Shift Philosophy Articles

Here's the Openhand library of Spiritual Articles in the Shift on topics including Enlightenment, the Soul, Meditation, Spiritual Evolution, Chakras, Karma, Kundalini, Multidimensionality and the 5D Shift.

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5D Shift: Dealing with the Influence of Ancient Entities in the Field

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/31/2018 - 03:38

Day by day the shift gathers a pace. And as we pass through the Inflexion Point, the crossroads between the old and the new paradigms, then the karmic construct gets increasingly challenged. Many layers of the matrix have been opened up and a river of light is fast gaining momentum through it. But at the same time, we're dredging the dregs at the bottom of the barrel. I witness it stirring some very virulent and ancient 'demonic' entities. Awareness is the key to overcoming these, by steeling our resolve, we can forge sovereign souls and drop deep into Samadhi. Find the eye of the storm, and the deceptive interference that's clinging on, will wash away in its own turbulence...

3030 Reads

Exploring the Grief of Leaving a Soulmate

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/21/2018 - 01:52

The classic mainstream idea of soulmates seems to be that you meet on a cloud and sail off happily into some distant sunset, there to live happily ever after in coupled bliss. It's a very limited perspective! In my experience, soulmates appear at key times on your journey, so as to have great experiences, yes, but also, to push you to the limits, to find ever deeper aspects of your unrevealed self. A soulmate will have exactly the right configuration to encourage you to find your highest light, and also, to dig deep into your density. Once the 'soul agreement' is complete, you may walk parallel paths a while longer, or you may diverge and each go their own way.

In my experience, parting was a gut wrenching illumination,
that initiated the apex of soul integration for both...

4156 Reads

Inflexion Point: The Shift gets sticky..."Tie Yourself to the Mast"

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/17/2018 - 07:44

It's getting 'sticky' and disruptive in the field out there right now. I can feel the Opposing Consciousness like an old whirlpool trying to suck people back in - every excuse why not to take the straight and narrow path forwards. If you set about following your highest truth, at times you'll feel pulled in two opposing directions. Now is not the time to waiver! Believe in yourself, believe in your soul, believe that you are connected to a higher power that has your interests, and that of all sentient life, at heart. Now is the time to push on, to breakthrough. In the stormy waters we're passing through, tie yourself to the mast my friend!...

1107 Reads

Star Souls Processing the Impact of Sirius Karma: 5 Key Traits

Submitted by Open on Thu, 01/11/2018 - 08:07

Many souls amongst us are remembering glimpses of past lives in other constellations. First Nation tribes speak of 'descending from the stars'. Our star soul heritage and karma are greatly influencing the course of events here on Earth right now. If we can gain some kind of insight on how, then it can help people rationalise what they're dealing with in day-to-day life, and ease the path through the karmic plane.

There can be nothing more impactful than the shattering Sirius B shift of 120 million years ago. Many souls have come here to process the karma of that. Maybe you have some of the Sirius archetype? Here's an outline from direct personal experience to support your shift.

13855 Reads

5D Shift: Starsouls Mastering the Karmic Challenge of Sirius

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 06:17

120 million years ago Sirius B dramatically exploded in a White Dwarf Ascension. How is that relevant to the situation on Earth right now? There are many parallels. The Sirius star system had humanoid populations not dissimilar to ours. They had sophisticated civilisation that provided a vehicle for evolutionary growth, AND, by their reckless exploitation of the biosphere, created an unstable - explosive - situation. Populations were shattered by what ensued. Many were karmically traumatised. It is this karma plenty of them brought to Earth to resolve out. Once more an unstable situation has been created, which energy workers must now step up to realign...

4618 Reads

5D Shift: Dealing with Judgment and Projection Against You

Submitted by Open on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 00:28

There's no escaping it, when you challenge the old 3D construct and stride purposefully in a new 5D direction, judgment and projection will come calling. When you make a bold statement about who you are, and your beliefs about the world, if you're in some degree of alignment and truth, then you're going to challenge those around you. Your very actions are reflecting to them a new possibility about themselves, and if there's resistance to change, they'll likely shoot at the messenger. How best to deal with this?

3622 Reads

Evolved Insight into Processing the Grief of Loss

Submitted by Open on Mon, 10/30/2017 - 17:03

We're undergoing a turbulent planetary transformation and shift of consciousness. That's likely to involve leaving behind old reality constructs that may include places you've lived, your career and relationships. Whenever you feel deeply emotive experiences like these, there's always the flip side, with a doorway through it. Grief of loss, and the incredible potential of something new now ready to manifest, are two sides of the same coin. Here's a powerful way of honouring the grief and breaking through to the other side...

1542 Reads

Embracing the Vitality of Risk on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/18/2017 - 07:10

There will come a point on the spiritual path where there's nothing for it but to risk all. The soul wants to flow as freedom. It doesn't calculate what is logical, safe, or will gain the best practical outcome. It is yearning to be forged by the crucible of life into something immortal, beyond fear and limitation. Not that the soul doesn't have boundaries, not that it doesn't blend into rigid realities, it does. But its purpose is to be the expression of the unbounded, unconstrained, fearlessness of the One.

3916 Reads

How to Make the Best Choices in Life in Line with Your Soul

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/06/2017 - 06:53

How often do you find yourself trying to figure out what's the best choice? But what if at one level - that of the ego - choice is merely a complex illusion of conditioning? And beyond that, what if there's a way of aligning with your soul that then delivers the best choices possible? It's my observation in the Openhand work, when people break through the illusion of choice that the ego creates, and when they align with the soul's mainstream flow, life really takes off in the most magical of ways: you're blessed with miracles.

6075 Reads

Overcoming Fear of the Shift: Liberate Yourself from Past Limitation

Submitted by Open on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 07:12

It's understandable that people would have fear of the Shift, because it's a massive undertaking. You're progressively shifting reality and that's pulling on all the threads of the old construct. But climbing a mountain happens with each small step. Providing we can confront our fears and process them as they come up, then fear becomes a powerful tool on the path - it shows you the direction in which you're being invited to travel. Let's explore how to deal with it.

5831 Reads

Rights of Passage on the Spiritual Path...Encountering Spiritual "Initiations"

Submitted by Open on Tue, 08/15/2017 - 07:01

There will be times on the path where you're presented with vital opportunities for accelerated evolutionary growth. They are windows of possibility where your soul is wanting to expand into a new conscious existence. The Universe presents a cauldron of alchemical change, where you're tested emotionally, physically and mentally to your threshold and beyond. It's like a new flower, breaking through tough surface layers. By pathfinders who've endured them, they've become known as 'initiations'. They are the most earth-shattering, bone-shaking you will encounter. It pays to know something about them, to make sense of what's going on...

5223 Reads

How To Truly Change Your Life Situation

Submitted by Open on Mon, 08/14/2017 - 07:41

Sometimes you're going to hit a 'brick wall' on the spiritual path, and in life in general. Maybe you've reached a crossroads in your career, a relationship or general living circumstances and you don't know how to move forwards? This happens to many - on the Openhand work, we encounter it time and again. In the 5D Shift taking place, your very being is transforming, to a different way of creating, sometimes without even knowing it. So the old rules of the old world reality simply don't work anymore. You've got to find an entirely new way of creating. Then things will start to quickly unfold for you in a much more productive way and magical. Here's how...

2209 Reads