Openhand Facilitator Summer Conference 2024: GLASTONBURY

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/08/2024 - 05:21

The Openhand Facilitator Summer Conference kicks off today in Glastonbury, with facilitators coming from far and wide, from the USA, Europe and India too (looking forwards to seeing you Vimal!). It's a chance for us to dig deep into the field, on all levels, and gain a broad insightful view, of what's exactly shifting and shaping the planetary field. Why is life moving the way it is? And most importantly, how can we help realign it?

421 Reads

RESURRECTING our Divinity 2024/25: Openhand Events

Submitted by Open on Fri, 06/14/2024 - 06:52

As the shadow simulation of reality goes into overdrive, as the deceptions and delusions escalate, there's only one way to go - inwards and upwards! In fact it's perfect motivation to do exactly that. It's time to turn our backs on the nonsense, and resurrect the truth of our immaculate divinity.

448 Reads

DIVINICUS 24: Year of the Dragon

Submitted by Open on Sat, 05/18/2024 - 06:03

This is a very special year for Openhand's jewel in the crown DIVINICUS retreat - the Year of the Dragon. It's where we work to raise the collective kundalini by working with Gaia, in a stunning, secluded retreat, high up in the mountains of Wales. Come join in with the energy of the retreat through our daily journal, providing an insight into the meditations and the approach, so you can gain inspiration for your own journey. It's a pleasure to include you 🙏

964 Reads

RESURRECTION: New Openhand Book & Project Launch, 27th April

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/15/2024 - 05:14

A historic convergence is calling humanity forth. It's time, in the Shift, to venture onto the plane of 4D karma in a deep and meaningful way. We need to venture across this challenging "4D Red Sea" so as to forge 5D consciousness, and channel it successfully into our lives. RESURRECTION is a new book and project, launched by Openhand on 27th April 2024, to help you do exactly that. It's to ensure you're on an accurate heading in the Shift. Here's access to full details of this life-changing Event.

3572 Reads

Gateway to the Golden Age: Openhand Events 2024

Submitted by Open on Fri, 12/01/2023 - 03:15

We stand on the precipice of a magical new beginning for the world and humanity - those who choose it. The Old Karmic Construct is in meltdown. Progressively the veils will fall and we'll find ourselves infused with the light of a new interconnected way of living and being, in harmony with all life. No more efforting, struggling and fighting just to make ends meet. Instead life becomes about the immaculate expression of your highest self.

1328 Reads

Heart of Gaia Pilgrimage 2023

Submitted by Open on Tue, 11/28/2023 - 06:10

It was a simply stunning Heart of Gaia Pilgrimage we shared here in Glastonbury this last weekend. A wonderful group of Openhand rainbow souls gathered from as far as the USA to pilgrimage here in the amazing alchemical fields known affectionately as the "Isle of Avalon". We journeyed deep, stripped off karmic layers and came up smiling.

Check into the short photo journal below...

215 Reads

Himalayan Energies Pilgrimage: India

Submitted by Open on Sun, 10/22/2023 - 01:43

We've been up in the magic of the Himalayas for Openhand's Pilgrimage in Northern India, activating the crown chakra, drinking in the magical and the mystical. It's a breathtaking location, and the vibe is off the charts. Tune into the journal and see how it might activate and inspire your flow through life. Watch the summary video...

1939 Reads

First Nations Pilgrimage: Sedona Journal

Submitted by Open on Sun, 09/24/2023 - 11:57

The Openhand 1st Nations Pilgrimage in the Sedona area begins today, with people flying in from around the world to join us, all drawn by the inherent, compassionate sense of connection into the Originals of our planet. We've already made some tremendous multidimensional connections with the elders here. I can feel they're pleased to see us and how we might support an unravelling realignment here. It's sure to be a powerful week and I invite all in the community to join our daily journal. Be inspired!

1050 Reads

Planetary Shift Facilitators...The Unravelling Flow: Avebury 2023

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/10/2023 - 04:41

The Facilitator Summer Conference in Avebury, UK turned out to be a historic event of epic proportions as we connected into, and helped heal, a deep karnic rift in the ancient architects of the matrix here - the Annunaki. There's deep commitment to now help progressively reverse engineer the system they created in the years ahead. How did this all come about? What did we experience on the journey? Check out the journal with all the alchemy and adventure.

2414 Reads

Activate Your 5D Human...Openhand Autumn Calendar 2023

Submitted by Open on Sat, 07/01/2023 - 03:37

With each passing month the Shift marches on, gathering a pace, expanding and elevating consciousness. It's like a progressive metamorphosis, where we're discovering the profound nature of Self. The chaos and confusion of the 3D is the perfect mirror to let go, and unfurl our wings into 5D.

1407 Reads

Activate Your Merkabah: Openhand DIVINICUS Blog

Submitted by Open on Fri, 05/19/2023 - 04:58

All this week, Openhand is up in the Mountains of Snowdonia with an intrepid group of souls all working to activate their Merkabah on the ground-breaking DIVINICUS retreat. How would you like to be involved? Come and join in with the daily Blog where I'll share insight and illumination with what to pay attention to and work on in daily life. It will be an absolute pleasure having you along. <<< Open đź’Ž

1563 Reads

Avalon Rising 2023: The World Ascension Summit

Submitted by Open on Mon, 05/08/2023 - 05:55

Amidst the craziness of society, Gaia is progressively shifting consciousness and ascending out of the 3D confusion into a New Vibrational Paradigm in the 5th Density, which we can experience here and now in all aspects of our lives. If you feel compelled to light a path through the darkness, then come join this groundbreaking unique event, to orientate with your divine destiny and support the Great Planetary Shift to 5D. What could be more important?

6794 Reads