Planetary Shift: Mighty Metatron Commences Star Being Collaboration

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/21/2023 - 06:59

Lift your eyes up from the fakestream media being trodden underfoot. Turn your attention for more than 1 minute from the social media metaverse. Something stupendous has begun. But you'll have to look with your inner eye to perceive it. Wholesale transformation is upon us. The Archangel, Mighty Metatron, is descending from the higher dimensions, anchoring on planet earth, and commencing the Star Being Collaborations that will transform the planetary field for good.

Reconciliation through Past Life Regression

In a recent Openhand Advanced Facilitator Group we were exploring how reconciliations between the various Star Being Nations influencing the earth could happen? To be clear, practically every single aspect of life here on the planet is being influenced down to the DNA level, both malevolently and benevolently. There will be no solutions to the problems we face without resolutions and realignments in the field. That's where transformation must begin. Can only begin.

Over the last few years especially, something marvellous has been happening in the Openhand facilitator group: various of the intervention species, the Annunaki, Reptilians and Greys for example, have been surrendering into past life regressions - karmic healing work. They're being shown the Grand Galactic Convergence we're sailing into, realising there's no way to avoid it, and are now ready to come back to the Galactic Family of Light. It's a fundamental development in the shift.

Now we're considering what collaboration looks like? Get that going and you've got the potential for powerful quantum shifts in the healing, realigning process.

That's where the Mighty Metatron comes in.

Heaven meets the Earth

Since around the time of the 10-year anniversary of the 2012 Galactic Alignment, I'd been feeling the presence of a heavenly archangel, which didn't take long to realise. At just about every sunset leading up to the solstice of 2022 I was shown golden light descending to earth from the heavens. The word "Metatron" was materialising all around me and coming in through the dreamtime. The energy was ready to anchor and being supported by coherent, aligned and benevolent Draconian energies that had already arrived here... heaven meets the earth!!

At another Facilitator Gathering Metatron materialised as an energy, resonating into our group consciousness, activating new frequencies of aliveness. It was breath-taking to behold.

The question remained: how do you get dissonant Star Being Groups that have vied and even warred with each other to come to reconciliation and collaboration?

Become an Advanced Facilitator in the Shift with Openhand

An Orchestral Ensemble

I was shown an orchestra, where each group could play its part in a wider ensemble. But who would be the conductor, the facilitator group asked? The answer was clear: none other than the Torus itself and the realigning convergence connecting the Earth's Shift to that of the Solar System and High Energy segment of the Galaxy. Metatron would provide the baton - the energies that can dance within the Torus and provide the energies of connection - multiple frequencies will activate in its golden light.

Consider each Star Being Nation is aligned on a particular harmonic of soul frequencies - 9 in all. Metatron, as a divine paternal energy, brings alive resonances in a dancing weave that can connect all into the Grand Galactic Convergence. He is not the conductor. He provides animation to the conductor - enhanced power in a given location.

To be clear, no negotiation is necessary. No negotiation is possible. You cannot negotiate with the Torus. The Flower of Life is re-generating and with the tremendous power behind it, nothing will prevent it. The density will be stirred up by this Mighty Metatron dance. Its coherency will progressively break down the shadow. The only sensible approach is to align with the movement - the feeling pull in the depth of your soul. In every single moment.

Unleash Your 9 Soul Rays at an Openhand Event

Dancing with Metatron: Activating the Merkabah

Let's be clear though, as you may have picked up from the tone of my article, as the Metatron energy resonates through me, this is no woolly or fluffy energy. No rose-tinted love n light. Imagine a galactic washing machine on speed. The density is rapidly thrown to the outer edge of the drum. Metaphorically all the density in you is activated and stirred up. The light is barreling through you, cascading in. It requires you to purify the lower self and activate the Merkabah so you can harness the infusing light.

The Metatron Energy is a fast vibration that's highly activating, bringing you awake and alive - with the sense of adventure, creativity and soul expression. It will point your eyes to the heavens to witness the dancing flows of light and bring them alive within you. You can harness it with crystals of golden, amber light. But then to really benefit from it, we must render the Merkabah, to be a crucible of high alchemy within.

To activate the Merkbah you've also got to purify the lower self: physically, emotionally, mentally and karmically. It requires a dedicated day-by-day approach over a considerable number of years. That way the lower self can merge with higher - the Merkabah forms, and becomes a crucible for the inflow of cascading light.

Sounds full on right? It is. But that's what's necessary now. We have a steep climb to make as the Ascension now accelerates. Collaboration begins with surrender to this Grand Galactic Convergence that you feel in the 11:11 calling of your own soul. Reconciliation with the wayward karma of the past is immediately initiated. Thus allowing the infusing light to bring your soul-ray-harmonic alive. This is what the Mighty Metatron is here to deliver.

Explore the DIVINICUS book with activation of your Merkahbah

The True Meaning of 11:11

Awakening people across the planet have been witnessing the 11:11 synchronicity, but what does it actually mean? I'm clearly informed by benevolence it is the alignment of four key centres of consciousness: 1) you with your twin flame; 2) your dancing connection into Gaia's Torus; 3) connection with the sun, our solar logos; 4) connection to the galactic core.

This is what all souls are now called to as we move toward the Grand Galactic Convergence - the reconnection of all the Torodial fields within what is called the Flower of Life. The arrival of the 12,000 year Galactic Superwave, during the time of the Grand Solar Minimum, as the Earth completes the Pole Shift - it's the perfect convergence to break down redundant karmic constructs and restore the Flower of Life.

That's what the Solar Nova "Event" that some alternatives are speaking of actually refers to - it is the culmination, the convergence, of these grand galactic cycles, which we're moving into right now.

Explore further the true meaning of the 11:11 Synchronicity leading to the Event

Harnessing the Metatron Light

The Mighty Metatron has arrived. It's a strong paternal energy to activate and enhance the dance within our souls, to this Grand Galactic Convergence. It's an energy that can activate in you the feelings of joy, excitement, adventure and creativity - a dance with the natural flow of life. You feel held in a powerful heavenly embrace. But make no mistake, for all those committing to the realigning flow, it will be challenging too. It will precipitate the sense of urgency to purify the lower self and activate the Merkabah.

Metatron is also here to bring about a mighty collaboration of the various Star Being Nations that have vied for control here. You cannot control the Torus. But you can dance with it! Each has their part to play, each can be brought alive to their authentic frequencies in this incredible reactivation. It's already marvellous to behold.

We're in two worlds now not one. The old is quickly disintegrating in its last gasp death throws - like the distracting melodrama of social media.

Meanwhile, the new is establishing itself through the mighty 11:11 synchronicity in the depths of our emergent souls. It's calling you alive in this Grand Galactic Convergence. Which world will you choose?

If you'd like to actively explore the concepts shared in this article, get involved with the spiritual work of Openhand...

The 5D Ascension Program

Bright Blessings

Open ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™

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When I invite Metatron, I can feel a strong paternal loving energy anchored and supportive. A sense of being in my true power, confident and expanded. This is how I can best describe it. The energy can be said to be descending from above.

I have been calling on Metatron quite a number of times, I wondered if he might get annoyed. After all there's many people he has to serve. This is my human brain projecting my conditioning on the energy. XD

Today I was at the passport office to renew my expired passport. It was mandatory to wear a mask inside the office and amidst the crowd of so many people I was the only one not wearing a mask. What a ridiculous show it was - people taking it off to get photographed, wearing it on the chin behaving as if its normal. It was clear, everyone wanted to get the job done and not create too much of a fuzz. But the realzation dropped at some point - it was not about whether I get the passport or get kicked out or get arrested. It was what was the energy of the moment and the lesson that was being invited there. I could feel the BS energy weaving its control and suppression through fear and conformity.

I saw a paternal figure there - a projection of my own neediness of support. It was clear what I was invited to let go and surrender. After having released that, there was such a sense of expansiveness and centred power of the Metatron when I called on the energy , it didn't matter if I get kicked off if was for my truth. The lady guard there asked me where my mask was. I could feel the tension of the crowd in my chest. But I just smiled. She made some sarcastic comment and left me without bothering further. Later I felt good about it - this was my way of silent protest.

Vimal Praying Emoji


Its really fascinating and intriguing the discussions happening here.I would like to share an experience I had today with Metatron energy i guess.

I was being unconscious with my relationship with my father. So i was enquiring on that. After a few realisations and knowings I could see the truth in his life and i deeply empathised with him. Honoured the truth and felt love and respect to his soul. After this , i felt that my energy field is changed, i became more welcoming and joyful. This morning, during meditation, I was feeling the same although I could feel some blockages in my body. So I started suspecting raw energy and asked for clarification. What I saw was rays of golden yellow light on my crown which is ready to flow down. It gave me slightly itching sensation and it was warm. The energy was struck there as it couldn't flow down due to the blockages on my chakras and i felt weight/heaviness at my crown. I did breakthrough breathing to infuse the energy and it started moving. What I observed was the blockages I had is being released with in seconds as it gently flowed. It was warm. A feeling of protection and support. I wouldn't say i fully infused this energy as I can still feel slight heaviness at my head.I believe it's the metatron energy i was experiencing.Correct me if I'm wrong๐Ÿ™‚.

Thank you๐Ÿ™


In reply to by Soumya


Hi Soumya,

This does indeed sound like you're connecting into Metatron energy and it's activating blockages. It's important to realise though that the key is NOT to be infusing the energy - not infusing it through your being. You could be immersed in it for a while, by asking it to work with you. But then it must be YOU actualising your own version of the energy inside yourself - so it should bring something alive in you which feels right and aligned with your being.

This is an important difference - you don't want to be entwining an energy with your soul that is not yours. However another being, such as Metatron, can resonate and activate that previously dormant soul frequency - does this make sense to you?

Well wishes

Open ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by Open


Yeah.. I perfectly understand what you are saying ,Open. This first encounter made me kind of feel like" ayyy i experienced metatron"๐Ÿ˜ and I had no idea what to do/how to work with this. I thought the divine paternal energy has something to do with my paternal relationship here. Your comment seems directional to me. Thank you for the illumination.

I will look on what dormant soul frequency is being activated. And I do have a feeling that it's also activating the layers of karma.

Thank you๐Ÿ™



I'm quite intrigued by the discussions happening here about channeling. I felt compelled to weigh it down with some of my recent experiences. During one of the online sessions I had a few days before, we had a visitation from Ra energy. My initial confusion was that the feelings of my expansion and "love" were my own and also what I was feeling in the presence of the other person involved. But this myth was soon demystified. After the session, I was completely exhausted to my bones. This energy brought many of the old patterns, relationship wounds, and behaviors to the surface, fueled by the reptilians in the field, there was this need to consume. I think it was coming in through a deep maternal wound from this life as well as others. It's interesting, as I was in an inquiry about what "Love" really means to me. On one level we seem to confuse and attach love to a formโ€”partner, parent, friend, or any sentient being. However, there is a deeper layer of attachment to a specific feeling. In this case, a feeling of expansion, care, nurturing, connection, etc. I think it coming in through a blind spot- judging one feeling as superior to the other. I think Ra energy comes in through this internal judgment or attachment to a particular feeling.

When I was in that energy, I found myself disconnected from my body and living in some expansive cloud. It's as if nothing seemed to bother me. In exchange for this feeling, I had to give up my sovereignty, connection to my natural frequencies, and full embodiment in the body. This is not an expression of love - it's an expression of fear. Period! Love would be to be intimate with whatever feelings that wants to arise at the moment without judgment or resistance.

After a few hours of chakra breathing and embodiment of the torus, I came back into my own beingness but with exhaustion. I was met with some Lion synchronicities - being true to myself. During another session, my partner had visions of egyptian counsil when we were working with this energy. The experience came with some deeper realization. While in meditation I thought - I can't trust my own expansion anymore! How would I know it's mine and not some external influence? I think the answer is to know if I'm embodied deep within in body or not. Otherwise, it could be an influence.

Also having read other comment as well , this question also came. Would we able to say Ra energy is helping us attune to the feeling of expansion providing that we are clear in our lower vehicles and embodied in the base. I think further judgement of this energy will only creates polarity.

I would love to hear any feedback on this.

Vimal Raised Back Of HandPraying Emoji

In reply to by Vimal


Hi Vimal,

What a great inquiry. I especially liked your observation that Ra energy comes in through an internal judgment of some feelings being better than others and attachment to that.

It sounds a bit like a part of you still yearns for those feminine aspects of love - care, nurturing etc - coming from the mother wound. It's enticing to receive it from someone else, like a mother or partner, because we can surrender into it to a degree. Like taking a bath in the feminine and letting it heal you. However, it's easy to then lose sovereignty in that.

So the question is, how can you allow the feminine within you as a sovereign expression of who you are? Remember, you can integrate the feminine aspect within you AND still receive the reflection from others. The difference is there isn't a projection of it onto someone else any more.

You can also use the feminine within to help heal the masculine. For example, the compassion and acceptance of your full masculine power.

Much love


In reply to by Richard W


Hi Richard,

Thankyou for these reflections. It helps me have a clearer and wholesome perspective of the inquiry.

You said the question is, how can you allow the feminine within you as a sovereign expression of who you are? Remember, you can integrate the feminine aspect within you AND still receive the reflection from others. The difference is there isn't a projection of it onto someone else any more.

I think that's a powerful question, one we can hold within our awareness and learn a lot. It can change as I integrate more but for now, my answer would be to fully allow and accept where I'm at the journey. It's also to look for the divine maternal and feminine qualities within myself like care, nurture, unconditional acceptance, playfulness, joy etc. I think we can find that self nurture and care in the most simplest things like the food we eat, clothes we wear, the interactions we have etc. Then we will be never left wanting from the external. But as you rightly point out, still see the reflections.

I think the divine masculine can also heal the feminine. The qualities of commitment in the face of adversity for example nourish self acceptance.

I think the problems are these unconscious spots we have which the various energies like Ra help to illuminate. So now I look at the experience, there is less judgment of the energy. Once the awareness is brought to it, the energy and the behaviours around it starts to shift.

Vimal ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by Vimal


I read with fascination the comments by Vimal and Richard. Primarily, for me, the initial theme is one of grounding. We are using our bodies as barometers to discern fine nuances of vibration, is that not so? That discernment comes from solid grounding and awareness of the self as a baseline. This speaks to me of preparation before meditation and group work as being of critical importance. Presumably, the Ra energy fed on the confusion generated by judgement- when thinking is polarised, then entities and interventional energies can tap into that separation and syphon energy off. Would that be why Vimal felt so drained? I'm feeling the loss of sovereignty as external attachment or reaction, based on unresolved karma or programs. Finally, to follow, the more complete embodiment of soul allows for a greater discernment, as we are ever closer to standing completely in our scared ground. Then it would be a step by step process, testing the field, clearing density and unleashing incremental soul, a slow and gradual learning process. This is my overview based on my current understanding. I do so appreciate this forum and the different perspectives.

Andy Praying Emoji


This "channeling" query here in comments activated my curiosity to get some clarity on it for my own evolution.

I am that one who isn't supporting the idea of channeling and staying away from that as much as I can be aware of it. It may sound a good degree of refusing to work with certain energies or being afraid of that but actually it is not. This arises from what I am experiencing when being next to someone who is channelling. Being quite sensitive to the field and of the empathic nature I have felt many times what's happening around when people do channelling. As an example, entering the sacred space (lets say publicly accessible) or on some presentation I can identify quite clearly if some energies are being channelled and the channel isn't fully aware of what is really coming through it. Most likely they may have a blind spot in consciousness or being partially unconscious thus the interventional energies are very smart to use that channel for their own purpose. How it feels in this case for those who are around that channel? I am attuning to my own frequencies when meditating and here it is someone channeling not trully benevolent energy. This causes a clear sense of the field disturbance and it is more dificult for me to feel my own frequencies, it works like a distraction thus trying to create various barriers for my internal connection. To my belief (and experience in Openhand events) the benevolent groups of beings do NOT create the field disturbance or distraction. Open works with the benevolent energies by calling upon them for HIS work on the group (or wider) level. And at that time our internal work is to find the way to tune in to the frequencies which resonate with our own.

So, my question would be what is the need or purpose for channelling the energy instead of tuning in to it or finding the resonance within? What is the benefit for my soul from what we define as channeling?

To my understanding the "channeling" is when we call on certain energies and allow them to come through by expressing them using our own consciousness. While finding the resonance between the frequencies of that energy and our frequencies of the soul is more empowering and supporting soul's sovereignty way of living.

I have realised just couple of days ago that the frequencies of the Metatron kind energy are of my own nature and I live nearly all my life from that but never new the name and never needed even to call them upon. It just is. Okay, the good thing is to recognise it as a part of the soul spectrum and open up more consciously to what I already have in me. Also, to my observation different people may recognise the same energy working for them in a different way. So to me the Metatron (as well as the Andromedan group energy) gives something like a clear geometrically structured perception of many things, it is very subtle vibration but it helps to "connect the dots" in many situations very quickly and with high accuracy. Thus leading to an uplifting success in everyday life, even in simplest and smallest things.

Just felt to express my understanding of things and the reflection would be very welcome, tell me someone if I seem to sound confused with something here ๐Ÿ™.

With love

๐ŸŒบ Asya


Hi Open,

Interestingly, those golden/orange rays of light were something I previously associated with Arcturian energy. However, becoming clear on the Metatron energy I can recognise how it comes in on those frequencies too. It has always reflected a feeling of home for me.

For me it comes through as a kind of focusing aspect. Yes, there's a weaving of the tapestry, a dancing in various energetic relationships, but then bringing them together in a focused, directive way. This makes things clearer and stronger going forward.

It's also tremendously encouraging - surrendering to the toroidal flow, then taking each step forward as it arises.

That's my take anyway. I appreciate this exploration as it makes this energy much more clearly defined.

Much love


In reply to by Richard W


It's an interesting observation you noticed Rich - the similarity between the Metatron and Andromedan energies. Both are expressed through a golden amber light, both are highly metaphysical and create through the witnessing of sacred geometry - so what's the connection?

In my knowing, Metatron is of an Andromedan heritage - that's been enfolded into the soul. However, the Archangel now works more as an individual or else in concert with other Archangels. Whereas the Andromedans often come through in their own soul grouping.

Metatron has more of the paternal energy, and to me, is more of a flowing dance. It's a faster frequency and more activational, whereas I find the Andromedan energies more focussing on the weaving creative.

It's a wonderful exploration for sure!

Open ๐Ÿ™


28/02/2023 Shift Update

I experienced a profound and powerful application of the Metatron energy in the dreamtime whilst on retreat with an Openhand Group at Eden Rise this week, which I felt to share for illumination.

On one particular evening, I felt a group consciousness come into my field with a heavy vibration. It was literally causing my chest to throb with a pulsing vibe, and I could immediately feel it was depleting of energy. After a short while of investigation, I recognised it as an unaligned reptilian hive that had come into the space through an unconscious channel - through one of the participants. To be clear, this can happen to anyone until they've fully integrated their field and processed out most of their karma.

By applying an acceleration of the Torus and enfolding the hive within it, then forming a bridge to the Draconian nation, the group was reasonably easy to dispatch. On the second evening something similar happened, but this time the pulsing was a higher vibration around the chakras of the head. I worked on it by application of the Torus for at least a couple of hours, but it wouldn't budge. Again I recognised it as depleting of energy and some kind of evolution of reptilian energy - it was masquerading as an evolved "dragon" energy, but was actually working the 4D field to extract energy.

I inquired, "Show me!" It's always the place to begin where you're encountering something new.

Intuitively I knew to gather a crystal I'd been connecting to the Metatron energy with. Within a short while, I could feel a subtle presence in the space, but still the interfering energy wouldn't budge. Then telepathically the awareness came to weave sacred geometry around the room. This I found quite fascinating because it's not how I usually manifest reality and so I was intrigued to experience it - I'd already been having that inquiry. So I applied it - visualising golden coloured hexagons, and other forms that came naturally, multiplying them around the confines of the room. Within a matter of seconds, the interfering energy disappeared. I then wove the patterning around the whole retreat centre and the energy was completely dispatched.

It's important to say that I was not "channeling Metatron" - I'm extremely cautious of the whole channeling approach. Plenty of people are deceived by what they believe they're channeling. The Openhand Approach to benevolent support in this way, is to invite an inquiry, but to be clear that a truly benevolent source will work to activate and help attune your own natural expression of that support: you find the Metatron expression in yourself.

I felt to share this as a means of activation of that sacred geometry approach to those who can recognise it or where it's already starting to come active.

Bright blessings

Open ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

it's great to hear that Metatron can bring to the surface these kinds of energies who camouflage themselves as benevolent or highly evolved.

That reminds me of an experience I made myself, when I engaged in a false light teachings some years back. It promised everything I wished for - power to heal others, knowledge beyond imagination, a loving community ... until I realised that I was being consumed into a collective consciousness that pretty much had me under control.

I noticed that when I did not feel my own energy body any more as I was completely lulled in by this seemingly loving and caring energy. It was all playing on the level of the heart, attaching to my Karma. And I was constantly being distracted from my blindspot - the wanting to rescue others, the wanting to belong, the wanting to know. That was my sense of lack and the reason why I engaged in the teaching. As soon as that became clear I instantly distanced myself from that group, and cut all cords.

So what I learned from this is to always be aware and attentive of WHY I am doing something. Is there a subtle sense of lack? some self doubt? Then to feel through it and integrate that part of me, knowing that there is nothing in the external that I will ever "need" to be myself and complete.

Much love and have a great time there with Metatron,
Thomas ๐Ÿต๏ธ


24/02/2023 Shift Update

I'm leading a retreat all this week at the marvellous Eden Rise on Dartmoor. It's a great place to anchor some radiant Metatron Energy, which I'll be sure to be doing for the group.

So I'm intrigued Openhanders - whose experiencing this infusion of Metatron golden light right now? Several have told me you are privately but what about the wider community? Do share, I'd love to hear. This are profound times to infuse in some higher light.

Bright blessings

Open ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

yes, wow, the Metatron Energy is off the scales. I am in contact with that energy for some years now, however, it's been rather subtle and less defined in how I experienced it.

Now during the last conference it was just overwhelmingly strong and present. I perceive it as an orange-golden translucent pillar of light coming in straight from above. There are many layers to it. It's got sacred symmetry embedded in it, which shapes in rather masculine ways as straight lines and angles.

It's holding me in a beautiful and soft, yet strong and determined way. At the time when I was working on a karma that came up during the conference, this energy came in and revealed it all to me. The pain in my chest got stronger as every distortion within me was lit up in this impressive golden light. Quite intense, yet I felt the truth in it.

The reverence I had for this energy and generally the energies of the archangels has definitely increased and I feel them much more specific and detailed.

This is really something to experience. Big thank you ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Much love
Thomas ๐Ÿ€

In reply to by Open


This morning I meditated to channel Metatron. I prepared myself and cleansed and raised my vibration. It took quite a while to settle and to feel that I was in the right place to receive this energy. It took some time including a few rounds of chakra breathing. I spent more time than usual grounding thoroughly. After a few repeated invitations and further settling, I started to get a sense of being in the toroidal field. The first thing I heard was my name, 'Andrew' being spoken. Then shortly after a clear, fine ringing of bells in my right ear and a refined buzzing. Then an energy started to descend slowly. It was very wide, I had a sense of it encasing my shoulders, holding me in a column. This undulated gently from side to side as it inched down my body. Shortly after my crown started to buzz and itch furiously. Then my third eye region. I started to feel ravenously hungry. The feeling started to intensify gradually and felt glorious. The problem was the itching on my scalp and around my brow was getting intense and I was feeling really hungry. I decided to discontinue, thanked Metatron and asked him to leave. I was feeling a little tired and decided not not push too far. I think the session highlighted some possible further preparations would deepen the next experience.

In reply to by andyvaz


I felt to offer some serious sense of caution in the "channeling" approach Andy - to be very careful of the nature of channeling you're undertaking.

The field is awash with entity groups that are well versed in mimicking particular higher dimensional and angelic energies. A truly benevolent source will not infuse your field with their energy. And the influence will likely be relatively subtle to begin with. They work more by activating a resonance of your OWN frequencies that may be similar - activating the Metatron energy in you.

When you speak of an itching on the head around the higher chakras and becoming ravenously hungry, quite instantly, something doesn't feel aligned about that to me.

I would not encourage trying to channel anything until you definitely know that your own higher self is already integrated with the lower - in other words, that you've had full kundalini activation which is integrated as a way of being. If the higher self is not yet embodied, how would you know what energies were infusing your field? Essentially you don't. I would say this is paramount before we encourage other entities to actually enter your field.

Personlly, if I'm working with some higher dimensional group, irrespective of what it presents as, I hold a healthy sceptiscism about it. I start from the point: could this be an intervention mimicking the real thing? That's my starting point.

There's way too much channeling presented out there in spiritual mainstream, offering "higher truth", but is actually intervention spoon-feeding people and leading off the track of their own soul integration, thus derailing their journey. This we must be very careful of. Especially before integration of higher self has happened through full kundalini integration. I've witnessed plenty of occasions where an entity binds into a person's consciousness through channeling - to the extent they're not even aware of its presence. The entity may offer all kinds of insightful gifts. The channel may gain recognition and draw many followers through it, from which the entity is extracting energy and constraining evolution.

So let's be really clear about the authentic approach to channeling before embarking on it. And to always maintain a healthy scepticism.

Open ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by andyvaz


Hi Andy - I felt to revisit your post above.

It's highly likely this was the Metatron Energy you connected with. What we need to be careful of though is the difference between "channeling" and 'attuning". The risk with channeling is that you're allowing something external to come through you which you can't necessarily be sure has overall benevolent intent. However a truly benevolent being will work to activate that same resonance within you - a frequency expression that is very similar, but your own.

So the question to hold when working with these infusing energies of the shift, is to explore how it supports your evolutionary growth? Does it empower and uplift? Does it cause you to own your own sovereignty in it?

Wishing you well in your inquiry.

Open ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by Open


Thank you for this new perspective Open.

I used the term channeling loosely and I will have to let the concept of attuning as opposed to channeling land. I assume you mean that

attuning is feeling a being's vibrations cascading through the ethers. Whereas channeling is embodying the energy directly? When I look

at those definitions, I only feel the difference is a matter of degree.

I wonder whether you consider the safeguards taught in the field of psychism to be adequate for channeling? There is cleansing, raising vibration

and being very specific about who you call on. Then there is the challenge, using specific questions to reveal the integrity of the being. I'm not

saying I don't accept your observations and caution because I do. I am just very curious about the efficacy of the preparations and safeguards for

channeling work.

Ultimately, when we invite higher groups to a meditation, is this not an invitation to channel? In many of our past Openhand sessions, conversations with various groups after a period of indentification has proceeded. My feeling is that the members of the group that undertake this work have a higher degree of sensitivity and experience, as have you. To put it bluntly, you know what you're doing.

The reason I'm pressing for clarity is that my impression was that, with the intersection of higher energies proceeding, we will all more than likely be channeling various groups and individuals as the field opens up. I, for one, am very excited about this. If this did happen inadvertently, having the entity prove itself over time would be my approach as you have suggested.

Hope you don't mind me expanding on this, I'm not trying to toss in a holy hand grenade. I'm just fascinated.

Andy Praying Emoji

In reply to by andyvaz


Hi Andy - it's excellent that we dwell in this area a while - what's the problem with channelling as such and what's the difference between this and attuning?

You asked,

I only feel the difference is a matter of degree.

I wonder whether you consider the safeguards taught in the field of psychism to be adequate for channeling? There is cleansing, raising vibration

and being very specific about who you call on. Then there is the challenge, using specific questions to reveal the integrity of the being.

It's BECAUSE the difference is only a matter of degree that it's most essential to establish the difference. It is said, "the greatest deception is that closest to the truth". The problem being if your own higher self is not already embodied in your being, if you're not already coming from that space, then an entity can entwine with infusing energies - channelled energies. And then it's hard to untangle - I have seen this happen to people in plenty of situations.

You often see channellings expressed in such as way as to say, "I am this, or that", they speak in convoluted language with a sense of self-importance and elevation. Also if you explore, the language often causes polarity and separation - they're establishing themselves as something separate, something above - and therefore to be revered. And they often speak in absolute truths, "this is the truth". No truly evolved being would communicate that, since truth is always a perception through the lens of the observer.

In terms of channelling, the usual approach is to make oneself a completely open vessel and invite other energies in. With attunement, what you're actually do sounds similar but the effect is very different: you're inviting benevolent beings, "that have your highest interests at heart", to work with you. But not through you. They'll then come along side, or sit next to you, where they'll activate that similar frequency in you - but a frequency that is totally yours. There may or may not be telepathic exchange - but that tends to come at a much more advanced level. The first connection would most likely be attunement.

Using simple phrases or questions to ensure a malevolence doesn't enter your field, may or may not work. It can help where you're stating clearly that a being may only be accepted to connect providing it has "your highest interests at heart and the highest interests of all life". However if there's still some unconsciousness in your own field that is desiring of this connection, then the entity can simply override the statement.

I often encounter situations in people where they have some past allegiance to a group, say an intervention one, which in some way is derailing them. At a conscious level they wish to extract from the group, but at an unconscious level there's still some nostalgic loyalty or sense of heritage and roots. For example, someone who feels the genuine heartfelt pull in life, of the soul, but then continually talks themself out of it because of an interfering, channelling, group - old Annunaki for example. This group may provide useful information, useful intuitions of the field, or seemingly useful connections, but then lead you down an erroneous and debilitating path - away from the soul.

This is why in the Openhand work there is so much emphasis on integrating sovereign beingness through practical meditation and so much inquiry into what you actually feel as your own resonant truth. This is far more essential for a being to get right in the first place, than any channelling can surpass.

Well wishes

Open ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by Open


This is really great clarity Open, thank you.

Finally, I wonder at the specific use of wording, in the invitation to higher groups/individuals to participate, to join for a meditation

or group gathering. Would you recommend any specific, safe wording to ensure that energies are to go no further than attunement? You have mentioned one phrase, are there others?

And the difference between feeling an attunement in process and an entity trying to 'possess', ( is this the correct term for being channelled?).

I want to be crystal clear as entities can be slippery by all accounts and this topic is of major importance.

Thank you.

Andy Praying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Thank you Andy for enquiring on this topic and thank you Open for the very informative information. I've used channels in previous years, by phone call, and always wondered how accurate their info. was. You'd write down your questions and she'd be using crystals and channeling to answer. A friend had referred me saying how accurate and honest she was. This same friend has been vaxxed and insists that everything ended in 2012 and we weren't facing the things going to happen and are happening to earth. I'd mentioned I was doing an event with you and when she found out your name, she acted weird and I never heard from her again. She lives here in my town.

So needless to say I don't use her friend for information. Since that time Ive learned to trust what I call my gut feeling. I don't feel kundalini is fully activated yet so I'm just taking it cautiously and very slowly on inviting benevolent energies to come in. I may have misunderstood that we open the crown shakra and invite them in? I do always say Only the benevolent beings for my best and highest good are allowed in, but maybe asking them to sit with me is a safer way to do it?

I definitely want to be very cautious and take my time so I don't unknowingly allow in the sneaky stuff. I've been doing much longer and more days of intermittent fasting which has brought up all kinds of fears, probably karma, etc... but it's also made me more cautious. My plan is to join the next zoom event and keep working and learning about everything.

Thank you for keeping us informed, it definitely resonates with me far more than that channel ever did. I've learned to pay attention to the gut "checks" and like Andy said, the intense itching and hunger, which was an instant red flag to me when reading his post. But it's all a learning process for me.

SherriPraying EmojiHeart

In reply to by Sherri Sunnygirl


Hi Sherri,

Indeed Openhand has received a lot of pushback (and people turning away) over the years - since the approach exposes a great deal of distortion and distorted practice that is widespread here - like erroneous channelling for example. It's an uncomfortable truth that people don't much like to deal with.

When connecting with higher dimensionals, yes, you'll need to open the crown chakra. This is often spoken of in spiritual mainstream. But what also needs to be understood, is to be open, AND PERSONALLY INFUSED, through ALL the chakras. That means your soul is anchored in them. A common deception out there is to get you to open in the crown, but then withdraw consciousness from the lower chakras - like the base for example. Then an entity might attach in the base because you're being unconscious there. This happens to a high percentage of people doing channelling.

When you get a higher dimensional connecting, you will likely get curious sensations in the crown chakra. But this is where discernment is necessary. With a benevolent presence, it feels loving, supportive and kind of humorous - as if someone is stroking your head. But Satanic energies will also try to mimic that energy - although they feel more attaching, kind of squirmy, more like a slug kind of feeling. The point being if you're just accepting of it and not challenging or discerning, the malevolent energy could attach in your field. And where it pulls all your attention to the higher chakras, and you go out of body a degree, then certainly Satanic entities (and others) will tether in the vacant chakra.

Something to be wary of.

Well wishes

Open ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by Open


My goodness, Open, this is very detailed and fascinating. Your sharing is much appreciated.

You'll hopefully forgive my overactive imagination in turning to an episode of game of thrones, where a creature known as a wight is released from a crate to a shocked audience to demonstrate what they are dealing with.I can picture a similar scenario in a rugged Openhand group, where in meditation we are alternatively exposed to higher and lower energies to discern the difference. Like the challenges on a Divinicus retreat, this could constitute being thrown in at the deep end. I know it's impractical and the slow patient work towards Kundalini and increasing higher self realisation is a more desirable path.

I know exactly what you mean by a presence being humorous, attunements have had me giggling. This is a fantastic post, I shall certainly be more cautious and aware in future. I wonder whether a further precaution might be to give the chakras a thorough cleansing after each meditation, whether that helps.

Thank you.



In reply to by Andy (not verified)


Hi Andy,

Focus is the name of the game for sure right now.

You have me a degree baffled - what exactly do you mean by, "a further precaution might be to give the chakras a thorough cleansing after each meditation"?

Surely the point of meditation IS the alignment of the chakras - the infusion of soul.


Open ๐Ÿค”

In reply to by Open


Hi Open.

I was responding to your observation that entities may sneak in and bind to chakras if one was not fully open and conscious in all of them. Maybe running through the chakras at the end of meditation, expanding and bringing light/consciousness to them might be a safeguard against entity attachment. I know that using the techniques you have shown us for chakra alignment should make that unnecessary but it was just a whimsical ponder..

Andy Praying Emoji

In reply to by andyvaz


I think the point is Andy that "cleansing one's field" IS the point of meditation - alignment, infusion of soul, unravelling karma and intervention.

Maybe it's in the "whimsical" where there's some distraction going on ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’™


In the recent facilitator group we explored the Grand Galactic Convergence and collaboration between various Star Being groups as an Orchestra of different energies, all dancing within that to our grand finale as the Shift climaxes to the Event. A picture of dancing with your Twin Flame came to mind, which is why I felt to share this incredible video below. When you watch, be inspired, and reflect upon the incredible focus, skill and commitment it must have required to make this appear so effortless. The pair spoke of being in "an altered state of consciousness" as they performed it. No surprise at all!!

Relax back, breathe, let it speak into your soul...


23/01/2023 Shift Update

I was given to share this perspective on the arrival of the Mighty Metatron energy, that is engaging within the planetary shift. I've been witnessing it since the last solstice, feeling it especially mirrored through golden light sunsets.

Check the lead article above today for my overview on what's actually transpiring and how to work with Metatron...
Planetary Shift: Mighty Metatron Commences Star Being Collaboration

What's your experience of it? Do share your comments below - let's animate a powerful surge of Metatron illumination through the field.

Bright blessings

Open ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™