Activate Your 5D Human...Openhand Autumn Calendar 2023

Submitted by Open on Sat, 07/01/2023 - 03:37

With each passing month the Shift marches on, gathering a pace, expanding and elevating consciousness. It's like a progressive metamorphosis, where we're discovering the profound nature of Self. The chaos and confusion of the 3D is the perfect mirror to let go, and unfurl our wings into 5D. And so here it is, the Openhand Autumn Event Calendar 2023, woven and crafted from the threads of the new consciousness, with alchemy and adventure for all...

The Old 3D/4D Construct is Breaking Down

What happens to the caterpillar as it becomes the chrysalis? It transforms into a kind of mush!

And that's where society appears to be right now. The political world has been hijacked by fraudsters; the financial system by the banksters; the media by the fakestream. But no matter, the old construct is not fixable anyway. So don't waste your time on that mush. Focus instead on the pathway through it all. Let's create in a new way, from a new consciousness.

Because the more you do, the more your life will make increasing sense. Your 5D wings will progressively unfurl and you'll discover you can fly on the infusing 5D light, dancing like a resplendent butterfly on the rejuvenating breeze.

We've got some work to do though. Empowerment comes by accepting we manifested the mush in the first place - that there's 4D karma wrapped up in it. And that's completely okay, providing we take ownership of what triggers and tightens. We must turn immediately into it, work to become as One with it, which is exactly how we drop those now redundant layers. Have no fear, Openhand will never shirk the density, we'll always help you sail courageously through the storm and come valiantly out the other side.

Where is the Energy of the Shift Moving Now?

That's exactly what the new autumn event calendar is about. A huge amount of energetic feeling and intuition has been woven into it. Where is the energy of the Shift moving now? What work do you best need to do, in order to take full advantage of the infusing light?

We've got something for everyone. From pilgrimages to key energetic planetary locations, where we're venturing into the Original Human "1st Nations" configurations. It's about connecting with our DNA roots to travel back to the future. How might the Originals speak into your journey right now: How can the elders in the ether make sense of it all? How can their journey reflect into yours at this pivotal point in the Shift?

And if you can't travel in physical space with us, then we'll connect up with you through the ether on Zoom. Now wait a moment - this is not like any "meeting" you'll have experienced there before! We're reaching out, at the click of a button, within the beat of your heart, and meeting you in the space between the spaces. Do watch the new Openhand video below to see just how miraculously that works. When you can't travel, due to other commitments or resource challenges, we'll bring the Openhand energy to your front door.

Time to Take Centre Stream

As the elders have said, the time has come to take centre stream now. No more hanging onto the bank - because that old 3D way of doing things is progressively eroding. Yes, there might be some trepidation about that. That's understandable - adventure is always on the other side of the coin from anxiety. It lets you know something special is coming. The excitement readies your consciousness. It brings you alive.

So whether it's an afternoon in the Ascension Exchanges on Zoom, a 3-day retreat there, or travelling out around the world to high energy sites, we've got something for everyone. And the Openhand Team are absolutely relishing the prospect. The work was exactly crafted for this: anchoring the Ascended Master Consciousness. For us, destiny is happening. And there can be nothing more fulfilling than sharing it. It will be an absolute pleasure hosting you.

Check out our new video about the Energetic Power of the Openhand Work - this time on Zoom, with some clips from a physical pilgrimage too. People like you around the planet are realising we're at the Bow Wave of this magnificent planetary Shift. If you feel inspired, browse the calendar and come jump into centre stream with us. It will be our pleasure to host you there...

Openhand Autumn Events Calendar

It's the start of a New Academic Year for Openhand, which runs from September to August. And we're already buoyed with enthusiasm at what it will bring...

2nd Sep: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA) SOLD OUT
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

14th-16th Sep: 5D Human Activation: 3-Days, ZOOM
It's high time to dive into centre stream of the Shift, to unfurl your 5D wings and thrive from there in daily life. Let's connect from the energetic comfort of your own home, where the Openhand energy will reach out and meet you in a heartbeat at your front door. With groundbreaking meditations, past life regressions, karma processing through ancient Himalayan practices.
Unfurl Your New 5D Self!

24th-29th Sep: 1st Nations Pilgrimage: SEDONA, 6-Days
We're travelling out to the 1st Nations locations in Arizona. We'll be based at a retreat in the high-vibe energy of Sedona, where we'll go deep into energetic journeying to stir your 5D juices and break down anything that's getting in your pathway. Then we'll hook up to your guides in the ether, download the most alchemical of energies, and infuse them into your life going forward.

7th Oct: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

12th-14th Oct: 5D Human Activation: 3-Days, ZOOM
It's high time to dive into centre stream of the Shift, to unfurl your 5D wings and thrive from there in daily life. Let's connect from the energetic comfort of your own home, where the Openhand energy will reach out and meet you in a heartbeat at your front door. With groundbreaking meditations, past life regressions, karma processing through ancient Himalayan practices.
Unfurl Your New 5D Self!

22nd-28th Oct: Tibetan Energy Pilgrimage: INDIA, 7-Days
We're travelling to a retreat close to the Dalai Lama's home in northern India, to soak up the ancient energies of Tibet. We'll be applying ancient Himalayan meditation practices in the high alchemy of Dharamshala to stir your 5D juices. We'll visit local sites of sacred energy, and download the most aligned energetic vibrations to support your regular life going forward in the Shift. It will be hugely transformative!
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

4th Nov: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

16th-18th Nov: Facilitator Development Conference: 3-Days, ZOOM
The next thrilling instalment of the advanced Openhand Facilitator Program. It's where we're connecting into the lead energies of the Shift and working to support the planetary unfolding into 5D. We'll be crafting your art, developing your spiritual business and processing your karma, all at the same time!
Highly alchemical 3-day advanced gathering

24th-26th Nov: Heart of Gaia Pilgrimage: GLASTONBURY, 3-Days
It's a short, but deeply alchemical retreat in the heart chakra of Gaia, the home of Openhand, where we'll connect you up to the ancient energies of Avalon where the veils are thin. We'll break through 4D karma in this profound crucible of transformation. Then bringing in the Star Being Nations to animate new qualities of beingness; ones that will uplift and transform your life.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

2nd Dec: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

Destiny is Knocking At Your Door

So much is changing in the world right now, and when seen through the right lens, there's oodles of possibility. The field is transforming and the light is beaming shafts through the darkness. What do you dream you can truly be? We're in vibrant times of alchemy, so there's tremendous possibility to break down the old limiting consciousness, let go of false self identity and make way for your soul to shine through. When you connect up with the divine flows in this way, literally ANYTHING can happen. That's the profound opportunity in the Openhand work these days. Whether online or terrestrially, we very much look forwards to hosting you and supporting your transformation. It will be our pleasure. The Sun EmojiPraying Emoji

RESERVATIONS & INQUIRIES: to book places or get more information email Openhand's Event Coordinator,
Tilly Bud:

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We had a tremendous Seminar in the Glastonbury Town Hall last night all about the much prophecised "Golden Age". We'll be checking through the video footage and hopefully weaving together something to share at the end of next week.

In the meantime, I have to say I've been enthralled by the music of "Saint of Sin", plenty of which we played last night. Much of it is light language and it certainly has the potential to support transformation. Here's one I felt to share...


19/10/2023 Openhand Update

We've just added two highly alchemical retreats to meet the transition for people into 2024. Now, more than ever, as the material world gets stirred up around us, we must be clear to be able to orientate and align ourselves with our Souls. That way, we'll tune into the new energies infusing and transforming the planet - we can create from a higher consciousness to live with fulfillment and rejuvenation, to live an inspired life filled with divine alchemy. Intrigued? The explore deeper...

29th Dec-1st Jan: Quantum New Year 24 Shift: 4-Days, ZOOM
In a World that's terraforming and breaking down around us, let's not fear catalysis and change, but embrace it as a new driver for our soul consciousness. Using groundbreaking meditation techniques, let's transform the karma that has derailed us and set sail into a bright new year on the outstretched wings of the soul. Four Days of unmissable spiritual alchemy with Planetary Shift Facilitator, "Open".
Quantum Shift Your Life into 2024.

21st-27th Jan: New Year Retreat 24: 7-Days LA PALMA
7-Day retreat on the magical volcanic island of La Palma in the Canary Islands. Ground-breaking work for navigating the higher dimensional pathway through Earth's tumultuous 5D Shift to unleash your God Self. Secluded retreat centre, high vibe food, rustic accommodation, cutting-edge work, exhilerating fun with the Rainbow Tribe!
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.


We've just added a new event to the Openhand autumn calendar. It's an evening seminar in Glastonbury Town Hall entitled: 11:11 Awakening Code and the Golden Age. It takes place on Tuesday 7th November commencing at 6:30pm. Here's the sense of what it will be about...

11:11 Awakening Code and the Golden Age

The 3D world has gone crazy as the old karmic construct unravels in its final death throws. It’s happening as Gaia has completed her karmic contract with the architects of the Matrix. It’s all necessary to align with the 11:11 awakening code and move into this final stage of the Shift to 5D. Due to the ongoing machinations of the Shadow, such as the latest war in the Middle East, plenty have gone into fearful reactivity, and are closing down or else projecting emotionally.

Instead, we need to develop “Spiritual Stoicism”, ground in the centre of our Sacred Being, reject poverty consciousness and anchor the light so as to forge pathways through the unravelling density. It is only this which can lead to the much heralded “Golden Age”.

Is it only a myth? Or are thousands around the world ALREADY tuning into it? Come and discover with Open in this energy-packed illumination, working with Benevolence in the Higher Dimensions supporting the Shift.

“A priceless, unmissable evening, grounding and embodying Ascended Master frequencies to blend into your daily life.”

Gain a sense of Openhand Seminars:

FULL INFO & BOOKING: to book places or get more information:


It's just two weeks till the Openhand Pilgrimage to Ancient Tibet (in India!!). Namely, the area around Mcleod Ganj in Dharamshala in northern India, the home of the Dalia Lama. Having been there before, I know just what awaits energetically. It's the most heartwarming upliftment, and an expansiveness in the crown chakra. Quite apart from that, the nature is stunning. For those who dive in and join us, it is quite simply going to be one of those peak moments in life that stays with you the rest of your days, that you fondly reflect back upon. 

I thought to share a sense of the area from this blog I found on YouTube. It has timestamps so you can jump in and out. Be inspired by what awaits...

Interested in joining us there?...


Knowing our correct orientation with reality, how the field is shifting and how it is creating through us, is going to be the most important things we can possibly embody in our lives. Without that, the risk is ti become the victim of circumstance rather than the master co-creator of it.

That's going to be the central theme of our upcoming 5D Human Activation zoom retreat at the end of this week. It's probably the best way one could invest one's time right now as life in the 3D becomes increasingly crazy!...

14th-16th Sep: 5D Human Activation: 3-Days, ZOOM
It's high time to dive into centre stream of the Shift, to unfurl your 5D wings and thrive from there in daily life. Let's connect from the energetic comfort of your own home, where the Openhand energy will reach out and meet you in a heartbeat at your front door. With groundbreaking meditations, past life regressions, karma processing through ancient Himalayan practices.
Unfurl Your New 5D Self!


Openhand's New Academic Cycle Begins today, September 1st, with a calendar of events perfectly crafted to meet the new energies of the building 5D Shift. It's our purpose to ride the Bow Wave of these infusing energies and help people equalise in them so as to become the masters of the Shift. We've got a new video premiering today, Catalysis & Change, to mark the beginning and a wave of new events and courses to dive into.

Scroll up for full Event Info

And here's a lovely group of Openhanders who'll be helping us in India for our pilgrimage to the Tibetan Energies there in October. How blessed we are!...

See you all down the flow!

Open 💎


Our Ascension Exchanges this coming Saturday on September 2nd are now sold out. Do consider instead the upcoming Zoom retreat, 5D Human Activation...

14th-16th Sep: 5D Human Activation: 3-Days, ZOOM
It's high time to dive into centre stream of the Shift, to unfurl your 5D wings and thrive from there in daily life. Let's connect from the energetic comfort of your own home, where the Openhand energy will reach out and meet you in a heartbeat at your front door. With groundbreaking meditations, past life regressions, karma processing through ancient Himalayan practices.
Unfurl Your New 5D Self!

How do Openhand Retreats work online? How effective are they?

RESERVATIONS & INQUIRIES: to book places or get more information email Openhand's Event Coordinator,
Tilly Bud:


23/08/2023 Shift Update

I'm currently out activating and rejuvenating around Britain in the downtime before the next Openhand Academic Cycle in September. I camped out at a favourite spot in Middle England called Mow Cop, where Hugh Bourne used to gather the primitive methodists in the 1800's. I was blessed with a beautiful sunrise...

The colours of the heather were immaculate...

A Deep Bow to Gaia...

Salutations to all Guides and Supporters...


It's been a tremendous response to the release of Openhand's Autumn Event Calendar - with many getting booked quickly. That's simply wonderful - I can't tell you how rewarding and fulfilling it is connecting with you at these events and journeying with you. What a blessing ♥️

In reply to by Open


The blessings comes from having these resources available. High end spiritual work offered in a variety of stunning settings. All we have to do is turn up. The blessing is openhand and the opportunity it offers. I can only offer a bottomless pit of gratitude for your work, Open ( you, Tilly and all the facillitatiors). Thank you. 
Andy 🙏❤️


It's home from home for Openhand, the unbelievable energies at the heart of Gaia, Glastonbury, the City of Light, where the veils are thin and the Star Being Nations in abundance. If you've not been here before, you don't know what you're missing. And if you have, well perhaps it's high time to pilgrimage here once more. Lady Avalon will be on hand to warmly greet you...

24th-26th Nov: Heart of Gaia Pilgrimage: GLASTONBURY, 3-Days
It's a short, but deeply alchemical retreat in the heart chakra of Gaia, the home of Openhand, where we'll connect you up to the ancient energies of Avalon where the veils are thin. We'll break through 4D karma in this profound crucible of transformation. Then bringing in the Star Being Nations to animate new qualities of beingness; ones that will uplift and transform your life.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.


The last time I visited the prophecy stone in Hopi lands I was moved to tears. You could feel the elders in the ether all around, speaking into the urgency and tremendous magnificence of the Shift. What better than to go there and connect up to see what they have to share about the 5D human going forwards? Wow, it gives me shivers just thinking about it...

24th-29th Sep: 1st Nations Pilgrimage: SEDONA, 6-Days
We're travelling out to the 1st Nations locations in Arizona. We'll be based at a retreat in the high-vibe energy of Sedona, where we'll go deep into energetic journeying to stir your 5D juices and break down anything that's getting in your pathway. Then we'll hook up to your guides in the ether, download the most alchemical of energies, and infuse them into your life going forward.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.



I'm so thrilled to be going back to McLeod Ganj to visit the Dalai Lama's temple once more. The energies are simply off the scale. And to be taking an Openhand retreat group there, well that's the icing on the mountain! To be clear, this is a pilgrimage up through India - but to the energetic heart of Tibet!...

22nd-28th Oct: Tibetan Energy Pilgrimage: INDIA, 7-Days
We're travelling to a retreat close to the Dalai Lama's home in northern India, to soak up the ancient energies of Tibet. We'll be applying ancient Himalayan meditation practices in the high alchemy of Dharamshala to stir your 5D juices. We'll visit local sites of sacred energy, and download the most aligned energetic vibrations to support your regular life going forward in the Shift. It will be hugely transformative!
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.