Actualising your 5D Divine Being: An Essential Roadmap Through the Density

Submitted by Open on Thu, 06/10/2021 - 05:39

It's utterly essential right now to know the true landscape your soul is yearning to journey through, and not the storm-in-a-tea-cup melodrama that has consumed society. The soul of humanity yearns for greater harmony and interconnection with the multidimensional landscape. It's all about actualising your 5D Divine Being here and now. This cannot wait. Our times call us to evolve beyond the current limiting construct. Here's how.

From 3D to 4D to 5D and Beyond

When you expand out of the 3D and feel the blessed interconnectivity of life in 4D consciousness, you may be forgiven for thinking you've arrived. Yes, it's the beginning, yes it feels like that mystical state of Enlightenment that the masters have spoken of. But it becomes a trap if you linger there, a bubble, an eddy current disconnected from the enlightened flow. We must not rest on plateaus, there is so much more to experience and be aware of.

The source of the absolute will compel you and that's essential - that inner hallowed place of pure presence, the singularity from whence this all arose. But even that's not attainable if you're aiming for it. Being the seeker defines you as not there. And in the layers of pure consciousness, truth is the key... and the lock. Whatever statement you've made, "I'm seeking", renders that as your reality. You are not there!

But there is another way.

Access the One in You Through Breakthrough Breathing...Download Meditation

From Seeking to Realising

Rather than seeking, there is realising. Realising, expressing and embodying a new aspect of your divine beingness. The entire Universe is based on the predication of divine expression. For what else is the Universe doing if not effortlessly expressing itself? The soul is a wave, and when you untether it, then it flows, which completes a kundalini loop, right back to the welcome shores of The One. You're fervently and passionately engaged in your joy, that which crumbles your cookie, like the finest chocolate simply melting on your tongue. Suddenly time has elapsed. Hours slipped by. And there in the background, the blank canvas of presence, simply emerges.

Everything you ever inquired about, efforted for, struggled to achieve, everything you ever wanted is suddenly answered. All the lights in the Universe come on. You've arrived.

So stop seeking. Start realising.

And so the story truly begins. The enlightened state is merely the beginning. After that, there is much to untether and then actualise with the soul. But with each unwinding, with each revelation, the flow is resumed and The One flickers into view yet again, like an old filament lamp, struggling to stay on in the darkness.

So, in your deepest depths who are you? What can you truly be?

11:11 Alarm Clock

You might well ask what else is there to do when you've found the hallowed Space of the One? As the saying goes, "Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water; after Enlightenment chop wood carry water!" If there is anything in you still resisting the continuing flow of self-actualisation, then you recreate identity and the presence of the One vanishes like a desert mirage. I put it to you that the next chapter for humanity and the planet is to evolve, to shift into 5D consciousness. Many trail blazers are sharing this vision as they actualise it within themselves. Why should it be necessary?

I am blessed. I spend a big part of my life travelling the world connecting and working with emergent souls, the divergents, who've tired of the system. The insurgents who came here to blaze a trail that others might also shake off the delusion. Often these are quiet, unassuming people, who, thus far, led 'normal' lives - house wives, office staffers, health care workers, gas pump attendants and yes, bankers too. The onset of a Galactic Superwave, triggering our solar system, firing off the 11:11 alarm clock, is calling us, with a sense of urgency.

Humanity has a lot to wake up from. An unholy alliance of Alien Intervention Groups, from Nibiru, Orion and Draco honed in on this bounteous earth, with its resplendent form and abundance of resource.  It needed a 'space suit' for this atmosphere, a vehicle through which to incarnate. Enter stage left Homo Erectus. A sparkling new diamond, with all the potential to become the Cosmic Multidimensional Being. But in a consciousness sense, in an expansive universal sense, just a kinder garden pup too.

And so the Intervention, with all its cosmic travelling experience, these old sea dogs, with knowledge and almost unimaginable energy manipulation skills set about adapting this space suit, bending this being to their own ends. Decoding DNA, inserting disconnecting energy implants, exploiting the inner density of past life karma. These are engineers, builders, manipulators, controllers. They know that if you squeeze the soul out to at least a reasonable degree, then they can infuse their own consciousness through - that of control, consumption, manipulation, supression. They know that to skew the original vibration, is to be able to infuse it with their own. And thus they succeeded in owning the Earth and everything on it. Almost. That is until the Atlantean flood sunk their schemes.

Exactly this controlling dynamic is taking over yet again, in the artificially created "pandemic". Let's be really clear what this is all about - it's called "The Harvest", where souls are sucked into a collective consciousness in order to further the agenda of this alien alliance and continue to provide it with energy. That's what we're battling against right now, that's what we're working to unravel. Fortunately, there are plenty here with previous experience of this harvesting dynamic from other constellations: starseeds from the Pleiadies, from Andromeda and Arcturus, the Angels and Higher Dimensionals who've seen this happening and are here in support. That's exactly what the Great Realignment, triggered by the Galactic Superwave, is all about - leveling the playing field once more.

Explore The Extraordinary Diversity of ET Star Souls on and Around the Earth

Freedom that Goes Viral

How do you right this humungous wrong? Truth is the key. The most powerful weapon in the Universe is a simple meme of truth. Take it right back to first principles and you're immediately armed with a nuke. Freedom that goes viral: "Control does not work". How can it? Is the entirety of the Universe controlled? Then you'd need to insist that some Creator God intended and designed it. So who preceded the creator? How was the matter formed that created 'him'? Yet you can successfully postulate it came from the infinite potential of pure presence - the nothing/everything, what the Buddhists call "The Brahman". The postulation becomes reality for you when you touch the enlightened state. 

From The Brahman springs the Toroidal Flow of the Universe, flowing, creating, expressing, and you - as the soul - are an intrinsic element of that. Express yourself as the Torus, in your own way, your immaculate own form, then you become the most incredible unravelling, Great Realigning possibility.

I have sat with people who're being influenced by the intervention, 'possessed' without hardly knowing it - in a way, that is the Homo Sapiens condition. The soul is like the wind blowing through the trees, you only know it by the trace it leaves. And if there's a sideways gust, then it becomes possible to divert, to redirect. This is what the Intervention does. But if you direct attention inwards and follow the trail of rightness, then you can strip out this intervention frequency. You become able to speak into it, to commune with it and play back that meme of truth...

"Control does not work!"

Hence even the most powerful reptilian recognises, realises and shrinks back. Before long, they're wanting the long forgotten freedom they see in your ridiculously free eyes too - they can feel it, in the ecstatically uncontrollable vortex that you are. This is the irresistible power of the Divine Being - what happens when you follow the three stages of unravelling: 1) surrendering into the One. 2) Untethering the soul in everything that you do. 3) Actualising your 5D being, expressing from the toroidal flow - from fully flowing kundalini.

Explore the ground-breaking 5GATEWAYS that lead to full opening of the Divine Being

The Ocean Merges into the Drop

Coherency is the key. Know yourself. Know your vibration. Embody it. Express it. Without limitation. Your note becomes a bell, penetrating into the far recesses of your inner universe. Nothing can then influence you. You've decided who you are, an authentic expression of self, the Universe realising the fullness of itself through you.

The drop has merged into the ocean. And now the ocean is merging into the drop.

You're walking along the street, houses to the left of you cars to the right, people coming onwards, walking to offices and shops and telecall centres in skirts and suits. All the familiar lines, boxes and shapes you've come to expect. In the mind there's an interrelation going on. Are you still being that identity that's interrelating? Are you still forming that comfortable Homo Sapiens map? The safe one. The comfortable coffee shop one. The one that will get you to where you're 'supposed' to go. The gold fish bowl. Or, are you constantly surrendering that, coming into the stream of pure flow. Are you courageously ripping up the anchor of security, for the world of subtle multidimensional-sense-interplay; one of nuances and nudges - go here now, express in this way now. You have to keep pinching yourself awake that somehow, this crazy maverick freedom will succeed. Somehow, the light you're shining will find a way. You've reached the point where you simply know...there is no other way!

And so now this newly forged 5D Human, this DIVINICUS as I call it, has resounded to the bell. And for everyone else inspired to follow suit, the galactic 11:11 trigger the Torus is saying, "Wake up!" "Come alive!" "Be Yourself!"

Suddenly you find yourself drawn to a place where you're dry heaving, crying, laughing, coughing up density - before remembering, yes, this is how we process karma. This is how we unblock the density to untether the soul with greater possibility. This is how we dispatch the intervention. And now you're speaking a curious language that you've never learned before, where did that come from? Well, it's light language, that speaks all of its own accord. And so you're rewiring DNA in someone, bringing their original divine possibility alive. Or else you're going inwards, realising the entirety of the Universe is to be found there. So you can open a window, a portal, into another constellation. And now you're channelling the wayward souls of the intervention back home, that they may begin their own healing process.

Back to the Stars

It's time for humanity to rediscover his multidimensionality in a way that is connected with a broader family of light. It's time to heal all the convolutions of the past and to strip out the intervention that has so consumed people

Gaia is gearing up for this great shift. With Benevolent ET help, the high energy Stargates are re-activating, which is unleashing a tremendous surge of energy around the planet, clearly witnessed in the triggering volcanoes and earthquakes. But now is NOT the time to play it small! It's definitely NOT time to shrink back in the shell. We must journey through the inner landscape and connect up to the realigning shift that is our immaculate home coming.

Here it is. Almost unimaginable. We're going back to the future. Unravelling all this karmic history, returning to the brink of where Original Humans became multidimensional Divine Beings - almost. The times are set to reclaim our divine destiny..

Ready to dive into the centre stream of your immaculate home coming?
Back to the start.
Back to the future.

Let's do it!

If you resonate with the Openhand Approach, here's how to get involved:

Openhand Ascension Portal


Open đź’Ž

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05/03/2024 Shift Update: Intervention Unravelling

These are alchemical and exciting times, but with plenty of turbulence too. It's something we can expect to be happening. The benevolent mission, both human and non-human, have been bringing their energies to bear, recognising the need to speed up the planetary shift to meet the Grand Galactic Convergence we're sailing into. To be clear, the vibrational state of the planet will continue to rise. It's a great thing, which we can all be excited about, BUT, that does mean each much continue to work, on a daily basis, to unravel one's consciousness from the density. Hence I share my roadmap through it all again today. It's essential that becomes our focus and orientation through it all...

Actualising your 5D Divine Being: An Essential Roadmap Through the Density

To be clear, even though it's turbulent out there, we have great possibility of creating in a new way - by quantum manifesting. Because new energies are infusing through the old construct daily. Specifically it means harnessing and channeling these infusing new energies into your consciousness and your landscape. With that in mind, you might like to check out or review Openhand's popular podcast on the 7 Golden Keys of Quantum Manifesting.

These are pivotal and exciting times, for which we have a front-row seat. Let's capitalise on the enormous possibility!

Bright blessings

Open đź’Ž


06/04/2022 Journal Update: 4 Keys to Actualise the 5D Being

I'm out free-wheeling right now, across the windy and rainy, rugged beauty of Dartmoor.

As I'm reminding myself, I felt to share with you 4 key ways to actualise your 5D Being. Here they are, and they work a treat...

1) Firstly, you have to realise what the quantum field is actually doing. I put it to you (and encourage you to explore), that the higher flow is working to reveal you as a being. So when you focus, in any moment, on the actualisation of the highest expressions of yourself, even and especially in all the smallest of things, then the flow itself will connect with these expressions and fulfill them - it will animate and give energy to them; it will create around them.
Here's a video on How to Create in 5D Consciousness
2) Secondly, it helps enormously to have a sense of the landscape that you're flowing into, so as not to get constantly diverted into the lower consciousness. Because the soul has qualities of empathy, if you inadvertently over energise these, then you'll likely get pulled into other people's control dramas - those of the Old Paradigm. However, if the ways of the new are becoming more important to you, because you're giving them chance to breathe, you'll attune the more defined and focussed aspects of the soul, which will help you commit to staying more in the higher vibe, no matter what is going on. 
Here's how an empath can learn from a catalyst and vice versa
3) Be prepared to confront where the Old Paradigm hooks you in. It's definitely not about overriding these contractions and tightness, because that just creates the identity of avoidance and a false reality. What's essential is to be so attentive internally that you recognise when these are activating, then to turn right into them. Explore deeply - what is attaching you? What do you think you need in this moment? What can you not accept? By not giving in to the conditioning, but inquiring into the contractive pain, then you normalise in the pain itself. It ceases to hold you. Now you can expand through as the presence of the one, and then unleash soul by paying attention to the emergent energies.
Discover more with this Openhand Breakthrough Approach
4) When you unleash the soul in these contractive moments, and set it free, pay attention to the new consciousness landscape it wants to create around you. This is where signs, synchronicity and metaphor become so important: you look into the 3D world, but you're working to attune to the higher flow, the patterning of consciousness that is reflected. It builds a story, a narrative, of a new way of existence, which you progressively become a part of. It's a reality based on magic and miracles - which create because of the interconnectivity of the higher flow, which is now animating through you. This 'narrative' has to be fluid though, so as not to fix in illusions. Let it adapt, change and recreate, so you're constantly refining your authentic reality. This becomes a part of the new 5D reality construct that we're ascending to. You progressively witness you're focussing in on it, becoming a part of something much greater, that's already taking shape. Most importantly, this will also create new more aligned situations in the 3D - changing circumstances in relationships, careers and general living circumstances here and now.

Bright Blessings from Grey (but beautiful) Dartmoor

Open 💙🙏



It's complex and convoluted out there in society right now. They shadowside are conducting what's commonly known in the dimensions as the "harvest", where the pandemic is being used as a ruse for sucking souls into a collectivised consciousness that is divorced from the natural cycle of life. It's high time to wake up and untether from this charade. My revised article above is designed to bring into perspective the main pointers along the path of this complex situation so as to simply it into 3 stages: 1) surrendering into the Sacred Ground of Being. 2) Untethering the soul as it emerges from the source within. 3) actualising your 5D Being as a part of Gaia's 5D Ascension Shift.

Do check through the article and see how it might illuminate the pathway for you.

Open 💙🙏


12/04/2021 The Time of DIVINICUS is here

I've been fivine to use the name of DIVINICUS in referring to the divine being which is beginning to emerge from within when we do the deep clearing, self realisation and evolutionary work. The energies are gathering through the field very strongly right now to support this. There can be no other essential endeavour - in uplifting and evolving yourself, you help uplift humanity and the planet. So do check out my article above...

Cosmic Divine Beings...In Gaia's Great 5D Ascension Shift

And always on a practical note, we have two state-of-the-art ground breaking DIVINICUS courses coming up in the immediate future. They will be life transformative. Check them out and see if you resonate...

Time to breakout! This is our ground breaking course DIVINICUS, bringing in the divine human, where we take you deep into humanity's past life karma, peel it away, then activate the spirit light body so as to embody the new human evolutionary being. And, at an awesome secluded island off Mexico that is easy and affordable to reach. Let's unleash the Divine Being!

Time to breakout! This is our ground breaking course DIVINICUS, bringing in the divine human, where we take you deep into humanity's past life karma, peel it away, then activate the spirit light body so as to embody the new human evolutionary being. Comfortably integrate this newly divine energy from your own location. Let's unleash the Divine Being!

See you there!

Open Thumbs Up SignPraying Emoji



What is 'this' really all about? I mean the 'this' that has finally revealed itself out there? The mirror has just come much more clearly into focus. With every twist and turn, it's challenging you to come out of the shell. The epidemic of madness will twist you up in mind games if you let it. Yet I'm not denying that we still need things from the 3D. What I'm saying, what I'm reflecting, is that you can create in a different way now, a 5D way, one that relies on the miracles and magic.

If you keep playing the old 3D donkey and carrot game, you'll never locate what your soul is really urging you towards. The outer is abundant and plentiful when we create in the right way, the aligned way. Don't jump on every 3D wave that presents itself. Feel into the one that is really yours, one that audibly clicks inside your heart. It requires a good deal of courage and patience to be watching both the external and the internal, at the same time, to find those superlative alignments, the one's that deliver that knowing "aha" moment. It's a bit like a heron, standing in the shallows, absolutely still and patient, knowing that at some point, the right opportunity will swim by.

What I'm speaking of is the actualisation of the Cosmic Divine Being in you. That's what these times are really all about. They're a great test, yes. A great challenge. But you're seeded for this moment. Nothing can be more worthwhile. So if it's not working out there in the 3D, switch your gaze more to the inner heavens. Feel the nuance of every circumstance and situation. Forget about trying to strive for resources or an outcome. Seek only a deeper expression of yourself within the obvious landscape that is shaping around the greater you - compelling you to actualise it. Then you'll find you have all you need. Everything will be delivered.

I think this video coveys the sense of that pretty well...


The veils over what we thought was the meaning of our society have now fallen quite spectacularly.

You can't trust it or rely upon it. It has now banrupted any integrity that remained. It has a very limited future.

Now is the time to progressively step out of it. To unveil your Cosmic Divine Being.

You'll get ample opportunity - constant mirrors will present to you in the years ahead.

If you look in the mirrors and find yourself, it will be an immaculate home coming for sure.


I was out of the body my entire life, since age 3-4, my first childhood trauma. I am not sure whether I just went through some kind of necessary disconnection in order to reconnect or 'messed it up'. Looking back it doesn't seem I had much choice.

About 3 years ago I went into a 'dead' period. I just felt like gradually dying, a walking dead, and all kinds of things happened, including two periods of excessive triggering pushing all my buttons and reactivating all my traumas. It was like I contained it all, any weak spot I had was pushed and pushed until there was a breakdown and 'the truth' was revealed out of all this chaos and split, very painful truth.

At that time I lost any 'desire' to progress spiritually, but I had this need to either heal all this crap or die out of fatigue, desperation and guilt about all this mess that was my life. So this 'healing', attempt to heal trauma brought me into two situations leading to breakdown. The third one - I already didn't try to heal anything, but was unintentionally working on my 'daddy issues' having to do with abandonment and absence. And again, this time it was just too intense to bare even though I tried to make some room for processing and settling, asking for it, but it just didn't happen, so I broke down again.

I must say though that each of these times, I've seen things, it was like connecting to the unconscious, which is a mess, but important things are pulled out of it and are worked with, very deep stuff, far beyond the "traumatic" material. I pull the thread and leads me into depths I didn't know even were there. The price was 'losing it' for a while. But the realisations, states and shifts were priceless.

Also after integration I had new tools, and as if new channels were open new ways to process energy without going nuts, like yawning and sipping breaths are enough to move stuff, but during the breakdown the pain was so unbearable I was screaming. Now I just stop breathing. Then the breath comes, maybe yawn and that's it. Also I felt much more grounded and experiencing 'presence' states more and more often, each time I 'cracked', without even trying or aiming for it. A lot of stuff just fell off.

There were people in the hospital who seemed broken or breached. Some looked more connected than the 'normal' ones. I've also met people who took medicine who look very grounded and settled, some of them are cut off and totally disconnected.

In my life I kind of reached a conclusion that whatever you seek will find you. As long as I tried to escape and disconnect (subconsciously) - this was what I got no matter what I did. When I got fed up with it and finally landed deep enough, even if it meant losing all joy and hope and being a walking dead, a ghost, feeling nothing but pain and suffering and being ok with it as long as I am ready to face it, for years - then the truth found me. All that stored crap just exploded in my face.

There is a lot of judgment about psychosis and disintegration. There is this idea that things can go smooth and nice. But what I found is that the path is different for everybody. Maybe it is beneficial for some to disintegrate and lose it. Maybe there is no other way for somebody who is already shattered and broken. Maybe there was no other way for me.





In reply to by someone



A reply to username someone: Wow, that was a powerful story! I'm grateful for your input and I value the perspective I got from it.

Open, you wrote about keeping simultaneous focus on the external and internal in regards of, finding the "right train" in passing moments and events, if I did understand your message.

Does the external include thoughts? I'm basically inquiring whether or not thoughts have any value. I find myself doing a lot of discerning, in hope of finding conclusions, truth.

Most kindly,


In reply to by Kristian J


Hi Kristian - nice to see you Praying Emoji

You raise a couple of great questions: (1) do thoughts have any value? (2) what is external?

For me, anything that is external to my soul is external, including thoughts and emotions and physical feelings. When you think about it, these are all effected by the external and interact with the external. Do any of these have real value then?

That depends.

If the thoughts and feelings are emanating from interaction with the soul, if the soul is animating them, then yes, to me they have great value - you're mediating the external with truth - the truth from the core of you. If however you're disconnecting from the soul and having idle random throught processing, or if you're performing merely externally programmed actions, then to me they don't have that much value, if at all.

That's why at Openhand we use the tool openway in order to work to always be coming from the soul.

If you keep working to come from the soul, then over time, the external, including how the mind, emotional body and even the physical body will start to come into alignment with the soul. In which case the actions have real value. You're becoming coherent and aligned.

Of course this is a life's work!

Open Praying Emoji


Is it possible to cause kundalini fragmentation from too much triggering with not enough time to settle? Yes!

Imagine it this way: the soul has fragmented into the inner densities like layers of an onion. But the ego has bound the layers together into a stable and recognisable form - the ego can function in this 3D reality. What I've witnessed on several occasions, is where too much gets triggered, such that the layers collapse in on themselves. The ego breaks down in one fell swoop. It presents in a psychotic state. What then needs to happen is a committed and progressive integration by locating the fragments through inquiry. Essentially you regress people into each of the activating layers and normalise in them by resonating soul frequencies - the being aligns with the new frequency, the fragment integrates, and the layer of the old onion peels off.

That's why I'm not a great fan of forced kundalini methods or strong plant medicines. Unless that is, it's supported by an intensive integration process.

As you know here at Openhand, we apply steady breathwork, combined with behavioural external integration. Kundalini Activation is managed in a progressive way.

I guess you experienced such fragmentation through excessive triggering?

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Hi Open,

Is it possible to cause the same problem - fragmentation of the soul - by too much external activation, too much triggering and engagement, without time alone to stabilise and settle? And is such fragmentation reversible?

Praying Emoji


Hi Pam - sounds like you're having a great ride indeed - wonderfully revelatory OK Hand Sign

Something you said here offers an essential key to all undertaking kundalini activation/attunement meditations...

I have been experiencing a wonderful kundalini attunement over the last year which had gone on pause for the last couple of months (may dad had a fall and subsequently died and I got the virus). After clearing the blockage the kundalini started to flow powerfully again and after an hour of this I felt the need to walk in the woods to let the energy settle and integrate.

The point about the activation of kundalini, and therefore the liberation of it, is to recognise it's the natural cycle of soul energy down from the source, through the various densities of the bodymind (through their daily activity) and then back to the source again. It's like an electricity circuit.

The point being is that the circuit is not complete without the 'bulb' shining, or the gadget working. The metaphor meaning that the flow of the soul has to happen through the layers of the bodymind and into some kind of external engagement.

So no amount of kundalini activation/attunement is going to work without this integration.

In fact it's dangerous to persist in these activaties/practices unless external integration by the transmission through the chakras is happening at the same time. The risk is to drive the soul out of the body and fragment it. I've seen several people severely disabled as a result.

So it very much looks like you've found a healthy and balanced way - you practice, hit an internal blockage and work it through by the engagement in day-to-day interactions. This I would advocate is the most productive and safe way.

Thanks for sharing

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Last week I read a post here, I think from Megha. It was about a virus she'd had which had caused throat problems, which were related to an energy block. That really resonated with me as I'd had a lingering virus which had morphed into laryngitis for two weeks so I decided to explore internally. My throat chakra has given me issues in the past and I have been told that I was hanged for a witch in the past, so perhaps not surprisingly it has had a tendency to cause problems.

When I explored it seemed to be connected to a fear of becoming too powerfully intuitive, which made perfect sense. I managed to clear a lot of the energy, which made instant, considerable improvements, but I still seemed to have some lingering remnants of the problem. I did some work with the Openhand Bow which seems to have cleared the last of it and my voice has returned to normal, but that's not the end of the story.

I have been experiencing a wonderful kundalini attunement over the last year which had gone on pause for the last couple of months (may dad had a fall and subsequently died and I got the virus). After clearing the blockage the kundalini started to flow powerfully again and after an hour of this I felt the need to walk in the woods to let the energy settle and integrate. As usual I asked 'what would you have me know today' as I walked. Nothing much drew my attention until I was leaving the woods. There is a sign telling you about the woods and on the back of this written in the dust were the words 'karma witch' followed by a peace sign. You couldn't make it up!Praying Emoji



So I know there are plenty of Cosmic Divine Beings out there who might be a degree shy of your amazing multidimensional attributes (such as dry heaving up energy!), do come and share. It helps no end to spread the light of awareness.

I'm most intrigued by your experiences...


The connections and discussions I'm having with 'ordinary' folk around the world are becoming increasingly intriguing and uplifting. Everywhere people are shaking off the shackles of limitation and uncovering amazing multidimensional gifts and connections. It's heartwarming and fulfilling to witness.

What's happening for you?
Time to come out of the closet and be yourself - your immaculate self!

I worked to capture the sense of what's going on in a recent facebook live stream...