Your Go to for Essential Shift Insights

Our world is in the process of dramatic upheaval as the earth terraforms progressively into 5D consciousness. It's utterly essential to have deeper field insight to thrive going forwards.


These regular updates by Open provide a higher dimensional point of view, from the Openhand Ascended Master Team, for you to reflect on and actualise your own truth...


ARRIVAL: Angelic Dragon Beings from Lyra - Here to Support the 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/22/2024 - 05:43

During the Summer Facilitator Conference 2024, recently concluded, I talked about a "dragon energy" come in from the higher dimensions to support the shift, and to help channel higher dimensional energies in - to help the Star being nations connect, for example, and even to support the downward flow of the Earth's Torus.

354 Reads

Major Gaia Shift: Reanimation of Her Lower Kundalini

Submitted by Open on Wed, 07/17/2024 - 04:38

We've just completed a highly alchemical Facilitator Conference here in Glastonbury, the heart chakra of our planet. We've been working at a field level, uncovering the key dynamics of Gaia's ebb and flow in the Great Shift to 5D. Where does she stand now? How is she responding to the planetary Simulation? Most importantly, how is she being supported in breaking through? All of this exploration, will speak clearly into all aspects of daily life.

965 Reads

RESURRECTION: from the Shadow Intervention Simulation

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/23/2024 - 17:06

Leading alternative commentators maintain humanity is trapped within a 'simulation' of reality, by a Shadow Intervention controlling our planet and its resources. I largely concur with this, although let's be clear, the 3D world is real, it's not a computer simulation. Instead, the wool of perception is being pulled down over the psyche from the 4D by a sophisticated architect. The balance of energies are shifting. The simulation is weakening. Here's what you can do to support the resurrection of humanity and our planet.

576 Reads

The Christ Consciousness and the "4D Red Sea" of Karma

Submitted by Open on Sat, 03/30/2024 - 05:06

It's Easter 2024, and we are amidst the most humongous shake-up of reality on the planet imaginable. Everything that we've believed in, or had any sense of allegiance to, is being called into question - the state (of course!), media, politics, Big-Tech, Big-Pharma, religion (of course!) and even spirituality. What's real anymore? As humanity is drawn inexorably onto the 4D Karmic Plane, crossing the "Red Sea", it's the Christ Consciousness that will see us safely across to the New Paradigm in 5D.

349 Reads

5D Shift: No Quick Sprint, But a Marathon of Quantum Opportunity

Submitted by Open on Fri, 03/29/2024 - 04:03

Things are changing quickly on the planet, the old 3D reality is terraforming. The controllers cling desperately to the reins as a new 3D/5D hybrid state takes shape. But there will be no quick fixes for them. If you've found yourself on the spiritual path in all of this, well done. Take a breather, and give yourself a pat on the back. But make it short. There's much work still to be done. This will be no quick sprint to the finishing line of the 5D Shift, but rather a 26-mile Marathon - one of Quantum Opportunity...
(updated 29/03/2024)

2518 Reads

Pole Shift Update: How to Approach Dramatic Upheaval of Planet Earth

Submitted by Open on Thu, 03/21/2024 - 05:24

A recently declassified CIA document details distinctly plausible science, showing pole shifts detach the earth's crust from the underlying mantel, leading to global devastation of biblical proportions. I share reference because it's my knowing that we're moving into one right now. However, if we can break through our fears and equalise with what's unfolding, then it can be a tremendous spur in our lives; a catalyst for the elevation of humanity as naturally spiritual beings. That's the great opportunity.

7832 Reads

ASCENSION: Difference between 5D Flow State and 4D Harvested Bubble

Submitted by Open on Wed, 03/13/2024 - 04:54

A concerning deception is underway to fool souls in the Shift, diverting their natural path of 5D Ascension into a harvested 4D Bubble. Work such as the "Law of One", actively encourages the "Harvest of Souls into 4D", as being Ascension - a gross deception. However, the trap is even more widespread - suggesting that reincarnation is not necessary, for example. Whereas it is the means to progressively forge soul, into full enlightenment. It's essential to be clear of your accurate trajectory in the Shift.

864 Reads

Prospering from Vibrant New Energies in the Great 5D Earth Shift

Submitted by Open on Sat, 03/02/2024 - 04:54

The gathering tides are progressively strengthening now in Earth's Great 5D Shift. I can feel an underlying ‘rip tide' having an enormous effect in the way we can create our lives, in our careers, relationships and general living circumstances. For those who continue to ignore the shift, life in the old reality construct will become increasingly challenged in the years ahead. Those who align themselves with it, however, will find the flow unleashes enormous potential for evolutionary growth and fulfilment in life. (updated March 2024)

6785 Reads

Bitcoin in the Shift: The Whale that's Too Big To Swallow?

Submitted by Open on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 04:52

What a difference a year makes in the Shift. The shadow has done its damnedest to fend off crypto, to regulate, to strangle, to criminalise. But the tide of light ripping through Traditional Finance is already too strong. And so with the introduction of the latest Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), when they couldn't kill the whale, they've tried to swallow it. Without realising they've now opened the floodgates to crypto globally. There'll be no putting this leviathan back in the pond...

423 Reads

Ra: the Unseen Spymaster, playing both sides of the 3D Chess Game

Submitted by Open on Mon, 02/12/2024 - 04:22

The Shift is rapidly turning new chapters as we move inexorably to the ultimate conclusion - the culminating "Event" in the Grand Galactic Convergence. But awakening souls need to be profoundly awake and aware - on your toes. Because an ancient spymaster, Ra, is playing a game of smoke and mirrors with you. It's playing BOTH sides of the game. Using AI, it's playing BOTH the Intervention AND the alternative narratives - what do I mean exactly?

965 Reads

Gaia and the Shift: Something Big is Building

Submitted by Open on Fri, 02/02/2024 - 05:10

I've just returned from an Openhand Retreat on the Volcanic Island of La Palma. It's a key Stargate and bellwether for the wider planetary Shift. It's a fractal, like looking under a microscope. I can tell you clearly: something big is building in the field. No, I'm not speaking of another war in the Middle East or some synthetic new disease, not anything the Shadow will possibly manifest. Instead, it's from Gaia - an antidote to the toxic 3D sewer that's rapidly being generated.

1302 Reads

Nordic Star Beings in Support of Humanity Crossing the Karmic Plane

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/07/2024 - 03:49

2024 will be a massive year as growing wave of humanity is invited to cross the karmic plane in the Great Earth Shift. As you process through your past lives, it will likely get very turbulent in all aspects of your life because you're breaking apart the very fabric of the Old Paradigm, inside yourself. There's much disruptive interference in the 4D astral layer. However, amongst other Star Being Nations, the "Nordics" are making themselves available to act in our support. Here's how.

1602 Reads