DIVINICUS World Tour Events: Sep/Oct/Nov 2014
An inspirational new project by Openhand
DIVINICUS signals the next profound shift of consciousness happening for humanity and our planet. The pace of change is hotting up. An Interdimensional Intervention has shunted the planet from its authentic path of evolution but is now being unwound. The resultant changes will be momentous. What will it mean for you and your life? How can you positively thrive in this Great Realignment? "Open" (Chris Bourne) will be conducting a World Tour of Nine Counties in Nine Weeks speaking at Workshops, Seminars and Retreats. Come join the wave!...
DIVINICUS World Tour Schedule 2014
- GLASTONBURY: 1st Sep...DIVINICUS Evening Book Launch
- GLASTONBURY: 6th/7th Sep...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop - ALMOST FULL
- BERLIN: 11th Sep...DIVINICUS Evening Seminar - NOW FULL
- MALMO: 14th Sep...DIVINICUS 1Day Seminar
- BUDAPEST: 20th/21st Sep...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop
- KIAMA/SYDNEY: 27th/28th Sep...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop - ALMOST FULL
- AUKLAND: 7th Oct...DIVINICUS 1day seminar
- VICTORIA, CANADA: 11th/12th Oct...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop - BOOKING FAST
- FLORIDA: 18th/19th Oct...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop - ALMOST FULL
- NEW YORK: 1st/2nd Nov...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop
- CAPE TOWN: 8th/9th Nov...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop
More dates are currently being considered and will be added in due course.
Organise a DIVINCUS Event for your location or group
There's space in the program to visit other countries and places. Do contact us if you feel something may be viable in your location. It's all about facilitating this miraculous shift in consciousness for as many people as possible. Would you like us to come to your 'neck of the woods'? Contact us to discuss the viability...Divinicus Event
Divinicus Energy Building
DIVINICUS World Tour Schedule
- GLASTONBURY: 1st Sep...DIVINICUS Evening Book Launch
- BERLIN: 11th Sep...DIVINICUS Evening Seminar - NOW FULL
- MALMO: 14th Sep...DIVINICUS 1Day Seminar
- BUDAPEST: 20th/21st Sep...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop
- KIAMA/SYDNEY: 27th/28th Sep...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop - BOOKING FAST
- AUKLAND: 7th Oct...DIVINICUS 1Day Seminar
- VICTORIA, CANADA: 11th/12th Oct...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop - BOOKING FAST
- FLORIDA: 18th/19th Oct...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop - BOOKING FAST
- NEW YORK: 1st/2nd Nov...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop
- CAPE TOWN: 8th/9th Nov...DIVINICUS 2Day Workshop
Hi Trinity,
Sandra and I have been communicating regularly about this. I was so happy to hear that you and she were able to arrange the Sleeping Dog Farm venue in Victoria for October 11, 12th. Fabulous to hear that it's booking up quickly. Not sure what you mean by PM? I will register for the event on your website to ensure a "spot". Catherine :)
Divinicus and Victoria
Hi Trinity and Open,
It's great to see Victoria listed as part of the Divinicus world tour this fall. I'll be there and will continue to promote! Catherine :)
"A Few Good Men" re-written: You CAN handle the truth
I was one of the fortunate participants in last weekend's Gateway Activation workshop in Toronto. It's lovely to see you here on the web, Cynthia, after meeting you in Toronto, and it's great that the Toronto gateway gang is communicating via e-mail. We were a hardy group ready and willing to bridge the truth of what's really going on in society. Thank you, Open, for taking us there. I look forward to catching your Divinicus world tour in Vancouver this fall. I continue to put the word out there to build interest. :)
Time To Go There
Yes, time to go there and with no delay. Perhaps the rich exchanges on the book tour can become content for the next publication. Thank you, Canada group.
Five Gateways Divinicus transition
What Open offered last weekend in Canada was a profound and life-altering opportunity to open to ourselves, to understand that our every word, thought and deed is a vibratory pattern of energy. Recognizing the intervention creates a non-judgmental understanding of the human experience and provides a platform for reclaiming that which is rightfully ours - Self! There has been an exchange of emails between the group expressing a variety of experiences, a commitment to continuing the inner journey, and gratitude for Open and Benevolence. Thank you!!
The World Tour is coming together
All the details of the World Tour are falling into place now. It's absolutely lovely - there was no plan to this at all. I simply woke up one morning with a knowing that I had to do it: to connect with as many Openhanders as possible. And more than that: to activate a new wave of consciousness through our gatherings. What will the effect be? Whatever it is, it will be global; it will affect the field in a deeply positive way - of that I am certain.
In Canada last week, at the final Five Gateways Workshop (of its kind), I had the sense that the work would already begin to morph into the new material - and so it did. Effortlessly.
For some time, I have had a degree of reticence in talking about the fullness of the intervention and how it has affected people. I sensed it was a bridge to far for many. I wanted to keep the gateways open as long as possible. But what I found in Canada was a real readiness to 'go there', to uncover the real truth behind what's happening on society right now, why's it happening and whose really pulling the strings?
It's only when you truly know this, that you can understand and feel exactly where and how the energy of it impacts you through the layers. And when you can touch it in an emotive way, it's incredibly exciting, because it's absolutely amazing how that density then just peels away. All makes sense. It's an incredible relief because there comes a deep knowing with everything falling into place. You now know exactly what you've got to do.
So I'm deeply inspired by this early response to the work. I'm looking forwards to getting it 'out there' in the autumn and meeting up with old faces and new. I know there's lots of people out there who've been reading the site for a while and resonating, thinking that you might join us in person one day. Well that day has come!
So come join the wave with us, and be a part of a deeply benevolent consciousness flow around the planet.
See you there!
Open *OK*
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