reads

The Cosmic Secret...Informative ET/Origins Documentary

Submitted by Open on Wed, 11/20/2019 - 07:51

There's a fascinating new documentary film out by the alternative researcher David Wilcock called "The Cosmic Secret". It's a tremendous production, exploring many deep concepts about ET involvement in humanity's past and the future we're unfolding into. It includes plenty of factual and whistleblower evidence and personally I found it an essential view for people on a multidimensional 5D Shift pathway. I would also add an important caveat to be aware of...

2018 Reads

7 Types of "Poverty Consciousness" and How to Unravel It

Submitted by Open on Fri, 10/18/2019 - 04:31

We're moving through times of uncertainty as the old reality construct we're living in is progressively unwinding. This is already making plenty of people anxious and to varying degrees, worried about their future. This in itself begins to close down the field around you, creating 'poverty consciousness', where abundance stops flowing. It's essential you notice if this is happening to you, so that you may open the flow up once more with empowered possibility.

Here's an exploration of how to do that...

5741 Reads

Global Transmutation is Here: Let's Make Our Lives Epic!

Submitted by Open on Thu, 08/29/2019 - 03:57

We are no longer on the cusp of great change in the World. We are no longer on the brink. We are RIGHT IN the midst of the most powerful Transmutation process in the Earth's history. On the surface it is far from petty: climate crisis, environmental destruction, financial instability and political insanity, it's enough to make an angel weep! But did we expect the world's shift to higher 5D consciousness to be all roses and light? What we need right now are the mirrors. We need the reflections to let go of the collapsing old world order that's become decrepid and defunct. Let that be the inspiration to decide: to take back power, take centre stream, and make your life epic!

1796 Reads

Earth Shift Update: the New Norm - "Climate Crisis"

Submitted by Open on Sun, 06/30/2019 - 04:46

It strikes me that mainstream media and even the spiritual mainstream are well behind the curve of what's truly happening out there in the Earth Shift. To my mind, there's still too much retraction behind either fearful or hopeful veils to fully embrace things as they really are. When you strip away what you'd like to have happen or are afraid will, then you're plunged into the truth. Whereupon, you're rendered the immaculate possibility to ride the wave as your consciousness becomes one with the universal flow. With that in mind, we need to move on from speaking about climate change.

We need to start talking about "Climate Crisis"....

480 Reads

"The High Flight": Soaring on the Outstretched Wings of Your Soul

Submitted by Open on Tue, 06/11/2019 - 05:51

There's a tide that's rising quickly now through the world, with many different streams of consciousness flowing. Getting a sense of what's truly happening and finding clarity for yourself is utterly essential to getting the most from your daily life in the context of the current dynamic. We must come into the truth of what's really happening, then the eddy currents of distortion will cease to bash us around. Today, to be in the truth, requires a good degree of fearless boldness - the courage to embrace what is, and to come forth from there, in the majesty of your splendid uniqueness...

603 Reads

At Eternity's Gate - Following Your Passion in the Great 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Fri, 03/29/2019 - 03:49

Have you seen the movie, "At Eternity's Gate" about the painter Vincent Van Gogh, played brilliantly by Willem Dafoe?

For anyone engaging in the Great 5D Shift of consciousness taking place across our planet, it's a superlative essy in reading the underlying flow of life, and the essential importance of fully expressing yourself with passion and commitment, even in a world that might not respect your unique gifts of beingness.

Let's make our lives a masterpiece!

386 Reads

Our Immaculate Home Coming - The Path To The One

Submitted by Open on Mon, 02/18/2019 - 07:12

You and I are continually blessed with an incredible opportunity. Everything we ever yearned for, wanted, desired or needed is answered by the hallowed space of The One, right at the core of us, bursting through the canvas of our lives, constantly reminding us to stop, wake up, and realise the one thing that can bring us back alive in every moment. And the paradox is, that whenever you're in some kind of density removed from it, exactly there is your doorway back to it. All it really takes is the commitment to embrace the situation exactly as it is, and then surrender into it, through the layers of constriction you might be feeling. This is the Path to The One...

1133 Reads

Living the Shift - A Life Beyond Fear

Submitted by Open on Wed, 02/13/2019 - 04:46

Essentially fear is what cripples people into outdated lifestyles, divorced from the connection with 'God'. It's often fear that keeps people nose-to-the-grindstone in today's society or else strangles the joy from relationships. How different would your life be if you lost the fear of any of this? What would it be like if you no longer feared death?

4762 Reads