5D Shift: The Peculiar Sense of No Self...Moving into Enlightened States

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/30/2018 - 07:27

I've often heard people say on the path, "I don't know who I am anymore!" It's indicative that you're starting to move beyond the false self ego and into the sense of 'no self'. It can be pretty scary and unsettling at first, and as it arises, fear might bounce you back into ego again. But there'll come a point, when you realise everything that you thought you were was false and an illusion anyway. And that such contracted identity doesn't serve anymore. This is when absolute freedom beckons.

Challenging fixed Relationships to Reality

Take a few moments. Stop what you're doing. Breathe and settle. Take a look out into the world, what do you see? Objects probably - the things in life that we relate to.... the solid things in your room, or in nature; people, friends, family and colleagues perhaps. There is relationship to these things: each carries a 'value', a meaning, they have a position in your landscape. But when you have some kind of fixed relationship to these things, then paradoxically, you fix yourself to them, as a point identity source. These are value judgments that then define you in time and space by them.

Over time, this relationship with reality weaves all manner of threads and interconnections, and you become a name, a label, in relation to them....father, mother, sister, brother, friend, colleague. It further fixes and identitfies you, in your own psyche.

It's all an illusion! You've fixed yourself in the constantly and shifting space-time-continuum. Your soul is not meant to be so tethered, and eventually, the shifting tides of the Universe will pull apart that identity anyway. So why wait? Why suffer? Why not unwind the sense of separated and fixed identity right now?

Sample this Breakthrough Breathing meditation that helps break down false self ego...

What have you Really got to Lose?

There often comes a fear with this, "I'll lose myself". But really, you only lose the falsehood. In fact, as you become so immersed in the all of it, you don't lose a thing, you only gain. You're no longer separated from the apple, instead, you can taste the fullness of it, as if, in that moment, you are it. Breathe the air and it feels like you become it.

Have you got it yet?...in this world of illusion, all will come and go. It's all going to dissolve anyway. So why hang on now? It's time to get ready for the greatest freedom, the greatest ride of your life...

Pause. Be still. Breathe. Take every thought that arises, every feeling and emotion, then trace them back inwards to what precedes them, to the source of them. Touch the emptiness from which they arose. Now look out into the world, and focus on an object - anything, a tree perhaps. Without moving the focus, look at how much you can see in the periphery around the tree - how much of the panorama can you see above, below, left and right? So let your focus expand out to embrace all of it without contracting down. Now walk forwards into this landscape. You start to feel less like a point source, and more like a moving flow of energy. You start to become the movement.

Coming into Presence through All Dimensions

When you're starting to get this deep sense of letting go and at times coming into presence, then it's going to help your progress enormously to open into presence through all the chakras too. You're connecting into the natural Torus of life, through multiple dimensions - you're liberating yourself into your inherant multidimensional self.

This can be achieved by exhaling progressively into each chakra, relaxing and letting go there. You feel the sense of emptyness, but also an active awareness. You become intensely awake.

If you resonate with the approach and would like to explore, sample this Openhand Meditation, that's been evolved from the ancient Kriya Yoga...

The Arising Waves of Your Soul

The freedom of simply becoming present is beckoning in this Great 5D Shift. To progressively let go of control. To unwind the labels, to unpack the identity. To let the complete authenticity of your soul emerge. It's a wave of the moment, which then delivers you all the way back to the welcome shores of the One, inside of you. And when you get there, don't worry if you now don't know who you are. Because who you are arises and defines itself in the moment, just like the wave washing up onto the beach, before dissolving again back into the ocean. Although bearing resemblance to each previous one, every wave of experience is totally unique.

And so are the arising waves of your soul, each totally unique, each totally spontaneous in the moment. What liberation, what freedom!

It's time to become this freedom. To explode the myth of identity. To unleash unbounded liberation of being. Begin it now. Challenge every tether, every limitation, every tightness that fixes you in the illusion. Your immaculate homecoming awaits!

Check out this Openhand seminar video. Let it inspire you to authentic freedom...

In conclusion, if you'd like support attaining this level of freedom:

explore Openhand's Ascension Portal

Bright blessings to all,

Open 💎

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15/03/2024 Shift Update: Breaking into "No Self"

It is fear that mostly prevents people from truly progressing along the spiritual path. How so and in what way?

Of course, it's an inner journey, and where the soul is acting through the inner layers, so this current configuration of consciousness then projects into the outer world which manifests your reality. The external is based on fixed constructs of predictability and limitation. It's because the human aspect is geared towards safety and security. So when the soul begins to approach the singularity within, and the spinning vortex of the Torus where there is no identity, then this can feel very destabilising in the outer. People often clamp down at that point, hanging on to a situation that actually doesn't serve, in order to stabilise in the security. In order to progress deeper, we have to be prepared to let go into the unknown.

Actually, in doing this, although it may feel like losing you, you're gaining massively. Because you come to discover the true nature of you. If you can come to accept the not-knowing, then you'll drop into the infinite potential of the One. And from there, the soul, with all its splendour and colour, simply arises. It's where life truly takes off and you discover the real magic that you are. What's more, this new you can manifest and succeed in the 3D in a way that you never dreamed possible. That's the great opportunity before us.

With this in mind, I encourage all to read Openhand's featured article today...

The Peculiar Sense of No Self...Moving into Enlightened States

See how the viewpoint might support your journey right now.

Bright blessings

Open 🙏


Hi Open,

Yep it's stressful without a doubt.  I feel excited sometimes and guess I get to be too much for some people and they take things the wrong way.  I don't get it and it does make my heart feel very sad.  I do the chakra opening of lower chakras (and all others too) and do invite the benevolent energies for my best and highest good to come in and many times I feel extreme anxiety.  It's scary how the 3D is becoming more dark all the time.  The approximately 10 yrs. to reach the point where I can move to the 5D seems like a monumental, unreachable time frame and task.  I feel I'm so not ready and I think that's what panics me sometimes.

So I've been decluttering tons of stuff that I'd just left in bags and boxes after moving to this house.  It feels better to get rid of it for sure.  More to do and I'm doing it daily.  I feel like a total misfit on this earth, as I guess a lot of us do.  My laptop is barely working from constant updates and huge files being downloaded into the Google play store which I never use, so if my computer does crash, not even sure I can get another one at t his point so for now I'm also missing the zooms.  Google has issues with that too.  Things are getting old and worn out... like I feel many days now.  I think the solar flares and things are also having the physical effect on me.

But I do work to lose all the labels I've had all my life.  Just be the real me and flow into the kundalini activation and whatever else is needed.  Nothing seems easy for sure and everything "seems" to be hard but I guess that's the soul changes breaking open so I can awaken more.  Jeez, it's the hardest thing I've ever done!

So that's where I'm at right now and I just want to cry for all those losing their functions and memories and dying and going away.  I rarely do cry though, maybe I need to let that out?  I do feel alone now, where it never used to bother me at all.  I guess the main stress is, I see the signs, synchronicities, the future landing now many times and yet feel inferior and not able to get it and grow fast enough.  Maybe that's some thought being planted in my thoughts and I tell myself those are not my thoughts.  Fear of being left behind would be an awful thing. I don't want to stay on the cycle of karmic lifetimes over and over again.

Still working on everything....  thank you for the constant articles, posts, sharing of the videos and the podcasts.  They help me a lot, even if it lasts just temporarily and then I go back to anxiety again before long and have to keep rereading your articles over and over until it sinks in and stays there.

Much love to you and everyone, surely it'll all work out and I'll go beyond the 3D.   I'm sure willing! (I'm sure you're reading all that panic hanging around in my article today.  I'm in a low place...)

SherriPraying Emoji Heart

In reply to by Sherri Sunnygirl


Hi Sherri - you're doing just great. You're seeing the truth, and that's the essential thing. Keep believing in the higher way that you know. Doubt and disbelief will come in at times, yes, but keep reminding yourself why you're doing this, why you started. And keep breathing through. Keep building that shaft of light. ⚡️

I would suggest connecting with Tilly about the upcoming 5D Human Retreat - that's sure to help a great deal.

See you soon.

Open 💎


In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Thank you for the invite!  I'm in contact with Tilly today.  I can view your last podcast just fine.  Google Chrome is making constant changes, so it's a matter of whether it'll work again in the Zoom room.  I want to join you and everyone for sure.  So I'll just have to see if it can happen.

We'll find out soon I guess.

Hope to see you there,



Learning to ride the Torus and break down intervention is just like surfing. Here's a sense of that in this Openhand video I shot whilst on retreat there in Byron Bay. And by the way, I'm so much looking forwards to being back in Oz in a couple of weeks for Thrive from 5D. See you there, woohoo!!...


Open 🏄‍♀️


08/03/2023 Shift Update

I felt very much to draw attention to this article above today, about coming into presence and how to unfold that through your multidimensional being. As we've been discussing here on Openhandweb recently, plenty have been experiencing the effect of particularly Tall White Intervention. It's time to turn the tables and take back our power.

It's about living life on your terms. The two meditations recommended above, the Breakthrough Breathing and the Chakra Attunement, many of you will have practiced on Openhand seminars and retreats. These are highly effective for breaking down that type of intervention. Because essentially you're expanding into the presence of the One - within the universal Torus. That energy cannot touch you there.

Do check out the article and if you feel the meditations will help, then I encourage practicing them regularly.

Bright Blessings

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Hi Openhand,

The forces of the Tall White intervention or likewise will eventually leave a Divergent alone - to conserve energy. It's system is designed for collective consciousness, it nudges people into controlled herds. The Divergent will be given whatever it projects into the field, once it has broken through.

Now I'm excited 🤣



Hi Open 

The articles explaining kundalini and loss of sense of self have been a great help. I often feel weird and can now understand what is causing it. It can all change in a moment too. Also I found that where I would have felt fear I no longer do and using your instruction to go into fear where it arises has an amazing effect ...kundalini again arising.

Much love Heaher


Hi Tracy - indeed yes, it's turning inwards and constantly working through new layers. Thumbs Up Sign

Then to add to that, it becomes about allowing this internal journey of unfolding reflect into the outer - the outer shapes from the inner. The two become seamlessly connected as you step into Enlightenment.

And I agree - "no more proceedures for getting somewhere".

What I've worked to do with the Openhand Approach, is to explore the natural unfolding process itself and to see if I could apply methods to facilitate that - a speedier unfolding if you like. So the Openhand Aproach is a process, however it's developed organically as an expression of the naturally unfolding process of a soul - like describing falling off a log. I observe that by bringing awareness to this 'process' can really help navigate the inner world...

An Exploration of The Openhand Approach... "Openway"

Open Praying Emoji


The no-self has been a process of unfolding deep layers organically. It hasn't involved anything outside of myself. No "getting" somewhere. It has been a lengthy process. I have been in it for a year. Although the ego mind might see it as doing nothing, nothing is happening. I see this state of presence, of being is a lot of internal work and shifting that is not projected on the outside external but on the inside internal.

Linear structures have completely fallen away. In other words, there are no more processes and procedures for getting somewhere. No more trying to acheive anything.

That has been my experience thus far of the no-self. <3



I loved that video Open ! How she feels at the end of that cold swim is how I feel after a 12-14 hour shift. Staring at numbers.In the present. When I go home I have to literally drop attachment to what is happening in hospital. The story of this child and that family. It's hard . And some days I am less attached than others. Somedays I need to cry just to be able to function. I constantly need to read about diseases,to learn more. Emotionally I have to handle my own reactions and interact with a grieving family who are sometimes aggressive as well. 

But it makes me a 1000 times more aliveness than anything else I can imagine doing. I love it so much !

Thank you for this ! 



Hi Megha,

Being on the edge of life and death that way can surely bring people right into the truth of the moment, likewise it can terrorise if we allow the fear or resistance to take over.

You said...

ego prefers to form a narrative ,a story and interact with that rather than the real and raw emotions and sensations I am feeling.

Bingo. That's the problem. The ego creates the narrative which then separates from the truth of the moment. And you're right on when you say this...

The conundrum internally is to feel into the emotions not to my interpretation

That's it. In unenlightened states, you're constantly forming judgments of the moment, creating narratives which then create barriers to the truth. It's this separation that creates small "I" identity that can then be victimised by the twist and turn of events.

I just came across this example and felt to share it because I think it offers a powerful practical example of the imporatnce of turning right into the circumstances you're facing and might be resisting. Becoming as-one with the situations we find ourselves in is a powerful passage to The One...


What stood out for me was the word 'Conondrum' . That's the word I used when writing my diary.

I am having some very disorienting Kundalini experiences these days ,some of them seem to be triggered by a soul mate who in 3D is a colleague at work. All this in the backdrop of a hectic ICU where we have been collaborating trying to literally save the lives of two little girls on the ventilator. We are looking Death in the eye. The six year old is better ,the eight year old may or may not make it. For some reason it's important I write their ages .

I wrote today how my ego prefers to form a narrative ,a story and interact with that rather than the real and raw emotions and sensations I am feeling. My soul is multidimensional. My small I would like to linearize it to make it palatable . To attenuate the emotions somehow. The conundrum internally is to feel I to the emotions not to my interpretation . It's a glorious paradox . 

To feel into pure Presence ,I imagine would involve feeling into the tumult present right now ,first . 

Onward !



So the question is: how to get into this state of 'no-self?'

It's a challenge for sure. And at the same time, it's entirely natural - like falling off a log. It's about letting go into it. The nature of ego is to control reality to get some kind of preferred outcome or experience - to receive love or not feel alone for example. And even as the realisation dawns that this doesn't serve, still there can be subconscious ties binding into identity and therefore polarity, which removes the sense of presence - of no self.

That's why it doesn't work to aim for presence, because firstly it can be to deny what is already being experienced. Secondly, the very intention itself already confirms internal separation from presence. So it's a conundrum!

The Openhand Aproach is to realise the nature of the relationship between Soul and Presence: when there is presence, then soul naturally flows from it without efforting. It just arises, mirroring the bigbang experience that flowed from presence to create the known Universe - it just happened. So here's the key: align with the soul, and presence will naturally start to happen due to the interrelation with presence. Learn how to connect with the rightness of soul in any given moment and to breakthrough into this authenticity by processing through any resistance or tightness - where the soul is being denied, because that's when presence is also being denied.

I expressed the approach in this seminar video clip...

How does that relate to your experience?

Open HeartPraying Emoji


HI there Open. I am also in Sydney but 17,029 km from where you are. Wow the miles we cover without leaving the farm. Open when you were in Halifax and you ask, how do you feel? I had said, everything and nothing. this video is what the small "i" was talking about. Thank you again Open for being "nothing".

what a time for awareness 

much love and will see you in the ether


PS. The prefect way to experience nothing, (Be Open) to it.Heart


HI Charlie, Jeff & Aspasia - thanks for tuning in HeartThumbs Up Sign

After 13 hours of meditation and a complete Dan Brown novel, I find myself in Sydney ready for the Ozzie phase of the Paradigm Shift World Tour. And wow, what is it like in Sydney? Never ending waves of Homo Sapiens all going about there busy ant-like stuff. So I found myself a tree in the centre one of the main parks, with the real ants, the bugs and the birds and allowed it all the flow within the nothingness - I would say the only way it can truly be manageable. I find Alan Watts describes the "Beauty of Nothingness" so well...


Like you Charlie, I see both Adya and Open transmitting the 'Enlightenment vibe' quite strongly. I personally have never experienced the complete absence of self, only partial, though intellectually it is all totally clear. I resonate with how you share it here Jeff:

so many things which defined "me" no longer have importance

Its also interesting that there are peer-reviewed academic journal papers in Sociology dedicated to the exploration of the self as merely being a social construction, hence an illusion. Many intellectually 'enlightened' people there but without the experience itself. Still, the truth is recognised and accepted till it is fully realised and then it becomes the next chapter of one's life's expression and a deeper aspect of awakening.



I can relate to this strongly at this point, and I think the word "peculiar " you used is particularly resonant with how I feel at the moment .. a different feeling to anything I have experienced before powerful feelings of energy through and within , but almost with a  feeling of disconnection from everything happening around , whilst still observing it but from a distance or from a place without judgement or need 

it has come to my awareness that so many things which defined "me" no longer have importance , and that I am  becoming  distant from the attachments and sense of self / ego I had known for so long . with it has come a sense of calmness which had been missing for a long time.   I feel the next few weeks in australia will play a big part in letting go too , exciting and also a little daunting to what parts of the ego still remain.. 


I am not with you. lol. The first thing my mind attached to with a big smile. (there's no one here) Open , watching the video even though it has 180000 views you can feel the energy and  merge with it. I feel that same energy when I think or visit openhand. Some times it energy going out, some times it energy coming in and some times it is a feeling of the energy becoming one. WOW.

much love



People have often looked at me curiously when I've said "there's no one here!" That's what it feels like when the false self dissolves and you come home to absolute truth - pure presence. Here's a great sharing from the wonderful Adyashanti on the very subject. Enjoy the sense of Enlightenment in his energy...


I felt to post this today, about unfolding into the sense of 'no-self' within the shift. It's an essential part of it. What are your experiences of that? I'd be intrigued to hear - do share below...