Shift Philosophy Articles

Here's the Openhand library of Spiritual Articles in the Shift on topics including Enlightenment, the Soul, Meditation, Spiritual Evolution, Chakras, Karma, Kundalini, Multidimensionality and the 5D Shift.

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How To Quantum Manifest Authentically with the Universal Flow

Submitted by Open on Wed, 06/08/2022 - 03:54

Reams of blogs, articles and videos have been produced about intentional or quantum manifesting to gain a desired outcome. But are they really successful? And what does "success" really look like? I maintain there is a way of coming into alignment with the natural flow of the universe and harnessing its power to create abundantly in your life. But it's crucial to understand exactly what the universe is working to create through you and how not to get derailed down illusionary side alleyways. Let's explore...

1017 Reads

Understanding the Inquiry Creature at the Heart of You

Submitted by Open on Mon, 05/09/2022 - 05:57

Have you figured it out in your life yet?
- the truth that really drives you?
What do I mean by that?

It can appear complex and unattainable to know it, because it's obscured by so many veils of distortion.
These we must peel away to get to the truth.
What's the real truth, about you and your life?

Much More than the attainment of goals or desires

421 Reads

The Spiritual Path: How to Vision the Future?

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/29/2022 - 04:50

Especially now in this turbulent transition through society as we shift to 5D, it's utterly essential you know how to vision your future. But to be clear, I'm talking about the authentic future that's in alignment with your soul. How do you recognise the future multidimensional landscape that is landing now? Then how do you determine the next step to take? Getting this right will remove much heartache and frustration. Even when you make "mistakes" you soon get to know why and are able to steer straight once more...

1027 Reads

4 Key Missions of Energy and Lightworkers in the Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 05:11

It's crazy and confusing out there in society right now with much purposeful deception and misdirection. But not if you understand and focus on your mission here in the shift. What is your purpose? What did you incarnate specifically for at this moment? Understanding these crucial questions can furnish much peace of mind and dispatch wasted effort.

Here then are 4 key missions of energy and lightworkers in the shift...

1801 Reads

Eternal Student and the Ascended Masters: How do they work with us?

Submitted by Open on Sat, 01/22/2022 - 06:22

On the spiritual path, what is the true measure of mastery? You may have journeyed plenty, you may have touched deep presence and be able to open into multidimensionality. You might get visions and insights into future-landing-now, or you might be able to facilitate, heal and catalyse. Yet there's a fundamental problem in ever embracing the word "master". Because there's always something to be mastered, always something to integrate. The very term itself breeds complacency...

15725 Reads

In This Turbulent Shift, Why It's Essential to Honour Your 5D Dream

Submitted by Open on Thu, 01/20/2022 - 05:11

If you're reading this it's because you're likely a way-shower, a pioneer, a pathfinder in the Great Earth Shift to 5D consciousness. In which case, especially in today's confused and confusing world, it's utterly essential you protect your dream. Make sure you're watering and feeding it with the right nutrients. Make sure you're not dishonouring it by expressing it into the wrong environment, the wrong "climate". What do I mean exactly?

1230 Reads

Crafting 3D Mind as Your Friend and Ally in the 5D Ascension Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/15/2021 - 18:14

There's a tendency not to speak too much of the 3D mind in terms of alignment with the 5D shift, other than letting go of identification with it. But the energy on earth and in society is terraforming strongly through the field, and we can craft the mind as a powerful ally within our creative endeavors. We must also guard against it becoming a surreptitious prison that unconsciously limits our progression.

Let's inquire.

1842 Reads

Joining our Galactic Family of Light: Vision of the Future

Submitted by Open on Sun, 10/17/2021 - 06:32

Before the caterpillar becomes the butterfly, it goes through the chrysalis phase where everything breaks down into a kind of mush. That's the situation Homo Sapiens finds himself in right now. It's dense, challenging, confusing, but entirely necessary on the path to the resplendent butterfly. And the being he is about to become, DIVINICUS, is truly majestic, 5D, multidimensional. For those that undertake this metamorphosis, you will find yourself being birthed into a Galactic Family of Light.

2982 Reads

Grand Galactic Convergence: Herd of Elephants No one is Talking About

Submitted by Open on Thu, 09/16/2021 - 05:22

The shadowstate has done its job well. Most are distracted as to the true scope and magnitude of the Grand Galactic Convergence that has just begun to gear up. Especially in spiritual circles, it's high time we address the pressing subject of the herd of elephants in the room that no one is talking about: the infusion of galactic energies into our solar system, at the time of the Grand Solar Magnetic Minimum, AND as Gaia's Pole Shift accelerates to completion. It's high time we engage this crucially pressing issue of our time.

3294 Reads

Actualising your 5D Divine Being: An Essential Roadmap Through the Density

Submitted by Open on Thu, 06/10/2021 - 05:39

It's utterly essential right now to know the true landscape your soul is yearning to journey through, and not the storm-in-a-tea-cup melodrama that has consumed society. The soul of humanity yearns for greater harmony and interconnection with the multidimensional landscape. It's all about actualising your 5D Divine Being here and now. This cannot wait. Our times call us to evolve beyond the current limiting construct. Here's how.

5227 Reads

Resurrecting our Multidimensionality: Parable of Lao Tzu and the Dragon

Submitted by Open on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 04:44

On one of the walls at Openhand HQ in Glastonbury is a favourite painting of the ancient mystic Lao Tzu playing a small harp, and in so doing, unleashing a mighty blue sky dragon. It's an inspiring picture for sure, and to me, sings volumes about resurrecting our greater multidimensionality and what can transpire when we do. It's about breaking open the limitation of the small "I' - the identity, then with subtle feeling perception, connecting and embodying the majesty of the higher dimensional self.

1837 Reads

Your Life's Shift: It's High Time to Get Some Energy Moving!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/26/2021 - 04:55

I sense the energy field is in strong transition right now, all across the globe. It very much feels to me like the return of the Shiva Energy has gotten things moving and shifting. Stonger flows are activating in different parts of the world, which people are feeling and responding to. Meanwhile it's abundantly clear the shadowstate tries to constrain the emergence with its next round of shenanigans.

That's the heat of the cauldron of transformation that we're sitting within. Don't resist what comes up inside of you. Here is a massive opportunity for growth.

510 Reads