Inspiring books

We have inspiring music and movies thread why not inspiring books? I'm getting lots of free time lately and using the time to read some inspirational works that i have missed and i would like to read more. So lets use this space to share Spiritual/Inspirational books with insights and wisdom.  

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I justed completed Michael A. SIngers, "The Untethered Soul".  Read this two years ago, however this time I had several realizations/shift.  Excellent read!



Awesome new website Open <3. I am doing this from my phone ?  I just completed Michael A. Singers, The Untethered Soul.  I read it a couple of years ago, however I guess I wasn't ready as I had many realizations/shifts this time around.

Maureen ❤


I'm currently reading The conversation with god trilogy. I have in the past avoided it thinking its some kind of new agy stuff but i was wrong. The book contain lots of wisdom and many of it goes in parallel with the philosophy discussed in our community. I felt lot connected and loved when going through some of the passages. Here is the link to the 3 books if anyone havnt read it yet. 

CWG Book 1 :…

CWG Book 2 :…

CWG Book 3 :…