Healthy Relationships Secret

Submitted by Open on Tue, 01/12/2016 - 17:24

Healthy relationships are evolving ones. How many people allow themselves to be stuck in the same old experiences? And it's not just about adjusting behaviourisms, finding compromises. Remember - energy bodies are built between relating people. One's energy can get stuck in limiting loops. It pays to create plenty of space, even and especially, in the most loving engagements. Find time to infuse your own soul, make space to be in your own vibe. When you stand in your truth, especially with the ones you love most, you'll find it builds better and stronger relating experiences.

Why Spiritual Mastery is Shattering

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/11/2016 - 16:39

Anyone truly advancing down the path of Spiritual Mastery must not expect that it will somehow build you up. The world is moving through a breaking down process, as the old systems are unwound. And the false-self ego is bound into that. It will often feel like you're being torn apart, broken down, shattered. But this is necessary to leave the old self behind. So dive over the waterfall, all in, full on. The stream will at first batter you yes. But the more you can surrender, the easier it gets.


Higher guides and guidance

Submitted by Open on Sun, 01/10/2016 - 16:39

Don't expect guides and higher guidance to always be the same. Otherwise you'll likely miss out. As you change, they change. And they're not there to help you 'get somewhere'. They're there to help you attune the frequencies of you - of your soul. If you watch the signs and feel deeply the feelings, you'll get a sense of how they are steering you to work with them. They can see your field clearly; the beingness wanting to come through and the distortions in your way. So pay attention. Connect. Build relationship yes, but nothing rigid.

Finding true presence

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/09/2016 - 16:32

You can't aim for presence - or even complete inner peace - and truly get there. For true presence is beyond any kind of identity or intention - including trying to get there. Immediately you try to do so, you establish separation from it within - you are that which is trying to get to presence. You could access a kind of quasi presence, which kind of feels like it, but usually this is based on denial - simply blocking out certain experiences. The best way to presence, for me, is to align with the soul - the sense of rightness in the moment, whatever that is.

Working with the Law of Attraction

Submitted by Open on Fri, 01/08/2016 - 16:44

Yes, the Law of Attraction does work. It happens like magnetism: that which you are being within, draws to you a mirror by which to see yourself better and shapes corresponding outer circumstances. It's a priceless gift of the universe. But then to try to control the circumstances by controlling ones energy, only builds identity and ego which is sure at some point to fail. Instead I suggest looking in the mirror you've created and asking "what is it showing me?" If you like what you see - fine, keep doing it. But if you don't like it, work internally to find a higher expression.

Dive fully into every feeling

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 16:54

You've got to keep testing the illusion. Look, you have three trillion cells in your body, and each is asking you to buy into your physicality. Sometimes you'll get tired, unwell or hurt. Maybe frustrated or angry. And it's no use simply manipulating your thoughts to overcome this limitation. It's like you've got to test into every feeling dynamic going on within your bodymind, until you can soften through and feel the expanded consciousness that you are. You can do it. Your soul is seeded to do. But you must constantly apply it, to ultimately know it.


Trust in the Stillness

Submitted by Open on Tue, 01/05/2016 - 16:26

Can you really trust that the emptiness will deliver all you require? Can you rest, or move, in the stillness with nothing coming and still trust; trust until something 'right' lands - something that resonates in the core of you? Well it's my experience that when we're efforting to make something happen, eventually, it all turns to pants! Trust in the divine, is something we have to keep working at: to keep trusting in the emptiness, and watching the flow - the real one - emerge from it. But the trust will only build if we then follow what we feel landing. To give trust a chance.

Change your Life

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/27/2015 - 05:58

When you take a step in truth, when it is truly fired by the soul, then you're connected up to the internal superhighway of the universe - the entirety of the flow. When you take this step, miracles and magic can, and will, happen. You may not know how to get to the end game, but by stepping out into the apparent emptiness of the unknown, I've discovered time and again, that something truly amazing happens: the universe always comes to meet you. The landscape through which your soul is flowing, shapes to support your true destiny. And it happens in ways you could never predict.

Give the world your presence

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/21/2015 - 18:19

It's the tradition to give gifts to others, especially at birthdays and the festive season. And how often do you find yourself wondering what to buy? It's actually because at some level, we know that everyone already has everything inside. The greatest gift you can give another therefore, is to remind them of that; and the best way to remind them, is to show it in yourself.


Open Praying Emoji

Synchronicity: dragging or rushing?

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/20/2015 - 16:43

Synchronicity: dragging or rushing? If you’re following synchronicity to get to somewhere, then you’re behind the flow and therefore dragging it. If you’re continually in the head thinking about what ‘the signs are saying’, then you’re rushing the flow and probably redirecting it. But if you’ve let go of intention, and are following attention of your inner feelings to direct you moment by moment, and then you’re reading signs as a confirmation that everything is clicking into place, then you’re probably slap bang, right in the middle of the flow.


What is true confidence?

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/19/2015 - 17:53

Ever considered the nature of confidence? It seems to me that when people speak of it, what they're actually speaking of, is building the sense of their separate identity - their ego - up. But true empowerment comes in quite the reverse way: you break down the ego by not being unduly concerned about how you come across - not caring what others think of you. This brings you to a place of absolute vulnerability to the moment - you're okay for literally anything to happen, because you've tested yourself and broken yourself down of any need for it to go a particular way.