DIVINICUS Book & World Tour Launch: Glastonbury 1st September

Submitted by Open on Thu, 05/22/2014 - 10:04
A true story, larger than any fiction I am a catalyst and a bridge into the higher dimensions, given to share a message: Humanity has been locked into an Interdimensional Intervention and is only now beginning to peel away the veils of its magnitude. In my new book, I share what it's like to come consciously into the physical density, to be refamiliarised with the complexity here: What's really going on beneath the surface? On the 1st of September in Glastonbury, I'll be launching the book and sharing an insight into the wider shifts taking place. Beginning at 7pm, this event will kick off a World Tour of 9 Countries in 9 Weeks.
Come launch with me an amazing wave of liberating consciousness around the planet...

Back to the Future

My journey here so far has been a real roller coaster. And I'd like to share it with you because I believe it will motivate, captivate and catalyse the best in you too - your divine being "Divinicus". Humanity has been enslaved within a controlling intervention, that we all know. But just how deep does the rabbit hole go? How are we being influenced at the deepest levels of our consciousness?
    By sharing perspectives into the full magnitude of this interdimensional reality, discover profound insights in working with the energy field to nullify and strip away the intervention thereby ascending into a higher paradigm in a newly divine form.

That's what Divinicus is all about. When we touch our truth, in an emotive, passionate way, then it unravels, unwinds and evolves. Homo Sapiens can do little about the problems we face in the world today. Homo Sapiens IS the problem, just as the divine being now emerging from the depths of your soul is the solution. So the book will take you on an enthralling journey: from the deserts of Arizona to the plains of South Africa; from the Garden of Eden to the Big Apple; from ancient Lemuria to the submerged Atlantis. Come travel interdimensionally with me to the Original Human in you. I'll take you back to the future. Into Divinicus.

Launching a World Tour: Nine Countries in Nine Weeks

The book launch will take place in the Avalon Rooms on September 1st 2014, from 7-9pm (doors open at 6:30pm). I'll be presenting the book and guiding some poignant meditations. We're giving lots of advance notice, because we'd love to see plenty of Openhanders there. It's all about activating ripples of energy, to catalyse global tides of change. Following the launch, the ebook and paperback will be available on general release the next day (September 2nd). The event will then launch a World Tour during September, October and November through Nine Countries in Nine Weeks, including workshops, seminars and one-on-one. Details are now on our website here... Divinicus World Tour Events. Come along, and give us a good energetic send off!

Those event details once more:

  • What?: DIVINICUS Book & World Tour launch
  • When?: 1st September, 7-9pm, doors open at 6:30pm
  • Where?: Avalon Rooms, Isle of Avalon Foundation, Glastonbury
  • Entrance?: £5, including refreshments from Trinity's Conscious Kitchen.

Let us know you're coming:

You don't need to reserve a place. You're welcome to show up on the night. But just to be sure there'll be sufficient refreshments and seats, please let us know of your intention to come...click here
See you there! Open UPDATE 9th JUN 14 - Breaking News - Just published World Tour Dates. DIVINICUS WORLD TOUR DATES
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Hi Chris and Trin - wishing you the best for tonight - we had planned to come but Wales is pretty cordoned off at night - they are building a 50 million pound metal blockade around the Nato Summit Venue and we have got riots in Newport at the moment - which aren't being reported in the press - Best Wishes Ann and Tina


It all here sounds very celebrative, everybody is so excited, and rightly so :)

There is also another side/effect of it, of which I am sure Open is aware of... I am experiencing it now, and I already have more work to do over here hehe Thanks, buddy hhhhhh

Anyway, I have just finished the first scan of the e-book. And what I can say about my experience of it is I AM NOT SURPRISED!

There is so much I could say, but I don't want to spoil :P

I'll just say that to me, personally, one of the biggest gifts the book offered me so far is tears of recognition and comfort, that I am not alone here. So easy to forget it where I am placed at, surrounded by madness, by people having no touch with these things, with the reality I am experiencing and working with, having nobody to talk to, share any of these things. I am alone here, dealing with things I sometimes feel are so huge. And somehow I am still alive hhhh And it helps me see Open walking it on his own, and it shows me that so can I. There are no recipes to follow, no easy ways through, but it can be done and there are pointers left and offered by those who walked it.

The book gave me some strength to do what I do and being maybe a bit less worried about being so confused and clumsy (on all levels) hhh. I feel like I just paid a visit to an energy recharge station.

Anyway, the highest value of this book, in my view, is a mega-invitation to keep looking inside, having the courage to face our own reflections in the outer world, to have the strength to contain and deal with whatever comes, reaching a higher and deeper understanding of ourselves and reality as we perceive it, and keep unravelling, keep expanding, keep growing, keep softening through all that limits and chains our true essence. It is also a great reminder of the responsibilities and opportunities, so easy to forget in the swirling of everyday lives, with its tasks and duties...

Most of us live double lives, having to balance everything, so often tired, confused. It is great to have a friend on the book shelf to remind us we're not crazy and that we can do it hhhh

I feel grateful, so thank you.

And good luck with the launch! I am sure many experiences, realizations and challenges are on the way :D

P.S.: I loved the idea of skype meetings. Not too often, but once in a while it could be great to have some mmmm virtual 'retreat' or group-energy-work or whatever for those who live far away...


I would like a hard copy of Divinicus please. Thanks Myra


Maybe one day we will be able to skype in for these events =)! That would be so cool!!


So excited to hear there will be an e-book available! Where will we be able to buy that version? So excited! Jen


Thanks for the kind support Tess.
And great to see you back here on Openhand.

Much love

Open *OK*


"When we peel back the ego of what we'd like to have happen, the most majestic unfolding simply takes place all of its own accord. How else do we truly experience the full magnificence of the divine!" -

Loving your words above of divine manifestation Open ....

How wonderful and rewarding. Nothing more soul fulfilling than doing what your're here on earth to do. Anything else is total self -deception!
'' You just gotta do what you gotta do''and that's that!


It's lovely feeling your support here friends - thankyou! *OK*

Not one jot of this has been intentioned. The book has happened because it felt the right thing to do. For the last year, it's what's got me up most mornings at 4am, with joy and motivation, to capture something that's important to me - to share with you.

And as for the World Tour, I just woke up one morning with a clear direction to do it - a couple of days later the ticket was booked - and now I'm getting support from all over to bring the organisation of it together.

It's just simply wonderful how truly divine manifestation takes place. When we peel back the ego of what we'd like to have happen, the most majestic unfolding simply takes place all of its own accord. How else do we truly experience the full magnificence of the divine!

With love to you all

Open <3


Hi Open & Trinity!

I'm delighted to hear about the Divinicus book launch in Glastonbury on 1st September. I'd love to be there, but at this stage I'm not sure I will be able to make it.

However, I'd be very happy to host a talk/book signing in Brighton sometime later, if one or both of you would like to come to that. If so, perhaps I could continue discussing details & possible dates with one of you privately by email. Please let me know which of you I should contact.




This is going to be awesome. I am so excited for the Divinicus launch and to read the book. It will be amazing to see the ripple effect of putting this out there to nine countries consecutively.

Hi Grant its good to hear from you. All of us here in Florida would love to have you come back for the launch here! Hope all is well with you.

With love,


I'm in Arizona at the moment but I'd love to come to a launch anywhere near. I also am looking forward to reading and sharing in the energy. As I look around myself, we really do need to start collectively activating shifts and rippling higher consciousness into our world now. Can't wait.


Unveiling an epic story of hidden truths about the history of humanity and the influences which have helped bring us to the brink where we now stand. Its taken an epic journey to discover the details, and its fantastic that they will now be revealed to a worldwide audience.

Go, Open, go!


I can not WAIT to read the book and just as thrilled that you will be joining in Florida Trinity!!! Oh my gosh - how exciting!! Eeeeeee!!! =) I'll be there in spirit for the book launch in Avalon!! Love, jenny


I am very excited about this Open and Trinity. Looks like I am first in the queue to say YES, I will be with you that evening. It is going to be a magical evening not only with the launch of Divinicus, but also yummy refreshments too! WOW.

Thank you so much.

Much love and hugs to you both Myra x