Inspiring music

How come we still don't have a music thread on the web? :)

C'mon, everybody! Kidding, whoever feels like hhhh, flood this thread with what makes your soul alive, or just resonates with you, or brings an important message, or is just beautiful :D

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Hi Horse - the Openhand work is greatly inspired by the naturalness of Shamanism - with Tibetan heritage. So personally I just love Nahko's music and energy. 

Thanks for sharing

Open OK Hand Sign


Horse, thank you for sharing and spreading the love here too with this magical music! Deeply felt.

I have been listening to Murray's shamanic vibe all day and indeed it got my sway on :)

Just heard 'Unlock your memory' by clicking on your link - thank you again!  Wow! And beautiful video, makes me very nostalgic of a world I have never known, a world we sometimes read about where there is only love and peace for all - an Eden.  The song invites us to Unlock our memory... to Remember the Oneness which is already here within and all around, to open individual and collective consciousness - a precious calling! So lets turn the 'TV communication' off! Perfect!

Love and Peace x



It makes me smile Open to know that Still Divine hugs your heart like it does mine. Aspasia Murarry Kyle has others that will touch your soul. He is like Opanhand, spreading his message of love and peace by way of music. Enjoy the journey. 



In reply to by Charlie


Very touched by this melody and lyrics - thank you for sharing!

"know that my eyes have seen this world through thine ... know that my heart feels the world, is Still Divine" - Grounded Magic heart


It's been a while since I've been on here! 

I saw the space lady live a few months ago and she was amazing.



Hi Marije,

I loved the song. Brilliant!
And yes, you're right. Comments are not appearing on new articles at the moment. But they are on previous articles and forum topics. We are addressing it. Bear with us!

Open heart


Hi Marije - to embed a video, you have to get the embed code from the share function on the video file and then when you draft the comment, choose full HTML.

Open smiley


I chose this song but I could have chosen any of Jont's songs. He's one of the best artists I have seen in years. I'm so blessed he lives in Halifax, originally from the U.K. We spent one evening at a yoga studio unplugged show and were there till 2 a.m. He's incredibly generous with his music and offers full albums. I'm holding a house concert with him and the lovely John & Michelle from Fall River Yoga Studio. Hope you enjoy as much as I do!


The Beach Boys wrote very spiritual songs! Look at those lyrics: "But I hit hard at the battle that's confronting me, yeah Knock down all the roadblocks a-stumbling me Throw off all the shackles that are binding me down Sew up the wounds of evolution And the now starts to get in my way So what if life's a revelation If the mind speaks of only today So real, the pain growing in my soul Of climbing up to reality's goal" "Long promised road Flows to the source, gentle force, never ending, never ending" The production is also way ahead of their time. Long live to these guys!


I cannot get enough of this song! Its called Wise enough by Lamb


Leaving the Table, Leonard Cohen's poignant ballad from his last, posthumous album, You Want It Darker, captured in the gorgeous, dreamlike video below.

His words and melody speak soothingly to my heart of letting go, liberating my soul, floating and flying, becoming the sweetness and lightness beyond the pain of identity and attachment.

Love you and miss you, Leonard.

x Cathy


The other night this song fell in to my lap, I'm sure many of us can relate to the message, all these changes we go through on our paths. And is there a better mirror to reflect your process than meeting someone treating you "like they used to". And noticing you're light years away from that place that made it possible to share any piece of your reality with them. And sometimes that light year might be just few days in Earth time.


Just thought to share this song with you all here. It reminds me that even though the world at large is going through so many changes, we are all still doing pretty good! That and he is a really good Bard. Especially in today's day and age when you turn on the radio and stare in bewildered disbelief as the song of the moment only has one word in it. Just one word. Maybe its just me in the aspect that I like a good story in a song.
Anyways I'll leave y'all to it, hope you enjoy!


Yesterday, I saw the heart-soaring film "Lion" based on a true story. Indeed, the lion's heart leads us home. Felt to share Sia's upbeat song "Never Give Up" from the film. Speaks to me of the power of our twin flames going the distance with us, hand-in-hand. Through thick and thin.


Hi Etta,
Thanks for posting the link to the Rage Against the Machine song. It really is very effective, and I'll definitely come back to it (and all that it does) soon.
And when it was through and I was still sniffling, YouTube wanted to play another song by the band, and it was called "Take the Power Back".
Isn't the Universe awesome? ;-)
Lots of love,


Anyone dealing with religious past lives or any sort of persecution energy, or teenage angst or perhaps anger at OC..... then I highly recommend this song to get you right into the centre of the pain and express.

Very effective especially the end. However it contains explicit language so perhaps earphones if delicate ears are nearby.

Happe processing.
With love