DIVINICUS: Activating your 5D Human In May with Openhand

Submitted by Open on Mon, 05/01/2023 - 05:45

How to actualise your 5D Being? The Openhand DIVINICUS work has been 20 years in the crafting, divinely woven to meet these times of tumultuous transition on the planet. What does it mean to be living in 5D Consciousness? During the month of May, we're going to be weaving this ongoing journal of work, with blogs, vlogs, guidance and meditations. We'll be updating daily, so do tune in. Join us, and unleash the 5D being in you!

DIVINCUS WORK: Activated by the Holy Tibetan Mountain

Back in 2005, I was staying at a retreat centre in Taos, New Mexico when a book literally fell off the shelves in front of me, with a picture of the Holy Mount Kailash in Tibet on the front cover. I instantly felt a soulful connection with the mountain and a yearning to go there. However, in its divine wisdom, the flow took me instead to a wooded mountain in Wales, with the guidance:

"Sit against a tree and bring Kailash to You!"

What followed was 7 days of deep revelation and activation of the 5D Being, which I was given to call DIVINICUS. These deeply transcendent experiences inspired the first retreats and their development to this day.

How to Break Down the Ego?

The early version of the retreat was called "Crucifying the Ego". I took a small group of intrepid pioneers back to the wood and helped them relive what I had experienced. Despite it's harsh name, and the challenges people faced, I can tell you that by the end, no one wanted to leave the wood!!

Since then, DIVINICUS has become much more multidimensional, journeying participants back through ancient Human karma, even to the Original Benevolent seeding of humanity millions of years ago at the time of Lemuria. It felt like we needed a protective retreat centre for the work, and by another flow of divine alchemy, I was led effortlessly to the Lord of the Rings eco-village, Cae Mabon, in Snowdonia.

DIVINICUS now in the Desert!

When the "plandemonium" struck in 2020, we were forced to cancel Cae Mabon and hastily rearrange the retreat on Zoom. But, we were definitely determined to maintain the integrity of the work, ensuring that it was just as deep and transformational. This time the divine took me off..... to my own studio!! Most weeks I spend around 3 days in the "desert". I'm fasting, meditating and working at the same time. It breaks down all those final internal resistances.

I call it "being in the desert", because that's the sense of it. To the ego the desert can feel harsh and unforgiving, but when you break past these layers, the veils over reality readily fall, leaving you in the immense beauty of the dreamstate, the quantum field. It's like being in a desert oasis!!

We were amazed at just how effective the online version became. We encouraged people to create their own "Bedouin tents" or "caves" where they lived. And because participants were in the energetic harmony of their own space with no need to travel, it had a massive beneficial and unexpected effect. I've come to really love this version of the retreat.

Participate in DIVINICUS in the Month of May

In the month of May, we're celebrating the coming of age of the DIVINICUS work, with daily blogs, vlogs, commentary, meditations and photos. Come and tune in, and let the inquiry inspire a new emergence of 5D beingness in you.

Key areas of Exploration and Illumination:

- The current situation of the 5D Shift
- Dealing with inner child identities

- Processing ancient Human "Atlantean" karma
- How to actualise the 5D Divine Human
- How to navigate from 5D consciousness
- The 7-Ray Divine Harmonic of Your Soul
- How to apply 5D Quantum Manifestation.

DIVINICUS Events in May

4th May: Essential Shift Update: Evening Seminar, GLASTONBURY
Our 5D Human events in May will kick off, most appropriately, in the heart chakra of our planet, Glastonbury. I'll be hosting a seminar in the Town Hall on Thursday 4th May. They're always highly alchemical events as you get such a rainbow tribe of unique souls there, and we're harnessing the tremendous energies of Avalon. If you're in the UK, it will be very much worth coming along, but we will be filming it for the wider community. Stay tuned!

6th May: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
We'll be harnessing the energy of the 5D Human at our flagship Ascension Exchanges, where you can spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.

8th-13th May: DIVINICUS in the Desert: 6-Days, ZOOM
We've taken the ground-breaking DIVINICUS work online, so you can access it from anywhere in the world, from the energetic harmony of your own space. We'll inspire you by taking you on a deep journey "through the desert", to confront blocking ego layers, unravel karma, and bring the 5D Being up smiling. The inspiration is to integrate this new beingness in your own space.

Our Terrestrial DIVINICUS event is now full. However, we'll be running a daily journal from the event with inspirational sharings, photos, video and insight into how the energy is moving. I'll be sharing meditations and recommendations on activating the 5D Human in you. You'll be able to tune into the blog on a daily basis and be inspired for your own life. I have no doubt that you'll be able to pick up the amazing energy from the eco-village and have it inspire your day. It'll be wonderful having you along 💙

Time for your DIVINICUS, 5D being Activation?

We'd love to host you during this ground-breaking month of May. It's high time to gather together, connect and inspire the next evolution of humanity and the planet. In these crazy 3D times, what could be more essential? If you can't be with us in person, do tune into this daily journal with commentary, inspiration, pictures, video and audio. It's all designed to deepen your shift into the 5D Human.

See you here daily, on Openhandweb.

Become a Member of the Portal to share in the commentary feedback and exchanges:

Join the Openhand Ascension Portal

Bright Blessings

Open 💙🙏

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I must declare myself transformed. Bleeding the humours with the scarification box proved unnecessary. The triple Selchow with pike off the diving board has achieved maximum marks. This fresh morning, a cheeky crow rasped his acknowledge of this mini shift. A shift within a shift. ( If I eat a large breakfast, will it be a shift within a shift within a shift? The cosmic triple shift?) In yesterday's ascension exchange, Open led us through a tall white, vacuum- cleaning bow. Open the torus and in they go. Another thoroughly enjoyable session with the blessings of clear, concise illumination. 🙏. Then a walk in town afterwards. But hang on , what's this? I'm walking on air. I feel like a galactic team of cleaners with mops, dusters and hoovers have completely purified my space. The feeling is indescribable, I don't think I've ever felt like this. I literally feel like I'm glowing. I can tell that others sense it, you can see it in their look. Hmm, this has no equal. This is nirvana on the ground. But, above all, its stunning. I've already risen early and done the housework and some press ups. Think I'll spread some love locally and write a novel before lunch. Thank you. Blessings. ❤️🙏.


01/05/2023 Openhand Journal Update

It's going to be an alchemical month of May for sure here at Openhand. DIVINICUS, the 5D Human, is our jewel in the crown of seminal work. It's where we help you strip off the karmic layers and embody the experience of the 5D Human. What does that feel like? How can it inform your daily life? Do read the intro to DIVINICUS in the blog entry above and then all the marvellous comments, inspiration and sharings below from the past couple of years. They are jaw-dropping!

Here's how you can take part in May...

4th May: Essential Shift Update: Evening Seminar, GLASTONBURY
Our 5D Human events in May will kick off, most appropriately, in the heart chakra of our planet, Glastonbury. I'll be hosting a seminar in the Town Hall on Thursday 4th May. They're always highly alchemical events as you get such a rainbow tribe of unique souls there, and we're harnessing the tremendous energies of Avalon. If you're in the UK, it will be very much worth coming along, but we will be filming it for the wider community. Stay tuned!

6th May: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
We'll be harnessing the energy of the 5D Human at our flagship Ascension Exchanges, where you can spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.

8th-13th May: DIVINICUS in the Desert: 6-Days, ZOOM
We've taken the ground-breaking DIVINICUS work online, so you can access it from anywhere in the world, from the energetic harmony of your own space. We'll inspire you by taking you on a deep journey "through the desert", to confront blocking ego layers, unravel karma, and bring the 5D Being up smiling. The inspiration is to integrate this new beingness in your own space.

Our Terrestrial DIVINICUS event is now full. However, we'll be running a daily journal from the event with inspirational sharings, photos, video and insight into how the energy is moving. I'll be sharing meditations and recommendations on activating the 5D Human in you. You'll be able to tune into the blog on a daily basis and be inspired for your own life. I have no doubt that you'll be able to pick up the amazing energy from the eco-village and have it inspire your day. It'll be wonderful having you along 💙



Dear Open, Thomas, Elizabeth and the magnificent Openhand Team,

I’m struggling to find words that could convey the experience of Divinicus at Cae Mabon last week.
I’m laughing as I write because at first it was a real shock to the system! Fasting, bathing in a freezing stream, walking to the outdoor compost loo in the middle of the night with a torch, not to mention the sweat lodge, I hadn’t realised just how much the ego relies on all the ‘creature comforts’. Eventually I had no choice but to surrender and make friends with the whole experience. And what an experience it was.
Some very deep inner child and inner teenager emotions came bubbling up during the week, which I was able to work through and make peace with, thanks to the loving Openhand environment. 
As the week went on, for the first time in my life I started to feel at home and at peace with myself, and with the beautiful souls walking this path with me. I cannot even describe the connection I felt with my fellows.
Almost a week on, I know that something has shifted on a deep level within me. I am not the same person that entered that magical (and it is magical) eco-village tucked away in the Welsh mountains. 
I feel so much love and gratitude Open, thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ 


In reply to by Jane D (not verified)


I'm having wonderful breakthroughs!

It's tangible how my field has shifted - just one example re relationship to others...

I'm getting none of the egoic pig headedness of others and instead the vulnerability of the others Soul. All I'm seeing is bare Soul and vulnerability - which is eliciting huge amounts of compassion almost to my breaking point. Often I'm being told what the person's problem is - the Soulful invitation to 'help'. And I'm realising that I've already been 'helping'- I always have...although it's clear how I can direct more energy to this endeavour now and arrange it effortlessly. Volunteering with charities already in operation, offering my own groups/workshops with a mix of Mindfulness, Yoga, Discussion, Art/Crafts, of course Tea/Cakes for people who feel to connect. I'm not talking about Spiritual Guidance for aspirants of Enlightenment - but holding a space for ordinary people who are lonely, scared, lost or in pain. I see these people and I feel for them. I am not like them - and they will never be like me - but this is what I'm being invited to do and it feels right and true! The area's I'm situated in very few people hold such spaces - theres a genuine need. Heart bursting stuff... 

Doing 4-5hrs meditation with 2-3hrs specifically karma clearing meditation daily/ bowing with grounding breath x 2-3 daily/ yoga & nature walks 3-4hrs/ staring a 7-10 day fast tomorrow/ absolutely determined to keep fully grounded/totally committed

There's so much more but i've been taught to keep these things a secret 🤐😊 or I might put people to sleep..

I only say because the effects of last week have far surpassed what I could've imagined possible..

I'm seeing the divine spark in others now - and no pig headed ego ahhhhhh ♥️ it makes all the difference.

Sorry Open - but you're right up there on the highest !pedestal - thank you so much! for shifting this..!


Remy 🙏🏼





In reply to by Remy (not verified)


That's tremendously heart-warming Remy - it's always wonderful to hear the effects of the work and how it can transform our lives.

Thanks for taking the time to share.

Much love

Open 🙏
(PS - our emails to you since DIVINICUS have been bouncing)

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Everything feels so absolutely perfect ♥️

My receiving Divinicus emails may not be conducive given an astrological transit we'll be coming out of in another fortnight - I wasn't checking to prevent the feedback loop from closing - I'm so pleased the Universe was supporting that too by bouncing them back! 

Remy 🙏🏼


I also would like to say a hearty thankyou to two Divinicus facilitators for their tireless commitment. Thankyou to Elizabeth for her caring and grounding beautiful energy. Thankyou to Thomas for his light angelic and very compassionate energy. I felt the whole group was safely held and very well looked after. Blessings 🙏🏻💜

With love



Endless thanks Open and Openhand for this highly transformative experience at Cae Mabon. Gratitude to the inspiring, wonderful facilitators, Elizabeth and Thomas, two beautiful people. Blessings and love to my fellow journeymen who braved the challenges with determination and grit. Its hard to describe the changes I feel with linear language. I can see illumination in the reflection of others, a slightly deeper level of connection and awareness. I feel a deeper level of inner stillness as I move about my day. There has been a deep shift which is unravelling before me. I feel so blessed and fortunate to have attended this week. There was certainly a sense of the magic of the universe weaving before me. I was as delighted as a small child listening to fascinating stories, spellbound, never wanting the sessions to end. Sarah and I experienced a strange and turbulent energy in the first hour's driving. There was a rush of antagonism, disagreement and misunderstanding. This rapidly gave way to deeper connection, laughter and sharing for the following six hours or so. It was a recurrent theme synchronously illustrated on the journey, leaving aspects of ego and old habits behind while returning home to a new level of authenticity. What a fantastic journey this is. In countless past meditations I have asked the universe to give me the finest teacher available to me and I believe that that prayer has been answered. I look forward to continuing and expanding.


Andy x




Wow - what a transformative Divinicus week!  I would like to thank Open, Openhand, our facilitators Thomas and Elisabeth as well as fellow travelers for this monumental experience!  I haven't noticed the shift in myself at first and only through reflections and after the event that it was clear of what has happened.

As I made my way through the enchanted forest to explore the nearby Lady of the Lake and village, it felt like everything was speaking to me with signs and syncronicities. Lots of twos like stumbling into the restaurant and sitting at the table #2 and the place happened to have to only room available #2 as well. 

It feels like I am realigning with my Soul and either approaching second gateway or passing through the gateway.  Or maybe it is just a reflection on my twin flame or both.  Either way, I am forever changed and can now feel and know my orientation what come may!

Praying Emoji



28/05/2022 DIVINICUS Journal Update

What a stupendous DIVINICUS 22 it turned out to be. The energy just keeps building and building - it all bodes well for the shift. I do feel this work is a "bell-weather" for where it's all going. For sure that is into the higher vibes!

I'll be weaving together a video in due course, but for now, here are a few snaps from the closing. Big hugs and love to all who participated that made it so memorable, and to all who tuned in. 💙🤗♥️😇🧡😉

Another tremendous group of intrepid 5D pioneers, you're all angels😇 
(we were singing Angels at the time!!)...

Another wonderful activation of the Rainbow Tribe...

Time for parting hugs...

And more hugs...

Even more hugs, wait, no one wants to leave!!...

Hugs and blessings to all for making it so special.

Open 👍🧡🤗

In reply to by Open


Thank you so much Open, Elizabeth and Thomas for an utterly transformative Divinicus. I really wanted you to know that it exceeded even my highest expectations.

Cae Mabon truly was magical - I know everyone says that, but I can't find a better word, as the sense of being part of Mother Nature and held by Mother Nature there was so nurturing and the combination of the powerful work we did there and the environent could not have been more perfect!

I still have not fully come back to Earth, so it is really hard to find the words which convey my deep gratitude and respect for Open, the Openhand work and my Openhand family. It felt like we bonded in ways so deep and powerful, in an environment where we were able to be our true selves at a soul level, without any need to be anything else, that you'd have to have been there to understand.

From the bottom of my heart - thank you Open and all my fellow travellers🙏



In reply to by Open


As always, I tend to begin with that words are just the useless tool to express the depth of experiences I have encountered during this Divinicus retreat. But I will try to use this tool to, foremost, express my endless and sincere gratitude to Open and Openhand Team for such a fantastic given opportunity to experience what we experienced last week.

In a very nutshell, as we peel off the layers of density times again and again for me this retreat that took place in an incredible venue in the mountains of Wales is something like a completion of another cycle of falling into abyss of darkness and meeting eye to eye with my own shadow and rising back again on wings of the pure sense of divinity of my own being and touching once again the frequencies of the Soul and of the Higher Dimensions. I was (and still am) bathing in the sweet and subtle feeling of the intimacy with my soul’s frequencies upwelling from the very deep sense of timelessness within my heart. It's just utterly indescribable…

To be caressed in hugs of the true nature's elementals there couldn’t be any better environment to jump naked into the stream of Divine Trust, to break down the remnants of an ego in a heat of the Hell with a taste of Darkness, letting the woods of oak trees to dry tears of expressed Emotions and then surrender to the lightness of the wind being blown all the way upwards to touch the Higher Dimensions.


For sure, the Maya Samadhi meditation has 'crowned' my all spiritual experience so far. It seems that I already tasted a sense of the effect of this tremendous meditation with my post-retreat experience. To me it was so perfectly right to stay for couple more days around that sacred location where Cae Mabon gem is hidden in the woods at the lake surrounded by mountains. As experiences of my own Divinicus being were really transcendent and far above all imaginable expectations the next day after our fantastic group did farewell there was an understandable need of grounding high vibrational energies. So, I was guided by my intuition to take myself on a walk in the mountains and quite unexpectedly have reached the summit of Snowdon. Interestingly this was exactly the day when skies appeared to be clear enough (usually the peak of the mountain is hidden in a cloud) for having a breath-taking view from the summit of Snowdon.




Even though after more than seven hours of being fully present in a physical body (because of the intensive climbing and then coming down, which isn't easier than climbing up as my knees were already tired and sore after good three hours of walking up the mountain) it felt not just rewarding but also speaking in a language of Universe with some meaning... Moreover, the synchronicity was speaking incredibly – while climbing up every time I stopped for a few minutes to take breath and relax my legs the bumble bee appeared out of nowhere (there are no flowers in these mountains at this time) and was making one-two circles around me as close to my body as just few centimetres and disappeared again. The last time this bumble bee “visited” me was when I reached the summit, then it disappeared and didn’t show up anymore. It spoke to me about some protection and encouragement to trust, also the persistence…

On Sunday as was driving back home to south England I have picked the route of most amazing roads all the way through Wales from the north to the south. Roads and lanes were coiling like a snake, left and right, up and down, through the steep slopes and rises bringing me through the most spectacular sceneries of hills and valleys of the Wales. Most of the time my car seemed to be only one on the road and I soaked in the fresh and thick greenness of the hills and woods which became more and more close to my sense of beingness until I found myself in a sense of ‘driving’ not the car but the life itself. Again, very difficult to put it into words, but there was a feeling like I am moving within the ‘tube of space’ and flowing within that surrounding greenness and the greenness was flowing through me. All dissolved and became one… There was no separation left. Until… I found myself being led by the sat nav across the city of Bristol! It was already late dark night time and I could not believe that I didn’t even realised having set up to drive through the middle of city (my least favourite environment to be). Having the sense that I am driving through the very centre of Bristol it felt very dense and I was constantly softening within repeatedly assuring myself it’s okay, welcome back to the 3D world - we are here to express our Divinicus too Slightly Smiling. Suddenly I asked my inner guidance for a help: ‘Please take me out of here as soon as possible’ while understanding I still have to drive it through. The next thing that happened instantly was that all traffic lights from that moment on started turning on the green light as I was approaching each of them (at least ten and maybe more). I was literally driving without stopping anymore as if continued flowing within that ‘green tube’. Here I remembered the similar story that Open was telling and I smiled!




I woke up this morning in my Divinicus feeling, looking through the window – all the same outside, but I feel something is different. I feel as if I just came down from the heavens… And there is always the question within – what and how am I doing next? (Giving the time for integration, of course)


With Love 



In reply to by Asya



With love to my fellow travellers! Since I left the retreat - I feel far more at ease around other people - I'm feeling so naturally close and intimate with everyone - far more trusting - knowing that the outcome will be right whatever it may be. My guidance is far more refined and specific now - propelling development! I feel light, happy and free!! Although..the final actualisation..is via selfless service to others.

And what a relief that will be!!

Until we meet again!


Remy 🙏🏼


27/05/2022 DIVINICUS Journal Update

The gears changed yesterday here on the DIVINICUS retreat. Having done all the major karmic processing, the soul can readily expand, where you're feeling wonderful multidimensional vibes...

The group has been experiencing major expansions, which is marvellous to witness, and we've been capturing the sense of that in video, which I'll aim to weave together and share sometime soon.

For now, here's a video sharing we captured about the 5D Being from the last DIVINICUS retreat in Mexico in 2021. Be inspired...

Bright Blessings

Open 💙


25/05/2022 DIVINICUS Journal Update

Yesterday here on DIVINICUS was Sacred Sweat Lodge Day - the apex of all the karmic clearing and processing. It's utterly stupendous and transformative, like death and rebirth. Simply extraordinary. And that's exactly how we experienced it yesterday. I'll convey a sense and a snapshot of it here in some photos we caught...

It begins with the ancient Tibetan fire ceremony, the "Agni Hotra". It's simply so moving...

Pam gifting rice to the fire on bended knee - it signifies burning the fragments of ego...

You sweep the cleansing fire into you...

In the Openhand adaptation, the Agni Hotra leads directly to the Sweat Lodge...

We build a fire and burn rocks to deliver the heat into the Lodge...

Drumming the fire...

3 Elemental Nymphs building the energy through dance!...

Smudging with sage before entering...

What followed was an extraordinary 3 hours of ceremony, bearing the soul and sacred singing. You come out feeling literally reborn. You'll have to excuse us for not taking photos - we were just too in the moment! (you'll just have to come and experience it for yourself next time 🤗)


25/05/2022 DIVINICUS journal - Past Life Journeying

Yesterday we took the group Past Life Journeying. It's a crucial process to conduct "soul retrieval" of soul fragments stuck in Past Life karma, trauma and subconscious memories. We blacked out the studio and gave it a rosy hue. Then using crafted Openhand meditation, we elevated their consciousness onto the astral planes and journeyed the group in our space-time vessel back through history. Each participant regresses into the past life experiences as if they are right back there, AND, at the same time, they're looking down on the situation from a slightly detached viewpoint. From this vantage, you can equalise with the situation, dissolve the karmic density, and reclaim the lost fragments of soul that were stuck there. It's immensely healing. I thoroughly recommend to all reading the great value in participating on such journeying.

We blacked out the studio and gave it a rosy hue...

It's a cob and strawbale building, so it holds energy tremendously well...

You're rising, expanding and then floating back in time...


24/05/2022 DIVINICUS journal update

We're deep into karmic processing here, exploring what subconsciously limits and derails. It's challenging and tough for sure, because you have to confront those aspects that have caused pain in the past. But by confronting them in a compassionate and non-judgmental space, then we can equalise with them. Everyone carries distortions, there is no exception. And we're embodying them to work through and realign them both for personal benefit and the wider shift in the field itself. Below the photo diary I've attached a link to Openhand's approach to processing deep karmic density, and also a classic track you might unwind to.

It begins with an intuitive inquiry into what triggers - guided by the field itself...

Building the energy by invoking deep emotive feelings...

Sharing with a partner in diads...

Letting it all rip with emotive music, "What the hell am I doing here?"....

The Bow to calm and integrate...

Nothing like a hearty high-vibe dinner at the end of the day...

That carrot cake was to die for...Naughty, but nice!!...

In reply to by Open


Ever felt alienated, out-of-place, made to feel like a weirdo and you don't belong here? Join the club!

The key is to meet that inner pain and equalise with it by accepting it - you normalise the feeling. You're held in it, express through it. Then it becomes completely okay. You're being your unique self. What can be wrong with that?....


23/05/2022 DIVINICUS journal update

We're deep into DIVINICUS right now, applying tried and trusted techniques and process to illuminate the inner shadow - that which stops people from being their authentic self and therefore derails an aligned, abundant and successful life. We really do need to dig in and dig deep if we're to progress along our path.

So what's involved exactly? Here's an Openhand perspective from the last DIVINICUS which happened to be in Mexico during lockdown, where the shadow of society was truly being exposed. How might you apply the perspective to exposing the next layer of shadow in you?


In reply to by Open


If you turn directly into the feeling expression of the activating tightness, wherever it arises and animate it within you, then you can quickly break through. Once you've illuminated the attachment and then felt the weight of the baggage you're carrying around, you realise it's simply better to let it go - to set it down.

Where you're at the point of letting go and setting down the baggage, the moment miraculously reveals new aspects of soul beingness wanting to come through. They start to ignite and well up through you. Then all you have to do is fuel the flame of soul by giving energy and attention to these new expressions of beingness.

Open 🙏❤️



20/05/2022 DIVINICUS Journal Update

It's going swimmingly well here in Snowdonia - no, not because of the light showers! People are seizing the bull by the horns, capitalising on the opportunity, and diving deep within. What comes up when you take away the distraction and sit in stillness?

For those tuning in, you definitely will be able to get a sense of the energy by these marvellous photos that Thomas has been taking. Take a few minutes out today, breathe, relax and tune into the portal we're opening here...

Gathering by the fire before it all kicks off...

Alex, time for the deep diving to begin...

Is that a hobbit or a dwarf? No! It's our beloved Anatoly getting the vibes of the stream...

It's Pam, the lady in red...

Am I seeing double? No, it's Desi, another lady in red!...

Now Jane, that stone's been standing a long while, it doesn't need you propping it up!...

Oh My, this is all too much!...

When it gets too much, time for a warm and a cuppa...

Getting down to it in the studio - summoning the energies...

The inquiry begins, who am I?...

Tune in with us, the energy is going to be massive!

Open 💙

In reply to by Open


Lovely photos and great vibes. Great to see many familiar faces. I imagine the energy will be over the roof within such a beautiful location. I have to come to the river banks myself to meditate and read divinicus. I'm grounding the energies down into the lower chakras working to soften contractions of the physical. Yes with less distraction and the comfort of mother earth , the inquiry creature awakens. I'm seeing many synchrocities like fish jumping out of water gracefully,  the matrix drawing out nets to harvest souls , reptilian conciousness needing completion,  pleadian energy liberated and joyful. 

Wishing you all a lovely week ahead full of contemplation and liberation. 



21/05/2022 DIVINICUS Journal Update

The first miracle of DIVINICUS in Snowdonia happened yesterday - despite traveling from far and wide to this heavenly oasis, they all made it!! From the USA, Bulgaria, Lithuania and the Ukraine, they still managed to find this remote space in the wilderness. This morning we'll waste no time - the work will begin by diving deep within, spurred on by the marvelous vibrations of the space.

It's a window into the heart...

We'll be embraced by the Lady of the Land...

There'll be oodles of introspection time with the vision quest...

Meanwhile I'll be warming my toes by the fire!...

Give us a wee while to get some snaps of the new group and we'll happily share the energy with you all.

Till soon.

Open 💙


20/05/2022 DIVINICUS Journal Update

Here at Openhand we're continuing all through the month of May with our encouragement to activate or deepen the 5D human in you - what we call DIVINICUS. Right now, an intrepid group of pioneers is wending their way from various corners of the globe to be with us on retreat up in the tremendous mountains of Snowdonia...

If you weren't able to join the group, no worries, we'll be sharing the energy with you all week in our running journal, with commentary, video, audio, imagery, meditations and guidance you can partake of.

The time to activate and deepen the 5D human is now!

See you in the ether all this week.

Bright Blessings

Open 💙

In reply to by Open


So do you consider or sense that you're beginning the Ascension process into 5D?
What's it all about?

21 Symptoms that You're Moving into 5D Consciousness


  1. Expansiveness, timelessness and peace: as you surrender and let go of attachment to the 3D world, then consciousness naturally begins to expand into higher dimensions, especially 4D and 5D. So you'll be having periods of time where you feel a deep sense of peace and expansion. There'll be periods where it feels as if time has stopped or somehow just slipped by.
  2. Interconnectivity, love for sentient life: you'll have times where you feel interconnected with other sentient life - other creatures and nature in general. The heart will regularly fill with love in appreciation.
  3. Signs and synchronicity: especially as you expand into 5D consciousness, and you're paying attention to the sense of flow through the moment, then you'll manifest, and pick up, more signs and synchronicity, attuning beingness, guiding the way and affirming you're on an aligned path.
  4. Density, karma and challenge: as you connect more into the mainstream of the soul, the flow within is going to pull on buried fragments of soul that are still stuck in karmic density and interconnected with the old paradigm. So you might feel light one moment, but then suddenly dredge up karma to be worked through.
  5. Pulled in two different directions: we're right in the middle of the "Inflexion Point" between the Old Paradigm and the New. Many around you will be stuck in the old densities and you may have threads of consciousness still holding into fixed relationships, yet the soul is wanting to realign them. Hence feeling pulled in different directions.
  6. Death of the Ego: you may well feel at times like you're dying, but this is usually as the ego begins to confront its immanent demise - the false self is being unravelled.
  7. Feelings of depression, disconnection and hopelessness: even though you're expanding into lighter vibrations, you'll still stir up inner density at times which will amplify feelings of disconnection from the expanded states. You may feel hopelessness with regards to the old paradigm and even at times depression.
  8. A sense of lostness and disorientation: you're making a fundamental transition of being from the old reality to the new. So at times you'll likely feel lost and disorientated - not fitting in or the sense of being ostracised (from the Old Paradigm)
  9. Feeling the need to purify: The likelihood is that you'll be feeling a need to purify your inner being, physically, emotionally and mentally. That will likely involve a more aligned diet, fasting at times, deep consciousness bodywork and plenty of meditation.
  10. Body aches and pains: spiritual work in the shift will be infusing soul through the bodymind and transforming the base matter, including DNA. You'll likely feel this as aches and pains in all areas of the body (including the head) with no apparent reason.
  11. Desire to change location and living circumstances: as you shift consciousness within, this will likely reflect into the outer world with a correspondent and authentic desire to change location to one which reflects the new beingness.
  12. Redefining and realigning relationships: you'll likely feel a strong tendency to more authentic relationships of honesty and truth. It will likely get increasingly difficult to spend time in light weight "chat chat" connections. 
  13. Increased creativity: you'll likely feel an increased sense of wanting to create just for the fun of it. This will likely manifest as a pull to change career path or job.
  14. Uncovering your divine purpose: they'll likely come a yearning to know your divine purpose and how to serve in the shift. This will manifest more as the revelation of your destined way of being.
  15. Increased Multidimensionality: You'll likely begin to feel as if you're living in two worlds not one. So there'll be the sense of connecting to the energy and spirit of life around you, plus picking up the higher dimensional flow more. The key is to keep attuning to these multidimensional experiences so their impact grows stronger.
  16. Activation of Kundalini: You'll progressively feel strong flows of energy within, leading, strongly moving body and emotions, leading to high creativity, streaming synchronicity and bliss.
  17. Higher Self and Twin Flame occurrences: prior to kundalini activation you'll likely feel increased connection with your higher self manifesting in synchronicities around you. After kundalini is flowing more strongly, this will likely switch to more occurrence of the Twin Flame phenomenon.
  18. Prophetic dreaming and visioning: you're likely to be having prophetic dreaming revealing how to process out density, what karma you might be dealing with, and steps to take to unfold more integrated soul and expanded beingness.
  19. Entering the Void: at times you may feel like you've slipped into a placeless, timeless, eternal presence, as if "there is no one here!". This is the sense of the Void, and the presence that you really are.
  20. A feeling of wanting to go home: there will often be feelings of "wanting to go home" but without fully understanding what that means. Usually it's about yearning to ascend to higher densities of greater harmony, alignment and peace.
  21. Yearning to find your 'tribe' or soul family: each soul belongs to a group, family or "Team" of souls who closely resonate on your vibration, who fundamentally understand you, who unconditionally love and support your journey. You'll likely have a growing sense to connect more deeply, here and now.



Divinicus felt like I was coming home to a place where I was seen and heard and dig deep to find comfort and healing in the desert.  So much resonance in the group as if something was unlocking in me from each one's share.  An adventure and a feeling way of being that words can't describe.  

My heart is filled with gratitude to everyone's courage to show up to support and hold each other in this sacred space.  Thank you Sky for sharing your gift of music.  Your song touched me deeply.  And heartfelt gratitude to Open and Tilly for helping each one of us into embodying more of our own soul frequencies.  

With so much deep gratitude



14/05/22: DIVINICUS journal update

We're having tremendous breakthroughs and deepenings happening here on DIVINICUS in the Desert. The 5D being is breaking down the karmic barriers, and just like a butterfly emerging from the chrysalis, unleashing new iterations of the 5D human we're progressively unfolding into.

Hence the best thing I felt to share with you all today, is the lead article I wrote some while ago on rejoining the Galactic Family of Light, and to encourage you all onwards, inwards, and "upwards" (upwards here and now!)...

Galactic Family of Light: Vision of Future Landing Now

A bright future awaits is unfolding within us!

Love to all

Open 🙏



12/05/2022 DIVINICUS in the Desert Journal

Yesterday on DIVINICUS we went deep into inner identity filters such as the Inner Child and Teenager. What are these?

Work to think back to your earliest memories as a child. Maybe you felt some joy and happiness and love. But also the general way people in society teach kids as they grow, is by the process of making them feel wrong - you're told you're wrong from the moment you try to tie your shoe-laces, or to "eat properly with a knife and fork". The way a young psyche processes simple things like these is to think THEY are wrong - something is wrong with them. From this, all kinds of conditioned behaviourisms set in, trying to gain love, be accepted, or to fit in. These behaviourisms hard-wire in the brain, which infuses the body with neuropeptides that embody that energy of the false-self. These form layers of embodied pain which we then need to somehow placate or distract from - food, entertainment, distraction, social media, soft drugs.

When you take yourself into the Desert of Stillness, then you can regress back into these situations and actually feel the filtering as density and tightness within. It's essential to feel it, and express it, but then drop back into the centred sense of True Self, the Sacred Ground of Being, so you can detach from the filtering. Byt bringing concentrated attention to the density, and deciding to let go, you can unwind and start to dissolve the energy of them - to heal them. It takes time and persistance, but the density does break down. And then you're able to "get inside the loops of behaviourisms" and open out through them too. You decide to replicating the limiting behaviours and they start to dissolve. You can accelerate it by visualising the inner child and teenager in emerging from you and sitting in front of you. They then disappearing into the angellic realm. This is what we undertook yesterday, and it was incredibly healing and integrating. Much density moved.

If you'd like support and help in this process of dissolving limiting density from the past, get in touch...
Connect with Openhand

Bright Blessings

Open 🙏


In reply to by Open


I’ve just registered to post on Openhand and wished to say a big Hello to every body who reads and participates. I felt to ask some questions or at least throw some ideas out there to see what I can glean from a reply. I hope you don't mind my intercepting in this place on the forum. The journey through the Higher Dimensional planes is most definitely an individual's journey but I guess it’s just nice to connect sometimes. I notice that the thought form themes and paradigms that present themselves during my mediations correlate with the astrological cycles. I gather this forms part of the cosmological ordering of the human psyche here on Earth. I just wonder if it’s prudent to be aware of the current planetary transits if one is wishing to transcend their effects? I wouldn’t want to be feeding another programme so to speak, an identity, but if not that, then some thing - right?! I get a little scared sometimes, like I’m on a pirate ship being made to walk a plank. I’m walking the path with IT, God, the Dao, minding my own business. Then I get this feeling that I’m going somewhere, to ‘another place’, ‘home’, and that this is immanent. The consciousness runs through a stream of incidents and affects, spanning my lifetime, things would’ve already become especially weird around this time. A narrative unfolds, and the predicament is revealed, or what I understand it to be. It’s as if God becomes, something else, and that I’ve reached the end of the line of that concept. I get scared that this juncture is a trap for my Soul, if I have one. The gravity of the unknown. It may be that I’m simply required to surrender to IT, and there is an ember of ego still clinging on. But we are not alone. Right? I’ve seen the ships, and these weren’t pirates. Interfacing with what seem like other entities. What is on ‘the other side’? And who. Your thoughts? Namaste 

In reply to by Remy (not verified)


Hi Remy - welcome to Openhand - you're welcome here 🙏

A few things to say - I think you are very much on the right track with your explorations. There are plenty of facets that are aligned with what Openhand is exploring and journeying through. When I look at the narrative that is unfolding, or appears to be so, the crucial thing is to recognise it for what it is: a reflection to greater soul integration possibility. Where am I being invited to go with it next?

Of course the unknown or the unseen, the unconsciousness is always the "problem" - except of course that is the growth area. Always in this space, we only have to ask and the soul will reflect back to us. In your words, the following jumped out, in that it spiked for me in the field:

It’s as if God becomes, something else, and that I’ve reached the end of the line of that concept. I get scared that this juncture is a trap for my Soul, if I have one. The gravity of the unknown.

The answer is right there in the last 5 words: the gravity of the unknown. To me, this speaks perfectly of the universal Torus. It is the gravity around which the universe forms and rotates; it is the unknown because at the core is the vortex of pure presence, and therefore unmanifest. It is "God" because everything springs forth from this singularity. Could you then allow your understanding of God to inquire and evolve deeper by a progressive immersion into this unknown? Ultimately, there is nowhere that God cannot be, and therefore nothing to fear.

Wishing you well

Open 💙

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Thank-you for your reply. Immense appreciation xx

The Universal Torus seems like a sensible signifier to navigate this shift.

As long as I don't dematerialise in the process ! leaving nothing behind me but a toe nail and a few hairs !


In reply to by Remy (not verified)


Dear Openhand

I'm feeling the burn today to have realised that I mistook my Soul for another more sophisticated version of the Ego. This has been going on for several years. And the apparently supernatural phenomena and synchronicity that occurs around me in response to my actions or to show me something was actually my Soul. Now I realise it's the Soul within the body, but I didn't know what on earth it was moving around, moving me. And now I realise the infusion of energy into the body is from the Source which is obviously very pleasant. But the ego is still running the show here. Am I even as far as Gateway 2? What is the Ego and Soul interaction like when the Soul takes centre stream?



In reply to by Remy (not verified)


Hi Remy,

I'm not sure that you've fooled yourself actually - more that you're likely coming into different states of awareness - I sense you're evolving and integrating quite quickly on the path.

In the beginning, when fully in the ego but opening up, the higher self will start to appear in signs, synchronicity and metaphor - a vision or maybe a creature in nature for example. But as this integrates more, then the sense of the Twin Flame will start to come into view. The Twin Flame is highly alchemical and "supernatural" as you point to. It is the other polarity of you, which stays near the source as you incarnate, and then guides you on a journey of Ascension "back home" by reflecting resonating signs into your outer experience, but inviting the sense of that to embody within you. I get the sense you've been connecting with this energy.

To know if the ego is still running the show?
The question is what is your moment by moment orientation in life? Are you always working to come from the soul? You can still be in the ego at this point, but if the yearning inner commitment is for the truth of the soul, this would indicate passage through Gateway 2. Or at least that one is approaching this threshold.

Ultimately the soul is to be fully embodied, including the sense of the Twin Flame - although at higher dimensions. And even when the soul is fully embodied, it will still marvelously reflect into the outer, with a rich and alchemical dance.

Bright blessings

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Thank-you so much for your reply.

The paranormal twin flame element has been occurring for over ten years - It doesn't feel like progress from an ego perspective which is soon to expire - the ego hasn't really known what is going on although fully surrounded to Soul - the Soul Being on course as always.

When the Soul fully integrates will it speak through the mouth and move the body - or will it still whisper from within?

What shall I do to facilitate this shift Open? The ego is eager

It finds it so difficult to just..let it be



In reply to by Remy (not verified)


Sounds like you might be being a tad hard on yourself Remy - feels like you've come a long way 👍

What to do to facilitate soul integration?

In short - come and get involved with the Openhand work 😉

Until then - plenty of breathwork, meditation, connection with nature and self witnessing. These will all spur the process.

Very best wishes

Open 🙏


11/05/2022: DIVINICUS Journal Update

We're going tremendously deep here on DIVINICUS in the Desert. It's absolutely amazing how you discover this desert is within you - the conditions and the clarity of it. How readily it helps you access the Sacred Ground of Being at the core of you.

Yesterday I shared a real life meditation, from my own life experience, for everyone to journey through. I believe you'd gain great benefit too by undertaking it today. Here's how it goes...

You've gotten comfortable being in the desert - it's purity and clarity, it's stillness and crystal clear presence. You reached the point where you thought you'd pass on in this solitude, and there was great beauty in that. But in the point of maximum surrender, where you are on the verge, an energy fires up in you and encourages you to get up; to steadily make your way back out of the desert. And you still have the return plane ticket. You're now in the plane making your way back to your previous life. What triggers in you, what fears and contractions come up about returning?

Contemplate this deeply. Feel into the contractions. Work to stay in the Sacred Ground of Being but open out through the inner density - work to breakthrough and let go, so that you can be still and maintain that expansion even at home.

The Miracle of Transendence

What we're really learning to do is to practice the miracle of transcendence or transmutation. We then applied the Openhand Bow 3 times, each time becoming more intimate with the density we feel, bending into it, opening out through it, before then emerging upwards into the lightness. It's exceedingly powerful. This past video explains how to do it. It's from another real-life "desert", that of Dartmoor in South West England...

Have a great exploration everyone!

Open 💙


10/05/2022: DIVINICUS in the Desert, Journal Update

The group convened yesterday for this week's DIVINICUS in the desert. I could tell from the outset it's going to be deep and alchemical - the participants are ready. What is the essence of the retreat and why the desert?

Meditation in the Desert

I simply love being in the desert. Firstly there's a harshness to it, which cuts you quickly back to the true meaning of life. The distractions are stripped away. But in the harshness, there's stunning beauty too. You have to break past all the inner convolutions that get triggered. The point being, there's nowhere else to go!

Hence it encourages a deep surrender within - a rapid breaking down of the ego. And this is how we began yesterday. How about you take some time out today to join us? Take a look at this stunning footage of the Atacama Desert, close your eyes, breathe, and get a sense of you being there, for several days. What would it feel like? Imagine there's nothing in your life at this time but this. How would you feel?

We're applying Openhand's Breakthrough Breathing, which I encourage you to apply and explore:
Openhand's Breakthrough Breathing

Sacred Ground of Being

A crucial aspect to it, is finding your Sacred Ground of Being - right at the core of you. You're dropping through the layers of inner resistance and questioning - the needs, wants, desires and aspirations of everyday life. You're asking: what's truly real and important to me now?
Discover your Sacred Ground of Being

You're dropping into the Void of Nothingness. Which seems harsh to the ego, but it has nowhere to hide, and so ultimately you surrender and simply decide to let go. That's when you discover the stunning beauty and majesty of it. That there really is nowhere else to be.

I invite you to be in the Desert, with your breathing and centredness as you experience this video with the marvellous Alan Watts...

See you in the Desert - the space between the spaces

Open 💙



There are been so many rich and colourful experiences over the years with the DIVINICUS work. So many wonderful souls have come through it, exploring, digging, unraveling and expressing. Just thinking back brings a tear to the eye. So here is a snapshot in pictures of those alchemical years....

It began in the woods and rained plenty, but no one wanted to leave...

We found Cae Mabon, a pixies paradise...

Lots of preparation goes into it, weaving the sweat lodge...

Meanwhile, others are hanging out!...

Earlier versions had fire-walking too!...

I just adore the stream running through Cae Mabon...

The work takes you real deep...

Ooops yes, that was the year I built the sweat lodge too small!! Still, we all squeezed in...

The structures of the eco-villiage have to be seen to be believed - here's Merlin's Tree House...

The Tibetan Agni Hotra Ceremony - touches the soul on a tremendously deep level...

Getting the energy moving in the studio...

Embraced by nature spirits...

Maximum connection with nature...

A time to really let go...

A sense of family...

There's the year it was in Mexico!...

It went online too!...

There's an unbelievable sense of liberation at the end...

See you there...


Looking forward to all of it! i feel most at home in the forest; would live there if i could and hoping i'll "flow" there eventually. i love the desert; the stark, rough beauty and endless, expansive sky that gives one the sense that there is more than just our silly little dramas and

tired, inauthentic social obligations. Interestingly was meditating on 5/5 and felt a brief but intense vibration in my heart chakra. Maybe connecting with Gaia's heart? Looking forward to it all. Connect with you soon. barb💙🙏

In reply to by Open


The feeling of Desert is still with and around me, as I am writing this message. For the last seven days I've been hearing some voices and seeing faces, when I was looking at the screen of my computer at this time of the day. All that I'm finding today are some messages and a screenshot where everyone seems to be frozen. There is even a song, and while listening, the transcendental vision of last gathering keeps penetrating through filters of my human mind and infusing my own Desert with Life. The sense of "beyond words" usually tends to describe experience in a nutshell, and for me it definitely feels like history in the making. Possibly there might come times when I would be called to shared my perspective of the experience.

It is day 8 in the Desert. My peripheral vision slightly changes and my active attention is centered a little bit higher.  My vision field start to include more than just a virtual screen I've been interacting with for a long time. Just as I look above it, next image appears in front of my eyes.

Flower of life


There is this sense of completion, as my mind recognizes the symbol of flower of Life. The seed of the Desert has sprouted, Divinicus is becoming alive. It's  so exciting to keep walking in its shoes. It might be time for me to expand the territory even more towards the desert of society. I hear the voice of Divinicuses calling Us.

This moment, I just feel to express heartfelt connection and gratitude to everyone that has been experiencing the desert. Special thanks to Open for weaving the travels of 9 of us together. It is a privilege to be part of the body of work that is based upon the story of one's lifetime and being deeply touched by it all.

Wishing that our journeys back from the Desert, might lead us deeper into the experience of Life.Emoji Earth Globe AsiaPraying Emoji

Blessings and much love to allHeart




In reply to by Vimal


Sky, what a beautiful and heartwarming offering of love! Tears as I listen. Thank you for sharing your heart through song!

Such an honor to have been in the Desert alongside you all. My heart etched with the imprint of all the powerful practices that gave me such a deep and embodied sense of soul self. This was exactly what was needed for me. When we closed our time together Sunday, I was present with a sadness to complete. I honor each of you as the beauty you are, and so blessed to journey with you all, and get to know you beautiful souls.

Three more times that day, I would encounter a variation of the word "Adveturer", the flow connection reminding me to flow, and notice the magic all around me... everywhere! I continue the practices and feel well served. Open, words cannot express my love and gratitude for your depth of wisdom and openheartedness. Thank you, thank you. You'll be seeing me more that's for sure! 

With love & gratitide,


In reply to by Open



Thank you so much Open, Tilly and the rest of the (etheric) team. This week was so deep and rewarding, full of beautiful tears and joy. I journeyed to new edges of my being, rediscovering forgotten aspects that made things click into place. I feel tears welling up now if I think about how much Openhand means to me and how much of a safe haven it has been these past years, where I could explore and grow with so much support and without any judgement. I know home is always within, but if anything comes close here on earth it's this community. 

Much much love to all of you 💙🌹



06/05/2022 Journal Update - 5:5 Portal Activation

It was a tremendous evening of high energy and alchemy in the Glastonbury Town Hall last night. Unfortunately, we couldn't stream it due to technological challenges at the venue, however, we did film it, and I can happily report to you that the portal was completed and came online in a most magical way. It will stay open now, and I'll continue to work on it from my base in Glastonbury. This is the heart chakra of the planet and a leading energy centre in no uncertain terms. Many convoluted karmic energies are resolving through this location. So it bodes extremely well for the shift, at a planetary level, and in our personal lives.

I will work to have the film out at the end of next week to share with the wider community. Have no doubt, high-level transformations are unfolding through the field right now that will have a greatly beneficial effect in all our lives. The crucial thing is to feel it and flow with it in your life. Openhand will always endeavour to support that.

Here are some snap-shots to share, which the team took...

Tilly got the proceedings off with a heart-warming into. At this point, I was so in the infusing energy, I didn't know if I'd be able to get up and speak!

But speak I did!

I shared the latest in the Big Picture from the Openhand view of what's unfolding...

I considered the intervention back to Atlantis, and most importantly, the Reparations and Reconciliations taking place right now in the field...

I looked at the latest with the Benevolent Response. I got quite animated here!...

We undertook a catalytic meditation that worked at personal shifts, but also especially tuning into the Glastonbury 5:5 portal...

The Rainbow Tribe showed up in all their splendid colour and plumage!!

We filmed it to share with you all, including information on how to access the portal...

It was a fabulous evening - bright blessings to all

Open 💙🙏

In reply to by Open


That's what it says when I login 

I am connecting to the portal. Yesterday I had a very strong sense of lightheadedness and ungroundedness to the point I felt I needed to lie down. I suspect it was around the time the portal opened. I stayed with the feelings and had to work with it to ground myself in it as well. 

Swimming and walking in nature helped settle it ,but I can feel like something has " opened up" in the field .

Deep Bow to all those doing the work in these precious times . I am looking forward to the video ,Open .



Due to various technological difficulties at this time, there will be no livestream from the Glastonbury Town Hall tonight. However, I have been working on opening a 5:5 portal already, from a specific location, which I'll reveal, harness and animate during the seminar tonight. I'll then share into the wider Openhand community tomorrow and explain how you might tune in to gain from it.

Glastonbury is a crucial energy centre in the shift, perhaps the driving one, and so by engaging with it's energies can only be transformational.

Bright blessings and till tomorrow

Open 💙


Wow! This is very exciting...and so intriguing! Of course I'd love to be in Glastonbury to participate however  connecting through the etheric channels feels very, very powerful too.

For me, the past two years of joining these events via zoom (or otherwise) has been proof-positive that We Are All Connected even when I'm not physically present. What may have initially appeared to be a roadblock on the path turns out to be yet another invitation to go even deeper internally.

Thank you for heading the call of benevolence Open:) 'See' you there.

In reply to by Cedar Tree


Indeed - by responding to the need to go onto zoom these last couple of years has actually intensified our connection!!

The shadowside didn't see that coming!

See you on 5:5. I have the feeling it will be special.

Open 💙🙏


Can we join online for this event from Australia? 


In reply to by Eva Trust (not verified)


We will look into streaming the event live although it may not be possible - we're investigating the tech.

If not however, we'll be sharing how to tune in with the meditations anyway and we'll be filming it.

Best wishes

Open 🙏


I felt given by Benevolence to open this global 5D portal on 5:5. I'm already tremendously enthused by it. Be there in Glastonbury on the night if you can make it. But no worries if you can't, as I'll be explaining nearer the time how you can join in. Just keep that date in your mind ready for a wonderful activation to take place.

See you there or in the ether!!

Open 💙🙏