Black Snake Energy Unravelling: Liberation Breaking Through Society

Submitted by Open on Wed, 02/02/2022 - 11:50

We've reached another crucial stage in the shift where ancient entangling energies, that we can call "Black Snake", are revealing themselves by the escalating stories and dramas being created by the shadowstate. It's a last-ditch attempt to hang onto power. The curcial thing is to witness and understand how this energy is creating the repetitive loops of entanglement and to extract out by diminishing the energy you give them. Here's what the Black Snake energy is about and how we can productively work with it.

Black Snake - the Lynchpin of Controlling Intervention on Earth

"Black Snake" is the term we've given for the underlying satanic energy that's been orchestrating the wide-ranging machinations of the plandemonium in society over the last three years (not to mention its historic intervention that ranges all the way back to the Biblical Garden of Eden) - it is the lynchpin of the controlling subversive agenda that's been particularly rife these last two years.

(read related background article)

The energy gets into the psyche and addicts souls to a disempowered reality of the shadow agenda. In more recent times, it's working with interdimensional ET entities and applying AI to ramp up the effects of its control. For the work of Openhand, it was always going to be a crucial confrontation. And I very much sensed there was some essential relevance to the location of our Return of the Pleiadians Retreat, that being Tepoztlan, the birthplace of the Quetzalcoatl.

This Feathered Serpent God is steeped in history and mythology that entwines through the ancient Mayan culture. I always felt there would be an entanglement of the Black Snake energy reaching far back through history.

What might the solution to this wayward energy be?

The crucial thing is NOT to polarise, judge or castigate. It actually feeds off this negativity in society and especially within relationships - where people live within repetitive loops of subtle judgments and disempowerments that limit both. Condemnation and "tit for tat" projection only locks in place the fight and the struggle. But neither is it helpful to simply ignore it. We must call it where we see it, but without over-energising. The crucial thing is to diminish the energy it's feeding off - give it nothing to thrive from.

We require an evolved perspective that respects and carefully considers where this energy came from, what are its fears and karmic pain? What will persuade it to willingly realign?

The Flower of Life and the Elementals

The ancients have depicted for us, through the aeons, the natural orchestration of life through the Universal Torus. This interconnected "Flower of Life" is even indelibly burned into pyramids in Egypt. Every aligned life-form embodies the Torus and flows naturally as it. The Interdimensional Intervention, that has been bleeding dry the natural harmony of life on our planet, is living in avoidance of this life flow, and desperately trying to steer it into a synthetic agenda more of its own vibration and liking - a virtual metaverse of control.

The lynchpin to this intervention is the Black Snake, which crucially was a natural elemental binding life on the planet for a collective experience. It became so good at locking reality in place, that it got lost in the density, lost the original benevolent purpose, "disconnected from God", and started to control life for itself.

Understanding this provides a crucial key to understanding how to unlock it. But then also to realise: exactly what aligned part in the Universal Torus should it be playing?

In the dream-time recently, I watched these strings of quantum energy being channeled back into the central vortex of the Torus, and lining the swirling central void that binds the whole together. Understanding how density moves through different aspects of the Torus was critical to bringing this energy back into alignment. It had been "cast out" from the central vortex and locked itself into an outer 3D layer of the overall Torus itself.

Could we bring it back to its rightful place?

Resistance to the Torus is Futile

We first had to connect and communicate by empathising, but not judging or condemning. Your heart has to be big, your field very coherent and clear, so that the Black Snake entities simply don't attach in you through your own self-judgments. Because it will exploit every distortion and weakness. Then we needed to open a telepathic channel and be abundantly clear with it: EVERYTHING moves as the universal Torus eventually. We're moving to balanced harmony in all places, "Nirvana".

Likewise, Gaia is being reclaimed by a great galactic convergence of cycles and energies leading to the Solar Nova "Event". Nothing will be able to withstand this Great Realignment - this is no negotiation!

Understand the Nature of the Upcoming Galactic Superwave and Solar Nova Event

On the retreat, we did indeed find ourselves at a key location of this energy and working with advanced facilitators that understand it, we initiated an empathic connection - a telepathic bridge. I was greatly heartened by what ensued - I do believe this Black Snake energy in society can see the writing on the wall, and the great emergence of freedom that the soul of humanity is yearning for. After a few days of resistance and attempts at deception, the energy we encountered finally surrendered, came through us, and by embodying the galactic torus, we were able to channel it back into the central vortex, where it then adorned the swirling inner flows. As a field facilitator, it was one of those peak experiences that was both tremendously rewarding and humbling.

Rise of the Rainbow Serpent

What then transpired on the retreat was totally magical. Firstly we felt a rising of the repressed "Rainbow Serpent" coming up through the volcanic stone of the mountain location. This is the collective soul energy of Original Humanity, which is beginning to break through all across the planet as people challenge the mandate measures of the bogus pandemic.

Second, and most uplifting, the clearing and more natural alignment of the energy in our space, facilitated a higher dimensional infusion of Pleiadian energy - a wave of higher dimensional beings entered the studio where we were working and infused the group with a tremendous sense of joy and upliftment. Gosh, just what a difference this energy can make in society!

These are early days, but clearly, this latest round of our field energy work is perfectly timed as growing waves of humanity across the planet reclaim sovereignty and now demand the restoration of their inalienable rights and freedoms. I share our experiences on retreat in Mexico so as to inspire other energy facilitators around the world, who now have some crucial keys in dealing with this very pervasive, ancient perverting and distorting energy. Now we can seriously help both challenged souls AND this Black Snake energy come back into the Universal Fold. Early days yes, but these fundamental developments are very promising indeed.

Do read the updated shift updates in commentary below, especially about how we're tackling this ancient energy in regular life.

For anyone interested in Advanced Spiritual Facilitation and wishing to be able to truly affect deep and lasting spiritual healing, explore the work of:

Openhand Ascension Academy

Bright Blessings

Open πŸ’™πŸ™

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10/10/2023 Shift Update; Staying Calm with Focus

I'm sure many of us will be sending compassion to the souls caught up in the latest outbreak of violence in the Middle East. It's always the innocent caught in the way β™₯️

To me, it bears all the hallmarks of another nefarious concoction by the shadow to keep the planet in fear, distraction and disempowerment. I feel a hefty dose of Black Snake satanic energy belying it all. Creating confusion, pitting one group against another, thus to wrap people into identity. Especially those deeply rooted religious layers are coming to the surface right now.

We must stay focused on the inner path, and not be distracted by it all. That may sound a degree cold, but the inner path leads not only to self-healing and soul integration, but also eventually, the means to be able to positively influence the field. You can, for example, learn how to bring the energies influencing all this back into the universal Torus - to weave Black Snake back into the vortex. This will be a key final aspect of the shift to 5D. It's a process we're working on at a planetary level in the facilitator group.

(To gain insight into the nature of Black Snake energy, scroll up)

At the same time this has all kicked off, there was a massive earthquake in Afghanistan. Which is almost certainly the effect of the ongoing pole shift. It's all interconnected. The Black Snake energy is feeling very precarious in the Shift right now, it's old construct being threatened and so it's triggering back.

So let's stay focussed on the inner journey. Whatever triggers, especially fear, see it as a means to open new gateways of solidity and integration. Trust increasingly in your connection - notice how it always provides a way forwards, step by step. Keep your head up. Keep watching the positive feedback loops. The light is breaking through the clouds - let's keep attuning to that. Remember, what you put your focus on, greatly impacts your reality.

For anyone wanting to do exactly that, and to keep finding the light in the storm, we still have places available on our 5D Human Activation, 3-Day Zoom retreat this week, commencing on Thursday. It's perfectly crafted to help you navigate by the infusing 5D light in the wake of the 3D convolutions...

12th-14th Oct: 5D Human Activation: 3-Days, ZOOM
It's high time to dive into centre stream of the Shift, to unfurl your 5D wings and thrive from there in daily life. Let's connect from the energetic comfort of your own home, where the Openhand energy will reach out and meet you in a heartbeat at your front door. With groundbreaking meditations, past life regressions, karma processing through ancient Himalayan practices.
Unfurl Your New 5D Self!

Much love and well wishes to all

Open πŸ’™


11/10/2022 Journal Update

This is indeed a rich and colourful thread that's developing - thanks so much to all for your insightful reflections and sharings πŸ‘. I felt the importance of looking at a deeper level of sophistication with the Black Snake energy, especially in relationships...

To start to untangle the Gordian knot of automated behaviours between people based on repetitive reactivity, it's necessary as we expressed yesterday, to "call out" the energy: how another might be projecting onto you their version of reality for example. The Black Snake energy, lurking in the oppressor's psyche, builds itself up by having awareness of a truth - especially a spiritual truth - such as "you're being defensive" for example. Now, in the oppressor's pysche, everything the other partner has founded their reality upon must be false, because "ego is defending itself". In this case, the calling out takes on a deeper, and then more sinister shadow. This is what can lead to psychosis in the other - they don't know their own truth anymore. Paranoia is a classic symptom of such an entanglement.

Of course, neither is such a dynamic of any value to the oppressor, even if they tend to get their own way a lot of the time. If it comes at a cost to the other, then this is always a cost to yourself anyway - are you the singular source of truth? Does it serve to carry the burden of truth for the other? You can easily get weighed down by the perceived responsibility.

What to do when things reach this stage?

The Ray 4 Diplomat: agreeing to disagree

This is where the Ray 4 diplomat of the soul must come to the fore. We have to master the art of agreeing to disagree - let me explain.

Maybe the perceived victim in the dynamic is protesting that: "you're always doing this, or that, I never get my way". In the oppressor, you can clearly see that the other's point of view is coming from emotion, and founded on an inaccurate truth. Nevertheless, it is THEIR TRUTH, and must be honoured and respected. Because ultimately, in the relativistic universe, EVERY reality construct is based on distortion. No matter how accurate you might be, there's always a higher degree of accuracy. So the key is to recognise this, let it humble you, and allow the other to express their own truth. But crucially, WITHOUT correcting them. Even if you can clearly see the distortion. Otherwise, the Black Snake energy still has fertile ground to subsist, both in their psyche, and yours!

The progressive approach of calling out the general dynamic and then extracting yourself from the reactivity, followed by allowing the other to fully express their truth, starts to diminish the Black Snake's grasp. This is a difficult one to master - when you let the other fully express their truth, there's need for patience and also not getting pulled in. If they judge or project, just allow them the space - then they feel heard. It doesn't mean you have to agree. In fact, by not even responding to the judgment, is often sufficient to negate the procession of the energy into the space. It's a win win. The other expresses what they feel - but that doesn't necessarily contaminate the space with that energy. The Black Snake has nowhere to go.

You might ask, "how does anything agreed upon or done" in this situation?

This is where infinite patience is necessary. Each expresses their truth without making the other wrong. But allowing the Ray 4 to naturally work its magic. If your truth is still true for you, hold the position lightly, allowing for the possibility it may change - no one is ever absolutely correct in these dynamics. Hold your position lightly, let the other do the same, and "agree to disagree". Make that clear. Thus, both parties are respected and honoured. Now the Ray 4 will work its magic - the entity dislodges, because there's less and less fractional energy to sustain it - and then you'll likely notice a significant shift in either or both parties. A way forwards materialises out of the ether.

This approach also becomes a way of integrating the Black Snake entity back into the universal fold, into the Torus - it is seen and respected. It's truth honoured. You didn't make it "wrong". Forgiving it (a classic spiritual distortion!) is exactly to make it wrong. It doesn't want or need forgiveness. As far as it is concerned, it was acting in the best way possible, given difficult circumstances. The contraction within it, of being "judged by God", eases and releases. It can be met, empathised with, realigned and then redirected.

I offer this viewpoint forwards today for significant contemplation.
This is highly advanced and sophisticated work.
I commend you all. for illuminating it.

Bright blessings

Open πŸ™

In reply to by Open


WOW, I am right in the middle of this dynamic. At work I was entangled in literally this situation you describe whilst I was trying to be pushed into the oppressor's side. With a lot of patience, ray 4 quality and heart centredness I could hold mine and the other's ground without (dis) agreeing. I was kind of proud of myself. But was I completely honest in this situation? I did not ask myself this question, untill a few days later when I twisted my ankle. This made me wonder why I had manifested that. The word twisted in English brought forward more illumination. Twists, turns and manipulations are characteristics of the BS energy to me. After reading this article I realised I have not been completely honest in this situation with a co worker, because I still felt a slight sense of 'I was right" . I was not even aware of it then, but now I am ! And you know what: I don't feel like judging myself, like I tend to,  but I can take it in as an experience to evolve. How wonderful, thank you so much for this great article. And by the way , we apparently find ourselves in the midst of the Draconids meteor shower these days, it must have helped to put this dynamic out very sharply for me.

In reply to by Corine


Wow Corine, thank you for sharing!

Such a perfect example of how to take the insights of Openhand work and apply them in everyday situations. And then to tease out the meaning of the synchronicity, too. Such a succinct encapsulation of so much playing out! 

And also to notice that the Middle East conflict now offers us the opportunity to revisit this perspective which Open already wrote about exactly one year ago! 

HeartPraying Emoji


10/10/2022 Shift Update

The shift keeps moving along through different, progressive unwinding stages, just like an ancient gordian knot unravelling itself. Especially now, I'm observing the illumination and revelation of Black Snake energy in relationships. It's a highly limiting entanglement between people that keeps them locked in old, repetitive cycles and loops, based on subtle judgments and projections. How best to deal with this energy?

Firstly, I highly recommend reviewing my lead article on Black Snake Energy in the Shift
(image: Snakes on the brain, by Design_Discord at

Judgments and Condemnations

The way this Black Snake energy works to limit in relationships is by creating subtle (and also overt) judgments that each partner, or participant of a group, projects into the space. It takes a truth that you might express, and then embellishes it to a degree. So you might be making an observation about the other that is based on some truth - "you're always limiting my freedom of expression". There might be some truth in this, but watch for the concealed word "always". And then also what follows after, "which is because you're always holding back your own expression because of how your father was with you". This then can make the other defensive and look for a way to counter. You then get a limiting loop of activity, which the more is played out, the more is embedded.

Watch especiallty when someone makes a condemnation about you. A condemnation might begin with a discernment with truth in it, which you recognise, but then it twists it in, using phraseology that creates YOU as a being that is enfolded in the discernment. It's subtly creating the idea in subconscious that this is who you are and what defines you.

Black Snake energy will run a typical conversation between partners (for example) that is littered with these kinds of condemnations in quick succession. In so doing, it can overwhelm and ensnare whole reality constructs between people that they then adhere to. It's an abusive dynamic,which can be so extreme, that it causes you to doubt the very nature of who you are. It leads to mental, and emotional problems and even bouts of psychosis.

What I've witness of late, is that this energy is being highly challenged by the accelerating Torus - the frequency of consciousness is rising, especially the determination to be authentic, and so this energy is surfacing. It's becoming increasingly obvious in relationships.

In the beginning, when you see it being done to you, there can be a strong temptation to fight or else pull away completely. But neither will likely be productive in the long run, especially if you still have this programming in you.

What to do? The key is not to fight it, but to call it.

Call it Out

What I mean by this, is that wherever it arises in relationships, call out what you're seeing: "I'm experiencing you being judgmental of me in this way..." It's crucial to work not to over-energise, because that simply perpetuates the struggle - it invites you to use unloaded phraseology, for example. But also watch for the other deflecting and simply coming back at you with a reaction about how you're being. You could say something like, "well, that may be the case, but it doesn't answer how you're being with me - let's deal with that first". Even if you recognise truth in what they're saying, it's crucial not to crumple and be overwhelmed by the deflection.

Progressively, you're not accepting any judgment the other makes about you - you're calling it and reflecting it back. You're illuminating it. Do be prepared to work on your own stuff with them, of course, but be absolutely clear, that when something has been exposed within them, you require that thread to be explored first. When something is exposed in them, and they seem ready to work with it, that's where to empathise and help them feel into the attacking energy. Let them know, that whilst you won't back down, you're prepared to be compassionate to work with them and their feelings.

This is how we can work to untangle the gordian knot which sits in the relationship or collective psyche.

I cast that open today for inquiry and feedback. How might this kind of dynamic be active in your relationships? Do share. I'll be happy to provide feedback.

Bright blessings

Open πŸ’™

In reply to by Open


We have two final places available on the upcoming Return of the Pleiadians Retreat up in the majestic mountains of Mexico. It's certain to be one of those unmissable lifetime retreats....

24th-29th Oct: Return of the Pleiadians: 6-Day Retreat, MEXICO
Join this life-changing 6-day retreat at the stunning Pleiades Mountain Retreat Centre. Ground-breaking meditation, assisted self-realisation. Stunning views, great accommodation and high vibe planet-based food. Secluded but easy travel distance from Mexico City. Life-changing adventure with planetary shift facilitator "Open".

In reply to by Open


Oh yes, it can be such a tricky energy in relationships! The past months I had to face how much the bs energy is present in me and how it looks to oppose reality and the other person. When an argument arises that goes back and forth with accusations and fixations, I can see how it works on judgements I have mostly of the (distorted) warrior, becoming opposing and passive agressive towards it. And I really relate to how confusing a conversation can become to the point where there is a loss of connection to reality and it starts to feel psychotic, as if the mind is taken over. Fortunately there is more and more recognition of it and an increasing ability to emerge out and call the energy for what it is, with the growing ability to just watch it without acting. It's really about always working on the awareness of how you created the reflection of the other's behaviour and working to own it. I recently had to realign a lot in my relationship, and I slipped into projecting again for a while, but afterwards when I could own it a beautiful shift happened. 

I recently feel a growing sensitivity towards words being used, as you mention in your article, words that carry an absolute energy and create a fixed judgement started to feel very limiting. There is something really beautiful about writing and speaking with an increasing level of awareness, being intimate with text and language and choosing words more carefully, words that feel more 'open' and give space to wider and more flexible interpretation. I feel that's very important in working to realign the bs energy.

HeartThe Sun Emoji

In reply to by Open


Thank you for that synchronous article ! 

I am struggling in relationships . I have just emerged from an overtly physically and verbally abusive relationship. And am now in a another kinder relationship. I find myself in many of the dynamics that you are delineating. As also in the wish to just run away from it all. The last relationship has left me with such deep self doubt that I am continually feeling into myself and having to validate my own feelings on a day to day basis .  It mirrors perfectly my childhood of course 

It's an exercise in persistence and I have a lot of resistence as well. Just this morning I had an interesting loving conversation with my significant other where I gently and expansively suggested that he uses his profession to define himself to the degree that he is avoiding his own emotional self. 

I have also made a significant improvement in my diet .This too has been as a result and in conjunction with watching my own energy . A predominantly raw diet feels so good !  A combination of this persistence with keeping my attention INTERNAL a lot of the times ,validating my own experience and being truthful in relationship is making me feel like I'm in a sort of emergence .

Something new and beautiful is coming alive in me . 

Thank you for this synchronous article ! 


In reply to by Open


Hi Open, thanks for this space I wish to call it out from myself.

I do recognize that my personality has a tendency to come through a lot in this distrotion. Take some of the BS energy, blend it with the karmic knots of Sirian archetype and particular absence of Ray1 (alligned warrior) and you might get me in closed relationships. There is basically no control in my expression, it is more of subtle manipulation. Might I eventually learn to persist long enough sitting with unresolution, without trying to manipulate the outcome?

I've probably mastered the pull away technique when it comes to relationships. My first (and only) intimate relationship has started at my age of 28. Therefore I know very well how to hide this aspect of myself when interacing with people on a daily basis. What I am experiencing in my partnership is probably the other side of the spectrum. I'm expereincing even greater tendency of avoidance coming from the side of my partner. 

Being aware of my own programing and tendency to re-shape the reality it is very natural to me in holding an open space for her own inquiry. What I can clearly notice is that field of exploration predominantly comes out of our wounded selves and tendency of escapism. This sentence in your text spoke directly to me: "which is because you're always holding back your own expression because of how your father was with you"

I simply don't know how to transcend this lack of "healthy fatherly figures"  that has became a fertile ground for the reality construct that we've created together in order to lock ourselves away from our own distrotions. There is an underlying intelectual understanding of the process and so far we've been able to meet in the comapssionate presence. Eventhough it feels to me, that climbing the energetical mountatin for each next reallignment keeps growing stonger over time. Is there an end to this procees?

I hope that sharing my experince can make some sense. Just having the space to write about it has brought some sense of ease to my experience. There is definitely a recognition of the bigger picture when dealing with BS energy in the process of reconnecting with the figure of "heavenly Father". The reflection that came to me through some other writing of yours is that of being the custodian to the process of crystalization. 

The prayer that is emerging out of this text invites me to become fully aware of my own "activity" through personal relationships. May I learn to become a vessel of compassionate embrace for all parts of myself that might get lost in interactions with others.

In reply to by Open


I recently shared that my 7 year relationship had ended.  Well, a lot of it came from an attack that was exactly what you describe in this article, Open.  The attack came from my partner's sister and it was blatantly not normal behaviour on her part.  We were both stunned and shocked.  But there was enough there for my partner to become susceptible to the slithering in of that darkness, stirring up fears, unhealed places in him.  I knew it at the time but needed to just go into my own process.  Inquiry as to where is there some truth, what is mine to own and work on, etc.  Funny, i did not respond to her attack or his subsequent pulling back, but to observe with benevolent neutrality.  I felt the sadness of course and used your tools to work through the layers.  Love having the tools!

Now, he seems to want to revisit.  He is waking up to the fact that we have had a very good thing together. I'm being cautious with it, but there is so much unfolding, so much to observe.  I find myself present in it all, yet with a higher vantage point as well.  My nights have been a bit tormented with thoughts, yes, and with this current full moon, feeling quite possible like i'm going a bit bonkers with all the thoughts in the night.  I will need to be more vigilant before bed time clearly.  

All this to say thank you, and WOW for the synchronicity, exposure and confirmation of the underlying energies at play.  I know to the depths of my being that all is well, all is unfolding deeply for the Highest Good in every sense.  I love, love, love working, living, loving, playing and having my being in and from the center of The Torus!  

So much love and gratitude--


In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Thank you for this article and for answering my post on another forum thread.  I had no idea BS was present and was going to ask, do I try to force it out or what?  So this article today will help me a lot I believe.  When you'd said relationships, I don't have any.  I thought.  No romantic ones in years, I avoid them.  But I do have a phone relationship with my dad as we live far apart in the U.S.   Lately he's become oddly vocal, forceful and then tried outright insinuating I'm ignorant because I won't listen to his advice that I don't feel works for me.  Our first couple of different conversations over time seemed to result out of nowhere and escalated quickly into yelling.  Wow!

Then I decided I was not going to be insulted or yelled at by him that way, so recently he once again tried to insist and keep the subject going after I said I'm not going to argue, let's just drop it.  I said it 3 times and he kept persisting so I said I'm done with this, I'm going to hang up now and I did.  The other times I just didn't bother to call him for a few days, one time he emailed me and tried to start the crap there so I didn't read it, just deleted it and later told him so.  I won't be called names by my father and yelled at.  It's like he was not there, just some screaming crazy person.  So now I realize there's the BS energy rising up.  I'll work carefully and be watchful, knowing I've been projecting thoughts onto one other relationship, a former real relationship.  I take ownership now and hadn't realized I was pressuring and projecting onto them from a distance, but still was projecting the I will step back and look at everything.  

The breathing chakra work recently that felt like I was being pulled unconscious in every chakra, and where I saw the pyramid in my solar plexus while doing the breath work, was where you posted the reply about BS energy.  I don't know why every time I see the letters BS, my mind thinks "BullShit." lol  It is a lot of bullshit to me that the yelling, name-calling happens so I'll take it as a reflection to work on.

I thought being forceful to make the BS energy leave me would work.  So now I've got to learn how to be more empathetic towards it but firmly keep doing my breathwork to stay conscious.  I had no clue the energy was even there but I really want to grow and change and clear it out.   So thank you for this very timely article today.  From reading here it looks like many are dealing with this now.  I'm just thankful I'm starting to recognize things and not be totally unaware any longer and that's the first step to changing.  I'm sure there will be many times I'll revert to the projections but will be aware sooner and catch myself.

Thank you for being there!  Praying EmojiHeart






I arrived back at my business unit yesterday, where I will stay for a week, there are ten business's here in all. It takes a while to set the place up energetically. I've accumulated quite some equipment! I leave the pyramids up and a few scalar devices to hold the space, but entities will enter the field through the others outside.

I know some of the people here experience hassle from the organisations who own (the council) and manage (private cowboys) these units. They literally get threatened to have their tenancies ended and their rents have gone up astronomically of late. I remain so elusive they've yet to touch me, I dare to have them try.

Syncronistically, I'm reading the Black Snake articles this morning and my awareness drifted out into the field contemplating nothing. I'm just sat here looking into space, empty inside, and an almighty entity has taken off, out of the vicinity, at the same time a flock of birds left outside and the movement of the entire structure.

I can hear the melodious noises of the work going on around me now. A beautiful symphony flowing through the hustle and bustle of the operations outside. I hadn't realised the wider implications of what is going on here in this collective space. The others know my attitude, although it will likely come back. Beautiful though!

Remy πŸ™πŸ»

In reply to by Open


This is a tough one for me. i've been thinking of ways to approach a person who is harassing me b/c i won't comply with her demands. Perhaps i made her feel bad by rejecting her asi find it very difficult to be around needy, attention seeking alcoholics. Has something to do with my mother. Clearly i'm there to heal the mother wound, but i feel that i shouldn't have to give her anything if i don't want to. i guess this made her feel bad so understandably she's attempting to regain her power/control by trying to bully and control me. A lesson in how to treat people more respectfully. i've thought of how i could tell her as kindly as possible that i dont owe her anything and that offers of help (people pleasing) early in the relationship have been rescinded due to personal health problems and the fact i simply dont want to have to do things for people if i don't feel to. Mostly it's because she expects and demands it and i simply wont be forced. i very much feel speaking to her will change nothing and probably make it worse because to be honest would mean calling her out and she does not appear to be the type, based on her actions, to accept any criticisms, no matter how gently they're delivered. i don't feel that she cares about my needs and feels entitled to take whatever she wants. So how can i do anything but continue to respectfully keep my boundaries and simply let her be? She's offended though that i don't interact with her except when she brings up some concern. She's like a child having a tantrum because i won't pay attention to her. This has energy vampire and narcissist written all over it. i truly believe the only way to deal with these is to not engage at all. It feels as though she's always trying to pick a fight because even negative attention is better than none. i can u nderstand that she has anxiety etc but i'm not responsible for caring for her, period. And i won't be bullied into it either. So in this case, can communication work? If i believed she'd see reason and understand my side, i would tell her my concerns. But so far she's used everuthing she knows about me, specifically the things that bother me, against me. There are so many lessons to learn here so i'm starting to see it as a blessing to show me my own distortions because i used to be very hard and unfair with people. Learning to be patient and calm when she's purposely stomping and dropping things on the floor right above my head. Learning to control my anger and stay neutral without reacting are other lessons i need to learn. i really feel after all this time that in this case, communicating will be useless and even harmful. i'm attempting now to at least stop projecting my anger and feelings of powerlessness onto her, but beyond that i feel this is something that can't be fixed, just endured and learned from. I would appreciate anyone's thoughts and insights, thank you!πŸ’™

In reply to by barbfromkingston


Thanks for sharing Barb, these are typical conundrums we allow ourselves to get railed into. Sometimes you've just completely got to end things and turn away. Sometimes it's the kindest thing. Whilst they can feel in your field that you're still engaging, you're still validating their behaviour, and they won't change because it continues to bleed your energy.

I think you know this in your own words. So why do you maintain contact?
My approach to these situations would be (generally speaking), to completely break away. Not to respond at all. This is a response that can be felt. And if they are to change, it's what's most likely to catalyse it. They may come back with a different orientation further down the road.

How does that feel?

Open πŸ™

In reply to by Open


Hi Open, thanks for your response. i've been trying to leave but something always derails it. i've come to believe i'm actually in a karmic prison of sorts, which is to catalyse my chsnge and growth. i believe my guides are simply helping me with everything i asked for, and to do that, i've been landed back to a very similar situation to my childhood which of course is the origin of my problems. i asked a psychic friend how to get out and she told me things would get better in 2 years, which is in about 9 more months. Other signs i've received seem to confirm it; my incarceration is 3 years. i do believe that i deserve it; i've been my own worst enemy and my distorted and unconscious behaviours have caused me so many problems. i've basically ruined my life. So as much as i hate it, i have come to believe it really is for my best and highest good and that not only am i so much more aware of my maligned behaviours and how i'm the cause, i have made progress and grown stronger, although, i still have a lot more work to do. i also believe that you are an integral part of my learning and that my guides led me to you. So much gratitude to you. i feel the best way to thank you is to evolve, so that is my mission. i'm still looking for apartments but i understand it just might not be time yet, and that's ok. And i agree with you completely; my breaking away will maybe be a lesson she needs. And break away i will. Thanks for confirming my thoughts on the matter; i still doubt myself too much. Much love, barbπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ™

In reply to by barbfromkingston


I hear tantrums and a whole lot of heaviness.  I hear that perhaps Barb might not have been heard when she was young. There might have been tantrums because you had not been met by your mother or those caring for you in a way that held you in comfort and understanding. Upstairs there is a frustrated example.

In your space, maybe, playing with spontaneity looks like taking each pan dropping or heavy footstep above as a cue to turn on some empowering music and sing and dance FOR YOU and your expression. I hear you frustrated one up there. Let me move some energy around in my space to clear my field and get in touch with my feelings.  No projections toward the neighbor only an acceptance of joining forces with yourself.  Baby steps in empowerment.

I hear 'endure,' 'useless' and 'stay neutral.' That sounds like efforting.  
What does flipping the heaviness with music or song to reclaim your space look like for you?   It is like that stupid loud truck outside making horrendous noise. First step: The window can be closed. Second step: Realize that trying to ignore it only makes it worse.  Third step: Directing your attention to a way to move with the noise instead of rejecting it. 

I am right there with you, looking at every nook and cranny for my faults and my mistakes.  Personally, these days I am leaning heavily on JOY through blasting uplifting music, caring very little if anyone is annoyed and singing loudly in my car.  If someone knocks on the door to ask that the music be turned down, invite them in or show them how much fun you are having. 

In reply to by cosmicbeloved


Thanks for responding Cosmic. Very true, not being heard was one of many hurtful things i experienced. i eventually found my voice but it was distorted; pushy and demanding, sort of like what's reflecting back to me nowπŸ˜‰ as are the behaviours that i myself projected out into the world so unconsciously for so long. i needed this experience to smack me into reality and awareness of how i behave and treat other people, and dishonour myself. i'm beginning to see it as a miracle b/c my guides love me so much they want to help me get what i asked for: to change.

Music is my lifeboat, my shelter in the storm. i always have my music and headphones near and many times can only sleep this way. i have sleep phones too which are a heaven-send as i'm a side sleeper.

Yes, really trying to use this experience to unlock myself from the prison of anger and resentment which originates towards my family. The thing with efforting is, i think, totally necessary for me. i've needed to become disciplined to start unravelling the trauma and conditioning and begin embodying the traits of the person i hope to become. At times when the ruckus starts i surrender into myself, learning to focus on that SGOB and treat the noise and angry energy as unimportant background noise. Going full zen, though not there yet; i can feel the projected anger in my field and my body responds automatically. Fight or flight kicks in and the anger begins to simmer of its own accord. A hard thing to master, but as they say, nothing worthwhile comes easy.

Admire you for being at that place where you can choose joy consciously, and turning negayive experiences into positive ones. May your inner work bring you ever closer to peace and personal freedom! Thanks for sharingπŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ™


Breakthrough today. Was inquiring about my situation and what i needed to understand; what i needed to learn. And it came: the person causing me problems is ME! i'm here in this situation to finally realise that my behaviour and atitude were not only hurting others, but me. All the animosity i've been experiencing over the years was just my own ugliness mirrored back to me, just more intense. Sure it was a defense mechanism, but now i see it's hurting and stifling rather than protecting me. i kept blaming others when it was ME all along!!! i absolutely had to go through it to see it. Knowing it at the lower mind level didn't help me understand but feeling it has. I have such a deeper understanding of it now, even the origin of it. And now i don't even blame my parents because it wasn't their fault. The incredible thing is how the anger and resentment towards the latest iteration of my distorted self has basically faded, all on its own. i'm not as trapped as i thought i was, but i had to be put in the situation without a chance to run away as i always do before learning what i needed to learn. i also see how i still count on others too much and how that puts me in a place of powerlessness which gets taken advantage of, and then i resent myself for giving in, for selling my soul for safety and familiarity. But i've also been working on standing strong in my boundaries and i feel closer to freedom than ever. Maybe i'm finally growing up! Only took me 50 years lol! i feel like i'm standing at the shores of the ocean, getting ready to get on the boat. Could be an adventure!πŸ’™


The JOY is palatable!  Feeling the tingly energy vibe of TRUTH watching your video clip.  THANK YOU for all you do and the message of hope you bring.  Sending LOVE.


The most powerful and rewarding result of Openhand's recent Return of the Pleiadians retreat in Mexico, was how we established a workable formula for unravelling the very virulent "Black Snake" energy (that underpins the shadow) from the locality in which we were working (see above). How that facilitated the raise of the "Rainbow Energy" in people. I will be exploring this very potent dynamic in LiveStream on Facebook tomorrow, 5th Feb. Here's where...

Openhand on Facebook

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This theme, or can I say potent energetic phenomena expanding into our understanding and awareness presently, seems to have consumed my daily thoughts.
I have written bits and pieces on scraps of paper this week, chewing on the deception of Black Snack and digesting the glory of raising Rainbow Humanity.  

I have also come to realize words fall short and an image appeared to me.  

We are both snake and serpent: Black Snake swallowing up all 7 Rays to expand and molt into the Rainbow Serpent in a cyclical dance.  Black snake plays with the lower chakras like Loki the trickster. How long can you hold your breathe in the depths of desire, creation and will?  Only to be swept up into the heart space with each heart beat (where the compassionate shift takes place) to be raised up-- rejoicing through the voice, discerning through the eye, and radiating throughout. Rainbow Serpent, the embody expression of all Rays, taking in the void of Black Snake in a dance, leading and celebrating for a sublime moment. Then surrendering back down to allow another cycle of growth and expansion. 

Looking very much to tomorrow's insights.  I feel we are all consumed in this beautiful movement of the moment.

Such love and gratitude to share this with SOUL family Heart Eyes Emoji