Developing Your Daily Practice for Processing Karma & Density

Submitted by Open on Mon, 10/08/2018 - 06:05

There's simply no escaping it, everyone is here to process karma. This is where unrealised aspects of soul get stuck within the drama, by some form of identification, and then build internal eddy currents of energy. This causes some form of inner 'tightness', which then projects out into your world and naturally manifests reflective circumstances to activate the pain. The point being so as to process the blockage and integrate soul through the situation. Providing there's no overriding in avoidance, then this becomes the very path of life itself, the path of our self-realisation, the only thing actually happening in the Universe. It's essential to get to know and fine-tune your own personal process...

From the Mind of God?

The One exploded into being from no rhyme nor reason. If there was, then this would signal intent, meaning you'd have to ask where did the intent come from? The mind of God? From what was the Mind of God created? You'd have to define some substance, even energy, but you're always left asking the question, "what preceded it?"

But you can create the entirety of experience from the Infinite Potential of Pure Presence, which then started to ripple, which then caused relativity and from that awareness. Awareness then begins to naturally move with a flow, which in itself is vibrational energy. With two counter flows, both outwards and inwards, then they're always summing out to zero - so you haven't actually done the impossible - created a positive balance from nothing. This dynamic equilibrium then takes form and shape - the Universal Torus. And if everything phenomenal is a part of that, then all aspects will flow with it, and to an individual aspect - a soul for example - it will very much feel like sense of purpose.

The purpose being to flow with the Torus as a natural expression of The One. When this is realised, life begins to click into place. You start to come into harmony. Even when there's disharmony, you realise there's a reason for it, which starts to remove confusion and suffering.

Disharmony happens where some internal tightness causes resistance to the natural flow. The flow itself is already creating everything. Even in the matrix where society has attempted to form a fixed construct based on logic, nevertheless, the movement of the entirety of the Space Time Continuum pulls against it. It is only ever a matter of time until enough Universal Water is pushing against the dam to break it down. Being out of the flow is ultimately fruitless.

So whether we know it or not, whether we acquiesce to it or not, we are ALL engaged within the Universal flow, and moment by moment, it is engaging us.

Why not then work to come into alignment with the process?

The Process

To do this is to recognise and embrace "The Process". Life is a process - one of continual unwinding. Imagine a toy airplane that has an elastic band that you have to wind up to generate power. It's the perfect metaphor to reflect how tension is stored within one's being.

In itself, this happens when we're out of the flow - internal tension and tightness build. One day you've had enough of holding on and controlling. So you surrender, to some degree, and let go. The unimagined then happens all by itself - the knots begin to unwind and the plane starts to fly. But it flies in a way that you've never conceived of before. The Universal Wind comes to support your wings, to carry you aloft, and although you still get buffeted by constrictions in the flow, providing there's surrender at these choke points, more unwinding happens and the plane flies happily once again. Everything clicks in around you - it feels just like magic. It's utterly priceless

How could you ever put a value on the entirety of the Universe working in concert through you?!

So what is "The Process" that makes the airplane of the Soul fly best?

This is something for each of us to discover, in our own unique way. And yet where someone is already committed to it, and has been doing so for some time, you might take resonant reflections from them.

Here at Openhand we apply the "Breakthrough Approach". It's about breaking The Process down into "First Principles" - something as basic and simple as possible.

The unwinding effect of our metaphoric airplane happens by letting go. But when applied to reality, letting go of what? There's the conundrum. Society winds people up and then suppresses the pain - you go unconscious, living out repetitive behaviours that are placated by distraction and drugging. It seems to work for a while, but as more and more do it, suddenly the whole foundation of society begins to crumble against the irresistible building flow - as we see happening right now in This Great Earth Shift.

Awareness is the key. Bring internal awareness to any external issue and you have the root cause right there within you. It's like you're the movie projector of the outer drama of your life - you shape reality by what you're being within.

The Breakthrough Approach

This leads me back to "The Process". Figure out your process for unwinding through life and the airplane of your soul will fly all by itself. What's more, the flight will be beyond imagination, beyond your wildest dreams.

So here is the Openhand Breakthrough Process, which is really a framework that if you resonate with, you may explore, adapt and apply to your own inner processing. Remember, it's all about bringing increased awareness to the situation - the only thing that can truly change anything...

1) Confront the Truth of the Situation: what's going on here? What is truly being invited? What am I resisting? What outcome do I think I really need? What's the worst possible outcome and how do I really feel about that?

2) Honour and express the tightness: in allowing yourself to explore the truth about any given situation, you'll expose some form of tightness within. It could reveal as a busy mind, unsettled emotions, nausea in the solar plexus, tightness somewhere in the body. And even a complete numbness can be classed as 'tightness'. The point is to delve deep, then to honour what comes up. Allow yourself to fully express the tightness, in whatever way your natural guidance invites of you. It's like you blow this inner layer up to fill the world around you for a while. It enables you to see where you were holding on, where you felt you needed some form of outcome, what couldn't you accept? Where have you been in avoidance?

3) Become as-one with your feelings: When you're at the height of the expression, now soften into the feelings, surrender into them, quieten and let go. Become so accepting of the circumstances you don't need them to go away. Hold the feelings within - be witnessing and observant. You're becoming as-one with the experiences. When you've reached this level of surrender, then 'open a doorway' of complete acceptance through the tightness. Remind yourself that you are NOT the experience itself and that all experiences are transient. They come and go. Thus you're becoming The One in the experience - that which you truly are.

4) Unwind soul out of the constriction: once you've become so accepting that you've found The One amidst the tightness, contraction and pain, you're already at the point where you're healing; you're already digging up the roots of the constriction. Let go even more at this point. But then keenly watch the new energies of soul wanting to come through. You're reclaiming nuggets of soul gold that were originally stuck in the drama and creating the tightness itself. Let that now unwind, unleash and freely express new aspects of soul. Now the flow takes off for you, and the newly liberated soul creates in unimaginable ways. Yihah!

Explore the Breakthrough Approach through a Real-Life Epic Journey of Discovery

PLEASE NOTE: if you find yourself overwhelmed at times by the strength of the Unwinding Process at what comes up, and the degree of confrontation this can at times create in the outer world, it's time to take time out. Switch off a degree. Relax. Generate some endorphins.

The Uplifting Effect of Endorphins...and 8 ways to generate them

Coming into Your Natural Flow State with the Universe

I think there's a generalised belief in some spiritual circles that when you attain Enlightenment life's trials and tribulations all fall away. You've reached some higher dimensional beach, whereupon, you can chill out and just hang ten. Think again! There is only the process. In Enlightenment, the difference is that there's complete recognition of it, a complete surrender to it, and above all, a constant turning into the density that presents, a constant unwinding through. There is no delay in this, there's no resistance to it, there's turning right into the centre of any storm and sailing through. Sometimes the landscape is stormy, sometimes it's peaceful. But the recognition is that true contentment and happiness in life come from successfully riding the flow in any moment.

You can do it. Your soul is seeded to do it. Just figure out the process that best navigates you through the flow of life and everything will fall into place - even when everything is out of place!

And if you'd like some support figuring out your best means of navigating life, The Openhand Breakthrough Approach is something we apply on our events and gatherings. Check us out, learn to love the process!

Openhand Gatherings and Events Around the World

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji

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16/10/2023: The Unravelling Process of Life

There's no doubt about it we are in End Times. The Toroidal Flow of Life that has been encapsulated within our karmic reality is emerging in order to re-establish itself in a higher harmony. And so the old reality is fracturing, being stirred up, and is breaking apart. We see that dynamic playing out in all aspects of society.

This unravelling effect will transit into all aspects of our lives, from relationships to how we live and work. The flow demands a higher harmony of expression. Which is absolutely fine, and a great inspiration in life, providing we accept, and move with, this unravelling flow. That's why I felt to share Openhand's approach to processing in this lead article above.

It's essential to recognise that life itself is a process. It's an internal mechanism that progressively drives life forward so as to evolve it. For a considerable time, supressed by the Intervention, humanity has languised in a bubble, an eddy current detached from the flow. But now the Grand Glactic Convergence is reconnecting with the energy belying the eddy current and moving it foward. It's stirring life up to re-generate it. To the degree we each recognise that and flow with it, our suffering will ease and life revitalise...


Developing Your Daily Practice for Processing Karma & Density

Bright blessings

Open 🌀



04/10/2022 Journal Update

I felt to remind people today to remember to always "turn into your karma", because there's so much energy being stirred up in the field - and Gaia's Torus is building momentum. When anything comes up that forces an internal reaction that has some duration and past patterning, then it's likely karma you're dealing with. In that moment, it's not about efforting or forcing to make a choice or trying to force an outcome by overriding your feelings. Let the feelings express, no matter how inconvenient at the time and work into them. That way you become "as-one" with them and fairly speedily the bubble will burst and you'll integrate a divine aspect of soul through the event - you can only gain.

That's why I felt to share this article again today, and encourage you to make sure you know how to turn into karma when it activates. Also to know that you're always supported!...


Developing Your Daily Practice for Processing Karma & Density


Bright Blessings

Open ♥️🙏


In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I felt I had a hard time breathing through the chakras last night, so I would keep working through each with stronger breath.  It felt like so much density and seemed like in every single chakra I was being pulled out and going unconscious but I kept coming right back and breathing through.

Eventually at the solar plexus, while breathing, I started seeing a single pyramid very clearly.  With each breath it was there for a while.  I have no idea what this signified but I've never seen anything like this before.  Can you enlighten me on this?

I've been cleaning out the house the last few days since moving here, trying to get rid of so much accumulated "things".  Maybe a space is opening up in here to allow for a change.

Sherri Praying Emoji

In reply to by Sherri Sunnygirl


Hi Sherri - what you describe clearly points (to me) of a Black Snake construct underpinning an old reality which is also surfacing now.

The Pyramid suggests maybe ancient Egyptian.

The crucial thing is to watch for where this is active in your life now - especially in relationships. Where the Black Snake energy frequently overrides the softer Pleiadian energy with overwhelming levels of subtle control - in intellectual phraseology for example.

I think you'll find this shift update I wrote today illuminating...

Bright blessings

Open 💙



The past week I've been turning into some heavy karma, that of cult ritual abuse. I recognised how this has always been a theme in my life, but now I was invited to dive into it and confront myself with detailed aspects of it, feeling it all. I find it hard though to go past the "what couldn't I accept" part with this subject. Or maybe it's enough to just sit with the feelings coming up.. Any advice or guidance would be really welcome! 🙏

In reply to by hannah


My heart goes out to you Hannah - it's a tough one for sure. But as with all these things, by allowing ourselves to surrender into them, the karma will unravel

Several things often come up in these situations for people - the sense of shame and guilt. The victim often takes these on board - the psyche someone blames itself for what happened.

And then there's violation too - the sense of your field being violated. When in truth, it's only the body that really can be - at a soul level it becomes a choice: either we react (which is totally understandable) and then go out of body, in which case there really is violation. Or instead, the soul can actualise through it, as hard as it may seem, stay embodied, stay present, and therefore actually be empowered by it.

It's not an easy one, but the way to approach it is to regress into it and allow the energy to move through you. Remember, at the level of the One, that which you are - everything moves through you without reaction.

So I would encourage an inquiry along those lines.

Much love and support

Open ❤️🙏

In reply to by hannah


There with you Hannah! I've been working with the bloodline karma of abuse for quite a while too. And I understand how difficult it can be.

When black magick is involved I find that it's always a good idea to feel the inner connection with any 4d structures at play and then works to detach from them energetically. Because of the illusory nature of linear time, when we work to liberate ourselves in this lifetime it can simultaneously happen for us in all lifetimes where abuse might have taken place.

And for me, acceptance is always about transcending polarities from a energetic point of view. Sometimes it's hard to accept a difficult life lesson through the lenses of the lower mind, when that life lesson is the exact external reflection of the limit to those lenses which we are meant to see beyond.  Perhaps instead we're invited to embody a sense of unconditional love from the heart, and accept both "darkness and light" within the self, and others as self. And let the energy flow through from this place.

So when it comes to it, the scene from Captain Marvel always gives me a good sense of inspiration...

In reply to by Lyra


Thanks Open and Lyra for the support! Seems like something broke through yesterday. Yes, there's a lot of guilt, shame and a deep fear involved. The words choice and empowerment stayed with me though and by some almost ceremonial event I could pierce through the illusion. Even in the face of severe abuse it's still the same game, part of me had a hard time surrendering to that. Even torture is 'only' an experience, no matter what's being done. It doesn't make it right, yet the sense of freedom comes through. They can own my body, but I Am. 

The Marvel scene is awesome!


In reply to by hannah


That's great work Hannah - tremendous 👍

I've had and encountered plenty of these kinds of experience which are seemingly un unfathomable and impossible to unravel through - like ritual abuse for example. But by working to come always from the bigger picture of the one, AND allowing the soul to stay infused through the experience, then indeed renders its illusionary nature. Then you find a phenomenal juxtaposition: the more extreme the abuse, the more extreme the sense of freedom as you emerge from it.

Tremendous - very well done.

Open 💙🙏

In reply to by hannah


In a universe that is birthed and rebirthing in every moment through the movement of the toroidal flow, ownership is an illusion.

The Goddess energy in her aligned forms is not made a victim. She just surrenders ever deeper and expands out to embrace the divine reciprocity in the flow itself.

And the serpent is no "evil", she (he) is simply weaving a reality here for each soul to explore their forgotten divinity.

But now it's time to shed the skins, and discover a beautiful rainbow color beneath. For we are rising as one on this journey...

Lyra 💚🙏🏻

In reply to by Lyra


"You'll have nothing and be grateful" - where have I heard that before? You're not secretly with the WEF are you? LOL.

But we are, at times, custodians of crystallisations - holding them carefully and with respect until it all perishes again.

Open mind, open heart,
receiving hand,
giving hand,

In reply to by Open


LOL. No, not that I'm aware of Open. Fingers Crossed Tears

Yeah, but I see how that can be misleading now. I think I meant to say the ownership of forms is the illusion!

Custodians of crystallisations - I really like that. When everything falls apart, it's okay to hold an open space for a new creation, and allowing the grief of loss to simply be.

Lyra Praying Emoji


Well, I am guilty of reading for the sake of reading sometimes.  I'll often go back and re read, but often it's not sinking in. 

I accept that it's just not the time, but this time. Yes, I'm ready to embrace the message. 

Thank you


Hi Open,

I felt tonight to burn the midnight oil to work on opening the crown chakra as you suggested to me in reply today, but felt to come here to your site and "stumbled upon" this long list of posts going back several years, many of them from Megha.  I know this has to be synchronicity because I needed to hear and learn so much of what you and she have been speaking about all through here.

I feel like I'm so new to this spiritual work, yet once I hear the words, I can grab and run with the knowledge.  It speaks to me on finding my way into the density and karma.  I resonated with so many things you and Megha discussed from very recent weeks ago, all the way back to 2018.  I'd missed so many of these topics.

I feel really inspired to dig deeper into the letting go and working out the karmic distortions now I have an idea of how to do it.  I recognize things quickly now when they come up but just didn't have the "key" to working into unfolding the tightness very well.  I feel I have a good grasp of that now.

So grateful I came here to do one thing tonight instead of going to bed and trying to sleep,  and was led to this long years of discussion with you and Megha.  This was the sign I had been needing for a long time and didn't know it until tonight.  I love how the synchronicity kicks in when you least expect it.  I know the tightness will keep coming up for me to work on but I feel greatly inspired tonight.

The one thing I'm really curious about is the decades of nerve pain I've had in my body, the drs. call Fibromyalgia.  At the last online event recently when we were all journeying, that pain left almost completely and I notice only comes up again if I definitely am having tightness, so I work on breathing and opening into it.   I thought maybe you had drawn it out of me, but don't know for sure.  Did you take that on or am I just learning how to work things out and it's healing on it's own?  I'd accepted long ago that I was stuck living with that nerve pain so was surprised when it disappeared.  I've always been so terribly curious my entire life and ask millions of questions that drive people crazy. lol  I guess that's more allowed here in this group.  

So....I'm working on letting go so the soul can flow through.  I'm still very excitedly looking forward to the Lion's Gate online event too.  Seems there's always internet or computer issues coming up right before these online events I want to attend but I trust I'll connect and join everyone and learn so much more.

So my work now is accepting and letting go of not wanting to lose this house that was given to me, but never put into my name.  I feel it was so the man, my ex boyfriend who is very controlling, could continue to control me.  I know if I do have to move out, things will work out for me and he will lose every bit of that control he works hard to use on me and I keep working to unravel, which makes me happy to know that.  I've been expressing myself more and not giving away my power so much so this has just been another exercise for me.  I'll be sad if I have to move but will work through that too.  Every move I've done willingly has brought better things into my life and I know this will continue to happen.  That magic you speak of.

I dumped him 3 years ago because he's a control freak and later he came and bought me this house.  But it's not worth giving my power away for.  I need to step up and take back my power!

Well my burning the midnight oil turned into a long post here but I feel it was well worth it that I found this particular forum tonight.  Thank you and also Megha for so much insight.

Much love to you both Praying EmojiHeart

In reply to by Sherri Sunnygirl



Hi Sherri! 


I just wanted to tell you that seeing your posts here, it struck me how open and honest you are about what’s happening … and you are embracing the beautiful impact of expressing and interacting here and then applying that in your moment to moment  experience.  
I felt inspired by the courage and vulnerability ….keep on going girl you got this!!

it also struck me how willing you are to be seen… and how healing that is for all aspects of being, when you can be the seeing and the seen… the holding and the held… the listening and the heard. 

also, there is something in the way you write and speak that reminds me of a narrator in a film… something of a wise voice that lives on the outskirts of the village and weaves a tale of all that’s happened and all that’s been learned. It’s so interesting! I wonder if writing is something you enjoy … maybe even creative writing or videos of stories kind of like fairy tales based partially on your experiences? Something about the way you say magic really stands out. 😊

just some vibes I was feeling when I read your post. 

with you through the challenges and cheering you on!






In reply to by .Wren


Hi Jen,

Thank you for the kind words.  They touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes to know someone sees the me that is a work in progress.  Yes, in college I took the required writing class and aced it.  The instructor said I had a great grasp of the English language and she loved my descriptive writing projects and said I would make an excellent writer and might want to consider that. 

I've written a descriptive essay for a newspaper contest here in OR. many years ago, and won a $100 prize for it.  There were only 3 prizes in the topic I chose to write about.  The essays were published in the Chamber of Commerce newspaper and were online a long time ago.  I've had my writing published in a national gardening magazine also.  I'd never considered doing it as a trade though, except occasionally wished I could write a fantasy type book that had an underlying hidden message people would understand and be drawn to.  Similar to what you described in the wise person on the outskirts of the village.  You may have just touched on the thing I could be doing in my life.  I'm amazed!

Maybe that will happen once I do more clearing and growing and can remain open and allow soul to flow more freely.  

I did once write a small book of outgoing answering machine messages that were funny and rhyming.   I changed them on my answering machine all the time and people were calling me daily just to hear those rhymes.  They loved them and everyone laughed   One of them was even about crows, which visit me daily here now and I think must be a spirit animal.   I submitted them to a major publishing co. and got a rejection letter for it, though they did say they really enjoyed them.  I was so proud.  lol  So that writing gift has been there throughout the years.  Some things I've written have brought people to tears.

I just want to say thank you for reminding me of that writing gift.  Maybe that's one of the types of magic I'll discover again.  I'll be thinking on that and be very open to it.  Thank you for being in the cheering section and for the support.  It really touches my heart.  I feel good knowing my words can be an inspiration to others too.

Sending you much love Heart



In reply to by Sherri Sunnygirl


Great response here Jen 👍

Sherri, you've talked about this before and it stands out strongly...

I feel it was so the man, my ex boyfriend who is very controlling, could continue to control me.  I know if I do have to move out, things will work out for me and he will lose every bit of that control he works hard to use on me and I keep working to unravel, which makes me happy to know that.  I've been expressing myself more and not giving away my power so much so this has just been another exercise for me.  I'll be sad if I have to move but will work through that too.  Every move I've done willingly has brought better things into my life and I know this will continue to happen.  That magic you speak of.

The soul wants to be free. If it is supported, then that support has to be unconditional - freely given.
Go for freedom every time, no matter what. The universe will always step into support.

Much love

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

You'd said be open to the miracles and not focus on negative thoughts on where I might have to move if I lose this house.  I've been working through the chakra meditations to clear and to keep them open.  I sat in stillness for a long time yesterday and had softened enough into my "not wanting to move" that I reached the point of total acceptance of the situation and that moving would be acceptable and I'd be ok with it if that was going to happen. 

Well my ex, who is my landlord since the house is in his name and I pay him rent monthly, called to tell me if the landlord stuff he's waiting on didn't go through he had decided he was just going to sign the house and property over to me, instead of selling it,  and it would be mine since he'd bought it for me anyway.  But that would no longer give him control of it or me.  So I was shocked to hear him say that since he'd decided he was just going to give it to me when he died.  It's in his will.

So I think my being able to accept things and letting go of wanting to live here opened the way for the magic to happen, but that sure was a shocking change I never would have expected at all.  So to me that's a miracle.  I always have to remind myself that if I follow my heart,  instincts and soul promptings, then there's surely an easy flow of things and they've always been for my good every time....even though each move forward still brings lessons and growth with it too.  So at least for the time being, it appears I'm to stay where I am.  Life is never dull...that's for certain!

That also brings to mind that in relationships, there's an energetic connection, tie or "cords".  I work to energetically unplug those cords and be free of that energy.  He's been in another (controlling) relationship with someone else for over 2 years now, yet it seems that energetic connection has still been between us too.  Still working to understand it all.

Thank you for the words of wisdom and encouragement Praying EmojiHeart



In reply to by Sherri Sunnygirl


Hi Sherri - it's an alchemical development for sure - your soul energy made a commitment to change, and this led to a change in the other person and how they are with you. However, it's not done yet! This being you're engaging with is clearly wrapped up in controlling the other (in this case you!). There's quite possibly an entity in the field controlling the show. What they'll often do is play with people's emotions - first they cause you to pull away, but when you do, they switch tack and entice you to return - the promise of this or that.

The offer of signing the house over to you might come true. But you have to be prepared it's just another carrot - to beat the Donkey with! So how to deal with this?

I would recommend to stay in the exploration of leaving - which sends a clear signal out into the field that you won't be owned by the others machinations and you're not afraid to leave. You can magnify the field effect by actually making movements to leave, preparing yourself. So for example you could go through your old clothes and give away anything you haven't worn for a while and don't think you'll wear again. Clear out your closets. Give some things to charity. Maybe go away for a couple of days and just feel the sense of movement. At the end of the day, the field is shifting, and being ready to move, being flexible and adventurous is always a good thing - whether you actually move or not.

The key thing is that this puts YOU in the driving seat. No one else. If the current living conditons don't come according to your own boundaries of being, then leave. This makes you fully sovereign. The captain of your ship!

Open 💙

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Your reply is a big confirmation to my own recent thoughts.  It's very possible I could be jerked around and I thought of that, so I've still been clearing out things, getting rid of, donating etc... AND my internal soul pull is to drive somewhere along the coast for an all day trip.  It's tourist season and very expensive to stay in hotels and such,  but I could sure drive a day trip to a wonderful drive along the Pacific ocean and pull into places that are very scenic and beautiful and would be a good place to open chakras and meditate.  I could go into shops to look at the beautiful things made by other people that always touch me deeply with their immense beauty.  Artists here surely create from soul flow, their creations touch me so deeply with their beauty. 

So even if I didn't have money to spend, I'd look and enjoy and even buy a very inexpensive trinket like a keychain, just to support the place.  Who knows, synchronicity could even happen with someone at one of those shops.  I'm on the same page with you regarding tricks of what "Jim" may be harboring with the 2 vaxxes he took.  His energy is dark.  He seems very sick, had some strokes after the 2 vaxxes. He's refusing medical treatment they want him to have and I sense he doesn't care if he dies.  That's his choice and path.  He never even took flu vaccines but jumped on the bandwagon to get the covid vax.  

No matter though, I made the decision the other day that being in 5D, 6D and beyond is worth more than any house or thing here on planet earth.  I'm still ok with my decision of letting go.  I feel I turned a corner and plan to move forward from there with the getting rid of things in this house that I can do without and maybe even more things than that.  So thank you for the confirmation, it really feels good to know I'm on the right track with being in control of my life.  And I may get the house anyway.  But it's ok if I don't, things will work out for me somehow, they always have when I've moved in the flow.

I know it's not over and there will still be tests and trials but in the end I want to be free...of the karma and everything that holds me back.

By the way, I used to joke all the time about my "ship" and said it was the SS Minnow from a funny tv show that was on here for many years.  I loved that show.

Hugs to you! Praying EmojiHeart


In reply to by Open


Thank you Open,

That was an awesome video you shared.  I love going adventuring, or driving wherever the urge leads.  I've done this most of my life.  I'm very peaceful when I take long drives and listen and sing to music.

For now I think a day trip will do just fine.  Maybe in the winter season I'd sure love to get a room on the beach at a motel up the coast.  It's much cheaper in winter season and there's a place called the Sand Castle Motel.  I've stayed there several times.  The balcony is right above the sand and beach.  It's lovely and  they have gas fireplaces in the rooms.

Sherri Whale Spouting

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I did it, I went free-wheeling up the Oregon coast yesterday.  I did the chakra opening meditation before I left so I'd be open to whatever.  It's tourist season so the coastal highway was a crowded mess and the town of Florence that I was going to tour around in was so packed with people, there were no parking places and the crowds were thick.  So I turned around and came back home but enjoyed a couple of stops, took a couple of photos.

I stopped for restroom break, saw an elderly man coming out with his hands full at the restaurant so offered to get his truck door for him...he handed me a drink.  So I held it for him while he got in his truck and I wished him a great day.  Told him I enjoyed helping people, he said he did too.  So above all I got to enjoy the beautiful weather and the drive.  I had got a late start so next time I'll go the other direction and leave earlier.

It was a beautiful day!  Didn't see any whales though.... Whale SpoutingHungry

I did see a huge brown boat named Grizzly.  Kind of described the way life has felt to me lately... I took a photo of it.  Was an interesting big boat.



In reply to by Sherri Sunnygirl



How beautiful Sherri <3 Thank you for sharing how much writing has meant in your life. Made me smile =)

Writing ...I have felt baffled about what and how I am to contribute in this world in a concrete way...I am writing every day at the moment and loving it so much!...the more I express right now, with what's here - even just a flow of automatic writing...just writing whatever is coming without censoring or editing is showing me there are worlds upon worlds upon worlds...endless creative possibilities! I had to tell you after I read your message, my eyes lifted to a clear blue sky in front of me, and there hanging like an ornament was a large puffy cloud boomerang!! I smiled to myself and acknowledged that what I see in you - I see in me too!! 

So happy to hear the outcome with your home. <3 Take care - Jen



28/04/2021 Openhand Journal Update: Karma and Light

Hey everyone, it feels like we've got some strong flows of light happening around the planet. Is your soul feeling the invigoration? Remember always that the movement of light through the soul and the corresponding activation of karma (whilst you have it) go hand in hand. As the light in you strengthens karma will come up. It's utterly essential not to avoid this but to turn right into it with an effective process. That's why I encourage all, no matter how experienced you are, to refresh on the featured article today...

Living the 5D Shift: The Daily Process of Working Through Karma

And to inspire you today, I share with you this video we made some years back on overcoming challenges on the path...

Best wishes with your karmic processing, and if you would like an illuminating reflection on what you're currently working with, then do ask.

Open HeartPraying Emoji


16/04/2021 Openhand Journal - the Challenge of the Pocess

Lots of people are processing deep challenges right now - I can feel it, digging through the density.

The Shiva is activating - it's beckoning your vibration to rise. And this pulls on your karmic density.

Join the next Livestream - Return of the Shiva

Suddenly the dancing veils are thrown up in front of your eyes. You can't see, you can't feel. Which is the path? What am I being invited to do now?

In this place, it's NOT the pathway forwards that is the answer - it is being prepared to work within the unresolution - to feel the burning pain at the core of you and not look for the quick fix, the ready solution. The burning pain IS the answer!

Did anyone (here at Openhand) say the path was easy? If it were, everyone would be doing it and they clearly are not!

It's not easy, but actually it is straightforward. If you can register one key thing, it would be to acknowledge, accept, and turn into your pain. Let it engulf you, but all the while, remembering there is a light that wants you to find resolution - something which draws you through the darkness when you turn into it and allow it.

The more ready and willing you are to sit with the pain, the more ready and willing you are to surrender into it, the quicker you will come through. The clouds will clear and the next step, whatever that might be, will reveal itself.

With this in mind, do review the Openhand lead article above because it's designed to help you through difficult processing times...

Living the 5D Shift: The Daily Process of Working Through Karma

And allow me to me share the superlative David Whyte who sums it up really well...

There with you.

Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


I feel I'm tuned into the shiva energy.  Some karmic process has kicked off for me. I'm down with fever , throbbing pain in my heart , crown and back. Yesterday night I passed through a karmic tornado which was quite intense like never before. I'm at a place I met through couchsurfing so its activating a lot of uncertainty as well. Not really sure what is the path ahead which is something I experience a lot while travelling. But I feel the fever and pain is the old reality breaking down inside making way for new. I can feel a shift in relating with reality. Synchronicity has been quite active.  
The Shiva energy has been present wherever we go. It gets amplified for me with the friend I'm travelling with who is quite aware and creative. If I take the first few letters of our names and combine together I get Shiva! And we met near the Siva cave in Gokarna. 

In reply to by Vimal


Great work Vimal! voltage emoji iconThumbs Up Sign
Maybe you don't even realise, but as you do this inner work, you're starting to embody the Shiva, actualising the energy here and now.
It's what this crazy defunct reality now needs - in a progressive, compassionate way.


Open Praying Emoji


I felt to post this article again today about the essential importance of developing your daily unwinding process.

It's particularly important as we engage the various machinations of the system.

The system has its tentacles to keep pulling you in by karmic density. My advice is not to effort for external solutions. Still work towards them, yes. BUT there's a big difference between efforting and non-attached working.

My reflection is to always notice once the tightness gets activated in you, and then work to unwind out of that tightness. Because that's why you created that particular mirror in the first place.

So do explore the article above and let it inspire you to keep developing how you practically unwind from the density.

Wishing you well.

Open Praying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Absolutely, and the truth and the love manifest as the miracle that they are....

I kind of always tried to query about the nothingness and everythingness, the non being and the being as you say, i am comforted by the fact the ultimate reality beautifully expresses itself through both as it chooses......the One which connects both and is imbued in each individually as well........

love and gratitude


In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

My whole city is awash in Fear and panic right now. There is a wave of illness ,first a fever and then a pneumonia that's sweeping through the city . Hospitals are full to breaking point ,oxygen is in short supply . It is in many ways heartbreaking what people are going through . 

It seems to me.what is going ' viral ' is fear . But also karma. I am hearing how people are collapsing at home for lack of piped oxygen . As expected ,the jabs are therefore being rolled out at a much faster rate . Now everybody over 18 is eligible . Even people that were on the fence are lining up . No one is studying why so many that are fully jabbed are in ICUs , why this occurred bang in the middle of the Indian flu season ,etc.  Some younger un jabbed people are dying too .....and they are being touted as examples of fools that needed jabbing . 

I have not been affected much personally ,so perhaps ,if I am to have that experience it may change my feelings ( My mother has suddenly started to see the sense of what I'm talking about and ,at 71 has refused the jab as also stay at home orders)  . But here is what I think right now

1. We are so disempowered at this point we are willing to bow to a barely living entity and spend our lives running away from it 

2. At least from where I am sitting ,I am trying to proceed with as much awareness as possible of all the fear and grief and allow myself to soften into it. Karma is coming up for me in spades. At present I have a "frozen" left shoulder and when I tune into it ,I see images of myself in a metallic suit on the left half of my body . 

3. The mental.plane is awash in confusion . I think that's exactly where OC gets in . I have been "attacked" by two people today already for being unjabbed and also talking about a wider perspective . 

And yet ,something seems to be emerging in me . It's still coming and going . But ,it's this energy that's very firm. 

I am.going to meditate with the Black Snake FB live you did a while back .Just sharing through the chaos on this side of the world 


In reply to by iamdurga


That's a full on inquiry for sure Megha - but stay with it, we're with you Heart

There will be a flow of light in it for you - through it. But first yes, there's the karma, where it hits you and tangles you up.

Work with that. Maybe a path of light is meant to take you away from it? But first the karma, first the entanglement.

There with you

Open Praying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

Thank you for the support ,I feel it through the ether. Today I sat in a meeting where the discussion was when and how to close down the hospital as it had run out of oxygen . At the time we had 70 patients on it . 

As I felt into the tight clench in my abdomen and the persistent burning in my back opposite the solar plexus and sacrum ,I could feel something very distinctly . As if ,in the softening into my own fear ,the field softened. As if ,as my energy shifted in this crazy dire situation I found myself in ,the energy of several people shifted - again I could feel it in my body ,not just at an intellectual level. (The oxygen tanker did arrive and all is well though we are having to turn away patients - my heart breaks especially for the kids ) 

After this fairly shaky experience ,I got a hug from a pure star soul . In my clinic ,in the evening ,this little 9 month old boy ,looked into my eyes and very comfortably ( usually at that age they are afflicted with stranger anxiety ) ,gave me a sweet hug. As if to say ,I see you . 

To this minute my heart swells up just thinking about it ! 

I know so many are hurting in different ways in different situations . Deep Bow to all ! 


In reply to by iamdurga


That's very moving indeed Megha - there with you Heart

I've been reading about this "new outbreak" in India and something feels highly suspicious about it to me. Why so sudden when the virus has been with us about 18 months? Why so strong? Is it supposed to be a new strain? Are plenty of the people those who've already been vaccinated? Intuitively it feels like something strange is going on.

Much love and support

Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

I don't like writing this. But it definitely seems like something has been unleashed to instill fear in the hearts of the population. My country was averse to Allopathy and willy- nilly vaccinations until this strange turn of events . While it was inevitable that there would be an upsurge as this is the flu season ,the fact of the matter is that the ' mutation' seems to be so much deadlier. The modification seems to cause much more debilitation and need for oxygen with raging fever going on for ten twelve days . 

The vaccinated are the elderly and they compose 60-70 percent of the ICU at present. The sinister part is that it is affecting the much younger age group which we didn't see last time round . 

The timing and the media blitz seems perfectly aligned to the systematic roll out of va((ine on the 1st of May . I sat in a.meeting yesterday in which they were contemplating closing down the hospital - so that part is real .

And now they won't even have to enforce Va((Ines ,people will jump up and take it . Any resistence to the experiential drug seems to have vanished . Also ,it seems to be in the air ........ Not person to person anymore . 

The Black snake energy ,density is in full flow . It's quite disheartening to be honest. Just staying with it and trying to summon up the energy to confront in the ether at least 


In reply to by iamdurga


Yes, that's my sense of it too Megha - intuition tells me that some new strain had been released in various places in the world that are meant to have a greater impact and then scare people in other countries. I would prefer to think that wasn't the case, but my sense is it could be true.

The key is always to keep the inquiry going. Whatever the conditions, you are never stuck. Movement is always possible. It's only when we stagnate inwardly at a soul level that you're in a problem. But I don't get that with you. Remember always, that the soul chooses the perfect conditons for the next stage of growth. Challenge is a part of forging the soul and the steeper the challenge you manifest, it's because a greater growth opportunity is possible.

Stay with it, keep inquiring, keep digging through, keep connecting the light. And know that the Openhand energy is with you.

Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

I have had a challenging day . First I lugged a previous tank of oxygen to my Aunt's ,to find she had already passed . I held space for my cousins and worked through a lot of anger and grief for the situation we seem to be in. My aunt ,when I tuned into her was quite happy too be rid of that body mind and was dancing .When I was tight ,I was literally having a hard time making my way to and from the hospital . 

And the tightness ebbed a bit when I was in a Buddhist themed crematorium . Beautiful banyan trees ! Some chaos ,so it was hard to get a spot to burn her ( overloaded because of the spike in deaths ) . But somehow after we reached there ,I was able to focus better. In the waiting period I activated torus and worked through blockages. Also seemed to help a lot of earth bound souls pass. 

The angel was the Sikh hearse driver. Very angelic energy. Apparently he has a modest business but as charity he helps people cremate their dead. He was 65 and his name was Trilok Singh ( in Hind it means ,of the 3 worlds- Underworld ,Earth and the heavens ) . And his car number ( called Kabir seva after the saint ) 7007 . 

Despite the exhaustion and grief and frustration ,for some reason I feel quite grateful for today .  


Thank you for the support through the ether ,


In reply to by iamdurga


Hi Megha - wow, what you describe with the situation in India sounds like being in a War Zone. I'm sure everyone in the community is sending their heartfelt support Heart

I would say it's a reflective and useful analogy - being in a War Zone. Speaking from experience, a few key things tend to happen in people as they enter a war zone: 1) Some freeze and become zombie like, unable to function or manage what happens to them; 2) others panic and flap and become uncontrollable; 3) there's a quiet few who actually come alive within them. For the last group I believe this happens because you see the precariousness of life, the close proximity of death, and that you're so close to the edge, it's as if you could already be dead. So... what's the point of worrying? It becomes immensely liberating. Plus reality bends and breaks down - the old constructs you held within you, and your rigidity to the construct, start to break apart - they don't hold you any longer. Now the normal rules of reality no longer apply. You look out into the landscape around you and see the inverse reflection of yourself - where everyone is either in fear or zombie mode, it actually has the reverse effect on you - it brings you alive. It can make you ecstatically free.

Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by iamdurga


Dear Open ,

Thank you for that reflection. There is indeed a lot of people shutting down or panicking . I am staying in my body and looking at the trees. Today for a whole hour as I was driving to my aunt's house ,I noticed how the sunlight catches the light in the bark of the tree. So magnificent ! 

I also have volunteered for Covid duty in the ICU . And reflecting on grief and death helps me keep rooted and strong. So many people are calling me because ,I suspect I am helping them not freak out . 

And truly ,we all have to pass anyway. If this is now ,for me ,what does it matter . In that surrender is such peace and joy . Also humour -I have told my family I am volunteering to be close to the ventilators and the oxygen since they are in such short supply . 






The Egypt timeline has been drawing me recently as well. I had another web page open reading about Akhenaton when I saw your post actually.

The image of the pyramid and the all seeing eye on a U.S. dollar bill has been landing in my awareness lately too. Learning about the whole Egyptian mummification process as a kid in school was really unsettling to me, and it keeps coming to mind especially how they would pull down the brains and glands through the nose with special instruments. Ugh. 

Interestingly I have also been writing a book - one of the central themes is about the challenge the masculine has in learning to tap into his emotions. 

Thanks for sharing since it’s further activating my own stuff. will check out Divinicus as well and see what resonates.



Hi Megha,

Yes, the pyramid resonated strongly as an Egypt connection you have.

Did you read my book Divinicus? There are a lot of experiences from Egypt and the divine feminine there. It's sure to reflect and activate karma if that's what's coming up.

Very best wishes

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Dear Open,

I was just going to work ,same route I have taken a million times . There is a pyramid shaped structure on top of a high rise there . And it was catching the light . Something just exploded inside my heart and since then I am feeling extremely restless. I haven't been able to fast or even be within myself. As if I am about to perceive something that I don't want to ,or remember something. On the outside is this book proposal I have been sitting on for three months. It will be a kind of expose on the way the Feminine has been misused in Medicine . I'm not going to be popular after because however I write it ,it's going to be deeply triggering. 

Something to do with Egypt. Is what I hear . But while I am very unsettled ,I am not able to feel into the trauma/ karma. Posting here to see if this is coming up for other people . And reflections ,intuitions welcome as always

Love ,



Hi Desi,

Nice to see you here The Sun Emoji

I'd say practically everyone who is here is here to process some level of karma. With the exception of a handful of highly evolved beings who know their mission very clearly, who evolved past this density, yet have elected to come back for a specific purpose and mission. These would be world teachers, not necessarily people who teach the world, but a recognised post by those supporting the benevolent mission from the ether.

I see at least two layers of karma: 4th dimensional, which is more personally related to the individual soul. Then I see 8th dimensional karma, which is more related to processing group karma - working on behalf of the divine masculine or feminine for example. Also the seeding and emergence of a species - humanity for example.

In addition, yes, I see plenty of starsouls here, who do have a 'special' vibration, in that they have experience in breaking down certain intervention frequencies and resonating a vibration forwards. The challenge for many of these is often that of being fully embodied and grounded - because that's how to resonate one's vibe fully in this physical plane. And most of these will also have personal karma to deal with. Often though, it may seem like all karma has been processed, because they perhaps haven't fully grounded and embodied yet - there's often a subtle unconscious avoidance of full imersion in this density - which is very understandable. I see this a fair deal.

I trust this might shed a little more light.

Much love

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Hi Open, 

I'm amazed how accurate your points are - it makes total sense! I think you absolutely deliver the goods in these raw and uplifting conversations. High Five Emoji

However, one thing stood up for me in the above post - "The point is that people have incarnated here because of karma. ". I understand where you are coming from, yes, many people have been caught in the cycle of reincarnation. But there are also many souls who volunteered to be here and they haven't been through hundreds and hundreds of lives. They have come in with a unique energy that greatly affects others and operates on a different frequency. However, their main "problem" is forgetting or the amnesia process that affects souls when they come to Earth. So how do they discover it again? How do they consciously remember their mission on Earth if they have almost gotten sidetracked and/or stuck? And what do they do when they come to Earth with the best intentions but find that it is not as easy as they thought it would be once they get here? 


Sounds like you've got kundalini moving there Megha - a very positive sign.


Open Thumbs Up Sign


Dear Open ,

I didn't mention this but the other strange thing that happened after I did my best to hold my child like grief ( took a whole day of being with it,expressing it a lot of tears) I felt a distinct electric pulse go up my base. Almost as if the energy unraveled enough to become part of the  Whole . I'm also feeling like an orphan . As if I don't belong to my family of origin anymore . Not in a angry sense . Just that I don't relate with them much anymore . As Marion Woodman says ,there is abandonment and there is also wild abandon of being an orphan . I'm feeling a little bit of both . 

I am going to re-read that chapter . It feels like new everytime ! 





Hi Megha,

Great to have you tune in - always nice to 'see' you The Sun Emoji

Yes, on the road to Transfiguration (full Kundalini Activation), plenty of inner child issues will come up: taking on blame, feeling unlovable, out of place, a misfit. The key is to regress right back into the sense of the child, to love the child for the experiences they've taken on and endured. Then to integrate the aligned sense of the child, allowing the distortion to unravel away. I explained this quite fully in chapter 3 of 5GATEWAYS.

Wishing you well

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Dear Open,

It's actually quite amusing that I am the most verbose one on this thread . Definitely an indication of where I am in the Process. I am getting a bit better at ' catching myself ' these days . When I am upset or when I am in the middle of a painful situation ,now much better than before I am able to drop into my body and feel the entirety of sensations. Something very interesting has started to happen. I have started to see the reasons for feeling like shit much better 😄. 

Yesterday after a small altercation with my husband I became aware of a deep pain in my heart. I have felt this pain before ,but suddenly an image of myself at three years old popped up. And I could see that this was the activation of a deeply held childhood wound that set me up for rejection when I was offering love openheartedly . Up until this point ,I have always felt fairly efficiently ,but now it's like more information is coming my way. Also I think I trust my knowings a little more ,so I am seeing for example how my friend stuck in a bad marriage was the jailor of her present husband in a past life . I am also ' hearing' much better . 

Just wanted to share that there seems to be a little more method to my processing madness now 😄😄

Lots of love to all my Openhand friends.Hopefully I will see you soon ! 



I felt to repost this article again today...

Living the 5D Shift: The Daily Process of Karmic Processing (scroll to the top)

It cannot be overestimated the importance of knowing your process for confronting and unwinding karma.

I'd say there's still very much a perception in the spiritual mainstream that spirituality is all about 'love and light', that this is what we're supposed to experience by being 'spiritual'. The point is that people have incarnated here because of karma. This is where the soul fragments into reality because it identifies with the physicality of life - challenges in relationships, jobs and general living circumstances. When you touch the mainstream of soul and start to centre in it, then it pulls on the fragments buried in this karma. Imagine it like a hot air balloon rising, pulling on its tethering. Hence the soul's karmic tethering will come active.

That's why it's essential we have a process for dealing with it. This processing is an essential aspect of the Openhand work, and in particular on our gatherings. We help people come into it and process speedily through. It always leads to wonderful expansions and liberation on the other side.


Hi Megha - a sense of worthlessness comes up a great deal on the spiritual path - I'd say most, if not all, tend to pass through this one.

Firstly, 'education' and upbringing often cause the feeling. So the education system is geared to fitting people into a particular way of living which is so often contradictory to the natural path of the soul. Indavertantly, by intimating that "you could do better" or "we do it like this", or "it would work better like that", parents, teachers and coaches are, in effect, telling you you're wrong or not good enough. Often they feel like what they're doing is an expression of love and support, BUT, it's not unconditional love.

I ask the question...

How can the soul not be good enough to be what it is? And if the journey of life is to unleash and express soul, if there's nothing else going on, how is it possible for you not to be good enough, when your soul is the very epitomy of this dynamic? And if you're unique, different from all others, then how could anyone else presuppose to be able to tell you what is 'better' or 'worse' about your soul and who you are?

BUT, there will be a truth at the heart of the distortion (in the sense of worthlessness). In my observation there always is. So an aspect of the soul (in the Openhand Philosophy the ray 3), is constantly inquiring.... "how can my beingness be more aligned in this moment and in that situation?" The ego, created by the system, translates this as, "what I'm expressing, and what I am, is not good enough".

Does this create anger? It's totally understandable if the supression of the system and its 'wrong doing' would cause that. So I advise to get right into the sense of worthlessness - express it, feel it, trace it back to its source in this lifetime, and when you can, beyond into others. If there's anger, let it well up and express. Then finally, just sit, in your own shockingly simple self acceptance of who you are in this very moment. Because it will always be good enough.

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Dear Open ,

I have been in deep processing after signing up for the Pranayama class next door to my condo. What is coming up for me right now is a deep sense of Worthlessness. I am feeling deeply as if I am truly not deserving or good. 

This has been triggered by the fact that I don't have much work . And now I'm wondering if what I do is in fact a dfence mechanism to not feel this deep sense of ' I am not good enough' . In many ways this come from childhood experiences- I am a sum total of what I do not who I Am. But also I feel it comes from previous lifetimes where I have judged myself deeply and persistently for not contributing enough / doing enough / being enough . 

Reflections are welcome ! 



Dear Open ,

I am aware of my empathic nature. I am also aware at how ,after a lot of processing ,I am able to connect to men at a very sincere ,deep way. It almost feels that after processing the conditioned and past life impressions to be fearful of men or in anger or conflict with them,I am finally able to connect with many in a very real ,connected way. As I connect with my own masculine Ray 1 ,I seem to understand them much better too. 

Thanks for the validation of my process ❤️




Probably the wrong forum to post in ,but I had to tell you all this .

As I learn to deal with the aches and pains of my Crown chakra opening up ,there was an opportunity to take a Pranayama course close by. It's in the basement of a nearby house and the instructor is good at the physical aspects of yoga ,but I get the feeling he hasn't integrated the emotional at all so comes across as quite egostical. I am bang in the middle of the course and feeling into the myriad sensations the breathing is setting off . It's almost as if a large voltage that is going through the system is highlighting all my blockages at once. 

Yesterday I became aware at a deep grieving for the distorted masculine. A colleague who I have a deep soul connection with had invited us over the weekend. Visiting his house and seeing how far down the road he is in being lost in materiality made me feel so disillusioned and sad ! . I felt such grief for him and his family and the whole three D matrix that has pulled the wool over our eyes !

In the morning today I was feeling into the heartache as also the solar plexus and (my favourite )my hips when I became aware of deep density in my sacrum and iliac bones that felt like burning . And as I felt into them ,something integrated and I got the image of a butterfly. Do you know that the sacrum and the iliac bones actually do look like a butterfly. 

I start off writing these posts intending to only give a little snippet but all this 'stuff' seems to want to pour out even though it makes absolutely no linear sense . 😀

Lots of love and processing to all of you ! 



Hey everyone - in the Openhand Approach, we explore much deeper than just the yin and the yang. We're looking at essential characterisitcs of soul, 7 Rays in all, just like the rainbow, which of course is a refraction of white light, of consciousness - and of soul consciousness.

Understanding the Rays can greatly help your journey. Because karmic blockages you encounter on the path, will be distortions of each of them. When you can unleash and express your distortion, then you get to the nugget of soul gold at the heart of them. This is deep alchemy of transformation.

Here's a snapshot of the 7 rays...

  • Ray 1: purposeful creative will Ray 1 is the driving sense of purpose to create. It is the manifestation of the divine masculine principle throughout the universe. From the place of separation, it is that undeniable inner will to find and create a higher level of harmony both within ourselves and between all sentient beings. It causes us to challenge and break apart the status quo which may be holding us in a lower level of realisation. The Ray 1 inspires life’s motivational leaders.
  • Ray 2: surrendering unconditional love Ray 2 initiates the impulse of unconditional love for life. It is the manifestation of the divinely feminine principle of surrendered acceptance throughout the universe. It is the empathising compassion that willingly embraces, does not judge nor need to change the inherent imperfection in all sentient life and situations. Ray 2 strongly inspires the selfless servants of life.
  • Ray 3: interpreting authentic reality Ray 3 harnesses and processes higher abstract wisdom delivering it in a form to provide a clear interpretation of our current, authentic reality. In other words, it’s how we know what’s really real. People with strong Ray 3 influence notice the natural patterning in life bringing the formless into form in such a way that can be understood and appreciated by many. Ray 3 inspires life’s translators, creative artists and mathematicians.
  • Ray 4: harmonising through right resolution Ray 4 is the divine rationalising energy which helps us find right resolution with our environment and other sentient life. It is the ray impulse which blends passion with compassion. It provides the discernment to confront unjust situations in a non judgmental way. Its purpose is to break apart the lower harmony to find a more equitable higher one. People with highly active Ray 4 tend to be life’s diplomats, politicians and teachers.
  • Ray 5: realising abstract higher wisdom The Ray 5 enables us to hold the infinite complexities of the universe as pure knowing within our beingness. This ‘science’ is abstract, all encompassing and rather than realised, is more sensed, as an art form, like poetry in perpetual motion. Ray 5 enables us to attune to the universal flow and harness it for co-creative exploration, deeper understanding and further evolution. The Ray 5 animates life’s scientists and creative business leaders.
  • Ray 6: yearning self expression Ray 6 inspires us stay continually focussed on our life’s purpose: to realise, unfold and express who we really are. It generates commitment and devotion to our cause, radiating our soul in all its brilliant colour. The Ray 6 provides the unquenchable driving force to express our innate qualities and inspire others to shine their inner light too. Humanity’s philosophers, spiritual leaders and performing artists are all driven by the Ray 6 influence.
  • Ray 7: shaping synchronistic magic Ray 7 provides the ingredient of pure magic on our life’s journey. If we are able to master our inner distortions and pause just long enough in the drama of life, then we can open up to spontaneous, synchronistic and co-creative magic. Thereby we catalyse and initiate the surrounding field for the maximum benefit and upliftment of all. In this way, Ray 7 inspires life’s ‘magicians’ and entrepreneurs.

Explained deeper in the book 5GATEWAYS: a profound spiritual routemap

Take Ray 1 for example. This Ray has often been suppressed within those with strong Ray 2 - the divine feminine. So when you truly step onto the spiritual path, you might feel frustration, anger and even rage welling up at the injustice 'done' to the divine feminine (in fact it's only the soul that has disempowered itself).

By allowing this anger energy to express, using the Breakthrough Approach, then you actually start to untether the Ray 1 which is buried within the anger - often a gentle person won't want to express this because of the perceived harm it will do and the energy put out into the field. But this is to create internal polarity and so a denial of a crucial aspect of self. The key is to let it come up and express, in which case, you start to touch the authentic energy at the core of the expression. As you soften through and concentrate on this aligned feeling, then the distortion starts to peel away and you're left with the authentic sense of drive and will. This will then come through naturally in the times you need it, but in a balanced and contained way.

I'd encourage all to get deep into your authentic feelings, to express, and to unwind true sense of self expression. It's this that peels back karmic distortions leading to true enlightenment.

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji



Hi Megha,

It's great that you share, you're not 'hogging' any space, there are plenty tuning in who will also gain from your sharing - thanks on behalf of everyone Heart

One of the things I often see in women is the repression of the ray 1 masculine. I think often women thing it's the divine feminine aspect that's been distorted, and that has been, too, yes. However, what i find in this dense vibration, is that it's often the ray 1 divine masculine (in us all) that can create the space for the other gifts to come through. So it's essential to let the ray 1 come through, by expressing and peeling away the anger, but then allowing it to channel into other gifts.

Keep working on it - you're connecting all the signs and synchronicities - you're going in the right direction.


Open The Sun EmojiThumbs Up Sign


Thank you Open ,

Containing my anger and breathing with it from 4 am onwards today brings up the following reflections 

I am most angry at myself for allowing deep conditioning to kowtow my own inner Feminine knowing to my more linear Masculine. The very deformed masculine has yet been a safer route to take rather than the more diffuse deeper Feminine knowing within . 

Last night the husband of a good friend went into hospital with biliary infection . The bile is the conduit of anger . The baby who has just has  surgery on his penis to grow it a bit is also ill- probably a wound infection  I ' know' what these two incidents mean in conjunction with my anger. They seem to reflect back to me the inability of my own spouse to contain my anger - I have to do it myself. The little baby ( his mother is also Megha !) Is my own masculine ,infantile and riddled with infection ,but trying to get better. Seems to me to reflect how once I have made a deeper connection ,I am able to heal the masculine within and without me . 

Holding girl's circles is my edge.The last one I did a girl told her Mom that she was being abused . 

Haven't ever trained for them ( unlike my profession) . And suddenly after all these insights ,something shifts and the resistence I felt dissolves.  I feel that it's the right time again . My anger has given me so many gifts and seems to have so many more in it's depths

Lots of love to all those tuning in. Im a little ashamed of oversharing



Hi Megha,

It's great that you're expressing - let it come through Thumbs Up Sign

But yes, by containing it too, means you'll get into deeper layers.

So point the finger at the patriarchal energy yes, it has a lot to answer for.

But then ask the questions...

How did I disempower myself?
How and why did I give my power away?
What was I looking for outside of myself?

It might help to take a browse through this article...
Moving Beyond the Patriarch Distortion: Breaking into Enlightenment

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji


As the MeToo movement surges across the breadth and length of my extremely patriarchial rigid country ,I am feeling deep deep anger.Anger at the patriarchial nature of this society ,the ravages on Mother Earth. All the sundry experiences that I ' pushed under the rug' I am reminded of now . I am feeling deep anger to the point of being rendered speechless by it. In fact as I wrote in my diary I finally connect with what Ray 1 is all about. For much of my life I have been the peace keeper and the love and light person and now something within me wants to explode !

Containing this energy and staying with it rather than burning up everything in my path is proving very challenging . I am breathing and running and I'm going to find time to pummel some pillows in a little bit . The anger feels like an initiation into my own power. It is so hard being soft with it !

Any insights or reflections are very welcome.


In reply to by iamdurga


Hi Megha,

I’m smiling as I read your sharing as I recognise what you’re going through, and I can’t help thinking “Yes, another one rising up to her true power! You go girl!”

About 6 months ago, I was going through something similar. It had just dawned on me what the system really is and what it’s doing and how constricting and imprisoning it is to the soul. The way it was showing up in my immediate personal life was through my kids. I was home with my youngest who was just over 1 year old and wreaking havoc wherever he passed. I felt like the sole reason for my existence was to prevent him from either destroying the house or killing himself. I couldn’t even go to the bathroom without him seizing the opportunity to embark on another kamikaze adventure. And when my older daughter came home from school, she only added to my slave-like existence with her constant demands and ‘royal’ expectations. Whenever I asked her to help out in any way, she acted as if she was personally insulted.

Well, there came a point when I just couldn’t take any more. A wave of rage surged through me and I stopped running after my son and just sat down on the kitchen floor screaming internally GO AHEAD, DESTROY THE HOUSE! DO WHAT YOU WILL! BUT I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS REALITY ANY MORE!!! There was a whole revolution inside of me, an uprising not just against my son, but against the whole enslaving system around me and inside me that allowed no freedom for the soul to move.

It felt good right there and then, but the following weeks to come were really challenging. The rage that had been awakened would suddenly pop up unexpectedly in all kinds of family related situations, out of nowhere. It was quite destabilising because it would often catch me off guard. I could be feeling quite calm and stable, but then suddenly one of my kids would say or do something that just set off a whole firing squad.

The brilliant thing about this though was that I got in touch with my ray 1. Just like you, I also felt the immense power of this energy, and how it was all mine, a part of me. The challenging thing though, was that by tapping into my ray 1, I also tapped into all the distortions that accompanied it. So basically, I entered a process where I had to face and work through these distortions as they came up. Many past life visions came up of being a soldier/warrior in male form doing all kinds of heinous things to other people and especially to women. There was also a great need to heal from lingering reptilian influence and energy, as I have had fierce ‘battles’ with that throughout my life. That’s how it played out for me.

Apart from the general spiritual ‘deal with your distortions’ advice though, I’d like to share another simple thing that greatly helped me through this process. A little bit of gentle loving self-distancing humour. Whenever I found myself in these fits of anger, followed by disagreeable behaviour, I would try to pop out of myself for a second and just look at myself from the outside. I imagined myself as a likeable character in a movie who had just had enough of everything, like Erin Brockovich for example, or Michael Douglas in “Falling down”. It occurred to me that as an outside eye, seeing the whole picture, we tend not to judge these characters. We understand their plight, their rage, and even if their behaviour goes a bit coo coo, we fully feel for them and even love them. In the same way, I think we need that from ourselves. To look at ourselves, in the midst of all the chaos, with a gentle smile and a kind eye, maybe even a warm laugh. I think what finally burst the bubble for me was when I just let out the coo coo and completely flipped out on my daughter. I tore the remote control from her hand, literally jumped onto the couch, and loudly declared that from now on SHE was going to do all the cleaning in the house, and I was going to sit on my ass and watch TV. At first she ran off and hid from the mere shock of her crazy mom, but shortly thereafter she came back, sat on the couch next to me and made a funny joke about it. We both laughed heartily and I knew she had ‘got’ the message. Things actually improved after that. 

I hope this helps a little.




In reply to by Anastasia


Omigosh Anastasia ,your description of your toddler really made me laugh out loud. I feel you and get that you are totally getting it. 

It's like something powerful has been unleashed and yes I get what you mean about unravelling the distortions of that energy. IIhave all these mean things coming into my head when I feel it swelling up inside of me .   was reading a wonderful book by Robert Masters and he writes about how we often partner with strong Ray 1 when we are suppressing it within ourselves,and that is certainly true for me with both my husband and a really good friend of mine .It's so wonderful to connect with you ! 

Open like I said ,I didn't even understand what the heck Ray 1 was all about until this week . After looking at it deeper ,I can see this is definitely the way to go for me. A post from a woman who is also mentoring me said that what does the MeToo movement do for you. And the answer is that it shows me where and how my inner masculinity is distorted ,where my power has been leaking. 

And it's time to change that within . Thank you all ! 




Hi Zee - greetings and a warm welcome to Openhand Heart

What stood out from your post was... "I feel like a horse that instinctively runs from danger."
So the 'fight or flight' mechanism kicks right in?
The possibility is then that some blind spot happens just before this fires off, so the reaction becomes automatic.
What you need to do, is work to get 'inside this automated loop' so as to break it down.

I would suggest taking some quiet time, and then regressing yourself into the last time it happened. Sit in stillness, then recall the situation, see the images and feel the feelings. Maybe it's some kind of emotional/mental trigger?

The key is to work to touch this trigger and interrupt it.
You might use strong breathing to do that for example. Touch the point, but then breathe deep, strong and fast so as to work to interrupt the trigger.

Then contemplate exactly what it is you're afraid of? Then work into your fears using the kind of "Breakthrough Approach" we've been outlining.

Do feel free to come back and inquire further about it.

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Hi there, This is my first posting and I consider myself v new to all this. I'm  still getting my head around the terminology etc. And I need a wee bit o help.

My dilema is- that when faced with internal pain I find it extremely difficult not to run and avoid it. I feel like a horse that instinctively runs from danger. 

I really want to learn to process through stuff and get the nuggets. 

Any suggestions are most welcome.

Thankyou. : )



I felt to add to this posting on "The Daily Process of Karmic Processing". I believe there's a very important truth that can help you unwind more quickly and effectively whilst minimising any unnecessary discomfort.

It is this...

Every distortion that you'll come across internally, is a distortion of soul. The ancient light of the soul got buried and then contorted through the expression. But it means there must be ancient truth of the soul at the heart of the distortion. Simply trying to ditch the distortion, ends up denying the soul, because it's also ditching the fragment of soul - the 'nugget' - buried in the sediment at the bottom of the stream. It also becomes self-defeating and likely to causes frustration and ill-ease if you keep denying - like painting a layer of false love and light over the top for example, or simply 'dropping the hot coals' as some do. Instead, if we allow ourselves the freedom to express the distortion, as Openhand recommends, then you stir up the bed of the inner stream. Yes, this does cause initial discomfort that can last some time. It will feel painful and uncomfortable, yes. But as you completely accept the situation, then you penetrate through the haze and locate that buried nugget, that ancient truth of soul. And as you reintegrate it through expression (as we describe in the Breakthrough Approach above), then that aspect of soul doesn't get stuck in the stream anymore, it doesn't create sediment, and you're free and liberated to express authentically. So by getting into the distortion and stirring it up, but then animating the authentic feeling of soul, then the distortion falls away and with that the karmic energy that has gathered around it. Progressively you feel more liberated and free - more able to be you. More illuminated and truly enlightened through the situation.

Allow me to share a practical example. Let's say someone feels to express a very deep distortion around 'hatred'. Quite understandably you'd want to let go of that. And we hear so often in spiritual circles that we need to express love and forgiveness instead. The risk is you simply plaster over the top with a false veneer. This just becomes another identity - the spiritually correct one!

What Openhand is advocating, is to get into the hatred and experience it - to blow it up, like stirring up the sediment at the bottom of your inner stream. BUT, yes, working not to project it at anyone. You could move strongly to loud music, scream into a pillow, beat a cushion. The important thing is to express. Then when you have stirred up the sediment, stop, and sit in the energy stirred up. Settle in and surrender. Become fully present and accepting of it. Now you're looking for the truth in the distortion. What might the truth in hatred be?

Think about the wider cosmos. I always find it helps to consider the bigger picture. And to break things down to first principles of light working through the darkness, as happened from the big bang. Everything is working to self-determine - to be an integral expression of the One (that's what clearly seems to be happening through the Universe). Now if you take two particles and push them to close together, if you apply pressure and push them exceptionally hard, you get nuclear fusion and a massive explosion of energy - more so than with nuclear fission, breaking atoms apart. We could use this as a practical metaphor for the soul - it works similar. The soul is working to self-determine, to self-realise and become sovereign. So if you push it into an environment with other souls and push them too close together, you'll get a build up of energy which if continues, can lead to rage and hatred - a push to violently separate. This often happens where a soul has been suppressed and pushed down. It can lead to a violent eruption. So what's the truth in this expression? I would say it is setting authentic boundaries and not allowing yourself to be pushed into environments and other people's realities that try to project their truth and judgment on you.

So if you felt the hatred of past karma, because you had been overridden, the key would be to allow the distorted expression - the expression of hatred but contained as much as possible in your own reality. But once the bed of the river has been stirred up, sit in it, and then find the authentic soul quality - which in this case might be the will to set your own boundaries and be in your sovereign truth. Feel the sense of that and integrate it in your being. Now it feels okay to reject certain circumstances and situations - the keep some people and their energy out of your inner field. It prevents being overridden and suppressed which then leads to frustration and buried anger.

This is only an example, there are myriads more - distortions for each authentic expression of soul. So I would advocate when processing, that before simply dropping a distortion like this, you animate and express it. Even if you can't logic what the distortion is about, nevertheless you can still liberate the authentic feeling in it. What it means is that you come to realise there's nothing at all wrong with who you are - there is your rightness in all expressions. All you have to do is dig into the tightness, express it, then liberate the truth at the heart of it.

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji