How To Quantum Manifest Authentically with the Universal Flow

Submitted by Open on Wed, 06/08/2022 - 03:54

Reams of blogs, articles and videos have been produced about intentional or quantum manifesting to gain a desired outcome. But are they really successful? And what does "success" really look like? I maintain there is a way of coming into alignment with the natural flow of the universe and harnessing its power to create abundantly in your life. But it's crucial to understand exactly what the universe is working to create through you and how not to get derailed down illusionary side alleyways. Let's explore...

Quantum Manifesting: The Big Picture

Looking at it from the big picture, everything that we see, touch and feel manifests from the quantum field:  it's a "soup" of space-time-continuum that we might call "Separation Consciousness" that is crystallised into manifestation by the organising force of the universe. Quantum science calls this force "neg-entropy". It's an ordering, harmonising pull, that draws the separation consciousness to ever higher states of harmonic creation.

When you're in the soul, it too is flowing as this quantum energy, that is tuned into a co-creative movement, flow, and constant crystallisation of form. This is the alchemical creative power that is inherent within you.

The question is, how do you most effectively tap into this and harness maximum creative power into your life? Also, what are the crucial pitfalls to avoid?

It's essential to begin by exploring what exactly is the universe trying to create through you? If we understand this, then we can align with that divine purpose for maximum beneficial effect. For me, I believe the answer is reflected all around us in the myriad of creative forms actualised by the One. The One is constantly creating, but clearly without effort or intention. It's simply happening. Just as the entirety of the Universe has progressively sprung into being from the singularity. Now, that creative impulse has naturally taken the shape of the Torus, which exists in and through all sentient life forms. It is the flower of life.

Crucially there was no intention to do this. Or else you'd need to ask, "where did the intention come from?"

If you postulate an original intention, then you must presuppose some "Creator God", whereupon you're always left with the question where did that God come from and how was it created? However, when you come into the presence of The One yourself, inside yourself, then it's like all the light bulbs in the Universe come on at once - you realise life naturally creates from this singularity within you. It is constantly doing so, without effort or intention. The flow simply arises from the infinite potential and continues to do so. Relativity between the outward flow of Separation Consciousness and the inward flow of Unity Consciousness then causes the quantum soup to crystallise into form.

The problem is the ego.

Explore how to create effortlessly beyond the ego: Openhand Ascension Academy

Overcoming the Problem of Ego

The ego wants and desires the quantum soup to manifest in a particular way: a new place to live, a new car or that perfect relationship. Actually, these are forms of poverty consciousness because the ego is unable to accept what it is already creating - the ego is creating limitation to reflect its own shortcomings - what are you being invited to let go of? The same goes where we're intentionally manifesting. It's still based on subtle levels of poverty consciousness where you're not able to embrace what you're already creating and why.

If you're unhappy with what you're creating, the most empowering thing you can do is ask, "why am I creating it?"

The answer to this will always be some form of tightness inside, some contraction, fear or anxiety which causes the quantum flow to crystallise down in a disharmonious way. So the first thing we must do is get into this tightness, express it and realise the attachment that you're expressing - not being able to let go of a relationship for example for fear of being alone or without resources; staying in a job because you're afraid to step out and create from the divine flow. The One in you is not afraid of these situations. So get into the fear, express it and explode the myth that it is, so you can let it go. You'll stop creating the derailing situations and allow more creativity into your life.

Try this 5-step approach for exploding fear

The Abode of The One: Opening to the Flow

To the extent that you can open out through the fear, anxiety or contraction of tightness in this way, will progressively bring you into the abode of The One within you. Now you're on the precipice of authentic quantum manifestation.

First, you make yourself open to the downloads. This can be done through expansive breathing for example, deep consciousness bodywork, chakra attunement and relaxation in nature. Now the flow will start to speak to you first through the higher chakras.

Sample this chakra attunement meditation for opening to the higher flow

The crucial thing to understand is what is the purpose of this divine creativity?

I put it to you it is not trying to create a specific thing - because it's effortlessly creating everything! What it appears to be doing, all around us, is effortlessly expressing itself as The One, and in so doing, the quantum soup bends around these expressions and crystallises into form. What we're getting are manifest expressions of The One - of authentic beingness.

This is, in effect, what we might call "The Law of Attraction". Reality attracts and draws to you what you are being within. Crucially though, this does not mean there's any need or actual benefit by deciding what you want to draw and then intentioning that to yourself. There's always the question who is wanting? It can only be the ego.

Instead, open up to the flow in the way I've described. Then let it come through the higher chakras.

As the downward flowing energy comes into the 3rd eye, you're being invited to look around you with active attention, see the reflections you're drawing and then ask, "How am I being invited to be now?" You'll see reflections in nature or signs and synchronicity. Alternatively, you'll feel a welling up sense of beingness that you recognise as you.

Allow this authentic beingness to activate and express through you. This is the most alchemical and powerfully creative thing you can do.

Downloads from the Universe and Infusions of Energy

From that place, the downloads of energy will come into Higher Mind through the throat chakra. They will start to shape the quantum field around you, which is reflected back to you through signs and synchronicity, symbology and sacred geometry. It doesn't matter too much whether you can interpret these or not. The crucial thing is that you'll start to feel a movement to flow and create in a particular way.

For example, you might get a sense that you're moving location. You start seeing removal trucks for example that your active attention (not intention) is spiked to. You might get a flash of inspiration to explore a particular part of the country, which is then reflected in synchronicity through a chance meeting or conversation. Now you know you're being invited to explore and step in that direction.

You might be concerned you don't have the resources to take the step. The crucial thing is to keep the mind and emotions open to possibility. Also not to fixate on the first thing that necessarily presents. If the possibility doesn't seem to want to land, keep exploring, keep testing and keep inquiring. Maybe the vision will now shift and change to some degree - the first vision was merely a step in the right direction. When you think about it, this is how the universe creates. It's a rolling process of creation and recreation. That's what we must come into alignment with. Remembering that all the while, it's not about what you end up creating, but how you are being in what you create.

Get the very latest downloads from the Universe: Avalon Rising 22: World Ascension Summit

Abundant Living by Co-creating with the Divine

You will create wonderful things, situations and circumstances. And when you adopt this approach to co-creating with the divine, you will be filled with abundant living, in that you feel abundantly supported by the co-creative flow. But life becomes more about you as the creative expression, and then enjoying the creations you manifest. Even where there are challenges, in relationships for example, each is an opportunity to stretch yourself and grow more, so that you create ever more harmoniously.

When you have a problem, in that you don't understand why you're creating as you are, or what you create doesn't feel harmonious, if you believe you can create more aligned circumstances around you, then go into meditation and offer the inuiry up to the Universe. Ask, "show me" and then watch for the reflections you get back. They'll always be offering some way in which YOU can change in the circumstances so YOU can grow and become more authentically YOU. In which case you'll bend the quantum soup around your now embodied expression to create more aligned, rewarding and fulfilling sitiuations in your life.

I offer this inquiry about authentic quantum manifestation as a way of improving your life situations and circumstances - a way of becoming more fulfilled and adventurous in your life and feeling the joy of co-creating with the divine. Nothing can be more rewarding and fulfilling. Even when you're challenged, you start to see the advantage of it. It does take a good degree of mastery to accomplish. If you'd like deeper reflective support, then connect with the work of Openhand - authentic quantum manifestation is fundamental to our philosophy and approach...


Bright blessings

Open 🙏


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21/09/2022 Openhand Journal Update

I'm finding the field is shifting faster at this time. Old inertias are being quickly confronted and dug up. Change and transformation are increasingly possible. Hence I felt to share this article once more again today for you all to reflect upon..

How to Quantum Manifest Authentically with the Flow

A crucial aspect to that, is recognising that you are ALSO creating from, and involving your shadow self. This will appear in all the situations you're creating and so must be worked with, rather than suppressed, buried or denied. If you can feel the contractive resistance of your shadow, or witness where you go unconscious, then you have the key to unlocking the door for your next physical shift in life.

Here's a video I created some while ago on the Authentic Law of Attraction - particularly how to work with your shadow. I do believe the contemplation will be invaluable to you at this time...

In reply to by Open


I just returned from an incredible experience where I got to spend time with an African Bushman hiking barefoot in a forest in the mountains.  He lives in the forest, knows it well and was completely at ease.  I did my best but it was not easy for me.  He told me my problem was I spent 80% of my time focusing on the obstacles and only 20% being in the experience.  It was a great reflection.  I wasn't consciously trying to focus on the obstacles and didn't even realize I was until he pointed it out.  I don't know if focusing on obstacles is an aspect of my shadow but thanks to him, I now realize I do it a lot and it certainly plays a role in holding me back in many ways.

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

I think it's a reflection of my extensive mental conditioning that I don't catch a lot of signs and synchronicities. I am definitely in touch with bodily "knowing" . I can feel where and when to move forward with projects and ideas. Which then seems to weave the surroundings quite well . I am also developing good ability to stand my ground. Especially in close relationships . Something to balance my Pleaedian tendency to give way and allow excessively.

I am not that good at regularly "reading" the 3d however ( unless I'm on pilgramage with Openhand :)) In my very dense environment I tend to get lost in old tendencies. 

There is progress ,however. I was ruminating on the best way to parent in the midst of my personal crisis . And I saw a Tshirt that said "Come as you are " A great reminder 



In reply to by iamdurga


Thanks for sharing Megha 👍

Again, what I believe you're reflecting is the importance of not over questioning. It's a paradox. We're watching for the patterns weaving through lower mind. Yet their source comes from higher up - so the intuitive flow must direct the mind. It takes a lot of practice!

No worries - for sure you're on the right track!

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

The reflections coming to me recently have been that I want to control everything and I definitely see that now.  So that would be a shadow that I need to question Why?  I seem to manifest really great things without even trying, yet when I have them, I'm always worrying they'll go away. (the poverty thing) so I get anxious.  I'm really able to see this much better now since the recent retreat and the crossing paths with someone who outright pointed out how I want to control everything.  Ok, I see that now.  The next part is to figure out how to work on that and I've been still stuck on how to stop controlling it all.  Maybe it's a karmic thing?  Maybe I embody too much of the partriarch and not enough of the matriarch.  I'm looking at that.  Why can't I let go?  What has happened that causes me to feel the need to control every little aspect of my life?  I see it but not sure how to work it out.  I know to relax and allow but that's easier said than done! MOre than that needs to be worked out.

So I'm sure recognizing is a big part of being able to finally start breaking through it.  I bet I focus too much on the what could happen "IF" and that brings up fear, which brings the urge to control life the way I think it "should be".   Why can't I just relax and enjoy my new creation instead of worrying about how it may not last?  I know the answer is there inside for me to find.  Sometimes I don't see the reason for signs and synchronicities until afterwards in hindsight.  But one person popped into my life very suddenly and for a very short time recently and said outright how controlling I was.  They were right.  Something in my shadow side causes this and I just want to find out why and then really understand and process it out.   Any reflections?

This is scary but also a sense of excitement that I'm on the brink of getting it, if that makes sense.

Sherri Praying EmojiHeart


In reply to by Open


My lifelong nemesis was anger. It very seldomly arises now, and if it does, it's a case of slowing down enough to consider how I might respond rather than react, using it as a tool. Whereas in the past, I quite enjoyed the expression as a means to feel my own power. I asked for help with this and seem to have integrated and reconciled it's opposite. I notice I've mostly overcome it, but it took a while.

For me, when the shadow bubbles up from the depths of the soul it can feel very primal and intense, dangerous even, intimate always, but this is the antithesis of the ego and all it's antics, it is the real. Immersing with this aspect is a gift in itself, it is truly transformational.

Remy 💜

In reply to by Open


Nowadays I'm brimming with creativity than ever before and I have many creative projects and ideas going on. It feels really good to be in that flow state, with synchronicities clicking in and universe just supporting it with new ideas and flows. In many ways it's like the many armed budha Or a juggler just waiting for it to land at it's right time. 

What stops the flow is attachment to the outcome. It's like I have to remind myself that it's not about the outcome but being in the flow state. There is a constant need for validation. When I get validation, appreciation for my gifts, there is an attachment in feeling good, worthy, confident and needing more of that feeling. I think when you need something like that, sure enough you manifest the opposite of that experience, the lack of validation. Then there is a seeking. I can see a pattern of seeking of checking social media and so on. I'm working to break the pattern. When this halt in the flow happens, I just sit in the sacred ground and feel the tightness, pain and sadness. What else is there to do? There is frustration. I think it's happening because the flow and it's feeling has come to a halt. I think the black snake energy can feed on even the positive feeling. A curios thing . That's when it's so hard to catch the damn thing. 

But a part of also wonders, how can I not seek validation? The soul is looking for positive feedback. And it's not happening. Not even one. But I'm sure the creative impulse and the action had come from the soul. What am I missing here? I think I'm not really equipped to look and find it elsewhere. Like nature for instance.. I think if I can see that , it would be easy to break this pattern. 
A part of me just want to flow and not stop. Not seek anything. Just be in the flow. 

After the recent retreat I feel more sovereign and free. There is less motivation to connect in past relationship that I had valued so much only till recently. But when I connect there is a obvious dissonance and interference. My guess is reptilian. It's also bringing up urge for past addictive habits which I'm closely watching but being careful not to give into. Will this mean I will be alone? Sacrifice? I think validation is coming from there. It's a comfort of being in the old self. 

Would love to get some reflection and not validation. Lol 

Vimal 😇🙏

In reply to by Vimal


Hi Vimal,

It's an illuminating inquiry flow for sure 👍

My sense is that you're over-questioning at the moment - challenging yourself too much perhaps? Can you just go with the first impulse and not beat yourself up about the outcome?

Also, for quantum manifesting to truly work, the inflowing energy of the soul has to come all the way down through the lower chakras. If there's self-judgment or over questioning, then the flow will fragment into lower mind and not create. Likewise, if there's emotional attachment to the feelings of others.

Maybe a greater degree of spontaneity would help?

Your inquiry inspired me to write this article today...

Exploring Why the Need for Validation on the Spiritual Path?

Bright blessings

Open 💙🙏


In reply to by Open


I've come to a point now where, I'm simply in love with what is, and it doesn't matter what it is, I just love it.

This is why the soul gets battered, bruised and crucified along the way. How much will it take to let go?!

Beaten into submission perhaps. I can now only ever see what is right, and just, and true, in all that is.

I don't care about anything else anymore, appearances are deceptive, the tide turns, wait and see!

Being subject to the proclivities, sensibilities and illusions of this world, and the passes!

And so too will the pleasure, and the beauty, and the bliss, so be thankful, for every moment.

Amen 🙏🏼 

In reply to by Open


You maybe right Open. There most definitely is beating myself about the outcome. It's a funny cruel paradox. First there is need for it to be a particular way - perfectionism. Then there is a judgement about needing perfection. I think if one can watch themselves without judgment, then all of it's ok. So I'm doing that now. Also lack of patience. Oh how much I would like to just get out of this limiting loops. I can see how it blocks full creativity. So yea it makes sense of these limiting mind loops can hinder the creative energetic flow from the higher self. So in a way it's a good thing - I'm bringing light into these thought patterns. I don't think theres an attachment in the emotional level at this point.


This totally makes sense - go with the first impulse and not beat myself about the outcome. But the second part is the hardest. It's like programmed deep in the psyche. No worries, I got all the time I need. Man, I'm in touch with my soul. This much I know. Morning, I was walking to the nearby river, listening to some music. All this tightness and mind games where there, yet there was sweet emotive soul responding to the music. 

I maybe challenging myself too much. I think it happens when I feel a lot of commitment towards the path. Even meditation at this point can become trying. So I'm giving up. It's about the joy. Spontaneity. 

Today while coming back, I saw a dead yellow bird. Yellow has been my totem colour for a while now. I wonder if it represents the pleadian energy. I think the dead bird is speaking about how effort can kill joy and spontaneity. 

When the over questioning is there. It's questioning everything. Even the things that I had felt passionate about pursuing. Now it's a dim shadow. But being in the inner joy all of the little things become an act of liberation and awakening. 

I see how I'm not limiting myself by questioning what I write here because there is less investment in how it sounds or appears to others. It's a place where I'm learning. But in other platforms it's a touch differrent. There is an investment in an image of mine.. An image I'm preserving in these end times. Funny thing.. 

This helps man, really! I get it, I'm gonna do what I feel pulled to do and not care about how it appears. And you are right, the clicking in itself is the validation. That's the feedback mechanism of the soul.. Then this not clicking in and effort and urge towards habits are feedback for the ego I suppose. That's also sychronicity. I have been feeling pull and love towards putting out some recipes in my website and it has been flowing well. But today while coming back with some groceries I fell down with the bike while parking and something broke from my bike. This happens when I'm in mind or some hurry. This is feedback for the ego. 

I feel some relief already by writing this.. 

Thankyou for listening. Great that my shadow inquiry has inspired you to write a cool article. Heart


I've been on a vision quest this week and things are still settling and landing.  After reading this article I can't help but wonder if the Divine sometimes uses us to quantum manifest.

Instead of waiting to go on the perfect vision quest, I borrowed a tent and set it up in a friend's backyard.  Their neighbor had a pump that went on in the morning and stayed on until evening.  It was not working right and made a constant loud noise.  As my first day went on it became more and more agitating to my nervous system.  And being on a water fast in the heat really amplified the agitation.  Day 2 my friend came to check on me in the morning and I mentioned the pump.  They said that noise usually happens when a pump it is about to break but this one had been hanging in for about 6 months making the noise everyday.  At that moment a thought dropped in how I can leave when my quest is done but the trees and other plants have been subjected to this very loud unnatural discordant energy everyday and they can't get away from it.  And  without thinking I said I wish it would just break because it's vibrationally jarring to me and the plants don't like it either.  Late that afternoon the pump groaned several times and then broke.

I'm not saying I manifested the breaking of the pump on behalf of the trees.  I know my lower mind had nothing to do with it.  And I was completely surprised when it happened.  Yet I wonder if the Divine may have drawn my awareness and attention to the situation.  And maybe somehow that caused a shift in the quantum field.  In other words, if quantum manifesting can happen through us as part of our service to the Divine even if not benefiting us.  Similar to how when doing fieldwork and facilitating clients energies just start running and processing through us.



In reply to by Ann B


Fascinating indeed Ann - thanks for sharing 👍

I too have often felt similar about trees and plants, lining motorways for example, how stalwart they are that they can still thrive in such noise and polution.

Is your consciousness being a channel to break the pump?

Here's the thing, maybe the pump and the motorway are necessary to reflect the dense consciousness that people are? I would say they also manifested them from their own shadow consciousness. So it's a dance between the emergence of soul and the density that souls are emerging from.

But there comes a point when the catalyst is necessary and is summoned to activate and break an old construct down. Maybe that's why you were doing your vision quest? It became a reflection to you, that when you're in the field and channeling it catalysis can and will happen.

Of course, this depends on a number of conditions: 1) that it's a right and proper convergence of the divine flow 2) that it's being done through you 3) that the "decision" to engage in a particular way has not come from the ego, but channeled through the soul.

If these conditions are met, then quantum manifestation can become a natural course of life. It won't always be "breaking the pump" though, it could be smaller things - simply weaving signs and synchronicity to create steps. And it could be larger things - you're moving the wider field that opens a portal or unlocks a volcano. The more you're coming from the quantum field in daily life, the more you witness, through synchronistic reflection, that you're a part of this flow.

Check out today's video release and the steam train as an example 😉....

Becoming the Divine Human

Enjoy the quantum manifesting!

Open 💙


09/02/2022 Openhand Journal Update

How to manifest authentically by accessing higher dimensions? I thought this inquiry would be popular (scroll up to full article above). Plenty are sick and tired of the "intentioning what you want" syndrome from the Law of Attraction. It's just another level of control...

When instead, what we're really yearning for is the natural flowstate, that brings us into alignment with the natural flow of the universe, which then animates through us and bends the quantum soup around us to create abundantly and harmoniously. But crucially, as an authentic expression of your soul.

That's what I worked to capture the sense of in this Openhand 30 minute short doco. Take some time out today to watch it, then see how you might apply it to your daily practice? Do share your thoughts and reflections. I'd be intrigued to hear your feedback. Bright Blessings <<< Open 💙


Hi Open, 

You said "you might get a sense you're moving location, seeing removal trucks that activate your Attention."  I had no idea I'd be moving to this house, but not long before it really happened, I started seeing so many moving rental trucks all over town!  I'd never seen so many, They were even on the road where I recently just moved.  I didn't know I'd be moving but my attention was definitely being directed to all those trucks and there was more of them than I'd ever seen in this town and I even commented that everyone must be moving.  Well one of them ended up being me.  Hungry

Talk about signs!  I don't always get what many signs are about beforehand but after the fact, I can look back and see how the signs were there.  Is there a way to see them and know right then instead of afterwards?   I do know my attention was certainly captured on those moving trucks.  Is that spiking of attention one of the things that signals a change is coming?

I'd wanted to move here but there was no flow for a long time and suddenly the offer was made if I wanted to live here I could and I jumped on it.  I also remember you saying it's about the timing.  I never thought I"d live here but in time it came about so I do know to wait patiently and see if the flow and timing work out for me.

I do work daily to keep breathing, letting go and allowing and not forcing things.  

I really get so much out of your posts, livefeeds and zoom meets.  Thank you for sharing so well.  Also, this is what I was going to share with Tilly so please let her know, and thank you.

Sherri Praying EmojiHeart


Hey O, that livestream was truly amazing! Thankyou so much. I felt tremendous movement and stuff I just haven't got words for.

Also things got triggered and processed as you spoke. It was quite a multilevel experience I haven't felt before, very trippy! 

So many releases and knowings happened all at once. Words just can't really describe what I felt.

But if I could describe it as a visual thing, I felt like I was like the northern/southern lights just flowing. 

Thanks again for the inspiration and encouragement.

Big etheric hugs to you and the team. 

Erin 💚




There are times when a download of energy will come, when i'm deepening into the Godhead, the One, the Singularity, and so on, and I contract down in it, just a little, but it's limiting it. There is nobody here or there having a download - so there is nothing it can do about itself, yet some thing is contracting. Due to the experiential quality of these 'downloads', the sheer power of them, the emergence of felt presences within the body, bright lights, visions, distortions of the usual 3D function, or Sidhi's. I had put it down as 'having to get used to it' but Spirit manifests anew, in a unique manner each time it happens, there is no 'getting used to it'! 

It's a double bind.

Remy 🙏🏼

P.S There does come a point where projection's out into the world cease and one simply see's. Praise the Lord

In reply to by Remy (not verified)


Still shot off on a tangent after the Snowdonia Retreat!! 💫

Plunged deeply and reverently into the Mysteries and Mythology, the composite workings of the entire Cosmos beyond Mind. To

assimilate the various Divination arts, and contemplate with the archetypes, and forces of Nature we're working with.

I had taken the Mystic all and nothing path, I have the feeling I've been brought back for a deeper review.

A lifetime's task in the very least. Such an astounding sense of the evolution going on right now.

It's so amazing what is happening on this planet. Life itself...It's just so incredible isn't it!!

Absolutely Loving the Openhand guided meditations. Thanks for bringing me back.

With Love

Remy 🙏🏼


So much is happening right now in the field around us - so much transformation and possibility. A breath of fresh air!!

The crucial thing is that we make sure we're co-creating with the divine - channeling the natural and authentic flow through us, as an expression of being. Then the right circumstances will create and we'll live harmoniously. Even where there are challenges, we'll seize the opportunity by realising what they're offering - a chance to forge the soul and grow.

Hence I felt to explore the nature of quantum manifesting today. It's always in the spiritual headlines. The question is how to do it authentically and not go down blind alleyways? Scroll up for the full article and do share your experiences and/or questions with me in commentary below. It's about time our version of reality got some airplay!!

Bright blessings

Open 💙