What is the Soul?

There are many definitions of what the Soul is. For us here at Openhand, consciousness flows through the universe as waves on a vast ocean. You and we are each a unique blend of these various energetic characteristics - aspects of beingness.

So we are being both the ocean and a unique blend of universal consciousness too. It's what we call a 'Soul Ray Harmonic'. The Soul is what makes us unique, animates who we truly are, and the Soul's full liberation and expression is the purpose of our existence.

Enjoy our articles on the Soul Below:

There are no Mistakes on the Spiritual Path, only Growth Opportunities

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/07/2016 - 17:21

The Journey of the Soul is one of ever-learning, evolving and growing. I put it to you there is nothing else going on but this miraculous self-realising process. The One is expressing itself through the entirety of form in the Universe - through you, through your soul. Whilst we will create things in this process, whilst we will have relationships and fall in love, these are the effects of the miraculous weave of life simply expressing itself. Life is looking for ever higher harmonies of vibrational alignment. If this is true, then how might we consider the phenomenon of a 'mistake' on the Spiritual Path? What is a mistake? Is it possible to avoid them?...

5775 Reads

Breaking through the Moment, into your Miraculous Cosmic Self

Submitted by Open on Mon, 08/08/2016 - 05:55

It seems to me that just about everybody is searching for something - be it joy, love, material abundance or some kind of fulfillment. And so often, all that's found, are dancing veils in a world of disillusion. Many people are close, tantalisingly close to the ultimate prize that will complete them. It's right there, in every single moment - the potential to break through into your deepest Cosmic Self, the magnificent destiny of all toil and struggle; the answer to every question. Where do you look? And most importantly, how do you look?...

4630 Reads

Breaking out of a Rut by Finding your Spiritual Passion...7 ways to do it

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/18/2016 - 06:55

Plenty of awakening souls are yearning for change, but find themselves stuck in a rut. How to break out? It's beyond finding acceptance with where we are. The soul yearns for vibrancy and growth. It's about finding our passion, because when we're in it, we're going to ignite that spark, that becomes a flame, that grows into a fire of transformation. The spark of your soul instantly connects you to the Source of creation - unlimited potential that constantly fires with new possibility. You become unstoppable!

7184 Reads

The Pathless Way

Submitted by Open on Wed, 03/09/2016 - 06:58

There comes a point in your life where you realise the old way of being and existing in the world, just doesn't work any more. It doesn't make sense any longer to graft and grind for the same, or similar, outcomes. It doesn't seem to fulfill. That's when the inner journey, as a moment by moment way of being, beckons. That's what this second in the new Openhand Philosophy series (including video) is all about. It's a snippet, to provide insight and inspiration, for those who are coming to realise, that the inner journey is the only true way to lasting fulfillment. At Openhand we call it "The Pathless Way"...

5866 Reads

5D Shift: Aligning Your Focus and Orientation in Planetary Transformation

Submitted by Open on Sun, 03/06/2016 - 07:20

The accelerating shift is driving everything that's happening on our planet right now, including the shadow's ever shape-shifting attempts to control it, with first this drama and then that. It's easy to get drawn in, as you feel compassion for the innocents caught up in it. This is where we need to be crystal clear on our focus and orientation through this great planetary transformation that's unfolding.

12995 Reads

The Importance of Blending Surrender with Willpower on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Sun, 02/28/2016 - 16:45

You'll no doubt hear lots about the value and importance of surrender on the spiritual path - being able to accept the moment as it really is, without needing it to be a certain way. In other words, not needing a particular outcome. So what about all the qualities of determination, courage and willpower? Do they fit in, and if so, how? This exploration includes the first in series of new style Openhand Spiritual Philosophy videos...

5931 Reads

The Complexity of Blending the Higher Flow with the Lower on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/19/2016 - 17:31

Okay, so more and more people are speaking of the importance of aligning with the natural flow in life - to find greater harmony, fulfillment and at-one-ment with the divine. But there's an added complexity happening in the quantum field which I felt to bring attention to. Because if you're embarked on the spiritual path, it's sure to be affecting you. It's the realisation that at least two main - sometimes contrasting - flows are influencing your consciousness. Understanding and integrating these is going to be important to peace of mind. Because the interplay of the two, will likely affect every choice that you make...

6746 Reads

Setting Intention, Divine Manifestation and Navigating the Quantum Soup

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/13/2016 - 17:28

Humanity has discovered an important phenomenon about reality - that it is not fixed and solid, but more a moving flow of ever-adapting consciousness - the "Quantum Soup". And most importantly, that the observer affects reality by what you focus on. So it's become a common theme then to 'set intention' and 'manifest what you desire' to happen. Or else there's the view that some destined, synchronistic, event line - 'your destiny' - is supposed to land, but only by applying such focus. I think there's truth in these viewpoints, but not the whole truth. So how do you successfully navigate the inner landscape? How do you create authentic miracles and magic?...

10646 Reads

Why Spiritual Mastery is a Shattering Process...Understanding the Path

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/10/2016 - 14:48

Anyone truly embarking along the spiritual path, must quickly give up the idea that it's easy, or especially, that it will somehow build you up into something. And it's definitely not all 'love and light' - not the true path anyway. In my experience, both of my own journey and in working with countless others, Spiritual Mastery is a shattering, breaking down process, that causes you to reconfront past-life trauma and source pain. It's also reflective of the current state of our reality right now. How to work with this?

8431 Reads

The Nature of a Soul Exchange (or 'walk-in')

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/19/2015 - 10:29

I incarnated somewhat unusually via what's termed a 'Soul Exchange' or more commonly referred to as a 'walk-in'. It's where two souls exchange places, within a fully fledged human being, by sacred agreement. It frequently happens during a near death experience (but isn't limited to that). What is the nature of this and why does it happen? I believe more souls than one might imagine have incarnated this way, and it can be extremely challenging to understand and integrate, which is why I feel to bring light to it. My purpose is to support and help. Perhaps it happened to you and you have a particular mission here to fulfill...

22519 Reads

How letting go of Singular Truths can Liberate your Soul

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/05/2015 - 18:36

One of the difficult challenges to overcome on the Spiritual Path, is letting go of the notion of singular truths, that make someone 'right' and someone else 'wrong'. Prior to awakening, people and society tend to deal with absolute truths - there is 'what's happened', beyond question, and all we need to figure out is, what took place. This makes someone 'right' and someone else 'wrong'. And it defines you to an identity within a reality - a fixed ego, forming judgments about the world and people in it. It's severely limiting. How might we let go of that?

6341 Reads

What Spiritual "Empaths" and "Catalysts" might Learn From Each Other

Submitted by Open on Wed, 12/02/2015 - 08:17

Let me begin by saying I believe we ALL have varying degrees of empathic and catalytic qualities. The work here at Openhand draws people from both ends of the spectrum in equal measure. It often occurs to me that in the group work, each is reflecting to the other. Perhaps then, there are some things someone with more empathic qualities can learn about their gift from someone with more catalytic ones? (and vice versa). Perhaps, for example, there's something a "catalyst" naturally does, which is inherent to their nature, that an "empath" can also develop? And perhaps by opening to more empathic qualities, a "catalyst" can have a more sensitive effect on the field? That's the purpose of this exploration I invite you to join...

22249 Reads