What is universal life energy?

There is a consciousness that animates and connects all life. Some call it "Universal Life Energy" or "Unity Consciousness". Gurus, mystics and sages have spoken for centuries about universal life energy. It has been called many things including: Ki, Ka, Chi, Xi, Prana, Netter, Ihund and Biomagnetic energy to name but a few.

When we raise increase our energetic sensitivity, a natural flow can be perceived as a sense of 'rightness'. When we follow this flow, we move into alignment with the universe and life feels increasingly successful, fulfilled and abundant.

Below is a range of articles designed to expand your awareness of Universal Life Energy.

"The Event", 11:11 Synchronicity & Galactic Superwave

Submitted by Open on Sat, 07/06/2019 - 05:28

If you've been intimately involved in the Shift you'll likely have been following transformations in the sun, if not, it's high time you were. Empathic sentients the world over feel strong transformations happening with our 'heavenly father', the Solar Logos. We're entering a Grand Solar Minimum, but that doesn't mean the sun is inactive, far from it. Cyclical evidence reveals that the Sun is likely on the brink of a Nova, probably to be initiated by a galactic superwave, that would impact the whole of civilisation. How will these shifts affect our Ascension? And what might the 11:11 synchronicity be revealing to us?

16107 Reads

5D Shift: Unprecedented Mass Extinction...5 Spiritual Responses

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/16/2019 - 07:09

Creature extinction on our planet is going off the scale compared to the five previous mass extinctions. With over 200 species going extinct daily, the current rate is unprecedented in earth’s history. We’re moving now into the ‘domino effect’: the radical loss of insect species, for example, beginning to threaten countless others. Increasingly, mainstream scientific articles, journals and media, are reporting this - see the video below - and yet the majority continue life today as if it were yesterday. We must prepare now for what lies ahead.

And those ready, are invited to look in the mirror and turn their full attention to spiritual evolution, The Shift into a Higher Paradigm of Existence…

1571 Reads

How the Pole Shift is Affecting Humanity and the Planet

Submitted by Open on Tue, 08/07/2018 - 06:17

Although the current Pole Shift on Earth has been spoken of many times before, I do not believe the full magnitude of the effects have been truly hoisted on board. Also how this current one, combines with abrupt climate change, and Gaia's 5D shift, to create the 'perfect 3D storm' scenario. We must understand how it is increasingly not only affecting the precious biosphere in which we live, but also the electro magnetic affects on the bodymind, and how it impacts our psyche.

It is becoming crucial we confront this inconvenient truth...

6337 Reads

5D Shift: Starsouls Mastering the Karmic Challenge of Sirius

Submitted by Open on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 06:17

120 million years ago Sirius B dramatically exploded in a White Dwarf Ascension. How is that relevant to the situation on Earth right now? There are many parallels. The Sirius star system had humanoid populations not dissimilar to ours. They had sophisticated civilisation that provided a vehicle for evolutionary growth, AND, by their reckless exploitation of the biosphere, created an unstable - explosive - situation. Populations were shattered by what ensued. Many were karmically traumatised. It is this karma plenty of them brought to Earth to resolve out. Once more an unstable situation has been created, which energy workers must now step up to realign...

4618 Reads

Embracing the Vitality of Risk on the Spiritual Path

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/18/2017 - 07:10

There will come a point on the spiritual path where there's nothing for it but to risk all. The soul wants to flow as freedom. It doesn't calculate what is logical, safe, or will gain the best practical outcome. It is yearning to be forged by the crucible of life into something immortal, beyond fear and limitation. Not that the soul doesn't have boundaries, not that it doesn't blend into rigid realities, it does. But its purpose is to be the expression of the unbounded, unconstrained, fearlessness of the One.

3916 Reads

How to Make the Best Choices in Life in Line with Your Soul

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/06/2017 - 06:53

How often do you find yourself trying to figure out what's the best choice? But what if at one level - that of the ego - choice is merely a complex illusion of conditioning? And beyond that, what if there's a way of aligning with your soul that then delivers the best choices possible? It's my observation in the Openhand work, when people break through the illusion of choice that the ego creates, and when they align with the soul's mainstream flow, life really takes off in the most magical of ways: you're blessed with miracles.

6075 Reads

Living 5D Consciousness Now...5 Typical Experiences

Submitted by Open on Sun, 07/16/2017 - 08:05

Most definitely in the Shift right there are two worlds not one. The old is cracking up and breaking down - you can longer trust nor rely upon it. Meanwhile a fabulous new state of 5D consciousness is infusing through, and emerging out of it. It's a sense of freedom and interconnection with the Universe, with the divine speaking to you constantly through daily life. How do you know if you're starting to live in that state right now? Knowing this will help you stay tuned to the higher dimensional path.

42148 Reads

Secret of Life: It's all about the Flow

Submitted by Open on Thu, 03/23/2017 - 19:00

I'm traveling around the world at the moment, sharing the Openhand Philosophy on life, and I find myself on a stopover in Hawaii, on my way to the US West Coast. Hawaii of course is considered a paradisiacal destination - sun, sea, sand and surf. This morning I was out early on the beach, catching the waves myself, but not surfing ones, these were waves of my soul. With each breath, the unleashing of soul became ever more blissful. As I watched the surfers working hard to catch each wave, I was feeling life can be so straightforward. We don't have to effort and struggle at all; in fact that just takes us away from the heavenly nirvana which is in everyone's reach...

2800 Reads

Accelerations in the 5D Shift and how you might personally benefit

Submitted by Open on Tue, 12/27/2016 - 08:20

The shift is gathering apace all the time - new layers of limiting matrix field are being engaged and peeled off. It's liberating, yes, but far from easy - it's going to affect every aspect of the life you've created, from relationships to jobs and living circumstances. The field is progressively working to help you realign them. Sometimes it may feel like stirring treacle! How might you come through this most effectively? There are energies that are acting through the field to support - shining a light through the darkness in times of uncertainty. Energies such as "Openhand" help form a resonant bridge so you may more easily feel your higher dimensional connection. That's essential right now...

4562 Reads

How to "Burn the Boats" of an Out-dated Reality Construct...5 Key Steps

Submitted by Open on Mon, 12/12/2016 - 07:07

You can see it now. The higher dimensional consciousness has opened up and you're having visions of 'future-landing-now'. As these visions begin to steadily take shape, the excitement builds. You're creating consciously, you can literally feel the impact you're having on the field around you. There's no struggle to create like before. Things begin to effortlessly click into place. However, to fully realise the completeness of these miraculous 'dreams', you've got to be prepared to let go of the old reality you're stepping out of.

You've got to be prepared to "burn your boats".

6333 Reads

5D Shift: Tides of Change - Torsional Influx of High Vibrational Energy

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/03/2016 - 04:15

The 5D Shift is engaging higher gears now. The shadow side of humanity has fully revealed itself, particularly in our global elite 'governance'. I can feel this clearly being met by a strong response from Benevolence through the field - there's a progressive influx of higher vibrational energy stirring up the bed of this murky pond. Because the density is being so challenged, it's also meaning that the light can flow in more strongly. It's connecting the dots between people, to initiate collective positive action to confront the density and support the shift. Previously acquiescent people are feeling increasingly emboldened. How can these flows benefit you?

5097 Reads

The Purpose of Set-backs...4 Strategies to Quickly Bounce Back

Submitted by Open on Sun, 10/09/2016 - 12:57

From time to time everyone is going to experience set-backs on the Spiritual Path. Maybe you put all your energy behind a particular project but it didn't work out; maybe you thought the flow was heading in a particular direction but it changed; maybe relationships didn't grow as you hoped they might. And so we hit this 'crunch moment', where the light of day reveals a new, hidden, truth. One that potentially floors you. But there's an important reason why such things happen. The point is, not how hard they hit us, but how we deal with them, and then get back up and get going again. There's a way to always take something positive...

5044 Reads