Shift Philosophy Articles

Here's the Openhand library of Spiritual Articles in the Shift on topics including Enlightenment, the Soul, Meditation, Spiritual Evolution, Chakras, Karma, Kundalini, Multidimensionality and the 5D Shift.

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5D Ascension: Return of the Shiva

Submitted by Open on Mon, 04/19/2021 - 01:59

We're shifting through all manner of gears right now in the 5D Ascension of Planet Earth. Many layers need to be stripped off within the old reality construct, many attunements and alignments need to happen. What's necessary right now is an acceleration of the process, so as to unwind the intervention of the shadowside. Benevolence has responded in the most quietly phenomanal of ways - the return of the cosmic catalyst the Shiva. A portal has been opened so that this remarkable energy might descend from higher dimensions and enter the fray.

Be prepared for everything to change.

1698 Reads

The Extraordinary Diversity of ET Star Souls on and Around the Earth

Submitted by Open on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 06:23

Ever felt like you didn't belong here or didn't fully fit in? Or that somehow your home was somewhere else? In the work that we do here at Openhand, connecting with unique and varied misfits and mavericks around the world, I can tell you it's a very common story. There are countless ET Star Souls and groups distributed to the four corners of the earth, either incarnated or else influencing the show through the ether. Understanding the general diversity and what the underlying agendas are can greatly help you find peace with your journey here...

6445 Reads

Navigating a 5D Path of Light Through the 4th Industrial Revolution

Submitted by Open on Tue, 09/29/2020 - 15:24

The 4th Industrial Revolution on planet earth is well underway. Society is being transformed in the biggest shake up since steam power. The cogs first swung into gear with a revolutionary new "White Hat" technology called "Blockchain". It has since been seized upon by society's controllers, fuelled by an interdimensional Alien consciousness that would consume humanity into a synthetic AI based agenda. The shadow system is currently rolling out new lines of digital banking like railways into the Wild West, yet challenged at every twist and turn by Benevolents, punching holes through the ensuing density so that the light can break through.

The controllers are hell bent on transforming society in one way, but with awareness and creative willpower we can ride the inflows to ensure maximum sovereign freedom is available to those who claim it. The caterpillar has just become a crysallis. Who wants to be a butterfly?

3837 Reads

The Future of Cryptocurrency in the Unravelling 5D Ascension Shift

Submitted by Open on Tue, 08/04/2020 - 05:07

Can you feel the field right now? The very system itself is straining and buckling at the foundations and it's all to do with the Ascension of Consciousness into 5D that's making it so unstable. That's why the controllers instigated the pandemic in the first place and that's why they continue with ever bolder, more ridiculous and desperate measures. If you're to thrive in these times, you have to ride the surf, being as innovative and responsive as you can. A new wave of tecnoloigcal transformation has begun...

1902 Reads

Activating the Spirit Light Body in Daily Life for 5D Ascension

Submitted by Open on Thu, 07/23/2020 - 04:50

There's nothing quite like living and being in the Spirit Light Body. It's a higher dimensional vehicle of expression that comes active through dedicated spiritual practice. As we shift into 5D consciousness, it becomes our chariot of Ascension into the Fifth Dimension. But there's no need to wait. There are profound benefits to opening it and expressing from it in daily life right now.

1720 Reads

Reclaiming Your Sovereign Power under the Universal Law of "God"

Submitted by Open on Sat, 07/04/2020 - 04:04

A rebellion of consciousness is happening that's starting to establish itself in the most exciting of ways. Phase 1 Lockdowns may have eased, but just as predicted, in places we're already witnessing stage 2. The erosion of civil liberties is steadily slipping in. Mandatory face masks in places and digital health passports being planned for example. BUT, there's a growing movement that's realised the state regulations and statutes introduced are subservient to Universal Common Law. It recognises the first principle of "God", our Source Creator: that of the inalienable right to self-determination, free movement and expression. Here's essential insight in how you can begin to reclaim that right.

9025 Reads

Navigating the 3D New Norm in the Unravelling Energies of the 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Sun, 05/24/2020 - 08:07

There's no doubt, following the instigation of the global fear pandemic and the lockdown, life in the 3D is going to change dramatically. The controllers would clearly have it one way, that of increased centralised control and erosion of civil liberties. However, don't lose sight of the fact that this was all instigated BECAUSE of the ongoing 5D Ascension Shift, which is waking people up and challenging the narrative of the Old Paradigm. What can we intuit as the best way to navigate through our rapidly changing landscape?

2454 Reads

Incontrovertible Scientific Evidence that Homo Sapiens was Hybridised

Submitted by Open on Wed, 05/13/2020 - 04:13

The fact that Homo Sapiens was hybridised is now hitting mainstream science, as incontrovertible proof has been revealed both in human chromosomes and DNA, as shared in the important video below. It's highly synchronistic that it's happening at the time of greater system control and increasingly challenged earth climate. We need to be aware that our ET creators might well be positioned at some point in the near future as our "Gods and Saviours".

I maintain that those responsible for this hybridisation most certainly are not!

975 Reads

Plantary Shift of Consciousness: Becoming the Warrior in the Heart

Submitted by Open on Tue, 05/05/2020 - 05:05

Make no mistake we are at an anvil in human history. The falsehoods enacted by states around the world in the name of the virus pandemic and the bogus control of populations are being called into account by the rising of sovereign consciousness. But much more needs to be done, and not by the leaders of our world, but by regular people - the likes of you and me, for there are millions of us, governed only by consent. A quasi facist/communist takeover seeks to spread its dark veil across the planet, which free and sovereign people are being invited to challenge.

It's deceptive. It's confusing. It appears even in the guise of democracy, enacting "regulations" for "the good of the whole". But when you go into your heart, no matter how confusing to the mind, you recognise it immediately as control. It is anything other than freedom, respect and love. This is what we must stand up against and express into, in order to expose and unravel.

3702 Reads

5D Crystalline Grid - Divine Super Intelligence, And 5 Ways To Be In It

Submitted by Open on Sun, 04/26/2020 - 07:44

It's challenging down in the old 3D/4D karmic construct on earth, as the controllers struggle to reshape society according to their shadowy intentions. What needs to be hoisted on board by ascending souls is that WE are in the driving seat - the controllers are merely reacting to the 5D Ascension of Consciousness, desperately efforting to lock it down. They will fail. The Benevolents have been augmenting the structure of the 5D Cyrstalline Grid, the energetic foundation upon which the new paradigm will sit.

It's already downloading energy from the sun and galactic core. Here's how we can benefit from that infusion of energy.

8292 Reads

Earth Ascension: Gaia's 5D Crystalline Grid Comes ONLINE

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/14/2020 - 16:00

Right now we're witnessing what the First Nations people described as the time of a global "conflict with materiality". It's a double-sided coin, because the light of a new paradigm steadily emerges as the lower densities progressively break down and transform. If you keep transforming within you, then you'll tune into a super-conscious 5D crystalline grid that's already forming the light foundation of the New Paradigm. It's active, and you can draw on it right now!

5973 Reads

System Shennanigans - 5D Ascension is Now!

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/17/2020 - 06:17

For every cause there is an effect. On every occassion in world history where there has been an amplification in the electrification of our planet, be it from radar to 5Jeez, there has been a global virus pandemic, because in the physical we are electrified beings. The body is simply reacting to the toxicity. Fortunately, we are much more than physical. What this current (in my view artificially created) fear pandemic reveals, is the need in us to shift and focus life orientation. 2020 is the clear division of two pathways: either the higway to hell, or the journey into the higher 5D paradigm. Let our heavenly Ascension begin right Now.

2440 Reads