Your Go to for Essential Shift Insights

Our world is in the process of dramatic upheaval as the earth terraforms progressively into 5D consciousness. It's utterly essential to have deeper field insight to thrive going forwards.


These regular updates by Open provide a higher dimensional point of view, from the Openhand Ascended Master Team, for you to reflect on and actualise your own truth...


The Revenant - a film to activate karma

Submitted by Open on Thu, 02/04/2016 - 18:45

Every now and then a powerful film shows up that speaks into the depths of humanity's soul. To me, "The Revenant" with Leonardo Di Caprio is just such a film. It tells the factual story of Hugh Glass - a legendary frontiersman - mauled by a bear and left for dead in the wilderness by an unscrupulous colleague. So as to disguise his culpability, the colleague takes the life of Glass's son, as he is powerless to respond. Glass fights his way back to fitness and goes off in search of the colleague. If you still have it, this film is sure to activate the karmic pain of humanity's brutal past. One each must work to find peace with...

5479 Reads

Injustice on Planet Earth stretched to Breaking Point

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/20/2016 - 06:58

A report by the charity Oxfam has recently revealed a staggering fact about injustice and inequity on our planet: 62 people, just enough to fill a reasonable sized coach, now own as much wealth, as the poorest 3.6 billion. Does that not bowl you over? And the wealth of the poorest, in comparison to the richest, fell a whopping 41% after the credit crunch. Doesn't that tell you something else? The level of injustice and inequity on our planet has reached breaking point, and those that lead, seem either ignorant or careless. Such injustice is woefully misaligned from a consciousness viewpoint. It won't continue. It can't continue indefinitely. I do believe we're fast reaching a climatic crux point. What can evolving people do?...

5347 Reads

Bowie lives on in us all - Express Yourself!

Submitted by Open on Mon, 01/11/2016 - 18:59

It is with great sadness I learned today of David Bowie's passing. Whether you admired him or not, he was an iconic figure who set the world music scene on fire. But to me, there was much more to his act than music. Bowie had the audacity to be what he felt to be, with nothing holding back. In so doing, he set down a trail-blazing example that inspired millions. It's clear humanity has been repressed into a box, and that unbridled self-expression, is a powerful path to soul liberation. It's why I sometimes play emotive Bowie's music in Openhand work - to get people moving. I like to think that with his passing, a part of his influence will live on in us all...

6670 Reads

Climate Change: sh** hits the fan

Submitted by Open on Tue, 01/05/2016 - 17:05

James Lovelock has been in the news again - the guy who wrote "The Revenge of Gaia". In the Guardian recently, he's quoted as saying "catastrophe is inevitable, carbon offsetting is a joke, and ethical living a scam." He's never been one to mince his words! Just how much is the current climate change effort a scam, simply designed to make people feel good and keep on buying? How much of the information is simply designed to placate, to maintain public order, to keep the gravy train rolling? Surely people would be better off with an authentic confrontation of the truth? It empowers us to do something real about it...

5714 Reads

Steve Jobs: Finding your Passion

Submitted by Open on Tue, 12/08/2015 - 06:22

I watched the Steve Jobs movie recently. Have you seen it? In many ways, he doesn't come across that well in it - intense, uncaring to those around him, confrontational and self-serving (although of course we can never know the real person from someone else's perspective). No doubt though, there was a brilliance to him, a 'genius', who believed in what hid did, because he'd truly searched and found his real passion in life. One he was prepared to die for. So maybe there's something we can learn from his life and his stories, that speak of the passion of the soul, and the importance of following that calling?...

6108 Reads

Balanced Majestically on the Spiritual Blade Edge of Life - "The Walk"

Submitted by Open on Fri, 10/16/2015 - 06:42

Have you seen the movie "The Walk" yet? It's a must for all on the spiritual path. It's the stupendous true story about the french man Philippe Petit, who from an early age, clearly allows his soul to animate his dreams, his life and his destiny. Inspired by the circus, he becomes a tight rope walker, and then, at a time when the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre are being built, has this ridiculously crazy idea to suspend a wire between them....and walk across! The film is gripping from start to finish. I found it profoundly inspirational in a very spiritual way...

6187 Reads

The "Law of Mother Earth"

Submitted by Open on Tue, 10/06/2015 - 06:25

Something truly remarkable has happened in Bolivia, which ought to send refreshing ripples of human kindness around the world - at least amongst ascending people: they just passed "The Law of Mother Earth" which recognises Gaia as a 'living, sentient being that deserves the right of life'. Wow - that a whole country would get this and do something about it warms my heart and encourages me to feel there is hope for the mainstream of humanity. Yet still, as the Volkswagen emissions scandal so clearly demonstrates, the majority head toward the 'falls' with the engine in full throttle. Let's embrace the truth, for only the truth can truly set us free...

6815 Reads

"Exodus" - how love overwhelms control

Submitted by Open on Sat, 09/19/2015 - 09:51

So now we're witnessing another face to the Escalating World Refugee Crisis. A very underhand blocking movement is going on, which has been trying to close all the doors. It was to be expected. Millions of disenfranchised people pouring into Europe could never be a part of the so called 'elite's' plan to control populations and economies. But it's not deterring people from offering their love and support. Heightened consciousness is opening the heart of humanity leaving the powers-that-be in disarray. It's just another example of sticking fingers and thumbs in a bursting dyke, which sometime in the future, is sure to give way...

6992 Reads

Have we just Witnessed an Earthquake in World Politics?

Submitted by Open on Sat, 09/12/2015 - 19:44

An earthquake has just happened in British Politics, which unleashes a breath of fresh air, that could soon reverberate around the world. A man of the people - Jeremy Corbyn - has been elected leader of the UK's Labour Party. In a world that's been controlled by the Industrial Military Complex, electing leaders favourable mainly to the wealthiest, a system of gross inequity has been created of have and have-not. It's rabid infestation has been rapidly devouring our biosphere through exploitative consumption. Here is a man who campaigns for world peace as opposed to world war; for democratic, all inclusive policy-making; equity and welfare for all. My God, he rides a bike, and doesn't even look like a politician...

6899 Reads

The Growing Global Refugee Crisis and Humanity's Collective Karma

Submitted by Open on Sun, 09/06/2015 - 16:52

Who could not have been touched by the harrowing picture of 3 year old Aylan Kurdi, his lifeless body face down in the sand, having drowned trying to reach greater security in Europe from the war-torn Syria. We'd be forgiven for wanting to turn our heads from this inconvenient truth. Yet that would be to do his passing an injustice; for certainly he was an 'angel', who came here to deliver us all a vital message about the way we live our lives, humanity's collective karma, and the motivation for change into a more equitable existence. So let us work to understand, integrate and grow through such crises, that are now certainly on the increase, for only then will we evolve as people and a race...

7035 Reads

Making Sense of the Senseless in our World

Submitted by Open on Fri, 09/04/2015 - 05:50

The 3rd of September saw Openhand's relaunch of the 5GATEWAYS project in our home town Glastonbury, UK. People came from all over Europe to be there. It felt very much like together, we were helping spark a new shift of consciousness, a new wave of change. For me, when I do anything, I want to be sure that I'm doing it for the right reasons: not because ego would have me do something, but because I feel it deeply in my soul. So what stirred me this time on launch night? It was the heart rending picture of 3year old Aylan Kurdi, lying face down in the sand - a refugee from the conflict in Syria, drowned trying to reach the safer and more affluent Europe. How deeply tragic. And yet to honour such tragedy, is to find the deeper meaning...

7254 Reads

The People Taking Back Personal Sovereignty and Banning GMOs

Submitted by Open on Sat, 08/15/2015 - 06:39

It would seem pretty unanimous in spiritual circles that we need a global ban on the use of genetically modified crops. Definitely here at Openhand we strongly feel that Gaia should be free to do what she does best... shape nature according to a co-creative higher intent, for the collective benefit of life here. GMOs are coming under increasing scrutiny around the world, and I'm pleased to say, that here in Britain, Scotland is planning to ban all genetically modified crops from being grown. It's great news in itself, but also has an even deeper significance...

6743 Reads