Star Being Nations Drawing Close to Support our 5D Ascension

Submitted by Open on Tue, 07/26/2022 - 04:37

We're at a crucial pivot within our Ascension process, where a strong reorientation is necessary to accelerate sufficiently with the Shift into 5D. The Star Beings, from many different constellations, are drawing ever closer in support. There's still much blocking going on by intervention energies in the 4D layer - the "Karmic Red Sea". But with commitment and perseverance, we can connect bridges of consciousness across the divide, to enhance our lives and uplift the planet. Let's explore how.

The Authentic Path of the Soul

I've always felt tremendous love and support from benevolents in the ether, providing uplifting messages, signs and synchronicity that light the way for you as a soul. Many times it melts my heart and keeps me forging forwards when times have gotten tough.

However, one of the things I've often questioned is why do lightworkers, healers and facilitators here often seem so resource constrained? Why do we often have to make do with seemingly so little?

To be clear, the natural movement I'm working with is definitely NOT about intentional manifesting. When you set some mind-based, or even 4D-based, fixed intention to gain resources you're playing right into the agenda of the Opposing Consciousness. If your plan overlaps with theirs, yes they'll support you. But is that truly the right path for you?

To me, the path of the soul is about the revelation of you as a being. And actually, when you have very little, or where you experience minimal material success, it's actually a great cauldron of innovation and growth - it encourages the entrepreneurs of life to dig deeper within themselves and find new soul gifts and qualities.

There's also poverty consciousness to contend with.

If your soul needs to confront and overcome this, then it may well want to create a landscape that is resource constrained so as to test your real metal and belief in divine support. I've always maintained that if you're invited to climb a mountain, but doubt you have the energy to make it to the top, the question is, "do I have enough to take the first step in that direction?" Assuming so, then take the step. Because the universe will always come to meet you. Then the landscape can change in ways you'd not imagined prior to taking it.

Explore the 7 types of poverty consciousness and how to overcome it

Assuming you have done the inner work, and created the conditions you need to process out any sense of poverty consciousness and karmic limitation, then I'd say you're ready to receive much greater inflows of energies to support your life and create in a benevolent way that's more uplifting to humanity, the planet and the shift. That's where I believe the star beings are drawing close to support us.

In what ways can they help?

Expressing Authentic Soul Frequency

During many recent connections with various of the Star Being Nations, such as the Andromedans, Arcturians, Lyrans and Pleiadians, it's been made clear to me that thus far, support to humanity on the planet has been challenging and hazardous. The planet is surrounded by a karmic 4D field that's been exploited by the intervention.

We've experienced, for example, how Tall White synthetic beings, under the orchestration of Ra, are adjusting flows of consciousness back into the simulation, so as to thwart a wide breakthrough of consciousness. But with each passing day, that energy layer is weakening. With commitment and persistance in our clearing practices and orientation, bridges of connection with the Star Beings can readily be formed, and channels of higher light be brought to bear in your life for aligned manifestation.

The Star Beings are now ready to help, crucially through the expression of inherent frequencies of being. The soul is a harmonic of different frequencies of expression. We all know about compassion, acceptance and surrender. But what about willpower, drive, commitment, resourcefulness and innovation? What about diplomacy, community creating, and spontaneous alchemy? The soul has many different inherent qualities, and it seems to me, many of the Star Being Nations express a particular ray most strongly.

Take for example the Andromedans who have drawn particularly close during the crop circle season and in my awareness, have created several of them. Read about the experiences:   

Andromedan Star Beings supporting the Shift.

Over the years, crop circles have provided a heart-warming, uplifting and even astounding bridge between the worlds. With their magnificent sacred geometrical patterning, sophisticated designs, and interwoven tapestries, they've been speaking intuitively to all those who would hear...

3D reality is essentially woven from the 4D - if you can shape the energy field, then this crystallises into form. But crucially, what they're really doing is harnessing inflows of higher light by witnessing the shaping of sacred geometry. For others it might be signs and synchronicity or patterns of connectivity. Where you can witness and weave these flows from your inherent beingness in the 4D, then that's going to manifest effectively down in the 3D.

This is where you and I come in.

We can learn to do this ourselves too. But also, we can form creative bridges into various of these benevolent groups who might then amplify our efforts - bringing increased energy and possibility to everything that we do. To be clear, you've got to be sure it's the right group supporting - not a malevolent one that wants to lead you astray and plunder your own energy. There are malevolents that will create a kind of honey trap, drawing you in usually with some great promise, but then railroading you into a side alleyway of diversion.

How to know the difference between these two types of support?

The Nature of Benevolent Support: 4 Ways

Fundamentally, benevolent support does NOT override soul sovereignty or "tell you exactly what to do". It doesn't spoon feed. Instead, it reflects back to what you can truly be, HOW you can be. It brings these soul frequencies alive through active resonance - like striking a tuning fork next to you and through your field (where invited).

For example: how to weave the natural inflows of higher consciousness aligned with the wider planetary transition. So this has to begin with beingness and not some hidden need to create from a place of lack. You're wanting to create for the wider good of humanity and the planet - that's crucial.

Once you start to recognise emergent soul beingess within you in any given moment, well now you are riding a wave that others can come in on and support. Support how exactly?

4 Ways the Benevolent Star Beings can help:

1. Firstly, we've got to break down and dispense any interferring blocking energy in our field. This can only come about through daily deep cleansing and connecting meditations that include chakra attunements. Purifying diet and living surroundings will be necessary to attain coherency of vibration with minimal intervention. Switching to a vegan diet will be essential to this process

2. Start paying close attention to signs, synchronicity and symbology - sacred geometry for example. They'll highlight these flows in the field so you can see them more clearly. As you pay attention to this spiking energy, where you recognise the patterning and act on it, then you're weaving reality from the benevolent inflows of light.

3. They can amplify the weaving effect by bringing energy to it, whereupon you'll start to recognise your creative direction starts to manifest more tangible depth, breadth and resources.

4. You'll be naturally guided to places, situations and circumstances where the energy field itself is going to be more uplifting and supportive.

5. You'll find it easier to make connections that support your life and your work. You're starting to naturally draw and convene these souls through the field.

Opening a Wider Internal "Pipe"

All of this is great news. It is however also going to be hard work. There's no way around that. It's going to require you to open a wider internal "pipe", meaning the inflows of stronger energy will bring your karmic shadow side quickly to the surface. So you'll need to have tried and trusted processes to thoroughly process through this density - crucially it is to take ownership and not cast blame outside of yourself.

Explore Openhand's Breakthrough process for quickly processing activating karma

Also, you must be in a strongly aligned way of living. By which I mean that your life's orientation must be in alignment with these inflows - basically you're coming more from the natural flow of life with active attention and responding to feeling flows rather than each day being fixed with intention of what you "should" be doing.

It's going to be essential to streamline your life and strip out unnecessary distractions and diversions. Make sure the people around you are resonant and supportive of your natural expressions - if not, at least not obstructive. You're going to be tested empathically, feeling much more of the field, and intellectually by weaving much more of the synchronistic patterns. So your life must be streamlined to support this.

Inner purification will be crucial - a higher vibrational diet; not distracting too much on social media; working with emotional boundaries in relationships; developing strong meditational practices.

Whilst surrender to how the flow guides you is essential, also there must be an all-in commitment to weaving this energy and creating for the greater good and upliftment of the planet. You must be ready and willing to transcend the machinations of the ego, overcome fear, poverty consciousness and any inner limitation. The strong inflows of energy will be there to support you. But we must be prepared to step into them and meet them.

Superlative Creative Inflows

Where we are able to act in this way, the creative flows will be superlative, magical, highly alchemical and uplifting. You'll witness and feel supported by a heavenly "choir of angels". What's more, you'll start to recognise and draw in the presence of star brothers and sisters in the ether. Those that are now drawing close with love, upliftment and tangible support. It's like a veritable "army" of benevolence is materialising around us. It's high time to benefit from this and learn to call on them in this pivotal moment of great transition.

It's high time to connect into the quantum field to form bridges of light with our Star Being brothers and sisters - for the good of our own lives and the upliftment of our planet: to accelerate our Ascension into 5D/6D/7D. Look for the opportunities in your life to get out from the simulation, break down the patterning and norms of the day-to-day, and open an internal space for them to speak into your third eye and your heart. This is the great possibility that exists right now for us. I encourage all to open that inner space.

Openhand is committed to forming bridges with the Star Being Nations to support the Ascension. If the idea resonates with you, then explore how to get involved with our evolutionary work: 

Openhand Ascension Portal

Bright blessings

Open 💙🙏


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27/06/2024 Shift Update

I updated this article above today, about working with the Star Being Nations to open channels of light and uplift our lives (scroll up). I'm currently out in the Avebury area. What I'm seeing is plenty of intervention blocking energies at the key Sacred Sites - particularly by Tall Whites. However, I'm also experiencing different Star Being groups coming strongly through, making their presence felt - which is wonderful to experience. We'll see how that transpires with the upcoming crop circle season, which we'd expect would begin any time soon.

We're certainly building those bridges!

Open 🔆



26/07/2023 Shift Update

I'm currently out on the ground in Southern England with the Ickonic film crew shooting a documentary about the messages from the crop circles. There are been no new ones for a couple of weeks, which felt quite weird at first, until I realised the space was being held for the Annunaki healing event - which is clearly historic and pivotal. Maybe others will now come.

Yesterday I was guided down to Hampshire not far from Stone Henge to visit a previous one that appeared before the Facilitator Conference. Miraculously it had not been mowed out and was in marvellous condition. The energy was pretty amazing still, with sweeping flows of the interwoven base. The signs pointed to this being created by the evolved Anu, under Enki, providing indications of the inner workings of the moon and the electro-magnetic generation within it. It was pretty amazing to be in it, even after all this time...

What do you get from it? Do share, I'd be intrigued to hear your views.

Bright blessings

Open 🙏


29/07/2022 Openhand Journal Update

I'm already feeling very positive indications with the Star Beings drawing close and how they might better support us as facilitators of the shift - especially with increased resources and connections. See the main article above by scrolling up...

How to Quantum Manifest Calling on Star Being Support

Since I gave an update on the cryptocurrency situation on Tuesday, particularly regarding ethereum, the market has taken off again - ethereum is up by around 20% since then. Of course it's very volatile (!), however something feels quite different about this - a yearning by many to overcome the hegemony of the state. Ethereum is a classic decentralised project that deserves to do well and I believe is receiving a great deal of etheric input and support. Only time can tell, but I've received a lot of guidance around it, indicating that the support is real and tangible.

Another crop circle appeared too. Which I've linked below and leave you to make your own mind up about. It seems rather simplistic, and so potentially manmade, but then it is on a huge scale, so there's a high chance it could be authentic. It happens to be very close to the site where this all began with my vision quest some weeks ago. And it's close to the crop circle cafe where we concluded our marvellous facilitator gathering. I'll leave you to make your own mind up about it.

What's for certain is that we will be calling on Star Being support during Avalon Rising - the World Ascension Summit (the new crop circle seems to point to ascension from 3D through 4D to 5D). I can already feel their presence. We'll be focussing on harnessing this energy, how you can feel it as a frequency in your own soul, and then how to apply it to your life?

These are highly alchemical and exciting times. I encourage all to make hay whilst the sun shines!

What are your thoughts on this crop circle? Assuming it is authentic, what does it say to you?

Bright blessings

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


There is phenomenal energy behind this article, that brought me much needed sense of calmness and acceptance.Angel Halo

In complexity of all of those energies and its convergence, I hear the voice of star being in me saying: "I'm tired of this game, can I just go home?"

The biggest the wish to make Earth my actual home, I'm hitting various layers of disbelief, whether its actually possible. How can I interrelate with others and society alike in order to be of service, without slipping down into repetetitve patterns and programmed ways of believing, that I'm "just a normal human"?

Synhronicity speaks loudly, just when typing this message there was police calling me. Someone has reported, that I was irrigating my (vegetable) field from the creek nearby, in times of drought. One is obviously not supposed to do this. Harnesing the source of water form its "universal flow" in order to nurture the growing plants is obviously illegal in my direct vicinity. I wonder, what people might have to say about harnessing the energy of the divine in order to support the evolution and spreading the flower of Life. I guess, the balance needs to be found  in order to integrate my way of being into direct environment I interact with.

Incidents like this, bring awareness into another layer of my karmic distortions. It feels, that I'm slowly getting over the fact of being persecuted for "speaking the language of the divine". Staying hidden in the shell of my own personallity simply doesn't work anymore. The language of star beings in the quantum field feels so familiar to me, that I'm opening to new layers of freedom in my daily life. Looking for a connection to various interdimensional energies, even the human in me might gradully recognize that star being within me simply wants to come alive.

Thanks Open for this text, that has been much needed in times of my personal tribulations. It brings me the feeling of: "don't stop me know" in the endevaours of creating a community of common interest around my way of being.

Much love, also from those from the ether.HeartAngel HaloHeart