Breaking out of a Rut by Finding your Spiritual Passion...7 ways to do it

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/18/2016 - 06:55

Plenty of awakening souls are yearning for change, but find themselves stuck in a rut. How to break out? It's beyond finding acceptance with where we are. The soul yearns for vibrancy and growth. It's about finding our passion, because when we're in it, we're going to ignite that spark, that becomes a flame, that grows into a fire of transformation. The spark of your soul instantly connects you to the Source of creation - unlimited potential that constantly fires with new possibility. You become unstoppable!

Breaking out of the Box

Society is not interested in you finding your passion. Because when you're in it, you become uncontrollable. You step out of the norm, which can no longer be conditioned into the endless carousel of cheap thrills. It wants to sell you the shadow of your passion, and make you work for it, locking you into a world of doing, and then sells the illusion of release from that through mindless 1-minute entertainment and distraction. And so the majority never find, and even give up, their passion so as to fit in this world of doing because it seems somehow easier, there's a formula that kind of works...

"If I do this, then I'll get a job, I'll get paid, put a roof over my head and food on the table. If there's a little money left over, I'll go on holiday and have some fun" - it's how so many people live. But it's not really living at all.

It's not easy to break out of this box. Not easy, but it is straightforward. You just have to find the path of your soul to do it. And the path of your soul can come from accessing your true passion in life - what truly brings you joy?

Beingness can bring people pure joy. But I'm just talking about detaching from the doing. I'm not talking about simply dropping everything like dropping the proverbial 'hot coals'. That too will bring a temporary relief, yes, but mostly only temporary. We still have to live in the world, and that requires that you engage in something.

If you engage in what you truly love, then I've discovered the Universe always comes to meet you, it always provides a 'vehicle' for you to express that passion. And by 'vehicle', I mean another situation or circumstance - the universe weaves energy and resource together around your expressed passion. You don't have to think about money - it just starts to flow. And neither do you have to hold onto it - as you let it flow out, it flows back in. Money is merely an expression of energy that flows as creative expression flows.

What are you curious about?

So it all hinges on your passion in life. The question is, how do you find it?

I think this quote by Steven Kotler is highly intuitive...

"Passion exists at the intersection of 3 or more things you're really curious about."
Steven Kotler

With curiosity and interest, you're already beginning to tap into a fundamental aspect of soul. The universe itself is curious. It's absolutely fascinating. It's constantly shaping new opportunity and exploration. So to find your passion, begin in those things that truly interest you and fire curiosity. Without trying to box these things in, just give as much energy and attention to them as you can. Explore into them. Most of all, explore yourself in them.. Feel into yourself as you're doing them. What do you notice about yourself inside?

Following the thread of curiosity and interest

Find the thread of feeling, and then 'pull on it', exploring deeply into it. Where does it want to take you?

In the early days of my incarnation here, meditation fired my curiosity and interest. I wanted to know and explore deeply into the nature of multidimensionality. One day I was meditating to music, when I felt a vibration around me, which started to move and pull me. It was ever so subtle and easily dismissed or ignored. But curiosity and interest guided me to follow the feeling. Very soon I found myself dancing around the room with multi-dimensional beings. It was deeply profound. The experience itself evolved into a practice, which I now call soulmotion - it's become a fundamental aspect of the Openhand work I now teach. It's taken me to countries all over the world, where I've encountered many wonderful souls.

The crucial thing is, there was never any intention to develop Openhand in a particular or strategic way - not to make money from it. It was simply something that fired my passion. And as I paid attention to it daily, it quickly evolved as a practice. Another crucial part was I allowed it to evolve naturally of its own accord. I didn't put a constraint or limitation on it... "it has to be like 'this' or 'that'". And I didn't let self-consciousness get the better of me. Yes, stepping out of such boxes of conformity may feel a little weird in the beginning, but anyone who's ever going to truly create a new experience, must be prepared to put themselves 'out there'.

When I started to encounter other beings from different constellations out there, both from the intervention and benevolence, I knew sharing these experiences would turn some people off. It would be too "out there" for them. Sure enough plenty fell away. But, the practice continued to develop, connections were made, countless deep realisations actualised. Now there's a craft that can help people navigate the intricacies of the multidimensional landscape. I witness people breaking through on a daily basis. The approach has become unique. It's simply emthralling each morning to get us and see what the day will unfold!

7 Steps to Unleash your Passion

I wouldn't say it's easy to unleash your passion - that would be ingenuous because it involves a lot of commitment and hard work on yourself. So it's not easy. BUT, it is straightforward! In fact, I believe you can apply an approach that helps you do it. Here are 7 steps I'd recommend exploring when you embark on the pathway of expressed passion...

1) Begin to explore what interests you

2) Overcome, in yourself, any conditioning or limitation that would hold you back in the exploration of this interest

3) Let the interest continually move, shape and evolve

4) Explore your inner feelings whilst you're engaged in these interests

5) Look for some sense of purpose, meaning or direction within the interests

6) Watch for the supportive hand of the universe coming to meet you

7) Let go of the need for your growing passion to result in some particular thing, result or outcome. Simply observe how somehow it keeps carrying you to another event, situation or circumstance - the universe is supporting you.

Breakthrough on the out-stretched wings of the divine

One of the things in life that interests me, is what makes people truly successful. And by 'success', I mean in the widest possible sense of the word - I mean someone who appears to have touched the sweet spot of life itself. They seem motivated and yet simultaneously fulfilled.

I believe these people truly found their passion and were fired by it. They didn't rest in conformity. They broke through, and unleashed their soul through it. They flew on the out-stretched wings of the divine.

That's what the Openhand breakthrough work is all about. It's an epic true story about unleashing the passion of the soul by directly confronting the limitations that bind. Here's a snapshot...

If you resonate with my sharing about finding your passion in life, and how to progressively unfurl the wings of your multidimensionality, then explore further...

The Breakthrough Book and Approach

Bright blessings

Open đź’ŽPraying Emoji

7270 Reads

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Hello, this is wonderful guidance and so helpful. Thank you ✨🙏 ✨


16/03/2023 Shift Update

I'm currently leading a Thrive from 5D online retreat. I can't begin to describe the breakthroughs we're having not just at a personal level, but out into the wider field. We're connecting into the intervention energies that have so restricted and derailed life on the planet - we're encouraging them to let go and come home to the family of light.

These are extremely positive developments indeed. It means the field is opening up in plentiful new ways. It's high time to take advantage by breaking down the inertia of the old landscape we've gotten bogged down in. Now's the time to find and express your spiritual passion. That's why I felt to share this article above today...

Breaking out of a Rut by Finding your Spiritual Passion...7 ways to do it

Come on.
We've got this.
Let's do it!

Open đź’Ž



29/01/21 Openhand Journal Update: Hi fellow Openhanders - right now I'm amidst a Facilitator Development Conference, working with beautiful souls from all around the world - North America, Europe, India, Africa and Australia. It feels like we're "reaching hands around the world!" And so much energy is moving through us as a group, which we're working to align and channel for maximum positive upliftment to humanity and the planet. By gosh that's so needed right now!

Maybe you have a passion to serve and fascilitate too? What's involved?

Finding Your Passion

It's not easy to break out of the limiting box of society. Not easy, but it is straightforward! You just have to find the path of your soul to do it. And the path of your soul can come from accessing your true passion in life - what truly brings you joy? Beingness can bring people pure joy. But I'm just just talking about detaching from the doing. I'm not talking about simply dropping everything like dropping the proverbial 'hot coals'. That too will bring a temporary relief, yes, but mostly only temporary. We still have to live in the world, and that requires that you engage in something.

If you engage in what you truly love, then I've discovered the Universe always comes to meet you, it always provides a 'vehicle' for you to express that passion. And by 'vehicle', I mean another situation or circumstance - the universe weaves energy and resource together around your expressed passion. You don't have to think about money - it just starts to flow. And neither do you have to hold onto it - as you let it flow out, it flows back in. Money is merely an expression of energy that flows as creative expression flows.

What are you curious about?

So it all hinges on your passion in life. The question is, how do you find it?

I think this quote by Steven Kotler is highly intuitive...

"Passion exists at the intersection of 3 or more things you're really curious about."
Steven Kotler

With curiosity and interest, you're already beginning to tap into a fundamental aspect of soul. The universe itself is curious. It's absolutely fascinating. It's constantly shaping new opportunity and exploration. So to find your passion, begin in those things that truly interest you and fire curiosity. Without trying to box these things in, just give as much energy and attention to them as you can. Explore into them. Most of all, explore yourself in them.. Feel into yourself as you're doing them. What do you notice about yourself inside?

Following the thread of curiosity and interest

Find the thread of feeling, and then 'pull on it', exploring deeply into it. Where does it want to take you?

In the early days of my incarnation here, meditation fired my curiosity and interest. I wanted to know and explore deeply into this experience called 'life'. This quickly unfolded into other dimensions of experience. One day I was meditating to music, when I felt a vibration around me, which started to move and pull me. It was ever so subtle and easily dismissed or ignored. But curiosity and interest guided me to follow the feeling. Very soon I found myself dancing around the room with multi-dimensional beings. It was deeply profound. The experience itself evolved into a practice, which I now call soulmotion - it's become a fundamental aspect of the Openhand work I now teach. It takes me to countries all over the world.

The crucial thing is, there was never any intention to develop the practice as a means to live from - to make money from. It was simply something that caught my curiosity, that I paid attention to and gave energy to - I committed to the exploration of it. Another crucial part of it, is that I allowed the experience to evolve naturally of its own accord. I didn't put a constraint or limitation on it... "it has to be like 'this' or 'that'". And I didn't let self-consciousness get the better of me. Yes, stepping out of such boxes of conformity may feel a little weird in the beginning, but anyone whose every going to truly create a new experience, must be prepared to put yourself 'out there'.

I recall years later leading a firewalk, where you burn down wood into hot coals and then walk across. It too fires curiosity, interest and passion. I remember saying to the group before first crossing, "Simply walk directly across with commitment and focus. But when you've done it once, let your feeling get the better of you. If you want to strip off and dance naked on the flames, then do it!" I had meant the last part metaphorically, but to my great consternation and surprise, on the second walk across, one lady did indeed strip naked and dance across. I can tell you it inspired everyone to step out of the box!

How to unleash your passion

So to find and unleash your passion, I'd suggest this simple, but highly effective approach...

  1. Begin to explore what interests you
  2. Overcome, in yourself, any conditioning or limitation that would hold you back in the exploration of this interest
  3. Let the interest continually move, shape and evolve
  4. Explore your inner feelings whilst you're engaged in these interests
  5. Look for some sense of purpose, meaning or direction within the interests
  6. Watch for the supportive hand of the universe coming to meet you
  7. Let go of the need for your growing passion to result in some particular thing, result or outcome. Simply observe how somehow it keeps carrying you to another event, situation or circumstance - the universe is supporting you.

Break through on the out-stretched wings of the divine

One of the things in life that interests me, is what makes people truly successful? And by 'success', I mean in the widest possible sense of the word - I mean someone who appears to have touched the sweet-spot of life itself. They seem motivated and yet simultaneously fulfilled.

I believe these people truly found their passion and were fired by it. They didn't rest in conformity. They broke through, and unleashed their soul through it. They flew on the out-stretched wings of the divine.


So I leave you all with these kinds of contemplations today. What fires your passion? What really lights a spark for you? Contemplate this deeply and then keep putting your attention on it, because the spark will soon become a flame, then a fire, which will blaze a trail and carry you on a journey of fulfillment.

And do consider the Spiritual Facilitation Pathway. Spiritual Healing is so needed on the planet right now.
Explore Becoming a Spiritual Facilitator with Openhand


Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Danniel (not verified)



go to min 42:00


Hey, its been a long time comin’

And I don’t want to wait no more 

Hey, its been a long time comin’

And I don’t wanna wait no more 


I don’t wanna wait no more

North and South and East and West and

Who am, I but, a light cast, a light cast


North and South and East and West 

I am walking North, I am walking South, I am walking East, I am walking West


An invitation, a celebration (revelation), a call to action

Don’t be afraid to call forth your fierceness, a call to action



We're drawing to completion on the Openhand Facilitator Summer School right now, and yesterday was all about finding our passion in this great shift of consciousness that's unfolding across the planet. What really stirs your juices? That's why I felt to repost this article above, so you too out there reading might be inspired to take a breather from the day-to-day and take some serious contemplation about what fires you up in life?

Breaking out of a Spiritual Rut by Finding your Passion...7 ways to do it (scroll to the top)



In reply to by Open


Music is supporting the movement and our dance through the density--and I am so enjoying going through the songs that lit me up 20-30 yrs ago, feeling into the Gwyn then and reconnecting with her in the NOW.  I have always been that soul light beaming through all the rubbish, tarnish, fear and smallness.

" a blink of an eye..."  
come join me on the dance 'cause an empty dance floor is always a bit lonesome 


Greetings Violet - it's nice to meet you, a warm welcome to Openhand.

And thankyou for your kind words. Yes, a great deal of energy does go into the work, from everyone involved. It feels very much like a privilege to be able to serve.

Much love

Open Praying Emoji


So much heart and passion has gone into this article. I can feel it.

There's no need to look for outcome. There's no need to restrict, manage or manipulate universal manifestation. I'd much rather be filled with awe and wonder at its unfolding.

Thank you Open for this very inspiring and uplifting work.


Hi Rich, great to "see" you. I loved this...

A big step comes if you can dive in just one time, give it some patience and persistence and suddenly something comes back to you - someone will get in touch and offer you something.  And, over time trust in this process of expressing builds.

Exactly! I think the key is not to watch for the outcome, just to dive right in, simply because it feels right. I witness time and again, that's where the feedback builds. Thumbs Up Sign

Wyndè - what a heart warming story - thanks for sharing Heart




I agree!

Several years ago, I was doing the daily grind as most do. But I was not happy, I was so far from happy its not funny. I got an accounting degree because my Father wanted me to, and he just had my best interests at heart so how could he be wrong?! Well he was not wrong, but accounting and sitting all day in an office just was not my thing. Then I did websites and java coding, some cutesy web art but still that was not my true interest. I always had this idea in the back of my head from as far back as I can remember that if all else fails.. I could just do hair. Get that degree. Not that I ever needed the degree to do so. I had been doing that already on most everyone I knew anyways. Yet I did do that, I got a cosmetology degree and had a position waiting for me before I graduated and everything was perfect. That was until I was more or less backed into a corner of having to be a Manager to everyone in the salon. I could feel too back then how the whole corporate ladder looked more like a descension into hell instead of an uplift. I didn't mind the whole being “the manager” part. I love people in general, love helping them and especially love hair. But I did not and just could not force product onto people, heck half the ingredient list can only be understood by researching what is this and what is that. We all have our own sort of products (in whatever form that may be) why change what works unless a change is really exceptionally helpful or absolutely needed. Besides, pushing the company product to me was like – OK this stuff does not smell good, therefore it just cant be all that great, I'm just saying. Plus the corporation just didn't appreciate my – Be Free, have fun, play! Corporations tend to appreciate the cookie cutter procedures and rightly so.


I would probably still be at the same job today, doing the same thing except for the fact my Daughter had a child and wild horses could not of dragged me away from tending to that little boy five days a week. Being a Grandparent for me is just phenomenal and I learned so much from him as he learned from me. By the time he was in kindergarten, he could read children's books and do a great deal of math as well as paint and draw. If I had not gone running towards caring for that little boy I probably would not be doing what I'm doing today, which is painting acrylic abstracts every chance I get. I lost my state license to practice hair. I didn't even think about maintaining my yearly fee, such was the fun I was having and to get that license back means going back to school and I had to ask myself.. Is that really worth it?! I still have some clients that come to me when needed and eventually everything will work out anyways.. It always does. Because your right, when you follow your passion, when you follow what makes your heart sing, how can that ever go wrong :)




Yes, yes, yes!

(I'm getting passionate about this article can you tell?)

As someone who has had many passions but not always the confidence or trust to fully explore them, I have learnt in the last couple of years how important it is to just go for it!

For those who might be restricting themselves with conditioning or fear - I understand. I have suffered with the belief that I couldn't make my passions work for me, or that I just wasn't good enough to put myself out there. And there's always the question of how to get resources from such living. As Open said, an engagement on the physical, earthly level is absolutely needed - a bit like saying 'if I want to express my passion, what platforms are best to do this? How am I going to get seen?' 

A big step comes if you can dive in just one time, give it some patience and persistence and suddenly something comes back to you - someone will get in touch and offer you something.  And, over time trust in this process of expressing builds. No-ones saying you need to go from fear to no-fear in a day.  It happens over time (for me many years and still going) but each time you go further into your passion you'll build up more energy and beautifully suprising things will come back to you out of nowhere. 

And each time you feel more alive!

I have to confess though, it has sometimes been hard not to let the passion be led by outcome orientated thinking - for me it has often been about getting enough Money to live on while only expressing my passions. I guess it's a delicate Balance between engaging with the world and bringing in resources but not making it about the outcome. I'm also observing that it can take years to make this kind of transition. Patience indeed.

Thanks Open!

Richard (Openhand Facilitator)



Does passion needs to be one thing or the other? I find that i continuously shift focus to something new and i can get committed to it and find the necessary satisfaction (with varying degrees )like singing, teaching, managing a business and now fixing an organic garden. Doing these are particularly interesting when I'm not trying to follow any passion of any kind or desperately needing any outcome. I had this interesting talk with my brother. He was trying to associate passion with some external outcome or goal and i was putting it forward as something to find in the simplest of the things like even cleaning or digging. But I'm not sure how much of what i preach i believe. With all this said i would always associate my passion with playing music since i get appreciation and joy with it . But that's the tricky part as soon as i label it as something as passion i suck the juice out of it . I want to do something else because it would never be upto my expectation, sometimes it does and now that's my bar and i would get disappointed with anything less than that. Its also where most of my jealousy lies which is the biggest downfall. I know there isnt any easy way forwards and im not looking for any but is there someway to use the negativity as fuel to propel me forwards since im in no shortage of fuel.


What a fine start to the morning, to find this beautiful thread here. Thank you Open, Tigger, Cathy and friends. Here's to a day of unfettered flow!


Tigger, I relate to how you follow your heart in your career path. It's a joy to read about your passion. I started out with a well paid, solid career in an administrative position in hospitals, with excellent pay and a great pension plan, but it didn't fire up my soul, so I walked away and pursued what did several times in my life. Some of those so-not-easy changes involved returning to school at the most hectic of times when I was raising small children with a husband who was away much of the time. In short, I eventually ended up working in several social service sectors where I supported those with psycho-social, physical, and mental health challenges. It truly was a path with heart especially since I could relate to their challenges and draw on so many of my own personal experiences. I may not have ended up with a huge pension, but I am managing just fine. Modest is good. The Universe does indeed support us when we have the courage to step out and follow our hearts although that doesn't mean it's easy. Despite the hardships and challenges I faced, I wouldn't have done it any other way.

These days, I'm pursuing my interests in writing, astrology, and tarot card readings. Who knows where this will take me. I know nothing. Mostly, I feel immense joy in inspiring others as we journey together to higher ground. One of my favourite moments in a 2015 Openhand workshop in Victoria/Canada was being asked by Open to choose a character we resonate with. I chose Samwise Gamgee from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. What I came to realize not that long ago is that I've always felt passionate about cheering others on through thick and thin. Tolkien said that the character of Samwise Gamgee was drawn from his war experiences as an officer, fighting alongside the soldiers in the trenches, who he considered to be the unsung heroes of the war.

That's how I feel about all of us lightworkers around the world who have the courage and honesty to look within to dissolve our own darkness and the love and compassion to inspire others to do the same, so we can light the path between worlds to the Fifth Dimension.

Here's a short film clip featuring Samwise Gamgee that warms my heart to no end as tears stream down. It's for all the amazing, dedicated lightworkers everywhere, the unsung heroes who keep slogging through the 3D trenches.

Love to All,



I missed the last four or five weeks of dancing. Basically, you are moving or you are going backwards. You can cut things that are useful out, but you need to take the plunge and keep taking it until it is almost effortless.

I'm planning on helping people with computers, and I'm fired up about that. I just need to get through the meantime, getting back into dancing, walking etc. It is really cold here in Australia, but as long as you wear warm clothes you are fine. :)


It's a great example Tigger - thanks so much for sharing.
I see it everywhere - how easy it is for people to stay in the box. And yet as you say, once you find your passion, all manner of possibilities open up.


Open *ok*


Open, this is a wonderful article.

Speaking from my own experience, when I climbed out of the box, stopped working for "the Man" in 1988, I started a small herbal company for horses. My friends, my family thought I was quite mad, reckless, naive. What did I know about herbs, starting a business, running a business?....yet I could not deny my heart passion for plants and animals, and the pull of the river to trust. As soon as I quit my job, synchronicities appeared like a meadow of wildflowers.

I sold the herbal company to a much bigger company ten years later, because I was feeling the pull of food, although I didn't know why at the time. The pull was to explore other passions that had been bubbling up. Then in 2006 the river flowed to start a whole food company for horses and dogs. And here I am ten years later doing what I love. Doing what I love has opened the door to new passions: photography, painting, growing hemp :-) The river doesn't stop moving.

I know it appears to be easier to stay in the box, but in my experience that is an illusion. It is easier to follow our passion because we become more alive, more tuned in, more aware and so the feedback loop brings energy, joy, laughter, creativity ---even in the obstacles that appear (my company running headlong into the push-back bureaucracy of the department of Agriculture), the river still flows, creates a new path. To deny the river is to deny who we are. Obstacles are opportunities waiting to unfold.

For me it wasn't courage I needed to get out of the box, it was trust. Trusting the passion, the river, my heart, my spirit.

love, tigger


I'm the one who has locked themselves in the box paralysed by fear wondering what it will take to have the courage to breakthrough...A very inspirational read and video. Thankyou.
Love, Shar.