The Enlightened State

Submitted by TeamOpenhand on Fri, 09/01/2017 - 15:23

Perhaps one of the most asked questions of our time... 'Who am I?' This short video is an excerpt from the Divinicus Seminar in Glastonbury Dec 2014. Open shares an insightful perspective about true, authentic beingness; what gets in the way and importantly, once we realise who we are - how we can be that. Embrace yourself and get ready to unleash YOU!

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Good day to all,

I think it's been more than a week that I am reading and searching and watching everything in Openhand website. I have many questions but I think I will find the answers here.

 Thank you Thank you million times for sharing 

With all the questions get into my mind somehow I came cross this video. I am not sure but I think its been more than an hour re-watching it.

when Open say " Who Created the creator?"


It reminds me of something when I was a kid there was some sort of feeling which I wanted to experience it again and again. My main question was who is the creator? closing my eyes trying to think of the creator but then I was in a loop of the same question over and over until I get into a point that there was a feeling of ... 

exactly what Open says: "There is no one here” "Nothingness and everythingness"

only for few second and I was not able to continue more than that. 

and yes because there was a religion that time for me that I am not allowed to think about these sort of things so I lost it and stop searching for the real answer.

but today I felt it and I think it is a right time to re call it. English is not my first language, I am happy for what I tried to learn few years back. 

Thank you Open for everything you are doing and sharing here.



I have just re-watched this video following a recent shift in consciousness, which came through the simplest of things:

My landlord mowed down the spring flowers which I had planted just as they were budding. This put me into a process, at first feeling sad, injustice, loss for the joy that they brought me.

It was the start of a series of events over a couple of days in which I lost my keys and was not able to return home, ending up staying in a hotel overnight. The process became in itself a metaphoric 'key'.

The next day I was able to retrieve the keys and was processing as I journeyed home. I experienced a shift in consciousness, it was subtle but also huge - I knew my landlord as myself, as all that is and saw the situation as a co-creation, as absolute perfection which played out bringing such a beautiful gift.

I want to express this gratitude to you, to nothing and everything, to all that is for this video touched my soul and the father, the one within and through me - beautiful thank you xxx

I'm watching this again, thanks to the link from this great article:…

I'm feeling the energy coming from Open in the seminar and I'm wondering,
"How is it possible that he lives in an ordinary house and there aren't 10,000 people outside clamouring to hear this stuff?"
I guess its way ahead of where most people are at.
Sooo much "doing" keeping people occupied with "small i" stuff.

Phenomenal! And this was only part of the seminar!

With huge gratitude, *give_rose*

In reply to by Tilly Bud

Maybe I forgot about the 10,000 plus tuned into the website!
Virtual communities, don't appear on the doorstep, they tune in!!!
Sometimes, I'm so not of this age!

Openhand Seminars
